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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for SAP NetWeaver Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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1.  Installing and Configuring HA for SAP NetWeaver

HA for SAP NetWeaver Overview

Overview of the Installation and Configuration Process for HA for SAP NetWeaver

Planning the HA for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration

Configuration Restrictions

Configuration Requirements

Application Operation Restrictions

Application Operation Requirement

Supported Data Service Configurations

Configuration Considerations

Configuration Planning Questions

Installing and Configuring SAP NetWeaver

How to Enable the SAP NetWeaver to Run in a Cluster

Verifying the SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the Installation of an SAP NetWeaver

Configuring Your Highly Available Database

Preparing SAP NetWeaver for High Availability

Registering and Configuring HA for SAP NetWeaver

Before You Begin

Setting HA for SAP NetWeaver Extension Properties

Registering and Configuring the HA for SAP NetWeaver by using Oracle Solaris Cluster Command Line Interface (CLI)

How to Register and Configure an SAP NetWeaver sapstartsrv Resource

How to Register and Configure an SAP Central Service Resource

How to Register and Configure an SAP Replicated Enqueue Server Resource

How to Register and Configure an SAP Replicated Enqueue Preempter Resource

How to Register and Configure an SAP NetWeaver Dialogue Instance Resource

Using Alternate Project Identification

Tuning the HA for SAP NetWeaver Fault Monitors

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP sapstartsrv Resource Type

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Central Services Resource Type

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Replicated Enqueue Server Resource Type

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Dialogue Instance Resource Type

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Replicated Enqueue Preempter Resource Type

Verifying the HA for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP sapstartsrv Process

How to Verify the Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Instance Resource Types

How to Verify the Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Replicated Enqueue Preempter Resource Type

Enabling Interaction Between Oracle Solaris Cluster and SAP NetWeaver

How to Enable Interaction Between Oracle Solaris Cluster and SAP NetWeaver

A.  HA for SAP NetWeaver Extension Properties

B.  Deployment Example: How to Configure the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for SAP NetWeaver Agent


Planning the HA for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration

This section contains the information that you need to plan your HA for SAP NetWeaver installation and configuration.

Note - Before you begin, consult your SAP documentation for configuration restrictions and requirements that are not stated in Oracle Solaris Cluster documentation or imposed by Oracle Solaris Cluster software.

Be sure to read all SAP notes that pertain to your release of SAP NetWeaver. For more information, see the SAP documentation at

Note - HA for SAP NetWeaver can be configured to run in a whole root, non-global zone, or zone cluster, if required.

Configuration Restrictions


Caution - Your data service configuration might not be supported if you do not observe these restrictions.

For restrictions that apply to all data services, see the release notes for your release of Oracle Solaris Cluster. The following configuration restriction applies only to HA for SAP NetWeaver.

Configuration Requirements


Caution - Configuration requirements represent actions that you must perform. If your data service configuration does not satisfy these requirements, the data service configuration might not be supported.

For requirements that apply to all data services, see Configuration Guidelines for Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide.

The following configuration requirements apply only to HA for SAP NetWeaver.

Application Operation Restrictions


Caution - Your application might experience unplanned downtimes if you do not follow the restrictions noted in this section.

Application Operation Requirement

The following application operation requirement applies only to HA for SAP NetWeaver.

Supported Data Service Configurations

HA for SAP NetWeaver supports configurations that conform to the requirements that are specified in the previous section.

All configurations of HA for SAP NetWeaver have the following requirements:

The following example shows the following supported configurations of HA for SAP NetWeaver.

Example 1-1 SAP NetWeaver Components Configured as a Failover Resources and Multiple Master Resources

The following example shows a typical SAP NetWeaver HA configuration consisting of central services with enqueue replication in addition a failover primary application instance with multiple master additional dialogue instances.

The boxes that have a solid border represent the location of the resource groups before failover.

The boxes that have a dashed border represent the location of the resource groups after a failover because of a problem on the first node. The SAP central services resource group fails over, and the SAP replicated enqueue server resource group consequently moves to another node. The SAP NetWeaver primary application instance resource group also fails over. Two out of three additional application instances remain available.

image:Illustration: The preceding context describes the graphic.

Configuration Considerations

The following configuration considerations affect the installation and configuration of HA for SAP NetWeaver.

Configuration Planning Questions

Use the questions in this section to plan the installation and configuration of HA for SAP NetWeaver. Write the answers to these questions in the space that is provided on the data service worksheets in Configuration Worksheets in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide.