(NZL) Setting Up for NSI Processing

This section provides an overview of National Student Index (NSI) processing setup and discusses how to:

See Also

(NZL) Managing NSI Data

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding NSI Processing Setup

The New Zealand Ministry of Education maintains the NSI and assigns National Student Numbers (NSNs). The Ministry requires that you maintain certain data for students, that you report any changes to that data, and that you request NSNs for students at your institution who do not have NSNs.

Note. It is important that you clearly understand the New Zealand Ministry of Education NSI process before you begin using PeopleSoft NSI functionality. Consult the Guide to Integrating with National Student Index (GINS) available on the Ministry of Education web site www.minedu.govt.nz. The PeopleSoft solution is based on Version 2.0 - May 2002 of the GINS document.

PeopleSoft provides batch processes to facilitate the exchange of information to and from NSI. The processes are discussed in the (NZL) Managing NSI Data section.

To facilitate NSI change reporting, you can set your PeopleSoft system to automatically add updated records to the NSI Suspense Table when online changes are made to any of the required NSI fields. The NSI Suspense Table is the repository for data that you want to send to NSI and for the data that you receive back from NSI. With updated records automatically added to the suspense table, the latest data is in one place, ready to extract and send to NSI.

To set up NSI change processing:

  1. Select the Enable Online NSI Processing check box on the Extensions page of the CC Installation component to enable the functionality.

    When this check box is selected, any changes made to an ID that is NSI enabled (step 4) will trigger Integration Broker to determine if the change is to a required NSI field. (A list of NSI fields is provided in the "Managing NSI Data" section of this PeopleBook.)

  2. Activate PeopleTools Integration Broker to either insert a row inside the NSI Suspense Table at save time when a change is made with a current effective date inside the Add/Update a Person component (SCC_BIO_DEMO_DATA), or to insert a row inside the NSI Future Suspense table (SCC_NSI_SUSFUTR) when a change is made with a future effective date.

  3. Run the Suspense Futures application engine program (SCCNSISUSFUT) to move data from the NSI Future Suspense table to the NSI Suspense Table when a change with a future date becomes current.

  4. For each student with an NSN, confirm that the NSI Processing Enabled check box is selected on the Regional page of the Add/Update a Person component.

    Note. The Request NSN process (CCNSIRQN), which is the process that identifies students in your database who need NSNs, selects the NSI Processing Enabled check box as part of the process. You can also select the check box manually.

    See Requesting NSNs.

Click to jump to parent topicAccessing the NSI Website

To access the NSI, you must request a login ID and password from the New Zealand Ministry of Education and be able to access the Ministry of Education website.

See Also

(AUS, CAN, JPN, NZL, NLD) Selecting Country-Specific Information

(NZL) Managing NSI Data

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up NSI Change Processing

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling NSI Change Processing

Select the Enable Online NSI Processing check box on the Extensions page of the CC Installation component.

See (NZL) Reviewing or Defining Default Installation Settings for National Student Index Processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating PeopleTools Integration Broker for NSI

In PeopleSoft Application Designer, set the PERSON_BASIC_SYNC message subscription SCC_NSI_PERSON_SYNC to Active.

In PeopleTools Integration Broker, verify or add the transaction message PERSON_BASIC_SYNC with an Active status to the InAsync and OutAsync node definitions for the "internal" version.

In PeopleTools Integration Broker, verify that service operation monitor is set to PERSON_DATA with a status of Running.

See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developers Guide, "Using PeopleSoft Application Designer," Viewing and Editing Definition Properties

See PeopleTools: Integration Broker Administration

See PeopleTools: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicScheduling the NSI Suspense Future Program

In PeopleSoft Application Engine, schedule the Suspense Future program (SCCNSISUSFUT) with a process frequency of Always and a recurrence that runs once per day sometime after midnight but before the opening of business (for example, EffectiveDateChange).

See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Application Engine, "Managing Application Engine Programs, Running Application Engine Programs"