Tracking Earnings

This chapter provides an overview of earnings in Mexico and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Earnings in Mexico

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can track different earnings types, you must set up certain parameters for each earning type:

Note. All of these steps are discussed in another chapter in this PeopleBook.

See Also

Defining Earnings

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEarnings Types

The different earnings types in Mexico include base salary, bonuses, commissions, overtime, PTU (profit sharing), food coupons, vacation premiums, savings funds, seniority pay, and social benefits. You define earnings using the Earnings component.

See Also

Viewing Delivered Earnings Elements

Defining Earning and Deduction Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEarnings and Accumulators

This section discusses how to integrate new earnings elements into Global Payroll for Mexico.

This information helps to ensure that any new element that you create fits into the existing logic and organization of Global Payroll for Mexico and is included in the correct calculations of such things as taxes and Social Security.

To ensure that the new earnings elements that you create are used correctly in other calculations, you must be able to identify the accumulators to which they should contribute, because the value of the accumulated earnings is critical to these other processes. The accumulator elements to which you will add your own elements are the same ones that Global Payroll for Mexico has created for the delivered earnings elements.

Important! You can add new earnings elements only to accumulators for which the ownership category is PS Delivered/Not Maintained. These accumulators are members of other, PeopleSoft maintained, accumulators on which Global Payroll for Mexico bases all of its formulas and calculations.

If you must define earnings that are partially nontaxable, create these three earnings elements:

Make the earnings representing the total amount a member of the TOTAL PERCEPCION N accumulator, the earnings representing the taxable portion a member of the TOTAL PERC GRAVA accumulator, and the earnings representing the nontaxable portion a member of the TOTAL PERC EXENT N accumulator. Use the Earn/Dedn SOVRs MEX page to define the tax method that is used to calculate the earnings representing the taxable portion.

This table lists the most relevant accumulators that are delivered by Global Payroll for Mexico and that are used for federal tax purposes.




Taxable base


Yearly taxable


Yearly taxable not maintained


Monthly taxable


Monthly taxable not maintained


Total ISR withheld


Net pay


Total deductions


Total deductions not maintained


Nontaxable total earnings


Nontaxable total earnings not maintained


Taxable total earnings


Taxable total earnings not maintained


Gross pay


Gross pay not maintained

See Also

Setting Up Frequently Used Supporting Element Overrides

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the PTU (Profit Sharing) Process

This section discusses how to run the PTU process.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Calculate PTU-Profit Share MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Calculate PTU-Profit Share MEX, Calculate PTU-Profit Share MEX

Run the PTU process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the PTU Process

Access the Calculate PTU-Profit Share MEX page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Calculate PTU-Profit Share MEX, Calculate PTU-Profit Share MEX).

The PTU process generates two instances of positive input: one for the PTU IMP SAL element, and the other for the PTU IMP DIAS element. The PTU process also calculates the Day Factor and Salary Factor values that will be inserted in the PTU Setup page.

PTU Process

Enter the date, company, and year for which you want to run the process.

Clear Data

If you select this check box, the system will delete previously loaded data. If you deselect this check box, the PTU process will load new data into the Calendar IDs for active and inactive payees.

Calendar IDs

Active Payees

Enter the calendar ID of the active payees to process. The electronic file transfer (EFT) for active payees will be as usual.

Inactive Payees

Enter the calendar ID of the inactive payees to process. The most common way to pay inactive payees is on an individual basis. Once the PTU process is executed, you can create a Period ID, Calendar ID, and Calendar Group ID to run the payroll process.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Coupons Interface

This section discusses how to:

Note. After you've sent the flat file to the coupon provider, you can also generate a printed report of coupons.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up the Coupons Interface

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Payee Data MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Data MEX

Define coupon accounts for payees.

Create Coupons Interface MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Create Coupons Interface MEX, Create Coupons Interface MEX

Define the coupons interface. If you provide your employees with restaurant, food, or gas coupons, use this page to send flat files to the coupon provider with information about your company and the coupon elements (earnings) that you have defined.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Coupon Accounts for Payees

Access the Define Payee Data MEX page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Data MEX).

Coupons Account

Enter a coupon account number for the payee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Coupons Interface

Access the Create Coupons Interface MEX page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Create Coupons Interface MEX, Create Coupons Interface MEX).

Coupons Interface Parameters

Calendar Group ID

Select the calendar group ID for which you want to generate the flat file.


Select your company.


Select either Accor or SODEXHO as the coupon provider.

Coupon Type

Select the type of coupon for which you are generating the data file. Values are Restaurant , Food , and Gas.

Customer ID

Enter your customer ID. This field appears only if the coupon provider is Accor. (Accor should provide this ID.)

Group ID

Enter the group ID as indicated by the coupons provider.

Branch ID

Enter the Branch ID of the coupon provider as indicated by the coupons provider.

Delivery Date

Enter the date when the coupons will be given to payees.

File Name

Displays a default file name and the mandatory file type for Accor or SODEXHO . Depending on the provider that you select, you can update the file name, . The file type is set by the coupon provider.


Element Name

Enter the earnings that include the amount of the restaurant, food, or gas coupons. You can enter multiple earnings.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Batch Positive Input

This section provides an overview of batch positive input and discusses how to load batch positive input.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Batch Positive Input

You can use Batch Positive Input Application Engine process (GPMX_PI_BTCH) to reduce time-consuming data entry in Global Payroll for Mexico by loading data into the system in batch from a flat file. You can use the process for loading earnings, deductions, and supporting element overrides. You can also use the process to delete previously loaded data according to the batch code that you specify.

To use this functionality, you must create a flat file which contains the data that you want to load. This text file can be in plain text or csv format but must follow a specific layout for batch positive input processing, as described later in this section. When you run the Batch Positive Input process it reads the information from the flat file and loads the data into the positive input records. You can then access this data through the Positive Input page in the core application.

For example, you could enter and trigger bonuses for all of your employees using batch positive input, or you could trigger mass deductions. Suppose that an employer has an agreement with a cell phone company to provide half the employee population with a 50 percent discount rate on calls. Instead of entering each of the monthly cell phone invoices (deductions) for each employee, the cell phone company could generate a flat file with a layout that loads this invoice information using a batch process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used for Batch Positive Input

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Pos Input via Batch MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Manage Pos Input via Batch MEX, Batch Positive Input

Load batch positive input or delete previously loaded batch positive input.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Batch Positive Input

Access the Manage Pos Input via Batch MEX page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Manage Pos Input via Batch MEX, Manage Pos Input via Batch MEX).

Clear Data

If you select this check box, the system will delete previously loaded data. If you deselect this check box, the batch process will load new data into the Positive Input tables for payroll purposes.

Pay Group

Enter the pay group for which you want to load batch positive input.

Calendar ID

Enter the calendar ID for the pay group that you identified in the Pay Group field.

Batch Code

Enter the batch code ID that identifies all of the transactions contained in the flat file. This field enables you to delete information loaded by mistake, because it serves as the identifier of that information.

Input Directory

Specify the location of the flat file containing the batch positive input (flat file directory).

Output Directory

If the batch process finds errors, it generates a log file containing the errors. Use this field to specify where the system should place the error log (error log directory).

Note. You do not need to specify input and output directories when deleting values because the process determines the data to delete according to the batch code that you specify.

Flat File Layout for Batch Positive Input

When you create flat files for the batch positive input process, reproduce this file definition for earnings and deductions:


Initial Position


Default Value




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.

When you create flat files for the batch positive input process, reproduce this file definition for supporting elements:


Initial Position


Default Value




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.

Here's an example of a flat file for earnings and deductions:























Note. This flat file definition applies to both earnings and deductions that you load using batch positive input.

Here is an example of a flat file for a supporting element override:

















See Also

Global Payroll for Mexico Reports

Working with Positive Input

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Mass Positive Input

This section provides an overview of mass positive input and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Mass Positive Input

The Mass Positive Input feature enables you to insert earnings and deductions in mass into the positive input table for a group of payees in a specific calendar. When define parameters for the Mass Positive Input Application Engine process (GPMX_MASS_PI), you must:

Being able to select specific payees or create groups of payees enables you to load positive input for a specific subset of payees within a pay group that are associated with a given calendar. Also, being able to enter earnings, deductions, and supporting element overrides details for payees in mass saves valuable time by eliminating repeated data entry. You might use this process, for example, to pay a year end bonus for all payees of a given department or payees participating in a specific project. Or for union purposes, sometimes there are agreements to apply a flat amount discount to all the union payees in a given payroll run.

When you run the Mass Positive Input process it validates the pay group for the specified payees. Then the process inserts a new record into the positive input table that contains the earning, deductions, and supporting element overrides for the specified payees for the given calendar. If a record already exists for the payee in the positive input table, the process inserts the new record with a new instance number.

You can also use the Mass Positive Input process to delete records from the positive input table that were previously inserted by the process. The process is able to recognize and delete records according to the batch code assigned to the record.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Mass Positive Input MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Management, Absence And Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Manage Mass Positive Input MEX, Manage Mass Positive Input MEX

Load Positive Input Information to a group of Payees.

Enter the processing parameters for mass positive input of payees earnings and deductions, and then run the process to insert this data into the positive input table.

Calendars to Process


Click the Details button on the Manage Mass Positive Input MEX page.

Enter supporting element overrides for elements in the mass positive input processing. You can enter a rate code or a numeric value for a percent, base, rate, unit, or amount component; change the currency; add a description; and enter begin and end dates. You can also override system and variable elements associated with positive input, such as department, job code, or rate as of date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Mass Positive Input Process

Access the Manage Mass Positive Input MEX page (Global Payroll & Absence Management, Absence And Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Manage Mass Positive Input MEX, Manage Mass Positive Input MEX).

Pay Group

Pay Group

Select the pay group that contains the payees for which you want to process mass positive input. The system displays of Description and the Pay Entity of the selected pay group. The Mass Positive Input process uses the combination of the specified pay group and calendar to determine the payees eligible to be included in the processing.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar for which you want to process mass positive input. The system displays the Begin Date and the Period End Date of the specified calendar. The Mass Positive Input process uses the combination of the specified pay group and calendar to determine the payees eligible to be included in the processing.

Batch Code

Enter a unique code to identify each instance of Mass Positive Input process run. Batch codes assist in further identifying a positive input entry with which a payee record is associated. You can use this identifier as a search value on the Positive Input By Calendar page.

When inserting data into the positive input table, the process assigns the batch code to each record that it inserts for the run. When using the Mass Positive Input process to delete previously inserted mass positive input, the process search for the specific batch code and deletes all associated records that meet the processing parameters.


Enter a description of the positive input to be stored in the GP_RSLT_PI_DATA record. You might use this feature to print a description besides the element description defined on the Element Name page (GP_PIN) when printing payslips or reports.

Delete Data

Select this check box to have the Mass Positive Input process delete positive input data that the process previously inserted on another run. The process deletes data from the positive input table that matches the processing parameters that you specify.

Select Payee List

Select Group Build

Select this option to include payees associated with a specific group build in the processing. The system displays the Group ID field and the Create a Group ID link.

Group ID

Select the group build for which you want to process mass positive input. This field display only if you select the Select Group Build option.

Create a Group ID

This field display only if you select the Select Group Build option. The system displays the Group Build - Group Definition component for you to create a new group ID definition.

Select By Payee List

Select this option to include only the specific payees that you specify in the processing. The system displays the Payee List group box for you to list the specific payees to include.

Payee List


Select the employee to include in the mass positive input processing.

Empl Rcd Nbr

Select the employee record number of the employee to include in mass positive input processing.


The system display the name of the listed employee.

Earnings and Deductions

To enter positive input for a payee:

  1. On the Action tab, select the earning or deduction element for which to enter positive input and specify the action to take during processing.

  2. On the Main Components tab, enter numeric values for the components of the element's calculation rule, if applicable.

  3. To enter a numeric value for percent or base or to select a rate code element for any components of the element's calculation rule, click the Details link on the Main Components tab.

    You can also override the value of a system or variable element, if applicable.

Note. The fields that you can complete depend on the value that you select in the Entry Type field and the calculation rule used by the earning or deduction element.

Entry Type

Select Earnings or Deduction to indicate the type of element for which you're entering positive input.

Element Name and Description

Select the name of the element for which to enter positive input. The system displays the description of the selected element. You can select from those elements that meet all these conditions:

  • Have the same entry type that you selected.

  • Enable positive input as an override, as specified on the Element Name (GP_PIN) page.

  • Are defined for a country that is associated with your user rules profile (on the User Rules Profile page).

    If your user rules profile is set up as specific country with a value of Mexico, you see only elements that are set up for Mexico and those set up for ALL countries.


If unit is a component of the element's calculation rule, you can enter a positive or negative number of units in this field.

To select a rate code element to retrieve the unit's value from HR, click the Details link to access the Calendars to Process page.

If you don't enter a value and the units are defined on the element's Calculation page, the system checks the element's as of date to determine the appropriate value.


Similar to the Unit field.


Enter a positive or negative amount to override the element's calculation rule. The system uses this amount to resolve the element, regardless of its calculation rule.

If you enter an amount, you can still enter a numeric value in the Unit or Rate field—if these are components of the element's calculation rule. Although the values that you enter aren't used for calculations, the system moves them to the earnings and deductions results table, making the information available for payslips.

For example, if you have an earnings element defined as rate × units and enter an amount and a rate, the system uses the amount that you enter to resolve the element and passes the amount and rate to the results table.

Currency Code

When you select a rate or amount, the code for the processing currency appears (as defined by the element definition or the pay entity).

To use another currency, select it here.


Click the Details button to access the Calendars to Process page, where you can select a rate code or enter a numeric value for any component of the element's calculation rule (percent, base, rate, amount, or unit). You can also override a variable or system element that is associated with this instance of positive input, such as the business unit, department, or job, and enter other instructions.

A check mark appears in the Details check box if instructions have been entered on the Calendars to Process page.

Action Type

Select the type of action to perform when processing this instance of positive input. Values are Override, Add, Do Not Process, and Resolve to Zero.

When you select Resolve to Zero, you cannot enter information on the Calendars to Process page.

See Action Types and Processing Rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Mass Positive Input Details

Access the Calendars to Process page (click the Details button on the Manage Mass Positive Input MEX page).

Specify Values OR Elements

The fields for units, rate, base, and percent are enabled only when they are components of the calculation rule for the selected earning or deduction element. Any numeric values that you entered on the Positive Input page appear here.

You can enter a positive or negative numeric value or select a rate code element that retrieves the unit value from HR. If you don't enter a value for the component and the component's value is defined on the element's Calculation page, the system uses the element's as of date to determine the value.

Begin Date and End Date

Enter the start date for the instance of positive input. If you enter a begin date, you must also enter an end date, and vice versa. The system doesn't use the begin date for processing.

Enter the end date if it differs from the calendar end date. If the calendar period is segmented, the end date that you enter determines the segment or slice to which the instance of positive input is assigned. The end date must be on or before the calendar end date.

Currency Code

When you enter a value in the Rate Value, Base Value, or Amount Value field, the code for the processing currency (as defined by the element definition or the pay entity) appears in this field. To use another currency, select it from the list.

Absence Dates

Complete the following fields if you're entering positive input for an earning or deduction element associated with an absence take.

Absence Begin Date and Absence End Date

Enter the dates of the absence event.

Period Begin Date

Enter the later of the begin date of the absence event or of the calendar period.

Period End Date

Enter the earlier of the end date of the absence event or of the calendar period.

Supporting Element Overrides

You can override system or variable elements associated with an instance of positive input. For example, you can override the department, job code, or location associated with an instance. When you override the job code for a nonbase-pay earnings element, the system uses the compensation rate that's applicable to the job that you specify.

An override applies to one instance of positive input only. After the instance is resolved, the supporting element reverts to its previous value. The fields that you can complete depend on the element's format: numeric, character, or date. You cannot enter monetary values.

Note. The Supporting Element Overrides group box may appear different from the exhibit shown in this documentation. Using the configurable element overrides feature, you can modify the labels, fields, and prompt displays for each element, thereby enhancing the ease and accuracy of data entry for supporting element overrides.

See Configuring Element Overrides.

Element Entry Type

Select the type of element to override. Values are SystemElem and Variable.

Element Name

Enter the name of the element to override, from elements that meet all the following conditions:

  • Have the same entry type that you selected.

  • Enable positive input as an override (as specified on the Element Name page).

  • Match your operator preference definition.

Character Value

If the supporting element that you selected uses character values, you can enter up to 25 characters in this field.

The field is unavailable when you select the system element of department, job code, or location.

Numeric Value

Enter the number for system use if the supporting element uses numeric values.

Date Value

Enter the date for system use if the supporting element uses date values.

See Also

Defining Rate Code Elements

Segmentation Considerations

Configuring Element Overrides

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Earnings Reports

This section discusses how to run earnings reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Earnings Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Balances MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Balances MEX, Balances MEX

Provides a monthly summary of all the accumulator members of the earnings total accumulator and the deductions total accumulator.

ANN - Christmas Bonus MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, ANN - Christmas Bonus MEX, ANN - Christmas Bonus MEX

Details the Christmas bonus amounts and taxes.

Create Coupons Interface MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Create Coupons Interface MEX, Create Coupons Interface MEX

Creates a flat file and a printed report of coupons. The flat file is transferred to the provider, which could be either Accor or SODEXHO.

Payroll Results Register MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Payroll Results Register MEX, Payroll Results Register MEX

Summarizes the payroll results.

ANN - PTU-Profit-Share MEX


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, ANN - PTU-Profit-Share MEX, ANN - PTU-Profit-Share MEX

You can run four different reports from the ANN - PTU-Profit-Share MEX run control page, including reports for eligible payees, ineligible payees, projects, and unpaid payees. You can select these reports individually or run all four of them together.

See Also

Global Payroll for Mexico Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Payroll Results Register Report

Access the Payroll Results Register MEX page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Payroll Results Register MEX, Payroll Results Register MEX).

The Payroll Results Register report contains all payroll information, such as earnings, deductions, and gross and net results for each selected employee. Payroll information to be printed depends on the format ID. The employee information to be printed depends on the calendar group ID, pay groups, and employee parameters that are selected.

Before you run the Payroll Results Register report, you'll need to enter the earnings and deductions that are eligible to print on a payslip on the Format ID page.

Note. The Format ID page is discussed in another chapter in this PeopleBook.

See Also

Defining Element Lists

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Earnings Elements

This section discusses:

Note. The earnings elements for Mexico are defined as PS Delivered/Not Maintained. Therefore, you can modify these elements to fit your needs, and when necessary, create your own earnings using the delivered elements as your guide.

See Also

Defining Earning and Deduction Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Earnings (By Earnings Type)

This section discusses the main delivered earnings (by earnings type). The earnings types are:

Produced Units (Destajos)

Earnings of the produced units type (destajos) depend on the number of units produced. To trigger this type of earnings, use positive input or the Earning/Deduction Assignment page to enter the number of units in the unit component of the C UNI IMP and C UNI U*R elements. This unit value is used in the calculation of these earnings:

The delivered earnings for produced units include:




This earnings element is used to calculate flat amounts based on units produced and is assigned a value by the formula PE FM U PRO I F.

To calculate these earnings, the PE FM U PRO I F executes the bracket element PE BR TARIFA X UNI, which returns the correct amount depending on the number of units (the number of units is the search key in the bracket and the amount is the lookup value). For example, this earnings element could be used to calculate the correct flat amount for an employee who earns 100 for selling 500 units, 600 for selling 2000 units, 700 for selling 3000 units, and so forth.

Note. The units used in the search key of the bracket PE BR TARIFA X UNI must be entered through positive input or on the Earning/Deduction Assignment page for the element C UNI IMP.


This earnings element is used to calculate amounts based on both units produced and rates per unit and is assigned a value by the PE FM U PRO T X U formula.

To calculate this earnings element, the PE FM U PRO T X U formula runs the PE BR TARIFA X UNI bracket element, which contains all of the data needed to calculate an amount based on the number of units and the rate per unit (the number of units is the search key in the bracket and the lookup value is the rate per unit). For example, this earnings element could be used to calculate the correct amount for an employee who earns 0.05 per unit for selling 1000 units, 0.10 for selling 2000 units, 0.15 for selling 3000 units, and so forth.

Note. The units used in the search key of the PE BR TARIFA X UNI bracket must be entered through positive input or on the Earning/Deduction Assignment page for the C UNI U*R element.

Seniority-Based Earnings

Seniority-based earnings are contingent upon the number of years of service (or seniority) at the time of processing (the period end date). Depending on the seniority level, various components of these earnings—for example, percentages, calculation bases, or amounts—could change.

The delivered seniority-based earnings include:




The calculation rule for this earnings element is Rate × Unit, in which the rate is a daily rate (contained in the DAILY RT system element) and the PE FM PER B ANT D formula returns the unit (number of days to pay). To determine the units to apply (at the time of calculation), the PE FM PER B ANT D formula runs the GN BR BASADA ANTIG bracket, which returns the number of days for each seniority range (seniority is the search key and the number of days to pay is the lookup value).

For example, you can use this element to calculate seniority earnings for employees who receive three days at a daily rate of 600 after one year of service, seven days at this rate after three years of service, and so forth.

Note. The DAILY RT system element is calculated on the Job Data pages based on the pay components that you enter.

See Increasing the Workforce.


This earnings element has a calculation rule of Amount, in which the PE FM PER B ANT I formula returns the amount. To determine the correct amount to use (at the time of calculation), the formula runs the GN BR BASADA ANTIG bracket, which contains the amounts that apply to each seniority range.

For example, you can use this earnings element to calculate the correct amount for employees who receive 1000 after one year of service, 2000 after three years of service, and so forth.


The calculation rule for this earnings element is Base × Percent, in which the base is a flat amount, and the percent is returned by the PE FM PER B ANT % formula. To determine the correct percentage (at the time of calculation), the PE FM PER B ANT % formula runs the GN BR BASADA bracket, which returns the percent for each seniority range (the seniority range is the search key and the percent is the lookup value).

For example, you can use this element to calculate seniority earnings for employees who receive 50 percent of a flat amount of 10,000 after one year of service, 75 percent of the same amount after three years of service, and so forth.

Bonuses and Commissions

The delivered earnings for bonuses and commissions include:




The calculation rule for this earnings element is Rate × Unit, and the unit component must be entered by positive input. If no positive input exists for a payee, the earnings are not calculated.

Note. The rate component of this earnings element comes from the DAILY RT system element and is calculated on the Job Data pages based on the pay components that you enter.

See Increasing the Workforce.


This earnings element has a calculation rule of Amount, in which the amount is entered by positive input. If there is no positive input for a payee, the earnings are not calculated.

Sunday Premium

Sunday premiums are based on the number of Sundays that each payee worked. Mexican law requires that each worked Sunday be paid at 125 percent of base salary; the law also says that an amount up to the minimum wage is exempt from taxes for each Sunday worked.

To trigger the calculation of this premium, you must enter—by positive input—the number of worked Sundays in the unit component of the PRIMA DOMIN element (this earnings element has a calculation rule of Unit × Rate × Percent, with the rate coming from the DAILY RT system element, and the percent defined as 125 percent).

The PRIMA DOMIN element calculates the total Sunday premium without regard to taxes. However because there is a tax exempt and a taxable portion of the Sunday premium, two other earnings have been defined to resolve these: PRIMA DOM EX (tax exempt portion) and PRIMA DOM GR (taxable portion). To trigger the calculation of these last two earnings, enter only the units (Sundays worked) in the unit component of the PRIMA DOMIN element. The system automatically calculates the taxable and nontaxable amounts.

The delivered earnings for the Sunday premium include:




The PE FM PRIMA D EX formula resolves the earnings element. Its function is to calculate the Sunday premium up to the minimum wage amount for each day that you enter.


The PE FM PMA DOM GRAV formula resolves the earnings element. For each Sunday worked, it calculates the Sunday premium in excess of the nontaxable minimum wage.


Use this element to calculate the total amount of the Sunday premium. It has a calculation rule of Unit × Rate × Percent, with the rate coming from the DAILY RT system element and the percent defined as 125 percent.

Note. The DAILY RT system element is calculated on the Job Data pages based on the pay components that you enter.

See Increasing the Workforce.


Global Payroll for Mexico provides two types of salary elements: SUELDO and SUELDO POR H. Each has its own calculation rule.

The delivered earnings for salary include:




Depending on the pay group parameters, this earnings element calculates the unit based on the calendar days or frequency days. Use this earnings element to process the most common type of salary element, in which the salary is based on the number of days worked. It has a calculation rule of Unit × Rate, in which the rate comes from the DAILY RT system element and the PE FM SUELDO UNI formula returns the unit that represents the actual number of work days. This formula calculates the number of days based on the period begin and end dates and includes a proration factor that enables it to manage new hires and terminations who work less than a full period.

For example, suppose that you have an employee in a monthly payroll with DAILY RT = 50. If the employee was hired on the third day of the month (January), SUELDO is calculated as 50 × (31 − 2) = 1450.

Note. The DAILY RT system element is calculated on the Job Data pages based on the pay components that you enter.

See Increasing the Workforce.


This earnings element calculates the most common type of hourly salary element. It has a calculation rule of Unit × Rate, in which the rate comes from the HOURLY RT system element and the units (hours) are entered by positive input in each payroll process. Therefore, the system calculates SUEL POR H only for payees who have positive input for these earnings.

Note. The DAILY RT system element is calculated on the Job Data pages based on the pay components that you enter.

See Increasing the Workforce.

Average Salary

The average salary is a calculation base for other earnings. For example, some companies pay overtime based on the average of the (Daily Rate) + (Bonuses) + (Special Compensation).

The delivered earnings for average salary includes:




This earnings element calculates the average salary based on the SP HR SAL PROM historical rule.

Savings Fund

The savings fund is one of the most common benefits that companies in Mexico provide to their employees. It is typically calculated as a percentage of the salary base.

The FDO AHORRO element calculates the basic benefit. However, because there is a tax exempt and a taxable portion of the savings fund, Global Payroll for Mexico delivers two additional elements to resolve these based on the amount of the FDO AHORRO: FDO AHOR EX and FDO AHOR GR elements.

The delivered earnings for the savings fund include:




This element holds the nontaxable portion of the savings fund benefit. Its value is calculated by the PE FM TOPE FONDO formula, and is defined as (13%) × (Minimum Wage Zone Salary of Employee) × (Worked Days).


This element holds the taxable portion of the savings fund benefit. Its value is calculated by the PE FM FONDO EMP GR formula. The taxable base is defined as the difference between FDO AHORRO and FDO AHOR EX. If the difference is negative, there is no taxable base.


The calculation rule for this earnings element is Base × Percent, in which the base is calculated by the PE FM FONDO A EMPL formula and the percent is defined (by way of example) as 13 percent. The PE FM FONDO A EMPL formula calculates the base as follows: ((Calendar Days) − Absences) × (Daily Rate).

For example, suppose that you have an employee with a daily rate of 300, and the employee is absent for two days in the month (January). In this case, FDO AHORRO is calculated as follows: (31 − 2) × 300 × 13% = 1,131.

Note. The DAILY RT system element is calculated on the Job Data pages based on the pay components that you enter.

See Increasing the Workforce.

Food Coupons

Food coupons are one of the most common benefits that companies in Mexico provide to their employees. Typically, the coupon is calculated as a percentage of the salary base.

The VALES DESP element calculates the basic benefit. However, because there is a tax exempt and a taxable portion of the food coupon, Global Payroll for Mexico delivers two additional elements to resolve these based on the amount of VALES DESP: VALES DES EX, and VALES DES GR.

The delivered earnings for food coupons include:




This element holds the nontaxable portion of the food coupon. Its value is calculated by the PE FM TOP VAL IMP formula.


This element holds the taxable portion of the food coupon. Its value is calculated by the PE FM VALES DESP G formula. The taxable base is the difference between VALES DESP and VALES DES EX. If the difference is negative, there is no taxable base.


The calculation rule for this earnings element is Base × Percent, in which the base is calculated by the PE FM VALES DESP formula, and the percentage is defined (by way of example), as 10 percent. The PE FM VALES DESP formula calculates the base as follows: ((Calendar Days) − Absences) × (Daily Rate).

For example, suppose that you have an employee with a daily rate of 500, and that the employee is absent for four days in the month (January). In this case, VALES DESP is calculated as follows: (31 − 4) × 500 × 10% = 1,350.

Note. The DAILY RT system element is calculated on the Job Data pages based on the pay components that you enter.

See Increasing the Workforce.

Seventh Day

This element enables you to calculate seventh day (Sunday) earnings for employees who work six or fewer days in a week.

The delivered seventh day earnings include:




Resolves an employee's seventh day earnings based on the hours worked in the period. The calculation rule is as follows: ((Period Hours / (Period Hours − Rest Hours [Sunday])) − 8) × (Hourly Salary). For example, if the work period is 112 hours with 16 rest hours, the calculation is as follows: ((114 / 98) − 8) × (Hourly Salary) = (1.17 − 1) × (Hourly Salary) = 0.17 × (Hourly Salary). This means that for every worked hour, the payee will receive 0.17 of his hourly salary as SEPTIMO DIA.

Note. To pay seventh day earnings, set this up as part of your pay group parameters.


Using the PE PO SEPT DIA SD O proration element, SEPTIMO DIA resolves an employee's seventh day earnings based on the days worked in the period. The calculation rule is as follows: ((Period Days / (Period Days − Rest Days [Sunday])) − 1) × (Daily Salary). For example, if the work period is 14 days with 2 rest days, the calculation is as follows: ((14 / 12) − 1) × (Daily Salary) = (1.17 − 1) × (Daily Salary) = 0.17 × (Daily Salary). This means that for every worked day, the payee will receive 0.17 of his daily salary as SEPTIMO DIA.

Note. To pay seventh day earnings, set this up as part of your pay group parameters.


The basic profit sharing earnings are calculated by the PTU element. However, because there is a tax exempt and a taxable portion of these earnings, Global Payroll for Mexico delivers two additional elements to resolve these based on the amount of the PTU: PTU EXENTO and PTU GRAVABLE elements.

Note. PTU amounts are calculated based on other earnings that an employee receives. To specify which earnings to include in the calculation of profit sharing, use the PTU Elements/Payees page.

See Identifying PTU Elements and Payees.

The delivered PTU earnings include:




Profit sharing


Nontaxable profit sharing


Taxable profit sharing


PTU Days Amount


PTU Salary Amount

Vacation Premiums and Christmas Bonuses

Vacation premiums and Christmas bonuses can be based on either the daily rate or the average salary. To set up vacation premiums and Christmas bonuses, use the Xmas, Vac, Premium, SDI Factor page.

See Defining Christmas Bonus Days, Vacation Days, and Vacation Premium Percent.

The delivered earnings for vacation premiums and Christmas bonuses include:




Christmas bonus


Nontaxable Christmas bonus


Taxable Christmas bonus

Social Benefits (Previsión Social)

Social benefits (Previsión social) are earnings derived from disability subsidies, scholarships for employees and their dependents, child care, sport and cultural activity fees, as well as other benefits given to employees according to the law and labor contracts.

Global Payroll for Mexico delivers three earnings, three formulas, and a section for social benefits.

The delivered earnings for social benefits include:




Use this earning to calculate nontaxable social benefits. The calculation rule is Amount, with the PS FM PREV SOC EX formula used as the amount element. It compares the daily salary plus PREV SOCIAL against 7 times the minimum wage to identify the nontaxable part of PREV SOCIAL.


Use this earning to calculate taxable social benefits. The calculation rule is Amount, with the PS FM PREV SOC GR formula used as the amount element.


Use this earning to calculate the total general social benefits. The calculation rule is Amount, with the TOTAL PREV SOCIAL accumulator used as the amount element. All social benefits earnings should be defined as contributing to this accumulator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Earnings Process Lists and Sections

Delivered earnings for Mexico are processed and calculated in different process lists. Most basic earnings are calculated as part of the NOMINA process list and are included in the section called PERCEPCIONES. However, the PERCEPCIONES section recurs in other process lists, and there are numerous other earnings elements—Christmas bonus, termination pay, and so forth—that are processed elsewhere.

This table displays the main process list and sections used to calculate earnings elements for Mexico:

Process List




















































Note. The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements that are designed for Mexico. Instructions for running the query are provided in the PeopleSoft Global Payroll 9.1 PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements