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Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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Document Information


1.  Planning the Oracle Solaris Cluster Configuration

2.  Installing Software on Global-Cluster Nodes

3.  Establishing the Global Cluster

4.  Configuring Solaris Volume Manager Software

5.  Creating a Cluster File System

6.  Creating Zone Clusters

7.  Uninstalling Software From the Cluster
























package installation
Oracle Solaris Cluster man pages, index iconHow to Install pconsole Software on an Administrative Console
Oracle Solaris Cluster software, index iconHow to Install Oracle Solaris Cluster Framework and Data Service Software Packages
pconsole software, index iconHow to Install pconsole Software on an Administrative Console
Parallel Console Access (pconsole) software
installing, index iconHow to Install pconsole Software on an Administrative Console
Oracle VM Server for SPARC restriction, index iconHow to Install pconsole Software on an Administrative Console
repartitioning drives, index iconHow to Repartition Drives in a Disk Set
root (/) file system, index iconSystem Disk Partitions
swap, index iconSystem Disk Partitions
/var file system, index iconSystem Disk Partitions
volume manager, index iconSystem Disk Partitions
patches, See software updates
administrative console, index iconHow to Install pconsole Software on an Administrative Console
cluster nodes, index iconHow to Set Up the Root Environment
pconsole utility
installing the software, index iconHow to Install pconsole Software on an Administrative Console
starting, index iconHow to Install pconsole Software on an Administrative Console
index iconHow to Install Oracle Solaris Cluster Framework and Data Service Software Packages
index iconHow to Install and Configure Oracle Solaris and Oracle Solaris Cluster Software (Automated Installer)
physical memory, zone clusters, index iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster
physical property
index iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster
index iconHow to Create a Zone Cluster
pkg program, installing software packages, index iconHow to Install Oracle Solaris Cluster Framework and Data Service Software Packages
private hostnames
changing, index iconHow to Change Private Hostnames
planning, index iconPrivate Hostnames
verifying, index iconHow to Change Private Hostnames
zone clusters, index iconZone-Cluster Requirements and Guidelines
private IP addresses
listing with ipadm
index iconHow to Configure Oracle Solaris Cluster Software on All Nodes (scinstall)
index iconHow to Configure Oracle Solaris Cluster Software on All Nodes (XML)
index iconHow to Install and Configure Oracle Solaris and Oracle Solaris Cluster Software (Automated Installer)
index iconHow to Configure Oracle Solaris Cluster Software on Additional Global-Cluster Nodes (scinstall)
index iconHow to Configure Oracle Solaris Cluster Software on Additional Global-Cluster Nodes (XML File)
private network
adding zone clusters to the IP-address range
index iconPrivate Network Configuration
index iconHow to Change the Private Network Configuration When Adding Nodes or Private Networks
changing the IP-address range, index iconHow to Change the Private Network Configuration When Adding Nodes or Private Networks
displaying settings, index iconHow to Prepare the Cluster for Additional Global-Cluster Nodes
IPv6 address restriction, index iconCluster Interconnect
Oracle VM Server for SPARC guest domains, index iconPrivate Network Configuration
planning, index iconPrivate Network Configuration
use in zone clusters, index iconGlobal-Cluster Requirements and Guidelines
probe-based IPMP groups, index iconPublic Network Configuration
public network
adding IP addresses to a naming service, index iconHow to Install Oracle Solaris Software
IPv6 support, index iconPublic Network Configuration
planning, index iconPublic Network Configuration
Oracle Solaris Cluster software
index iconHow to Install Oracle Solaris Software
index iconHow to Install pconsole Software on an Administrative Console
index iconHow to Install and Configure Oracle Solaris Cluster Quorum Server Software
index iconHow to Install Oracle Solaris Cluster Framework and Data Service Software Packages
index iconHow to Install the Availability Suite Feature of Oracle Solaris 11
index iconHow to Install Solaris Volume Manager
Oracle Solaris software
index iconHow to Install Oracle Solaris Software
index iconHow to Install pconsole Software on an Administrative Console
index iconHow to Install and Configure Oracle Solaris Cluster Quorum Server Software
index iconHow to Install Oracle Solaris Cluster Framework and Data Service Software Packages
index iconHow to Install the Availability Suite Feature of Oracle Solaris 11
index iconHow to Install Solaris Volume Manager