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Oracle Solaris Cluster Upgrade Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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1.  Preparing to Upgrade Oracle Solaris Cluster Software

Upgrade Requirements and Software Support Guidelines

Choosing an Oracle Solaris Cluster Upgrade Method

Standard Upgrade

Rolling Upgrade

2.  Upgrading Zones Managed by Oracle Solaris Cluster Software

3.  Performing a Standard Upgrade

4.  Performing a Rolling Upgrade

5.  Completing the Upgrade

6.  Recovering From an Incomplete Upgrade


Choosing an Oracle Solaris Cluster Upgrade Method

The following matrix summarizes the supported upgrade methods for each Oracle Solaris OS version and platform, provided that all other requirements for any supported method are met. Check the documentation of other products in the cluster, such as volume management software and other applications, for any additional upgrade requirements or restrictions.

Table 1-1 Upgrade an Oracle Solaris Cluster Configuration to the 4.1 Release

Oracle Solaris 11 SPARC
Oracle Solaris 11 x86
Standard upgrade
Rolling upgrade

Choose from the following methods to upgrade your Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1 cluster software:

For overview information about planning your Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1 configuration, see Chapter 1, Planning the Oracle Solaris Cluster Configuration, in Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide.

Standard Upgrade

A standard upgrade upgrades a cluster to a new release and upgrades the Oracles Solaris OS to the latest compatible version. You do not need to place the cluster in noncluster mode before performing this upgrade because the upgrade always occurs in the new boot environment and the existing boot environment remains unchanged. You can specify a name for the new boot environment or you can use the auto-generated name.

Any time you upgrade the Oracle Solaris Cluster software, by default you also upgrade the data services and Geographic Edition software. However, if you want to upgrade the data services separately, see Overview of the Installation and Configuration Process in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide. If you want to upgrade Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition separately, see the Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide.

Note - If you want to update individual packages, use the pkg command. See Updating a Specific Package in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide.

For complete instructions on performing a standard upgrade, see Chapter 3, Performing a Standard Upgrade.

The cluster outage is limited to the amount of time that is needed to upgrade the software and reboot the cluster nodes into the upgraded boot environment. Resource groups are in the unmanaged state during the course of the upgrade.

Rolling Upgrade

In a rolling upgrade, you upgrade software to an update release, such as from Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.0 to 4.1, or to a new SRU on one node at a time. Services continue on the other nodes except for the time it takes to switch services from a node to be upgraded to a node that will remain in service.

Observe the following additional restrictions and requirements for the rolling upgrade method: