Producing Academic Advisement Transcript Reports

This chapter provides an overview of online and batch advisement transcript reports and discusses how to:

Note. For samples of these reports, see the Portable Document Format (PDF) files published on CD-ROM with your documentation.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Producing Academic Advisement Reports

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Online and Batch Advisement Transcript Reports

The advisement report is the degree audit report that reflects a student's progress towards graduation. This report is the core function of the Academic Advisement application. The report indicates whether the student has completed all of the requirements that the student needs to graduate or whether the student still needs to satisfy outstanding requirements.

The advisement report discussed in this chapter is a type of transcript. You can produce a report that includes or excludes the student's academic history (academic transcript). The transcript type that you specify at runtime determines which format the system uses (advisement or transcript).

Important! This chapter discusses advisement reports generated using the following components: Student Advisement Report (AA_RPT), Transcript Request Component (TSCRPT_RQST), Batch Transcript Request (RUNCTL_SR_TSBATCH), or View Degree Progress Report (SS_AA_REPORT). Refer to the chapters, Producing Academic Advisement Reports and Using Self Service Academic Advisement, to learn how to generate online advisement reports, including what-if reports, using other administrative and self-service components. In this PeopleBook, an academic advisement report (or advisement report) or academic advisement transcript report is also referred to as a degree progress report or degree audit report. An academic advisement transcript report typically refers to a report that includes the academic transcript, as well as the degree audit information.

See Producing Academic Advisement Reports.

See Using Academic Advisement Self Service.

The core function of Academic Advisement is the ability to generate an advisement report for a student, several students, or a group (batch) of students. You use different components depending on how many reports you want to produce. You can also store data in the analysis database.

After you run the report process, you can view the results online and print the results.

Note. During the analysis process, the advisement engine does not recognize courses that you entered into the system using the Historical Course Enrollment page. Any historical courses that you entered into a student's record are used for record and history tracking purposes only.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can process advisement reports, you must set up advisement transcript types in the Transcript Type (TSCRPT_TYPE) component.

Note. On the Basic Data page, where you define transcript types, select the Advising Report check box to designate the transcript type as an academic advisement transcript type unless you are running a special usage report. Only academic advisement transcript types result in academic advisement transcript reports.

Before students can run self-service advisement reports, designate at least one transcript type for self-service by selecting the Allow Student Self-Service check box on the Basic Data page.

Important! If you plan to use the advisement transcript, which is defined in the TSCRPT_TYPE component, then you must also define an advisement report type with that same name (ADVIP, for example) using the Define Advisement Report (SAA_RPT_TYPE) component. Otherwise, when you generate an advisement transcript report (using the AA_RPT component, for example), the system will not process degree audit report results for that student. Field values that you select on the SAA_RPT_TYPE component are ignored when generating the advisement transcript, with two exceptions: the effective date, and the program status.

Effective Date: The As of Date on the Request Detail page of the AA_RPT component recognizes the effective date of the advisement report type. If the effective date on the advisement report type is greater than the As of Date, then the system will not process degree audit report results for the student.

Program Status: You must identify within the SAA_RPT_TYPE component the program statuses that are valid for the transcript type. The system obeys valid program status values that you define on the Define Advisement Report component when you generate an advisement transcript report. For example, if you select Active as the only valid program status on the SAA_RPT_TYPE component, then the results for the corresponding advisement transcript do not include report results for a student if his program status is, for example, Completed.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing an Online Academic Advisement Transcript Report

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create an Online Academic Advisement Transcript Report

Page Name

Definition Name



Request Header


  • Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Student Advisement Report, Request Header

  • Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request, Request Header

Select the type of transcript and set other general parameters of the report request.

Request Detail


Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Student Advisement Report, Request Detail

Select a student ID and, as necessary, what-if options.

Send To Information


Click the Send button on the Request Detail page.

Specify the recipient to whom you want to mail the advisement report.

Report Results


  • Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Student Advisement Report, Report Results

  • Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request, Report Results

View the results of your transcript request process. Depending on the transcript type, you may see a transcript only, a transcript and an audit report, or only an audit report.

Report Errors


  • Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Student Advisement Report, Report Errors

  • Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request, Report Errors

View the reporting errors. If the Report Results page is blank or incomplete after you click the Process Request button on the Request Detail page or the word Errors rather than Successful appears next to the Print button, check this page. All of the report errors are described in detail in the Message Text field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting the Transcript Type and General Parameters

Access the Request Header page (Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Student Advisement Report, Request Header or Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request, Request Header).

Report Request Nbr (report request number)

Displays the identification number for this report request .

Request Date and User ID

Displays system-supplied values. The request date reflects the date that the report was requested. The user ID identifies the person who requested the report.


Enter the institution to which both the transcript type data and the students that you process are associated.

Transcript Type

Enter the type of transcript (for example, advising) that you want to process. You created transcript types using the Transcript Type component. Degree audit information displays only on transcript types for which you selected the Advising Report check box on the Basic Data page.

You can use a special usage value as an academic advisement transcript type.

See Setting Up Special Requirement Usage Values.

Note. Any modified usage value can be associated with a transcript type and then entered in the Transcript Type field. Modified usage values are established on the Requirement Usage page and attached to a transcript type on the Basic Data page. These values are effective-dated and match the student's requirement term.

Freeze Record

Select to prevent this request from being purged during a subsequent transcript purge process.

Override Service Indicator

Select to have the system ignore student-specific service indicators when you process the request. If this check box is not selected, then service indicators are evaluated.

For instance, some service indicators prevent a student from receiving a transcript.

See Managing Service Indicators.

Output Destination

Select the output destination of the transcript. This value determines where the system sends the electronic results of the process. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort. Values are:

Page: Sends the transcripts to the Report Results page to be viewed online before printing. You can then click the Print button to initialize Crystal, where you can view and print transcripts using a new window.

Printer: Like the Page option, sends the transcripts to the Report Results page to be viewed online before printing. You can then click the Print button to initialize Crystal, where you can view and print transcripts using a new window.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Number of Copies

Enter the number of copies that you require. When the output destination is Printer, the default value of 1 also serves as the default value on the Request Detail page. On the Request Detail page, you can override this value on a student-by-student basis.

Note. The Number of Copies and Print Date fields are available only if the Output Destination field value is Printer.

Future Release

Select the future release value that triggers when the system processes the transcript request through a batch generation process running in the background. Values are:

Immediate Processing: Indicates that no specific future release transcript request exists.

Degree Confer Date: Indicates that when the degree is conferred, a transcript or degree audit is produced. The Career and Term fields become available for entry.

Grades Post: Indicates that when a fully graded date is reached, a transcript or degree audit is produced. The Career and Term fields become available for entry.

Specific Date: Indicates that a transcript request is produced on the user-specified date.

Hold: Indicates that the production of a transcript or degree audit is on hold. A report is not produced until you click the Process Request button on the Request Detail page.

For example, this field value could be used if transfer work is due to be received for a student. An advisor could set up the parameters for a transcript or degree audit report and wait until all of the work has been posted before running the report.

Transfer Credit Post: Indicates that a transcript request is produced when transfer credit is posted.

Academic Career

Displays the academic career in which the future release is valid. The field is available when you enter a future release value of Degree Confer Date or Grades Post.


Enter the term in which the future release is valid. The field is available when you enter a future release value of Degree Confer Date or Grades Post.

Print Date

The current date appears by default as the print date. You can modify this value, as necessary. The field is unavailable if you enter a future release value of Immediate Processing, Degree Confer Date, or Grades Post.

Request Reason

Enter the request reason code for this request. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values. Values are None, Data Change, End of Term Print, External Request, Graduation, Student's Request, and Web Transcript Request.

Cancel Request

Select to cancel the print request.

Report Format

Report Format

Select the format for the report. For this field to be available, the Advising Report check box on the Basic Data page must be selected and the transcript type must be an advisement report type or a special usage report type. Values are:

Standard Report Format: The report is printed as hard copy or delivered to a page. The analysis database does not refresh when the Report Format field value is Standard Report Format. This value is the default.

Analysis Database: The report is written to the analysis database. The report is stored in computer-readable format; therefore, application programs can be written against the tables to create modified reports. This is the only field value that refreshes the database tables.

Completed Only: The report contains only those requirements that have been wholly completed. Normally, the degree audit report applies bold type to incomplete requirement groups and requirements, but not to completed requirement groups and requirements.

Incompleted Only: The report contains only those requirements that have not been totally completed. This field value can help a counselor determine exactly what requirements a student needs to satisfy to graduate.

Note. Enter Analysis Database in the Report Format field to write the degree audit report to the analysis database for future use by other Crystal and SQR reports or COBOL programs. Data stored in these academic advisement analysis tables can be reused. The tables can be queried for data.

These tables do not automatically purge and must be updated to remain current.

Note. Use multiple report format rows to both print and write a report to the analysis database.

See Understanding the Analysis Database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Student and What-If Data for Processing

Access the Request Detail page (Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Student Advisement Report, Request Detail).

Use this page to enter student and what-if data.

Important! To define what-if analysis data, you must be in Add mode. If the page is in the Update/Display mode, you can view an existing report, but you can not update or change the report. Each report is dated, so there is no reason to update a report when you can run the report again using today's date as the request date on the Request Header page.

Note. To improve degree audit run times, limit the number of individual reports (request detail records) for online display to 10 per transcript request header. You must retrieve all of the detail report lines for a transcript request header, and if you have a large amount of individual requests, the system attempts to load all of the data.

Note. You do not have to use a what-if scenario to run a report. In fact, a what-if scenario may not be used often.

Under what-if analysis, these what-if functions are available: Stored What-If, Quick What-If, and Course List What-If.

Seq Nbr (sequence number)

Displays a sequence number. This system-supplied number is sequential. This number determines the order in which the individual report requests are processed. The user can override this number, if necessary.


Enter the ID of the student for whom the report is to be run.

As of Date

The audit report accurately reflects all of the relevant student data as of this date. The date 01/01/3000 appears by default, but you can modify it at each runtime. To set the field default to the current date, leave the Transcript Default As of Date field blank on the Installation Student Administration page.

A value in this field is required. This field is used to include or exclude future-dated programs, plans, sub-plans, conditions, and entity groups when you run an academic advisement transcript report. When you run the audit report, all of the student data except course work as of the As of Date field value is included in the audit.

Regardless of the value in the As of Date field, all of the courses on a student's transcript are used.

What-if Analysis

Enable Stored What-If and Stored What-If

Select to enable the Stored What-If option. Click the Stored What-If link to create a new stored what-if scenario or run the degree audit report based on previously stored what-if information for the student.

Quick What-If

Clear the Enable Stored What-If check box to enable this option. Click to run a simulated academic advisement report that compares the student's transcript against a proposed academic career, program, plan, and sub-plan that you enter using the Quick What-If Analysis Report page.

Course List What-If

Clear the Enable Stored What-If check box to enable this option. Click to select an existing course from the course catalog to use during a what-if analysis.

Important! The Course List What-If option can be used in combination with the Stored What-If option or the Quick What-If option. You cannot use the Stored What-If option and the Quick What-If option at the same time. These combinations are possible: Course List What-If option alone, Course List What-If option and Stored What-If option, Course List What-If option and Quick What-If option, Stored What-If option alone, and Quick What-If option alone.


If the report is to be sent to a recipient, click to access the Send To Information page and enter the recipient information.

See Also

Understanding What-If Advisement Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Send To Information

Access the Send To Information page (Click the Send button on the Request Detail page).

Specify External Org ID (specify external organization ID)

Select to send the transcript to an external organization that is already in your database. Enter the appropriate organization number and location. If you do not select this check box, enter the address of the requester.


Click to exit the page and return to the Request Detail page.

Process Request and Output Destination

Click the Process Request button on the Request Detail page when you are ready to submit the requests for processing. The system sends the degree audit report to the specified output destination on the Request Header page.


Click to print all of the reports listed on the page. Use the Report Manager to view the Crystal report. When multiple sequence number rows are present, all of the listed reports print.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Printing Advisement Report Results

Access the Report Results page (Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Student Advisement Report, Report Results or Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request, Report Results).

The academic advisement report prints in academic structure order. The career, program, and plan are listed. Depending on the print controls and options in force, specific requirements, requirement details, and courses used or needed to satisfy requirements print on the report.

Career level requirements print under the program levels on reports. Most students have only one career and one program. However, if a student has two programs (for example, LAU and FAU), then the UGRD level requirement prints under each declared program rather than under undergraduate requirements. As a result, a single requirement may appear more than once in an audit report even though it is required only once.

Note. Processing order and reporting order are different. Processing order refers to the order in which courses are processed by the audit engine. Academic structure, requirement group number, and reporting sequence number affect processing order. Reporting order refers to the order in which courses, requirements, and requirement groups are printed in the audit report.

In general, the long description of the requirement groups, requirements, and requirement lines appear. Under each long description of the requirement groups and requirements, the report contains information about grade point average (GPA) and units. If the student has not met a requirement, the heading is printed in bold type. If the requirement has been met, the heading is not printed in bold type.

When courses are printed, information about the term, course, course description, units, grade, and code appears in the report. (Courses are always printed in chronological order based on term.) Additionally, if any courses were transferred from an external organization, detail is listed. Codes include EN (regularly enrolled course credit), IT (internal transfer course credit), TE (test credit), OT (other credit), and TR (external transfer course credit).

Note. Course substitutions and overrides appear on the academic advisement transcript report. If a requirement group or requirement with a usage of Student Individualized Plan is overridden, this information appears at the bottom of the advisement report. Also, any discrepancy between the units that appear and the GPA calculation is noted. A discrepancy occurs if the units earned differ from the units taken.

Click the Print button to store a printable PDF version of the Report Results page in Report Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChecking for Report Errors

Access the Report Errors page (Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Student Advisement Report, Report Errors or Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Request, Report Errors).

Seq Nbr (sequence number)

Displays a system-supplied sequential number. This number determined the order in which the individual report requests were processed.


Displays the message sequence number.

Message Text

Displays the error description.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing Batch Academic Advisement Transcript Reports

This section discusses how to use the Batch Transcript Request component to process academic advisement transcript reports for a large group of students.

To store data in the analysis database using the batch process, enter a value in the Transcript Type field that references the advising process, and then select the Database Report check box.

See Also

Processing Batch Transcripts (Application Engine)

Click to jump to parent topicProducing Quick What-If and Stored What-If Advisement Reports

This section provides an overview of what-if advisement reports and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding What-If Advisement Reports

Using the what-if advising capabilities, you can run a simulated advisement report for a student that shows degree progress based on courses the student proposes to take. You can also run a simulated academic advisement report that compares the student's transcript against multiple careers, programs, plans, and sub-plans. You can include individual courses with credit in the process. You can set conditions, such as multiple requirement terms, that enable you to use the appropriate requirement groups in the audit processing.

In addition, nonposted transfer credit can also be included in a what-if audit when the audit report is run from the self-service application. Modeling transfer credit enables students who are not term-activated, prospective applicants, or visitors to run a what-if audit using self-reported, completed, but not yet posted transfer credit. Instead of posting credit, which can only be accomplished if a student is term-activated, the model becomes completed. The internal equivalents are then available as input into the degree progress analysis, which enables the student, applicant, or visitor to view how many requirements of the proposed degree program have been satisfied. Only internal equivalents from models that have the same targeted program as the self-service model are picked up in the audit.

These what-if capabilities enable the academic advisor or student to run any number of degree audit reports based on what-if situations:

You can use the Course List What-If option in combination with either the Stored What-If option or the Quick What-If option. You cannot use the Stored What-If option and the Quick What-If option at the same time. These combinations are possible: Course List What-If option alone, Course List What-If option and Stored What-If option, Course List What-If option and Quick What-If option, Stored What-If option alone, and Quick What-If option alone.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define What-If Scenarios

Page Name

Definition Name



Course List What-If Analysis


Click the Course List What-If link on the Request Detail page.

Select a course or list of courses from the course catalog to use during a what-if analysis.

Course Search


Click the Search button on the Course List What-If Analysis page.

Enter, review, and select a what-if course for use in a what-if analysis.

Quick What-If Analysis Report


Click the Quick What-If link on the Request Detail page.

Enter quick what-if parameters to run a simulated academic advisement report that compares the student's transcript against a one-time proposed academic career, program, plan, and sub-plan.

Program What-If


Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Set Up What-If Data

Click the Stored What-If link on the Request Detail page.

Define a stored what-if program scenario for a student.

Plan What-If


Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Set Up What-If Data

Click the Stored What-If link on the Request Detail page.

Define a what-if plan scenario for a student.

SubPlan What-If


Academic Advisement, Student Advisement, Set Up What-If Data

Click the Stored What-If link on the Request Detail page.

Define a what-if sub-plan scenario for a student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting the Course List What-If Option

Access the Course List What-If Analysis page (Click the Course List What-If link on the Request Detail page).

Warning! Previously defined student course substitutions do not apply to what-if courses.

Note. Enter the courses in the order in which you want to simulate the courses being taken. If courses are required to be taken in a certain order (for example, 100-level courses before 200-level courses), then enter the simulated courses in the correct order.

  1. Enter the Course ID or the Subject (with or without the catalog number) of the simulated course.

  2. Click the Search button to retrieve available courses.

    The Course Search page appears.

If the course has a requirement designation attached to it, the system automatically selects the requirement designation and displays it in the Requirement Designation field. When you run the degree audit, the audit engine assumes successful completion of the what-if course and the requirement designation, and displays the results on the Report Results page of the degree audit report.

Remember that some courses are set up so that the student can opt to take the course with or without the requirement designation. If the student does not plan to take the course with the requirement designation, you can clear the requirement designation value from the Requirement Designation field. The audit engine will evaluate the course without the requirement designation. Consequently, if the degree requirement asks for the requirement designation to be completed, the what-if course will not satisfy a requirement. The Requirement Designation field is not editable when a course requirement designation is not optional.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering a What-if Course

Access the Course Search page (Click the Search button on the Course List What-If Analysis page).

Click the Select Course button to enter the course information on the Course List What-If Analysis page.

The system supplies the Units Taken field value on the Course List What-If Analysis page. You can change this value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Quick What-If Parameters

Access the Quick What-If Analysis Report page (Click the Quick What-If link on the Request Detail page).

You can generate a quick what-if report for various scenarios, for example, you can generate a report based on a student's:

Important! If you leave the current fields empty, then only the what-if values are taken into account during the what-if analysis. Enter values in the current fields if the student has multiple programs, plans, and sub-plans and you want to override a specific program, plan, and sub-plan during the what-if analysis. For example, if a student's primary plan is Accounting but the student has a second plan of Communications and the what-if plan is Business with a requirement term of Fall 1998, then the analysis overrides all of the existing plans (Accounting and Communications) if the Current Plan field is blank. The what-if report will display results for the analysis of the what-if Business plan. However, if you enter Accounting as the value for the Current Plan field, then the what-if analysis overrides the plan of Accounting only and retains the plan of Communications. Thus, the student is evaluated for a double major in Communications and Business.

Click OK to save and exit the Quick What-If Analysis Report page and return to the Request Detail page. Click Cancel to exit the page without saving the what-if information.

If you have a more complex scenario to run involving multiple careers, programs, or plans, use the stored what-if feature.

Career Information

Current Career

(Optional) If you enter a value in this field, the system automatically populates fields in the Career Information and Program Information group boxes with the information from the student's current career and program.

What-if Career

Enter the substitute or what-if career.

Career Requirement Term

Enter a what-if requirement term (catalog year) value for the career override. The system uses this value to select the correct effective-dated, career-level requirement groups.

Program Information

Career Nbr

The value 0 (zero) appears by default for this field. If required, change the default value. For instance, you may want to change the default value when the student has two career numbers in the same academic program.

Current Program

This is a display-only field. If you entered a value in the Current Career field, the system automatically enters a value in this field. If the student has two active programs, the system enters a program with the lowest student career number. If you leave the current career field blank, then no current program information appears.

Leave this field blank to override all of the student's current programs.

Program Requirement Term

Enter the desired what-if requirement term for the what-if academic program. The system uses this value to select the correct effective-dated, program-level requirement groups.

What-if Program

Enter the substitute or what-if program.

Plan Information

Current Plan

Enter a value only if you want to override a student's specific plan.

This field is available only when you select a Current Career field value (you cannot enter a current plan if you did not enter a value in the Current Career field).

Leave this field blank to override all of the student's plans except the what-if plan. For example, let us suppose that the student has an undergraduate career, with a Liberal Arts program, and Biology and History plans. The user leaves the current career blank, enters career and program requirement terms, enters a what-if program of Liberal Arts, and enters a what-if plan of Philosophy. When the user generates the quick what-if report, the audit will show results for the Philosophy plan only. The audit engine will not process results for the Biology or History plans. It will override all the other program and plan data for that career.

Plan Requirement Term

After you specify a plan override, you must enter a what-if requirement term. The system uses this value to select the correct effective-dated, plan-level requirement groups.

What-if Plan

Enter the substitute or what-if plan.

Subplan Information

Current Sub-Plan

Enter a value only if you want to override a student's specific subplan. Leave this field blank to override all of the student's current subplans.

Sub-Plan Requirement Term

After you specify a sub-plan override, you must enter a what-if requirement term. The system uses this value to select the correct effective-dated, sub-plan level requirement groups.

What-if Sub-Plan

Enter the substitute or what-if sub-plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Stored What-If Program for a Student

Access the Program What-If page (Click the Stored What-If link on the Request Detail page).


Click to retrieve the student's existing record. Values are automatically supplied in appropriate fields. The page must be in Add mode to create a new what-if program scenario. You can use these field values to build what-if career and program data. You can change field values and insert rows, as necessary.

Program Status

Displays the value selected when you click the Copy button.

If you selected Active Only, then all of the active careers, programs, plans, and sub-plans are copied and can be used in this program what-if scenario. If you selected All Status, then all of the careers, programs, plans, and sub-plans (both active and inactive) are copied and can be used in this program what-if scenario.

Academic Institution

Enter the academic institution that contains the stored what-if scenario.


Select how the program is processed in the what-if degree audit. Values are:

INCL: Includes the advisement status of the what-if career and program in the degree audit. This value appears by default.

NINC: Excludes the advisement status of the what-if career and program in the degree audit.

OPT: The what-if career and program appear on the report, but they are not counted towards graduation.

Academic Career and Student Career Nbr (student career number)

Appear by default from the prompt page.

The student's primary career is designated as student career number 0. You can change the career and student career number for use in the what-if scenario.

To create a stored what-if scenario with multiple programs tied to the same career, insert two rows of career and program data on this page. For example, you can insert a liberal arts program as well as a fine arts program and tie each to a career of undergraduate. Be sure to attach the program that you want as the student's what-if primary academic program to the row with the lowest student career number. In the previous example, one of the rows would be Undergraduate, Liberal Arts and the other row would be Undergraduate, Fine Arts. Each row would have a different student career number.

To create a stored what-if scenario with multiple careers, insert one additional row of data on this page for each additional career. For example, you can insert a liberal arts program tied to an undergraduate career, as well as a liberal arts program tied to a graduate career. In this case, all of the student career number field values should be 0. On this page, the student career number field values should only be different if you want to identify which career among identical career values references the primary academic program.

Career Requirement Term

Enter the career requirement term to determine which career-level requirement groups will be used in the audit. For example, all of the undergraduate requirements with an effective date before Fall 1999 are used in the audit if the career requirement term is Fall 1999.

Requirement Term

Enter the what-if starting term of the student. Each requirement term has a begin and end date. The system uses this value to select the appropriate effective-dated program-level requirement groups.

Academic Program

Enter the what-if academic program for the student. You can enter a future-dated program.

Admit Term

Enter the term in which the student was admitted to the what-if program.

Expected Grad Term (expected graduation term)

Enter the term in which the student is expected to graduate.

Joint Prog Appr (joint program approved)

Select if the student has dual academic programs in this what-if scenario.

Dual Academic Program

Enter the dual academic program if the Joint Prog Appr check box is selected. If you enter a program, the student will have dual academic programs (as stated on this page) for this what-if scenario.


Enter the campus that the student attends.

Acad Load (academic load)

Select the academic load for the student in this what-if scenario. Values are: None, Full-Time, and Part-Time. Full-Time appears by default. None converts to Full-Time. Each institution defines full-time and part-time academic loads.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Stored What-If Plan for a Student

Access the Plan What-If page (Click the Stored What-If link on the Request Detail page).

Plan Description

Requirement Term

Enter the student's what-if starting term. Each requirement term has a begin and end date. The system uses this value to select the appropriate effective-dated plan-level requirement groups.

Academic Plan

Enter the what-if academic plan for the student. You can select a future-dated plan.

Plan Sequence

Enter the what-if plan sequence number that indicates the order (or sequence) of multiple plans or sub-plans, if any. The plan with the lowest sequence number is considered primary within the program.

Advisement Status

Enter the advisement status that indicates for this what-if academic plan how the plan is processed in the what-if degree audit. Values are:

INCL: The advisement status of the what-if plan is included in the degree audit. This value appears by default.

NINC: The advisement status of the what-if plan is not included in the degree audit.

OPT: The what-if academic plan appears on the report but is not counted towards graduation.


Displays the degree that is associated with the plan.

Degree Checkout Stat (degree checkout status)

Displays the degree checkout status.

If you click the Copy button on the Program What-If page, then the degree checkout status appears by default. This value does not affect the what-if analysis.

Student Degree Nbr (student degree number)

Displays the student degree number.

If you click the Copy (from student record) button on the Program What-If page, a value may appear. This value does not affect the what-if analysis.

Completion Term

Displays the student's anticipated completion term.

If you click the Copy (from student record) button on the Program What-If page, a value may appear. This value does not affect the what-if analysis.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Stored What-If Sub-Plan for a Student

Access the SubPlan What-If page (Click the Stored What-If link on the Request Detail page).

Academic SubPlan

Requirement Term

Enter the start term for the subplan what-if analysis.

The system uses the start date for the term to select the appropriate effective-dated sub-plan-level requirement groups.

Academic Sub-Plan

Enter the student's what-if academic sub-plan. You can select a future-dated subplan.

Academic Sub-Plan Type

Enter the appropriate academic sub-plan type prompts from the Academic Sub-Plan Table page.

Sequence Number

Enter the order (or sequence) of multiple sub-plans, if any. The sub-plan with the lowest sequence number is considered primary within the plan.

Advisement Status

Enter how the sub-plan is evaluated in the what-if degree audit. Values are:

INCL (default): The advisement status of the what-if sub-plan is included in the degree audit.

NINC: The advisement status of the what-if sub-plan is not included in the degree audit.

OPT: The what-if academic sub-plan appears on the report but is not counted towards graduation.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Self-Service Advisement Reports

See Processing Self-Service Advisement Reports.