Producing Academic Advisement Reports

This chapter provides an overview of academic advisement reports, lists prerequisites, and discusses and how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Academic Advisement Reports

The advisement report is the degree audit report that reflects a student's progress towards graduation. This report is the core function of the Academic Advisement application. The report indicates whether the student has completed all of the requirements that the student needs to graduate or whether the student still needs to satisfy outstanding requirements.

A core function of Academic Advisement is the ability to generate an advisement report for a student, several students, or a group (batch) of students. The advisement report is the degree audit report that reflects a student's progress toward graduation. Depending on the setup of your report types, an advisement report may show not only courses taken, but also in-progress, planned, shopping cart, and what-if courses.

Using the what-if advising capabilities, you can run a simulated advisement report for a student that shows degree progress based on courses the student proposes to take. You can also run a simulated academic advisement report based on simulated careers, programs, plans, and subplans.

After you run the report process, you can view the results online as well as generate a .pdf view of the report. You can also print the results.

If you process a what-if report (course what-if, for example) the report reflects the what-if results accordingly. For example, the online report identifies the what-if course with a what-if icon and the delivered pdf report identifies the what-if course as a what-if type course.

Note. During the analysis process, the advisement engine does not recognize courses that you entered into the system using the Historical Course Enrollment page. Any historical courses that you entered into a student's record are used for record and history tracking purposes only.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can process advisement reports, you must:

See Also

Reviewing Installation Setup and System Defaults

Setting Up Advisement Report Types

Click to jump to parent topicProducing Online Academic Advisement Reports

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create an Online Academic Advisement Report

Page Name

Definition Name



Report Request


Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Request Advisement Report

Select the type of report and set other general parameters of the report request.

Report Request Log


Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Request Advisement Report

Review report request messages.

Advisement Report Request - Course Search


Click the Add a What-If Course link on the Report Request page.

Select a subject and then search from the course catalog for a course to use during the what-if analysis.

Create What-If Scenario


  • Select the Use Career Simulation check box on the Report Request page. Then click the View/Change the Career Simulation link to access the Create What-If Scenario page, which you will use to set up the what-if scenario.

  • Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Create What-If Scenario

Set up or review the what-if scenario for the student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting General Parameters

Access the Report Request page (Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Request Advisement Report).

Report Date

Displays today's date. This date indicates the date the report was requested.

As of Date

Enter the date for the report to reflect all of the relevant student data as of this date. To set the field default to the current date, leave the Transcript Default As of Date field blank on the Installation Student Administration page.

A value in this field is required. This field is used to include or exclude future-dated programs, plans, subplans, conditions, and entity groups when you run an academic advisement report.

Report Identifier

Enter the report identifier (for example, ADMIN) from the Report Identifier table.


Click the Process Request button when you are ready to submit the request for processing.

View Report

Click to view the report that was generated. This link appears on the page after the report request is processed.


View Report as PDF

Click to view a .pdf version of the advisement report. This button appears on the page after the request is processed.



Enter the path for your local postscript printer. This field appears on the page after the request is processed.

Send to Printer

Click to send the report results to the designated printer. This button appears on the page after the request is processed.

What-If Information

Use Career Simulation

Select to indicate that you want to set up a what-if scenario.

Note. You do not need to select this check box if you want to set up a course what-if scenario only.

If selected, the View/Change the Career Simulation link appears. Click to access the Student Career What-If page to create a what-if scenario.

Add a What-If Course

Click to access the Advisement Report Request - Course Search page.

You can use the Advisement Report Request - Course Search page to select a course that you want included in the degree audit.

Enter the courses in the order in which you want to simulate their being taken. The number of what-if courses you add has no limit. Click the Add a What-If Course link each time you want to add a what-if course to the setup. You must select a career, term, and then subject before executing the search.

After you have selected the course, subject, catalog number, units, requirement designation (if applicable), and topic ID (if applicable), these values appear on the Report Request page. You can change these values as desired. You can also enter a specific academic term. The more data you enter about the what-if course, the more accurately the degree audit can evaluate the what-if course.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding a What-If Course

Access the Advisement Report Request - Course Search page (Click the Add a What-If Course link on the Report Request page).

After you enter the required information on the Report Request page and executes the search, the system returns course search results that match the career, term, and subject information. The course search results display the appropriate current row based on the start date of the selected term.


Enter the subject.

Execute the Search

Click to display a list of courses. Select the check box next to the required course, and then click the OK button. The course then appears on the Report Request page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Student and What-If Data for Processing

Access the Create What-If Scenario page (Select the Use Career Simulation check box and then the View/Change Career Simulation link on the Report Request page).

Use this page to enter student and what-if data.

When you access the page, all fields are blank. To retrieve the student's existing record, click the Copy button. You can use these field values to build a program, plan, and subplan data. You can change field values and insert rows, as necessary.

Program What-If Data

Academic Career

Enter the value for the what-if career.

Career Requirement Term

Enter a what-if requirement term (catalog year) value for the career override. The system uses this value to select the correct effective-dated career-level requirement groups.

Requirement Term

Enter the what-if requirement term. The system uses this value to select the appropriate effective-dated plan-level requirement groups.

Student Career Number

Displays a number from the prompt page.

The default value on this page is 1. You can change the student career number for use in the scenario.

Academic Program

Enter the academic program value that you want to use in the what-if degree audit.

You can use one or many programs in the what-if scenario.

Advisement Status

Enter how the what-if program is evaluated in the what-if degree audit. Values are:

Include: Indicates that the advisement status of the what-if program is included in the degree audit.

Do Not Include: Indicates that the advisement status of the what-if program is not included in the degree audit.

Optional: Indicates that the what-if academic program appears on the report but is not counted towards graduation.

Plan What-If Data

Requirement Term

Enter the requirement term for the what-if plan. The system uses this value to select the appropriate effective-dated plan-level requirement groups.

Academic Plan

Enter an academic plan for use in the what-if scenario.

The system uses this value to select the correct effective-dated plan-level requirement groups.

Plan Sequence

Displays a sequence number. This sequential number is supplied by the system.

This number indicates the order or sequence of multiple plans, if any. The plan with the lowest sequence number is considered primary within the program. You can override the number.

Advisement Status

Enter how the what-if plan is evaluated in the what-if degree audit. Values are:

Include: Indicates that the advisement status of the what-if plan is included in the degree audit.

Do Not Include: Indicates that the advisement status of the what-if plan is not included in the degree audit.

Optional: Indicates that the what-if academic plan appears on the report but is not counted towards graduation.

Sub-plan What-If Data

Requirement Term

Enter the student's what-if starting term. Each requirement term has a begin and end date. The system uses these values to select the appropriate effective-dated plan-level requirement groups.

Academic Sub-Plan

Enter an academic subplan for use in the what-if scenario. The system uses this value to select the appropriate effective-dated subplan-level requirement groups.

Plan Sequence

Displays a sequence number. This sequential number is supplied by the system. This number indicates the order (or sequence) of multiple subplans, if any. The plan with the lowest sequence number is considered primary within the program. The user can override the number, if necessary.

Advisement Status

Enter how the what-if subplan is evaluated in the what-if degree audit. Values are:

Include: Indicates that the advisement status of the what-if subplan is included in the degree audit.

Do Not Include: Indicates that the advisement status of the what-if subplan is not included in the degree audit.

Optional: Indicates that the what-if academic subplan appears on the report but is not counted towards graduation.

Click the OK button to save the page and return to the Report Request page. Click the Cancel button to exit the page without saving the what-if information on the page. Click the Apply button to save the page and continue working.