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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for SAP NetWeaver Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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1.  Installing and Configuring HA for SAP NetWeaver

HA for SAP NetWeaver Overview

Overview of the Installation and Configuration Process for HA for SAP NetWeaver

Planning the HA for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration

Configuration Restrictions

Configuration Requirements

Application Operation Restrictions

Application Operation Requirement

Supported Data Service Configurations

Configuration Considerations

Configuration Planning Questions

Installing and Configuring SAP NetWeaver

How to Enable the SAP NetWeaver to Run in a Cluster

Verifying the SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the Installation of an SAP NetWeaver

Configuring Your Highly Available Database

Preparing SAP NetWeaver for High Availability

Registering and Configuring HA for SAP NetWeaver

Before You Begin

Setting HA for SAP NetWeaver Extension Properties

Registering and Configuring the HA for SAP NetWeaver by using Oracle Solaris Cluster Command Line Interface (CLI)

How to Register and Configure an SAP NetWeaver sapstartsrv Resource

How to Register and Configure an SAP Central Service Resource

How to Register and Configure an SAP Replicated Enqueue Server Resource

How to Register and Configure an SAP Replicated Enqueue Preempter Resource

How to Register and Configure an SAP NetWeaver Dialogue Instance Resource

Using Alternate Project Identification

Tuning the HA for SAP NetWeaver Fault Monitors

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP sapstartsrv Resource Type

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Central Services Resource Type

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Replicated Enqueue Server Resource Type

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Dialogue Instance Resource Type

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Replicated Enqueue Preempter Resource Type

Verifying the HA for SAP NetWeaver Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP sapstartsrv Process

How to Verify the Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Instance Resource Types

How to Verify the Operation of the Fault Monitor for the SAP Replicated Enqueue Preempter Resource Type

Enabling Interaction Between Oracle Solaris Cluster and SAP NetWeaver

How to Enable Interaction Between Oracle Solaris Cluster and SAP NetWeaver

A.  HA for SAP NetWeaver Extension Properties

B.  Deployment Example: How to Configure the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for SAP NetWeaver Agent


Registering and Configuring HA for SAP NetWeaver

To enable the HA for SAP NetWeaver data service to make SAP NetWeaver applications highly available, configure the data service as described in the procedures in this section. These procedures perform the following tasks.

The resource groups and the storage resource were created in How to Enable the SAP NetWeaver to Run in a Cluster.

Before You Begin

Before performing these procedures, ensure that the HA for SAP NetWeaver data service packages are installed.

The procedures in this section assume that the database resources have been previously created and that these resources are online.

Make your database highly available by following the instructions in the documentation for your database.

Perform these procedures assuming the root role on a cluster node.

Setting HA for SAP NetWeaver Extension Properties

The extension properties for HA for SAP NetWeaver are described in Appendix A, HA for SAP NetWeaver Extension Properties.

You can update some extension properties dynamically. You can update other properties, however, only when you create or disable a resource. The Tunable entry indicates when you can update a property.

The instructions for registering and configuring resources explain how to set only extension properties that HA for SAP NetWeaver requires you to set.

To set an extension property of a resource, include the following option in the clresource command that creates or modifies the resource:

-p property=value 
-p property

Identifies the extension property that you are setting.


Specifies the value to which you are setting the extension property.

Registering and Configuring the HA for SAP NetWeaver by using Oracle Solaris Cluster Command Line Interface (CLI)

The procedures in this section describe the registration and configuration of the following components of the SAP NetWeaver by using Oracle Solaris Cluster CLI.

How to Register and Configure an SAP NetWeaver sapstartsrv Resource

The SAP NetWeaver sapstartsrv resource must be configured in the same resource group with each and every other SAP NetWeaver instance resource. These instance resources must depend on their sapstartsrv resource.

The sapstartsrv resource is to configured to depend on its storage resource. This dependency ensures that the sapstartsrv resource does not attempt to start until its associated storage resource is online.

  1. Register the ORCL.sapstartsrv resource type.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.sapstartsrv

    Specifies that a new resource type is to be added.


    Specifies the name of the resource type to be added. This name is predefined for SAP sapstartsrv.

  2. Create a sapstartsrv resource.

    Note - You can choose to create a failover resource or a multiple master resource as follows.

    • Create a failover sapstartsrv resource.
      # clresource create -d-g central-rg \
      -t ORCL.sapstartsrv \
      -p sid=system-id \
      -p sap_user=sidadm \
      -p instance_number=instance \
      -p instance_name=instance_number \
      -p HOST=ip-alias \
      -p timeout_return=return_code \ 
      -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE} \ 
    • Create a multiple master sapstartsrv resource.
      # clresource create -d-g central-rg \
      -t ORCL.sapstartsrv \
      -p sid=system-id \
      -p sap_user=sidadm \
      -p instance_number{node1}=instance 1 \
      -p instance_number{node2}=instance 2 \
      -p instance_name{node1}=instance_name 1 \
      -p instance_name{node2}=instance_name 2 \
      -p timeout_return=return_code \ 
      -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE} \ 
      -g central-rg

      Specifies the resource group to which the resource is to be added. The resource group is confirmed as a failover resource group.

      -t ORCL.sapstartsrv

      Specifies that the resource is an instance of the ORCL.sapstartsrv resource type.

      -p sid=system-id

      Specifies the SAP system identifier.

      -p sap_user=sidadm

      Specifies the administrator user for the SAP installation.

      -p instance_number=instance

      Specifies the SAP instance number of the instance to be controlled.

      -p instance_name=instance_name

      Specifies the name of the SAP instance to be controlled.

      -p HOST=ip-alias

      Specifies the IP alias on which the instance is configured.

      -p yellow=return_code

      Specifies the return code on which the resource probe exits by 80% of the probe timeout.

      -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE}

      Specifies the list of offline restart dependencies.


      Specifies the resource name of the sapstartsrv resource.

  3. Verify that the default values for the SAP sapstartsrv extension properties are acceptable.

    Refer to ORCL.sapstartsrv Extension Properties.

  4. Enable the SAP sapstartsrv resource.
    #  clresource enable sapstartsrv-rs

    Specifies that the specified resource is to be enabled.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be enabled.

How to Register and Configure an SAP Central Service Resource

The SAP NetWeaver central service resource must be configured in the same resource group with its sapstartsrv resource. It must depend on this sapstartsrv resource.

The central service resource is configured to depend on its storage resource and on the logical host resource. These dependencies ensures that the central service resource does not attempt to start until its associated resources are online.

  1. Register the ORCL.sapcentr resource type.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.sapcentr

    Specifies that a new resource type is to be added.


    Specifies the name of the resource type to be added. This name is predefined for the SAP central services.

  2. Create a failover scs-startsrv-rs for the SAP central servicesresource.

    For information, see How to Register and Configure an SAP NetWeaver sapstartsrv Resource.

  3. Create a failover central service resource.
    # clresource create -d-g central-rg \
    -t ORCL.sapcentr \
    -p sid=system-id \
    -p sap_user=sidadm \
    -p instance_number=instance \
    -p instance_name=instance_number \
    -p HOST=ip-alias \
    -p yellow=return_code \
    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE} \
    -p resource_dependencies=db-rs,scs-startsrv-rs \
    -g central-rg

    Specifies the resource group to which the resource is to be added. The resource group is confirmed as a failover resource group.

    -t ORCL.sapcentr

    Specifies that the resource is an instance of the ORCL.sapcentr resource type.

    -p sid=system-id

    Specifies the SAP system identifier.

    -p sap_user=sidadm

    Specifies the administrator user for the SAP installation.

    -p instance_number=instance

    Specifies the SAP instance number of the instance to be controlled.

    -p instance_name=instance_name

    Specifies the name of the SAP instance to be controlled.

    -p HOST=ip-alias

    Specifies the IP alias on which the instance is configured.

    -p yellow=return_code

    Specifies the return code on which the resource probe exits if a sapcontrol command reports the YELLOW state.

    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE}

    Specifies the list of offline restart dependencies.

    -p resource_dependencies=db-rs,scs-startsrv-rs

    Specifies the list of dependencies.


    Specifies the resource name of the central service resource.

  4. Verify that the default values for the SAP central service resource extension properties are acceptable.

    For more information about the SAP central service resource extension properties, see ORCL.sapcentr Extension Properties.

  5. Enable the scs-startsrv-rs resource.
    #  clresource enable scs-startsrv-rs
  6. Enable the SAP central service resource.
    #  clresource enable scs-rs

    Specifies that the specified resource is to be enabled.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be enabled.

How to Register and Configure an SAP Replicated Enqueue Server Resource

The SAP replicated enqueue server resource must be configured in the same resource group with its sapstartsrv resource. It must depend on this sapstartsrv resource.

The SAP replicated enqueue server resource is to configured to depend on its storage resource and on the logical host resource, as well as on its central service resource. These dependencies ensure that the SAP replicated enqueue server resource does not attempt to start until its associated resources are online.

  1. Register ORCL.saprepenq, the resource type for the SAP replicated enqueue server.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.saprepenq

    Specifies that a new resource type is to be added.


    Specifies the name of the resource type to be added. This name is predefined for the SAP replicated enqueue server.

  2. Create a failover rep-startsrv-rs for the SAP replicated enqueue server resource.

    For information, see How to Register and Configure an SAP NetWeaver sapstartsrv Resource.

  3. Create a failover SAP replicated enqueue server resource.
    # clresource create -d -g rep-rg \
    -t ORCL.saprepenq \
    -p sid=system-id \
    -p sap_user=sidadm \
    -p instance_number=instance \
    -p instance_name=instance_name \
    -p HOST=ip-alias \
    -p yellow=return_code \
    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE} \
    -p resource_dependencies=scs-rs,rep-startsrv-rs \
    -g rep-rg

    Specifies the resource group to which the resource is to be added. The resource group is confirmed as a failover resource group.

    -t ORCL.saprepenq

    Specifies that the resource is an instance of the ORCL.saprepenq resource type.

    -p sid=system-id

    Specifies the SAP system identifier.

    -p sap_user=sidadm

    Specifies the administrator user for the SAP installation.

    -p instance_number=instance

    Specifies the SAP instance number of the instance to be controlled.

    -p instance_name=instance_name

    Specifies the name of the SAP instance to be controlled.

    -p HOST=ip-alias

    Specifies the IP alias on which the instance is configured.

    -p yellow=return_code

    Specifies the return code on which the resource probe exits if a sapcontrol command reports the YELLOW state.

    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE}

    Specifies the list of offline restart dependencies.

    -p resource_dependencies=db-rs, rep-startsrv-rs

    Specifies the list of dependencies.


    Specifies the resource name of the replicated enqueue server resource.

  4. Verify that the default values for the SAP replicated enqueue server extension properties are acceptable.

    Refer to ORCL.saprepenq Extension Properties.

  5. Enable the rep-startsrv-rs resource.
    #  clresource enable rep-startsrv-rs
  6. Enable the SAP replicated enqueue server resource.
    #  clresource enable rep-rs

    Specifies that the specified resource is to be enabled.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be enabled.

How to Register and Configure an SAP Replicated Enqueue Preempter Resource

The SAP replicated enqueue preempter resource must be configured in the same resource group with its central service resource. It must depend on this central service resource with an offline restart dependency.

The SAP replicated enqueue preempter resource is to configured to depend on its storage resource and on the logical host resource, as well as on its SAP central services resource. These dependencies ensure that the SAP replicated enqueue preempter resource does not attempt to start until its associated resources are online.

  1. Register ORCL.saprepenq_preempt, the resource type for the SAP replicated enqueue preempter.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.saprepenq_preempt

    Specifies that a new resource type is to be registered.


    Specifies the name of the resource type to be added. This name is predefined for the SAP replicated enqueue preempter.

  2. Create a failover SAP replicated enqueue preempter resource.
    # clresource create -d -g central-rg \
    -t ORCL.saprepenq_preempt \
    -p sid=system-id \
    -p sap_user=sidadm \
    -p repenqres=resource_name \
    -p enq_instnr=instance_list
    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE},scs-rs \
    -p resource_dependencies=db-rs \
    -g rep-rg

    Specifies the resource group to which the resource is to be added. The resource group is confirmed as a failover resource group.

    -t ORCL.saprepenq_preempt

    Specifies that the resource is an instance of the ORCL.saprepenq_preempt resource type.

    -p sid=system-id

    Specifies the SAP system identifier.

    -p sap_user=sidadm

    Specifies the administrator user for the SAP installation.

    -p enq_instnr=instance_name

    Specifies the name of the SAP replicated enqueue server server resource.

    -p enq_instnr=instance_list

    Specifies the comma separated list of SAP central services instance numbers to be monitored.

    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE},scs-rs

    Specifies the list of offline restart dependencies, at least one central services resource must be present here.

    -p resource_dependencies=db-rs

    Specifies the list of dependencies.


    Specifies the resource name of the SAP replicated enqueue preempter resource.

  3. Verify that the default values for the SAP replicated enqueue preempter resource extension properties are acceptable.

    Refer to ORCL.saprepenq_preempt Extension Properties.

  4. Enable the SAP replicated enqueue preempter resource.
    # clresource enable preempt-rs

    Specifies that the specified resource is to be enabled.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be enabled.

How to Register and Configure an SAP NetWeaver Dialogue Instance Resource

The SAP NetWeaver dialogue instance resource must be configured in the same resource group with its sapstartsrv resource. It must depend on this sapstartsrv resource.

Us the dialogue instance resource type for the following deployments:

Configure the dialogue instance resource such that it depends on its storage resource, the logical host resource, the database resource, as well as its central service resource. These dependencies ensure that the dialogue instance resource does not attempt to start until its associated resources are online.

Note - If you configure the dialogue instance resource as a single instance resource it must not depend on a central service resource.

  1. Register ORCL.sapdia, the resource type for the SAP NetWeaver dialogue instance resource.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.sapdia

    Specifies that a new resource type is to be added.


    Specifies the name of the resource type to be added. This name is predefined for the SAP dialogue instance.

  2. Create a diag-startsrv-rs for the SAP NetWeaver dialogue instance resource.

    For information, see How to Register and Configure an SAP NetWeaver sapstartsrv Resource.

  3. Create a dialogue instance resource.

    Note - Depending on the topology that you are using for your dialogue instance resource, you can create the dialogue resource using one of the following options:

    • Create a failover dialogue instance resource.
      # clresource create -d-g dia-rg \
      -t ORCL.sapdia \
      -p sid=system-id \
      -p sap_user=sidadm \
      -p instance_number=instance \
      -p instance_name=instance_number \
      -p HOST=ip-alias \
      -p yellow=return_code \
      -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE} \
      -p resource_dependencies=db-rs,scs-rs,diag-startsrv-rs \
    • Create a multiple master dialogue instance resource.
      # clresource create -d-g dia-rg \
      -t ORCL.sapdia \
      -p sid=system-id \
      -p sap_user=sidadm \
      -p instance_number{node1}=instance_number \
      -p instance_number{node2}=instance_number \
      -p instance_name{node1}=instance_name\
      -p instance_name{node2}=instance_name \
      -p HOST{node 1}=ip-alias \
      -p HOST{node 2}=ip-alias \
      -p timeout_return=return_code \
      -p resource_dependencies=db-rs,scs-rs,diag-startsrv-rs \
    • Create a failover combined dialogue instance resource.
      # clresource create -d-g dia-rg \
      -t ORCL.sapdia \
      -p sid=system-id \
      -p sap_user=sidadm \
      -p instance_number=instance \
      -p instance_name=instance_number \
      -p Architecture=comb \
      -p HOST=ip-alias \
      -p yellow=return_code \
      -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE} \
      -p resource_dependencies=db-rs,diag-startsrv-rs \
      -g dia-rg

      Specifies the resource group to which the resource is to be added. The resource group is confirmed as a failover or a multiple master resource group.

      -t ORCL.sapdia

      Specifies that the resource is an instance of the ORCL.sapdia resource type.

      -p sid=system-id

      Specifies the SAP system identifier.

      -p sap_user=sidadm

      Specifies the administrator user for the SAP installation.

      -p instance_number=instance

      Specifies the SAP instance number of the instance to be controlled.

      -p instance_name=instance_name

      Specifies the name of the SAP instance to be controlled.

      -p Architecture=comb

      Specifies the flag to highlight that a combined instance is configured. In this case this value must be comb.

      -p HOST=ip-alias

      Specifies the IP alias on which the instance is configured.

      -p yellow=return_code

      Specifies the return code on which the resource probe exits if a sapcontrol command reports the YELLOW state.

      -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hsp-rs{LOCAL_NODE}

      Specifies the list of offline restart dependencies.

      -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=db-rs,logical_host,diag-startsrv-rs

      Specifies the list of dependencies.


      Specifies the resource name of the dialogue instance resource.

  4. Verify that the default values for the SAP dialogue instance resource extension properties are acceptable.

    Refer to ORCL.sapdia Extension Properties.

  5. Enable the diag-startsrv-rs resource.
    # clresource enable diag-startsrv-rs
  6. Enable the SAP dialogue instance resource.
    # clresource enable diag-rs

    Specifies that the specified resource is to be enabled.


    Specifies the name of the resource to be enabled.