Managing External Award Reporting

This chapter describes methods for entering and processing external award data into the core set of External Award Staging records. After external award transactions are posted to the External Award Staging table, you load external award transactions and finally post a new or updated award to the student award tables.

This chapter provides an overview of external award processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding External Award Processing

A core set of External Award Staging records maintain the external award transaction data. Each transaction is keyed with a set of values and has a processing status that indicates the loading of that transaction into the student award records.

The following diagram provides a high-level flow of the various data sources that update the core set of External Award Staging tables. After external award data or transactions have been updated to the staging tables, a separate External Award Load process is run to determine whether and how the external award data is to update the student award tables.

Flow of external award data

Click to jump to parent topicManually Adding External Award Data

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Add External Award Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Add External Awards by Type


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Add External Awards by Type, Add External Awards by Type

Add an external award type and source to one or multiple students.

Award Disbursement Detail


Click the Award Detail link on the Add External Awards by Type page.

Add award disbursement details.

Add External Awards


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Add External Awards to Student, Add External Awards

Add one or more external awards for a single student.

View Award Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Add External Awards to Student, View Award Summary

View a student's award record and need summary totals to make an overall assessment before manually adding a new external award transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding External Awards by Type

Access the Add External Awards by Type page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Add External Awards by Type, Add External Awards by Type).

Use this page to quickly enter external awards with the same external award attributes, such as a list of students who are recipients of a graduate departmental award. You can identify the attributes or directly indicate item type and then list the student IDs and award amounts. You can also enter specific award details beyond the annual award amount.

Award Type

(Optional) Select an award type defined on the External Award Type page. The financial aid item types associated with the combination external award type and source on the External Award Cross Reference setup page are displayed in the Item Type lookup.


(Optional) Select an award source defined on the External Award Source page. The financial aid item types associated with the combination external award type and source on the External Award Cross Reference setup page are displayed in the Item Type lookup.



(Optional) Use if more than one program is defined for a source.


Item Type

(Optional) If you entered an award type and source, select an associated item type. If you did not enter an award type and source, your list of item types displays all active item types for this aid year.

Note. You can specify either the item type or the award type and source (and program). To save the data on the page, select one.


Loan Certification

If this external award is a School Loan Certification Request, select this check box. When this check box is selected, the Related Item Type field appears:

  • If your Loan Certification Request is for a Stafford loan, select a related item type that evaluates both subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford item types. The External Award Load process evaluates federal need eligibility, as if awarding a subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loan on the standard award entry pages.

  • If your Loan Certification Request is for a federal PLUS or alternative loan, identify the item type.

Note. Identify an external award as a Loan Certification only after you have completed the necessary steps to process School Certification Request Applications for CommonLine. If the external award process determines the student's loan eligibility and successfully posts a loan award, then continue to process the loan certification according to the steps outlined in the "Processing CommonLine Loans" chapter.

See Setting Up External Awards.

See Processing CommonLine Loans.


Entry Code (Reporting code in the record layout)

(Required) Determines how transaction data is posted to the student's award package. Values are:

  • Append: Use to increase an existing award. Append transactions can increase annual award amounts to specific disbursement ID amounts. If the item type to be posted does not already exist, the External Award Load process treats the transaction as if Entry Code were New.

  • New: Use for external awards reported once each aid year. If the item type to be posted already exists, the External Award Load process sets the transaction to Error.

  • Replace: This is the default value when you are entering transactions manually. Use this value to change an existing annual and disbursement details of an award. If the item type to be posted does not already exist, the External Award Load process treats the transaction as if the Entry Code value is New.


Award Amount

(Optional) Enter the annual amount of the award in U.S. dollars and cents. The Entry Code value determines how the amount affects an existing award.


Award Detail

Click the Award Detail link to access the Award Disbursement Detail page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Award Disbursement Details

Access the Award Disbursement Detail page (click the Award Detail link on the Add External Awards by Type page).

Use this page to enter additional details relevant to the external award transaction.


Enter a description of the external award to display on student self-service pages.

Award Amount

(Optional) Enter the annual amount to be posted. If scheduled disbursement amounts are provided, the cumulative scheduled disbursement amounts must equal the annual award amount. If this field is blank, and scheduled disbursement detail is provided, then the annual award amount is assigned the sum of scheduled disbursement amounts.

Disbursed Amount

(Optional) Enter the total disbursed amount to be posted. If disbursement detail amounts are provided, the cumulative amounts must equal the disbursed amount. If this field is blank and disbursement detail is provided, then Disbursed Amount is assigned the sum of the disbursement detail amounts. The Disbursed Amount field appears based on row order after the external award information is saved.

Note. Disbursed Amount is updated only when the item type has a Disburse Method value of No.

Academic Career

The student's active career appears by default. If the student has multiple careers within an aid year, select the career to which the external award should be posted.

Disbursement Plan

(Optional) If provided, then the disbursement plan (DP) is used. If the DP is not provided, the default DP from the item type's career default DP/Split Code (SC) is used. If the default DP/SC does not work with the student's active term enrollment, the External Award Load process attempts to locate an appropriate DP/SC based on the student's active term enrollment.

If a DP/SC is not found, the External Award Load process creates an error transaction. For Replace/Append transactions, this must be the same value used on the posted (noncanceled) award.

Note. A split code does not need to be provided if a Disbursement Plan code is provided. Providing only a Disbursement Plan code allows the External Award Load process to establish the term disbursement structure and define the specific distribution based on amounts provided in the transaction.

Split Code

(Optional) If provided, this split code is used to determine the disbursement split formula. Split code is set to XX if disbursement data is provided on the External Award transaction.

Disb Nbr (disbursement number)

System assigned. After the external award information is saved, Disb Nbr appears based on row order. It is the award disbursement to be processed for this external award transaction.

Disb ID (disbursement ID)

(Optional) If known, the disbursement ID allows for specific award disbursement detailed amounts to be processed. It is typically used to append a disbursement amount to a specific disbursement ID on an existing award.

Scheduled Award

The scheduled or allocated disbursement amount.

Disbursed Amount

The disbursed or paid amount at the disbursement sequence level.

Note. The disbursed amount on the posted award is updated only when the item type has a Disburse Method value of No.


(Optional) If provided, the External Award Load process determines whether the term is valid with the student's enrollment. If a disbursement ID value is not provided, then the first disbursement ID for that term is updated.


Enter a comment of any length.

Visible in Self Service

Select to display this comment on the student's self-service page.


Click this button to save the entered information and return to the Add External Awards by Type page.


Click this button to delete any entered information and return to the Add External Awards by Type page.

If the External Award Load process is run for an append transaction that intends to update a disbursed amount and neither the Disb ID or Term field is specified on the Award Disbursement Detail page, an error message appears.

Note. The External Award process only allows item types that are non-disbursable to student accounts to be updated with disbursed amounts using the External Award process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding External Awards by Student

Access the Add External Awards page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Add External Awards to Student, Add External Awards).

Use this page to enter one or more external awards for a specific student.

See Also

Adding External Awards by Type

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Award Summary

Access the View Award Summary page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Add External Awards to Student, View Award Summary).

This page provides current award and need summary information. Use this page to estimate or anticipate the possible effect of an external award on a student's award package.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Existing External Award Transactions

You can view transactions, correct data, and run the External Award Load process for a specific student using Manage External Award components. The pages in the component contain similar information, but vary by the search record used.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Existing External Award Transactions

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage External Award Data


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Manage External Award Data, Manage External Award Data

View and update external award data in the External Award Staging table. Retrieve search results by transaction number, transaction date, source (external file, Self Service, manual entry, Student Financials, or loan certification file), or file mapping ID.

Award Disbursement Detail


Click the Detail link on the Award tab of the Manage External Award Data page.

Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Manage External Award Data

Enter additional details relevant to the external award transaction.

Manage External Award Data by Type


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Manage External Awards by Type, Manage External Award Data by Type

View and update external award data in the External Award Staging table. Retrieve search results by the type categories entered in the External Award Type page.

Manage External Awards Data by Status


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Manage Awards by Status, Manage External Awards Data by Status

View and update external award data. Retrieve search results by processing status.

External Awards


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Manage Student External Awards, External Awards

View and update external award data by student. When you use the page to make a remote call of the External Award Load process for a specific student, only external award transactions with an Unprocessed status are loaded.

Award Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Manage Student External Awards, Award Summary

View all existing awards and need summary for a student.

Award Disbursement Detail


Click the Detail link on the Award tab of the Manage External Award Data page (Manage Student External Awards component).

Enter additional details that are relevant to the external award transaction.

Enter comments for this award


Click the Comments link on the Status tab of the Manage External Award Data page.

Add a comment and optionally choose to display it on the student's self-service page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging External Award Data

Access the Manage External Award Data page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Manage External Award Data, Manage External Award Data).

This page displays all external award transactions (sequence numbers) associated with the transaction number. Each row of data is associated with an EMPLID and has segmented all relevant external award fields into three grid tabs: Student Information, Award, and Status. Click the icon to the right of the tabs to display all columns of data.

You can update the external award transaction until it has a status of Processed or Adjusted.

Student Information tab


Indicates the status that is specific to an external award transaction Values are:

  • Adjusted: System-assigned. Assigned during the batch External Award Load process if the transaction encountered a condition as noted in the Multi-Career batch run control option or the Term Mismatch batch run control option. Options allow transactions to be set to either Adjusted or Error.

  • Duplicate: Either set manually or set when multiple transactions with the same attributes are found during the External Award Load process.

  • Error: Transactions with an Error status have an accompanying Error code located on the Status tab. This status is assigned during the External Award Load process if an error occurred during the transaction.

  • In Process Abend: Assigned to transactions selected for a particular External Award Load process. If the program terminates during processing, batch transactions remain at this status.

  • Processed: Assigned by the system to indicate a successful External Award Load run.

  • Reported: Assigned to all new external awards with a Data Source value of Self Service.

  • Skip: Based on the Search/Match option.

  • Suspend: Based on the Search/Match option, Multi-Career batch option, or Term Mismatch batch option.

  • Unprocessed: Indicates that no attempt was made by the External Award Load process. All transactions start with this value except student-reported aid (Self Service).

Award tab

Item Type

(Required) If this field is blank, the External Award Load process uses the External Award Item Type Cross Reference setup to determine the item type to be added or updated, based on the award type and source provided. If neither is provided or the item type is not found in setup, the External Award Load process returns an Error code of Error with accompanying Error Message Code 606 (item type not found).

Rel Item (related item)

Available only when the Loan Cert check box is selected. Use to determine Stafford Subsidized and Unsubsidized eligibility. The related item type group should identify both a Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford item type for potential awarding.

Loan Cert (Loan Certification)

Indicates a Loan Certification Request with a corresponding related item type group or item type. Loan Certification always uses an Entry Code value of New. If the item type to be posted already exists on the student's award record, the External Award Load process returns a status of Error with accompanying Error Message code 612 (Invalid Report Code of New.)

If the Packaging process determines that the student is not eligible for the loan, the External Award process returns an error code of Processed with accompanying Error Message Code 646 (Student is not eligible for this award).


Appears on student self-service page to describe external award.


Click the Detail link to access the Award Disbursement Detail page.

Status tab

Entry Code (Reporting Code in the record layout)

(Required) Used to determine how transaction data is posted to the student's award package.

  • New: If the item type to be posted already exists, the External Award Load process sets the transaction to Error. Use for external awards reported once each aid year.

  • Replace: Default value when you are entering transactions manually. Use this value to change an existing annual amount and disbursement details of an award. If the item type to be posted does not already exist, the External Award Load process treats this transaction as if the Entry Code value is New.

  • Append: Use to add to an existing award. Append transactions can increase the annual award amounts, specific disbursement IDs, or both. If the item type to be posted does not already exist, the External Award Load process treats the transaction as if the Entry Code value is New.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging External Award Data by Type

Access the Manage External Award Data by Type page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Manage External Awards by Type, Manage External Award Data by Type).

This page displays all external award transactions (sequence numbers) associated with the transaction number. Each row of data is associated with an EMPLID and relevant external award fields are displayed in three grid tabs: Student Information, Award, and Status. Click the icon to the right of the tabs to display all columns of data.

You can update the external award transaction until it has a status of Processed or Adjusted.

You can filter results by processing status, entry code, or both.

See Also

Managing External Award Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging External Award Data by Status

Access the Manage External Award Data by Status page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Manage Awards by Status, Manage External Award Data).

The Manage External Award Data by Status page displays all external award transactions (sequence numbers) associated with the transaction number. Each row of data is associated with an EMPLID and all relevant external award fields are segmented into three grid tabs: Student Information, Award, and Status. Click the icon to the right of the tabs to display all three sets of fields.

You can update the external award transaction until it has a status of Processed or Adjusted.

You can filter results by processing status, entry code, or both.

See Also

Managing External Award Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Loading a Student's External Award Data

Access the External Awards page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Manage Student External Awards, External Awards).

This page displays all external award transactions for this ID. Each row of data is keyed by transaction number and sequence number. All relevant external award fields are segmented into three grid tabs: Student Information, Award, and Status. Click the icon to the right of the tabs to display all three sets of fields.

You can update the external award transaction until it has a status of Processed or Adjusted.

You can filter results by type, source, and processing status.

See Managing External Award Data.

Aid Processing Status (Also known as Package Status)

Display-only field.

If the Aid Processing status is Packaging Completed and you click the Load button to run an online External Award Load process, the value changes to Repackage, making the student a candidate for the batch Repackaging process.

That is, this field is updated after you run the External Award Load process only if the prior status was Packaging Completed. You can change the status on this page. During the batch External Award Load process, use the Exclude Equation parameter to prevent selected IDs from having the status change to Repackaging.

See Loading Data to the Student Award Table.


Click the Load button to run the External Award Load process for all transactions for this student that have an Unprocessed status.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Data from a File

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you load external data from an external data file:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Data from a File

Page Name

Definition Name



External Award Staging Process


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Process External Award File, External Award Staging Process

Load external award data from a data file into the External Award Staging table.

External Award File Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, View Data File Staging Results, External Award File Summary

View summary results of processing a data file into the External Award Staging table.

Award Disbursement Detail


Click the Disbursement link on the Award tab of the External Award File Summary page.

View award disbursement details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading External Award Data from a Data File

Access the External Award Staging Process page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Process External Award File, External Award Staging Process).

File Mapping ID

Select File Mapping ID (Definitions) created in File Parser. Only mapping definitions created with the External Award Context definition are available for selection.

File Path

Location of the external file or file list name.

File List Indicator

Select this option if you have created a file list to be loaded.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Summary Results of a File Load

Access the External Award File Summary page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, View Data File Staging Results, External Award File Summary).

This page displays all external award transactions for this transaction number and specific file mapping ID. Each row of data is keyed by a transaction and sequence number. The displayed data has been read from an external data file and loaded into the External Award Staging tables. Fields are segmented into three grid tabs: Student Information, Award, and Status. Click the icon to the right of the tabs to display all three sets of fields.

To view disbursement details, click the Disbursement link on the Award tab. To check for errors, select the Status tab and then click the Error link to view the message number.

See Managing External Award Data.

Process Instance

Generated by the Process External Award request.


Displays the overall status associated with the loading of external data file.

Student Count

Represents the mapped total row count as read directly from the file. If this field value is not mapped, it is set to the Actual Count value.

Actual Count

The calculated count for rows with unique sequence numbers.

Award Total

Represents the total award amount for all transactions as read from the file. If this field value is not provided on the file, it is set to Actual Total value.

Actual Total

Calculated sum of award amount for all rows.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Award Disbursement Details

Access the Award Disbursement Detail page (click the Detail link on the Award tab of the Manage External Award Data page).

You can view the information on this page, but you cannot edit it.

See Also

Adding Award Disbursement Details

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Student Financial Payments

This section provides an overview and discusses how to receive Student Financials payments as external awards.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Student Financials Payments

Student Financial payments already posted to a customer account are not automatically recognized on a student's aid package. Payment transactions such as waivers, third-party credits, and direct payments must be accounted for and posted to a student's award package to ensure the true effect on a student's total financial aid package and financial need.

The Student Financial Award Feed process takes these steps:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Process Student Financial Payments

Page Name

Definition Name



SF External Award Feed


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Process SF External Award, SF External Award Feed

Add external awards transactions based on Student Financial payments already posted to a student's account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReceiving Student Financials Payments as External Awards

Access the SF External Award Feed page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Process SF External Award, SF External Award Feed).

The Student Financial External Award Feed process sends payments, waivers, and third-party credits associated with the financial aid item type or item group on the run control, based on the aid year and institution. When more than one business unit maps to the same institution, all eligible credits stored on the PAYMENT_TBL are evaluated for each business unit to report back to financial aid as an external award transaction.

Only students with valid FA_TERM records are considered. Aid year is associated with a payment by comparing the payment's term with the student's FA term record. Financial aid item types are mapped to the payment through the (Student Financial) Item Type setup for the payment, third-party credit, or waiver. If any change occurs in the student's eligible credits, all student credits mapping to the same (Financial Aid) item type for the term and aid year are evaluated to derive the full amount to be sent to the External Award staging tables. Changes are determined by comparing the Payment table payment amount to SSF_PMT_AMT_SENT, which contains the amount that was last sent to Financial Aid.

Note. Because the Student Financial External Award Feed derives the full amount, when any change is identified in the student's eligible credits, each external award transaction posted is updated with an Entry Code value of Replace to present the most current status of payments mapped to the appropriate (Financial Aid) item type.

Population Selection

Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. The Population Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction. Selection tools are available based on the selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population Selection process for the application process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear based on the selection tool that you select. If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS Query, Equation Engine equation, or external file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use it.

See Using the Population Selection Process.

Selection Tool

Select PS Query. Depending on your selection, other fields are displayed.

Query Name

Appears only when you select PS Query. Select a PS Query that selects a population using the bind record SSF_EA_BIND.

The Edit Prompt and Preview Selection Results links are available when you select PS Query and a query designated for the SF External Awards Feed process.

Note. Remember that the process runs more efficiently if you select the Distinct check box on the Query Properties page.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Query


Report Items by Group

Select to identify a range of (financial aid) item types to be evaluated. The Student Financial External Award process evaluates which Student Financial payments to include as an external award, based on the External Award Item Type Cross-Reference setup and the External Award attributes entered on the (Student Financial) item type setup.

Report Specific Items

Select to identify a specific (Financial Aid) item type to be evaluated. The SF External Award process evaluates which SF payments to include as an external award, based on the External Award Item Type Cross-Reference setup and the External Award attributes entered on the (student financial) item type setup.

Item Type Group

Select an item type group previously defined on the Item Type Group setup. Only item types in the Financial Aid category are considered and must be identified in the External Award Item Type Cross-Reference setup.

Item Type

Select a financial aid item type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExample of Reporting a Student Financial Payment as an External Award

The following table shows three Student Financial waivers mapped to the same financial aid item type, 900000000470. The Financial Aid office determines how much detail it needs to provide in a student's award package and therefore how many FA item types to use and whether a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship is established.

Financial Aid Item Type Mapped to a Student Financial Payment Item Type

(FA) Item Type


EA Type

EA Source / Program Code

(SF) Item Type







FA EA Waiver #1






FA EA Waiver #2






FA EA Waiver #3














TPC Army






Dept Scholarship




FAEA Dept Aid #1


Dept Scholarship




FAEA Dept Aid #2


Dept Scholarship




FAEA Dept Aid #3

After you determine a high-level mapping strategy, update the External Award Cross-Reference setup and the (SF) Item Type-External Award tab with the correct values.

Example of Student Financial Payment

This example shows payments posted in Student Financials and then reported as an external award in the External Award staging tables.



SF Item Type



FA Item Type




Post Tuition Waiver in Student Financials to fall 2006 (0570) term



510.00 USD



Post Tuition Waiver in Student Financials to fall 2006 (0570) term.



100.00 USD



Post Department Scholarship directly to Customer Account by Student Financials office.



980.00 USD



Run Process SF External Award to create External Award transactions in External Award Staging tables.






610.00 USD

980.00 USD


Post Tuition Waiver in Student Financials to spring 2007 (0580) term.





522.00 USD

100.00 USD



Run Process SF External Award to create External Award transactions in External Award Staging tables.





610.00 USD

622.00 USD

On September 15, 2006, the SF External Award process is run and two external award transactions are posted:

On December 15, 2006, the SF External Award process is run and one external award transaction that represents the prior 0570 term amounts now contains the 0580 term Waivers Items.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading Data to the Student Award Table

This section provides an overview and discusses how to:

This section also lists external award error messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the External Award Load Process

The External Award Load processing takes these steps:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Load Data to the Student Award Table

Page Name

Definition Name



Load External Awards


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Load External Awards, Load External Awards

Evaluate external award transactions to post or update student award tables.

External Award Load Summary


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, External Award Load Summary, External Award Load Summary

View summary data, such as the number of students selected, processed, and skipped.

External Award Load Detail


Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, External Award Load Detail, External Award Load Detail

View the status of each external award transaction processed during the External Award Load process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading External Awards in Batch

Access the Load External Awards page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, Load External Awards, Load External Awards).

Run control provides filtering parameters to focus the selection of external award transactions to be processed. Other parameters control how the Aid Processing status is updated and set rules that guide the External Award Load process when certain student conditions are encountered.

Report Request Parameters


(Required) Select the processing status of external award transactions to be processed.

Data Source

(Optional) Select a value to narrow the selection of transactions to be processed. If you select External File, also select a specific file mapping ID to identify the Search/Match parameter rule.

File Mapping ID

(Optional) Select to narrow the selection of transactions to be processed. See Data Source.

Transaction Date

(Optional) Select a specific transaction date to narrow the selection of transactions to be processed.

Transaction Nbr (transaction number)

(Optional) Select a specific transaction number to narrow the selection of transactions to be processed.

Award Type

(Optional) Select an external award attribute value to narrow the selection of transactions to be processed.


(Optional) Select an external award attribute value to narrow the selection of transactions to be processed.

Program Code

(Optional) Select an external award attribute value to narrow the selection of transactions to be processed.

Update Aid Processing Status


Select a group of IDs to exclude having the Aid Processing Status value change from Packaging Completed to Repackage after the External Award Load process finishes. These groups are defined using the Equation Editor (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Equation Engine, Equation Editor).

To decide whether to provide an equation for this option, consider how your institution identifies students as possible candidates for the batch Repackaging process. For example, if you identify all overaward students, regardless of the size of the overaward amount, you would not provide an equation in the Exclude option. If a student's aid package is updated with an external award and has an overaward greater than zero and Aid Processing Status is Packaging Completed, then the student's Aid Processing Status is changed to Repackage.

Or, if you identify students whose overaward is greater than 200.00 USD, you would use the Exclude option and an equation that identifies IDs with an overaward less than 201.00 USD.

Note. This option considers only students whose Aid Processing Status is Packaging Completed before the External Award Load is run. All other Aid Processing Status values remain unchanged.

Load Processing Rule

Term Mismatch

Select an action to take when a mismatch exists between the term on the external award disbursement data and the actual enrollment data. A term mismatch exists when a term defined on an external award transaction does not match a student's actual enrollment. If a term mismatch condition is met, this option instructs the External Award Load process to set the processing status to one of the following statuses:

  • Error: Default. Set the processing status to Error and do not update the student's award package. This option is available only when you run the External Award Load process online.

  • Suspend: Set the processing status to Suspend and do not update the student's award package.

  • Adjust: Set the processing status to Adjust. The External Award Load process posts award disbursement data into the student's first Disbursement ID of Term.


Select an action to take when a conflict exists between the career on the external award disbursement data and the actual enrollment data. A multicareer condition exists when a career defined on an external award transaction does not match a student's actual enrollment. If a multicareer condition is met, this option instructs the External Award Load process to set the processing status to one of the following statuses:

  • Error: Default. Set the processing status to Error and do not update the student's award package. This option is available only when you run the External Award Load process online.

  • Suspend: Set the processing status to Suspend and do not update the student's award package.

  • Adjust: Set the processing status to Adjust. The External Award Load process posts award and disbursement data into the student's first career found.

Posted External Awards

All new or updated awards posted as a result of a successful External Award Load process are sequenced above existing awards, except for Loan Certifications, which are sequenced below all awards. New or updated awards are assigned an External Award lock attribute, which is displayed on the Student Aid Package page, Status tab. The lock prevents the award from being overwritten by the Auto or Mass Packaging and Repackaging processes.

Loan Certification Requests

Loan certification transactions are evaluated for eligibility. In the case of a Stafford Loan Certification with a Related item type identified on the external award transaction, if the existing package has already been awarded a subsidized or unsubsidized Stafford, the External Award Load process returns a status of Processed and an error message number 646 (Student is not eligible for this award).

Note. Loan Certification Requests awarded during the External Award process should be performed only for loan certification request applications that have already been inbound into the Loan component.

Auto-Cancel Awards

An external award posted with an Auto Cancel item type cancels the Auto Cancel item type and then sequences the external award immediately following the canceled award.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing External Award Load Summary Data

Access the External Award Load Summary page (Financial Aid, Awards, External Awards, External Award Load Summary, External Award Load Summary).

The External Award Load Summary page lists the criteria used to select transactions to be processed. It also shows the selected, processed, skipped, and in error process counts. Verify that the criteria is correct and that the counts are correct. If transactions skipped or in error, use any of the Manage Existing External Award pages to correct wrong data and address any errors reported.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExternal Award Error Messages

The following table lists and explains possible External Award Load error messages. These messages are contained in Message Set Number 14402.

Message Number

Message Text

Message Explanation


Student is not active for Aid Year specified.

Student is not active for Aid Year specified. No row found in PS_STUDENT_AID.


Student not active for Aid Year specified.

Student is not active for Aid Year specified. No row found in PS_STDNT_AID_ATRBT.


Student not active for Aid Year specified.

Student is not active for Aid Year specified. No row found in PS_STDNT_AWD_PER.


No valid FA Term data found.

No valid FA Term data found. No rows found in PS_STDNT_FA_TERM.


More than one active academic career found.

More than one active academic career found.


Item Type not found.

Item Type not found. A valid Item Type for the external award could not be found. Check the external award type and source defined and the Item Type being used.


Item Type could not be assigned.

Item Type could not be assigned. Multiple values map to the specified external award type and source.


Invalid Disbursement Plan and Split Code.

Invalid Disbursement Plan and Split Code. The specified disbursement plan and split code would result in invalid disbursement rows for the student.


Unable to assign disbursement plan and/or split code.

Unable to assign disbursement plan, split code, or both. Multiple values meet student's attributes.


Invalid term specified.

Invalid item specified. The term specified on a disbursement entry is not a valid term for the student.


External Award Report Code not found.

External Award Report Code not found. The report code is required when the same item type has already been awarded.


Invalid Report Code (N = New).

Invalid or incorrect Report Code (N = New). This item type already exists in the student's award package and is therefore a duplicate entry.


Disbursement IDs not found for specified Disbursement Plan.

Disbursement IDs that correspond to student's term enrollment were not found for specified Disbursement Plan.


Unable to create disbursement rows. SQL error on disbursement row insert.

Disbursement IDs that correspond to student's term enrollment were not found for specified Disbursement Plan.


Missing or invalid Disbursement ID for an Append or Replace transaction.

When using a Report Code of Append or Replace, the Disbursement ID was missing or invalid.


The sum of scheduled disbursements does not equal the total award amount.

The sum of scheduled disbursements does not equal the total award amount.


Unable to assign valid Disbursement IDs.

Unable to assign valid Disbursement IDs for the Term specified on the staging table.


Invalid Report Code for loan certification award.

Invalid Report Code used for loan certification award. Loan certifications must use a Report Code value of New.


Invalid Disbursement Plan for append transaction.

Invalid Disbursement Plan for append transaction. The Disbursement Plan for the append transaction must match the Disbursement Plan for the exiting award.


Invalid Disbursement Plan for replacement transaction.

Invalid Disbursement Plan for replacement transaction. The disbursement plan for the replacement award has to match the disbursement plan on the existing, non-zero award.


Invalid Disbursement Plan for replacement award.

Invalid Disbursement Plan for replacement award. The disbursement plan for the replacement award is different from the disbursement plan for the existing award and the existing award has non-zero authorized and/or disbursed balances.


Charge Priority not found for Item Type.

Charge Priority not found for Item Type.


Missing disbursement schedule.

Missing disbursement schedule. The disbursement information must be specified when adjusting or replacing an award with a Split Code value of XX (Custom Split).


Disbursement Term mismatch.

Disbursement Term mismatch. Unable to find a valid split code for disbursement allocation.


Invalid transaction amount.

Invalid transaction amount. The annual award amount, annual disbursement amount, or both is zero.


External Award Load

Process completed successfully.


External Award Load ERROR

Award accept amount can never be negative on the Assign Fiscal Limits page.


External Award Load ERROR

SQL error encountered by FAPPKEAL. Check the log for details.


External Award Load ERROR

Application Engine program SFA_EA_LOAD encountered errors. Check the log for details.


External Award Load ERROR

The external award load process did not run to successful completion. Check the log for errors.


Record Insert Error.

Error creating Application Engine state record SFA_EALOAD_AET.


External Award Load ERROR

Error encountered during award Posting process (FAPPKPST).


External Award Load ERROR

Error encountered during award Validation process (FAPPKCTL).


Same award already exists with non-zero authorized and/or disbursed balances.

The loan certification award already exists with non-zero authorized, disbursed balances, or both.


Insufficient process run parameters.

Insufficient parameters.  Institution, Aid Year, and Mapping ID are required to run the process.


Search/match parameter not found.

Search/match parameter not found. Unable to assign EMPLID.


Zero award amount. Award was not posted.

A new award with a zero amount cannot be posted.


Award Amount has been adjusted to reflect the Disbursed Amount.

Disbursed Amount is greater than the Award Amount. The award amount has been adjusted to reflect the disbursed amount.


Invalid award amount for a Replace transaction.

The transaction award amount is zero, but the disbursed amount  is non-zero. The award cannot be posted as it will replace the existing award with a zero award. A disbursement  amount greater than the zero award amount cannot be processed.


Invalid number of disbursements specified.

The number of disbursements specified is greater than the number of scheduled disbursements for the disbursement plan on the existing award. Either fix the number of disbursements to match the existing award or choose a new disbursement plan. Note that a new disbursement plan can only be used if payments have not been made against the award and it has not been disbursed.


Missing or invalid Term for an Append or Replace transaction.

When using a Report Code of Append or Replace, the disbursement detail must have the correct terms specified when the disbursement IDs are not known. Otherwise, specify the disbursement IDs for all rows.


Missing or invalid Term.

When specifying the disbursement allocation, all entries must have the correct term specified if at least one allocation has a term defined. Otherwise, specify the Disbursement IDs or leave both the Disbursement ID and Term fields for all allocations blank.


Missing or invalid Disbursement ID.

When specifying the disbursement allocation, all entries must have the appropriate Disbursement ID specified if at least one allocation has a Disbursement ID defined. Otherwise, specify the Term instead or leave both the Disbursement ID and Term fields for all allocations blank.


Invalid disbursement allocation specified.

The disbursement allocation is invalid. The Disbursement IDs specified do not match the student's enrollment terms.


Invalid Disbursement IDs specified.

One or more Disbursement IDs do not match the Disbursement IDs for the Disbursement Plan assigned.


Student is not eligible for this award.

The award has been processed but it was not posted to the student's financial aid package. The student is not eligible for this award.


External Award Load error.

Error encountered during call to Equation Processor (FAPEQRUN).


Sum of disbursed term amounts does not equal the total amount disbursed.

The sum of the disbursed balances in the disbursement detail does not equal the total amount disbursed.


Invalid amount specified. Amount is less than zero.

Invalid amount specified. Amount is less than zero.


Zero amount for Append transaction.

Zero amount for Append transaction. To set the award amount to zero, use an Entry Code value of Replace. Otherwise update the transaction to reflect the correct amount to append.


New award with zero amount not posted. This award cancels an existing award (auto-cancel).

The award was processed but was not posted to the student's financial aid package. The zero amount indicates student is not eligible for this award and canceled an existing award matching the auto-cancel item.


Disbursement detail is needed when appending to the Disbursed amount.

You must provide specific term disbursement details when requesting to move disbursed amounts from the External Award staging tables to the Awarding tables using the 'Append' reporting code.