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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide
12c Release 2 (

Part Number E22624-13
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8 Adding Additional Oracle Management Service

This chapter describes how you can install an additional Oracle Management Service (OMS) to your existing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control environment. In particular, this chapter covers the following:


This chapter describes how you can install an additional OMS in interactive, graphical mode. If you want to perform the same operation in silent way, then refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.


On the source OMS, if you have deployed additional plug-ins that were not part of the Enterprise Manager software (DVD, or downloaded software), then follow the instructions outlined in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.


Oracle Management Service (OMS) is one of the core components of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control that orchestrates with Oracle Management Agents (Management Agents) and plug-ins to discover targets, monitor and manage them, and store the collected information in a repository for future reference and analysis.

When you install Enterprise Manager for the very first time, by default, the installer installs one OMS along with one Management Agent. While this default configuration suits smaller environments, typically in larger production environments, you may have the need to install additional OMS instances to help reduce the load on a single OMS and improve the efficiency of the data flow.


You can have multiple OMS instances and still connect to just one Oracle Management Repository (Management Repository).

The Add Management Service deployment procedure helps you meet such high-availability requirements. The deployment procedure offers a wizard that enables you to install an additional Oracle Management Service 12c by cloning an existing OMS that is running on an AdminServer host. The entire Middleware home of the source OMS is cloned to the destination host. For information about the contents of the Middleware home of an OMS, see Introduction.

Figure 8-1 illustrates how you navigate to the Add Additional OMS Deployment wizard.

Figure 8-1 Add Additional OMS Deployment Procedure

Add Additional OMS Deployment Procedure


If you are cloning the OMS from a complete Enterprise Manager installation, then the Management Agent that was installed with the Enterprise Manager system is not cloned to the destination host.

Before You Begin

Before you begin, keep these points in mind:


Table 8-1 lists the prerequisites you must meet before installing the OMS.

Table 8-1 Prerequisites for Adding an Additional Oracle Management Service

Requirement Description

Hardware Requirements

  • Ensure that you meet the hard disk space and physical memory requirements as described in Chapter 2.

  • If you have installed BI publisher on the source host, then ensure that you have 7 GB of additional hard disk space on the destination host, so a total of 14 GB.

Operating System Requirements

  • Ensure that you install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control only on certified operating systems as mentioned in the Enterprise Manager certification matrix available on My Oracle Support.

    To access the Enterprise Manager certification matrix, follow the steps outlined in Appendix E.

    For information about platforms receiving future support, refer to My Oracle Support note 793512.1.

  • Ensure that the destination host (that is, the host on which you are installing an additional OMS) is running on the same operating system as that of the source host (that is, the host from where you are cloning the first OMS).

    Note: If you use Oracle Solaris 10, then ensure that you have update 9 or higher installed. To verify whether it is installed, run the following command:

    cat /etc/release

    You should see the output similar to the following. Here, s10s_u6 indicates that update 6, which is not a suitable update level to support installation, is installed.

    Solaris 10 10/08 s10s_u6wos_07b SPARC

Package and Kernel Parameter Requirements

Ensure that you install all operating system-specific packages and set all kernel parameters as described in Chapter 3.

Operating System Groups and Users Requirements

Ensure that you create the required operating system groups and users as described in Chapter 4.

Existing Oracle Management Service Requirements

Ensure that Oracle Management Service 12c Release 2 is already installed and is available for cloning. Also ensure that the AdminServer on which the OMS is configured is up and running.

Also ensure that it is not installed on a symlink.

Existing Oracle Management Service Backup Requirements

Ensure that regular back-ups are scheduled for the existing Oracle Management Service 12c that you want to clone.

Existing High Availability Configuration Requirements

Ensure that you have met all Oracle-recommended high availability requirements in your environment. For more information, refer to the chapter on high availability requirements in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

Existing Oracle Management Agent Requirements

Ensure that the destination host already has a Management Agent installed, and ensure that it is up and running.

If this Management Agent was manually installed on the destination host, then ensure that the installation was completed by running the script. Otherwise, the Add Management Service deployment procedure will not be able to run some scripts that require root permission.

Status of Oracle Configuration Manager

(Only for Microsoft Windows) In the existing OMS, if Oracle Configuration Manager is configured, then make sure it is stopped from both the OMS home and the Web Tier home by following these steps.

  1. Navigate to the OMS home.

    cd $<MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/oms/

  2. Set the environment variable ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME to the following location:


    For example,

    set ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME=C:\win0224\emgc\gc_inst\em\EMGC_OMS1

  3. Navigate to the following location:


  4. Stop OCM by running the following script:

    emCCR.bat stop

  5. Navigate to the Web Tier home.

    cd $<MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/Oracle_WT

  6. Set the environment variable ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME to the following location:


    For example,

    set ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME=C:\win0224\emgc\gc_inst\WebTier1

  7. Navigate to the following location:


  8. Stop OCM by running the following script:

    emCCR.bat stop

Temporary Directory Space Requirements on Source and Destination Hosts

Ensure that you have 8 GB of space on the source as well as the destination host for creating a temporary directory. If you have installed BI publisher on the source host, then ensure that you have 14 GB of space.

The temporary directory created by default is ADD_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_<TimeStamp>.

The temporary directory on the source host is used for temporarily staging the files related to backup or cloning steps of the deployment procedure. The temporary directory on the destination host is used for temporarily staging the cloned image and other related files.

Shared Directory Space Requirements

If you choose to transfer the software and configuration files to a central, shared location, then ensure that you have 4 GB of space for that shared directory.

Middleware home Location Requirement

On the destination host, a Middleware home (absolute path) identical to the one on the source host is created, and then, the source OMS is cloned to that location. Ensure that this Middleware home does not already exist on the destination host.

For example, if the Middleware home on the source host is /home/john/Oracle/Middleware, ensure that the same path does not already exist on the destination host.

Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location Space Requirements

Ensure that you have 1 GB of space on the destination host for the Oracle Management Service Instance Base directory where the configuration files of the OMS will be created.

Management Agent Installation Status Requirements

(Only for Microsoft Windows) If the installation of a Management Agent using the Add Host Targets Wizard is in progress on the source OMS, then ensure that it is completed before you start cloning the OMS.

To verify whether a Management Agent installation using the Add Host Targets Wizard is in progress, search for .lck files in the following location. Presence of such files indicates that there are installation operations in progress.


Server Load Balancer Requirements

  • Ensure that you have installed a Server Load Balancer (SLB) in your network and configured it to work with the first OMS. All Management Agents communicating with the first OMS must be uploading data only via this SLB.

    If you have not configured the SLB yet to work with the first OMS, then configure it now. For information about configuring an SLB, refer to the chapter on high availability requirements in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

  • In order to configure your OMS instances in an active/active configuration behind an SLB, your SLB must meet the following requirements:

    (a) Supports multiple virtual server ports - Enterprise Manager typically requires that up to 4 ports are configured on the SLB (Secure Upload, Agent Registration, Secure Console, Unsecure Console).

    (b) Supports persistence - HTTP and HTTPS traffic between the browser and the OMS requires persistence.

    (c) Supports application monitoring - The SLB must be capable of monitoring the health of the OMS instances and detecting failures, so that requests will not be routed to OMSes that are not available.

SLB Pools and Their Association with the First OMS

On the SLB, using its administration console, create the following SLB pools and add the first OMS host to them:

  • Secure Upload Pool (add the host using the port configured for the Secure Upload service)

  • Agent Registration Pool (add the host using the port configured for the Agent Registration service)

  • Secure Console Pool (add the host using the port configured for the Secured Console service)

  • (Optional) Unsecure Console Pool (add the host using the port configured for the Unsecured Console service)

Virtual Servers and Their Association with the SLB Pools

On the SLB, using its administration console, create the following virtual servers and associate them with the SLB pools.

  • Secure Upload Virtual Server with port 1159 (associate it with Secure Upload Pool)

  • Agent Virtual Server with port 4889 (associate it with Agent Registration Pool)

  • Secure Console Virtual Server with port 443 (associate it with Secure Console Pool)

  • (Optional) Unsecure Console Virtual Server with port 80 (associate it with Unsecure Console Pool)

SLB Monitors and Their Association with the First OMS

On the SLB, using its administration console, create the following SLB monitors and associate the first OMS host with them:

  • Secure Upload Monitor (associate the host using the port configured for the Secure Upload service)

  • Agent Registration Monitor (associate the host using the port configured for the Agent Registration service)

  • Secure Console Monitor (associate the host using the port configured for the Secured Console service)

  • (Optional) Unsecure Console Monitor (associate the host using the port configured for the Unsecured Console service)

Software Library Accessibility Requirements

Ensure that the directories where you have configured the Software Library are accessible (read/write) from the destination hosts.

If you have configured an OMS Shared Storage location to use a local file system path, then you must migrate this location to another OMS Shared Storage location that uses a shared file system path. For instructions, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

Installing User Requirements

Ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • (For UNIX only) The installation must NOT be run by a root user.

  • (For Microsoft Windows only) User must be part of the ORA-DBA group and have administrator permissions.

  • (For Microsoft Windows only) User must belong to the DBA group, and have permissions to perform the following: Act as part of the operating system, Create a token object, Log on as a batch job, and Adjust memory quotas for a process.

    To verify whether the agent user has these rights, from the Start menu, click Settings and then select Control Panel. From the Control Panel window, select Administrative Tools, and from the Administrative Tools window, select Local Security Settings. In the Local Security Settings window, from the tree structure, expand Local Policies, and then expand User Rights Assignment.

Permission Requirements

Ensure that you are able to access and read/write in the following locations:

  • Oracle Middleware home

    Oracle Middleware home is a directory on the source host that contains the OMS you are cloning, the Oracle WebLogic Server home, the Web tier instance files, and so on.

  • Oracle Management Service Instance Base location

    Oracle Management Service Instance Base is a directory on the source host that contains configuration files related to the OMS. The instance base is typically under the parent directory of the Middleware home.

  • Source Staging location

    Source staging location is a location on the source host that is used for staging the cloned ZIP files before copying them to the destination host.

  • Destination Staging location

    Destination staging location is a location on the destination host that is used for staging the cloned ZIP files when they are copied over from the source host.

  • Temporary directory on the source host where the executables will be copied. For example, /tmp or c:\Temp.

Proximity Requirements

Ensure that the host on which the OMS is being installed and the host on which the Management Repository is being configured are located in close proximity to each other. Ideally, the round trip network latency between the two should be less than 1 millisecond.

Firewall Requirements

If you have a firewall in your environment, then refer to the chapter on configuring Enterprise Manager for firewalls in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.

Unique Host Name and Static IP Address Requirements

Ensure that you check the network configuration to verify that the host on which you are installing resolves to a unique host name and a static IP address that are visible to other hosts in the network.

Note: Oracle recommends that you use static IP address. If you use dynamic IP address, and if the host is rebooted, then the host might receive a new IP, and as a result, the OMS startup will fail.

Central Inventory Requirements

Ensure that you allocate 100 MB of space for Central Inventory (oraInventory).

Also ensure that the central inventory directory is not on a shared file system. If it is already on a shared file system, then switch over to a non-shared file system by following the instructions outlined in My Oracle Support note 1092645.1.

UMASK Value Requirements

Ensure that you set the default file mode creation mask (umask) to 022 in the shell startup file.

For example:

  • Bash Shell

    $ . ./.bash_profile

  • Bourne or Korn Shell

    $ . ./.profile

  • C Shell

    % source ./.login

File Descriptor Requirements

Ensure that you set the file descriptors to a minimum of 4096.

To verify the current value set to the file descriptors, run the following command:

/bin/sh -c "ulimit -n"

If the current value is not 4096 or greater, then as a root user, update the /etc/security/limits.conf file with the following entries:

<UID> soft nofile 4096

<UID> hard nofile 4096

Host File Requirements

Ensure that the host name specified in the /etc/hosts file is unique, and ensure that it maps to the correct IP address of the host.

Ensure that localhost is pingable and resolves to (or resolves to ::1 for IPv6 hosts).

The following is the recommended format of the /etc/hosts file:

<ip> <fully_qualified_host_name> <short_host_name>

For example, localhost.localdomain localhost myhost

According to RFC 952, the following are the assumptions: A name (Net, Host, Gateway, or Domain name) is a text string up to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus sign (-), and period (.). Note that periods are only allowed when they serve to delimit components of domain style names. No blank or space characters are permitted as part of a name. No distinction is made between upper and lower case. The first character must be an alpha character.

Also, if DNS server is configured in your environment, then you should be able to use DNS to resolve the name of the host on which you want to install the OMS.

For example, all these commands must return the same output:

nslookup host1



Browser Requirements

  • Ensure that you use a certified browser as mentioned in the Enterprise Manager certification matrix available on My Oracle Support.

    To access the Enterprise Manager certification matrix, follow the steps outlined in Appendix E.

  • If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or 9, do the following:

    • Turn off the compatibility view mode. To do so, in Microsoft Internet Explorer, from the Tools menu, click Compatibility View to disable it if it is enabled. Also, click Compatibility View Settings and deregister the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console URL.

    • Enable XMLHTTP. To do so, from the Tools menu, click Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab, and under the Security heading, select Enable native XMLHTTP support to enable it.

Installation Procedure

To install an additional Oracle Management Service (OMS), follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Procedure Library.

  2. On the Deployment Procedure Manager page, in the Procedure Library tab, from the table, select Add Management Service, and then, click Launch.

  3. On the Getting Started page, complete the preinstallation tasks listed there. Once you are done, select each of the tasks you have completed, and then, click Next.

  4. On the Select Destination page, do the following:

    1. For Destination Host, select or enter the name of the managed host (a host managed by the first OMS using a Management Agent) on which you want to install the additional OMS.

      For example,


      Do NOT enter the IP address of the managed host. Enter only the fully qualified name.
    2. For Destination Instance Base Location, accept the default location to the OMS instance base directory or enter the absolute path to another location of your choice where OMS-related configuration files can be stored. Ensure that this directory has 100 MB of space. Also ensure that the directories and subdirectories you mention in the path already exist.

      For example, /apps/john/oracle/prod

    3. In the Source Credentials section and in the Destination Credentials section, select the credential type you want to use for accessing the source host. For more information, see Selecting Credentials.

    4. Click Next.

  5. On the Options page, do the following:

    1. In the File Transfer Option section, select a suitable protocol to transfer the cloned ZIP files to a staging location. FTP is the default transfer mode.

      If you want to transfer the files to a shared, NFS-mounted network location, then you can select Shared Directory, and enter the absolute path to the shared location. Ensure that this shared directory has read/write access from source and destination hosts, and has 4 GB of space.

      For example, /net/


      • If you have an SFTP set up, then select FTP as the file transfer mode.

      • If you choose to use a shared location as the file transfer mode, then ensure that the shared location has read/write permission and is accessible from the source host as well as the destination host.

      • If you select FTP, then ensure that FTP software is installed on the source host as well as the destination host. Also ensure that your temporary location (/tmp on Unix or C:\Temp on Microsoft Windows) has at least 8 GB of space.

      • If you select HTTP(S), then ensure that your temporary location (/tmp on Unix or C:\Temp on Microsoft Windows) has at least 8 GB of space.

        This location is used for archiving the software binaries and the configuration details of the source OMS. The archive is then copied over to the source staging location, and then transferred to the destination staging location eventually, as described in the next step.

      • If the temporary location required for FTP and HTTP(S) options does not have 8 GB of space, then either increase the space as required, or provide another location that has 8 GB of space. To provide another location, do the following:

        1. From the Targets menu, select All Targets.

        2. On the All Targets page, click the name of the Management Agent that is running on the source OMS host.

        3. On the home page, from the Agent menu, select Properties.

        4. On the Properties page, from the Show list, select Advanced Properties.

        5. In the Add Custom Property section, for the Name field, enter emStageDir. And for the Value field, enter the absolute path the a temporary location that has at least 8 GB of space.

    2. In the Staging Locations section, for Source Staging, enter a location on the source host where the cloned ZIP files can be created and placed temporarily. Ensure that this temporary directory has 8 GB of space.

      For example, /

      Similarly, for Destination Staging, enter a location on the destination host where the cloned ZIP files can be copied to temporarily. Ensure that this temporary directory has 8 GB of space.

      For example, /


      Once the OMS is installed on the destination host, the cloned ZIP files are automatically deleted from both the staging locations.
    3. In the Destination Ports section, validate the ports displayed by default.

      These default ports are based on the ports already assigned and used by the OMS that you are cloning. Oracle recommends you to use the same ports as your source OMS so that you have a homogeneous environment.

      You can choose to retain the ports displayed by default or enter a custom port. Ensure that the custom port you enter is within the recommended range as shown in the Recommended Port Range column. If you want to check the availability of a custom port, then click Check Ports.

    4. Click Next.

  6. On the Post Creation Steps page, enter one or more e-mail IDs (separate by a comma) where the details of the postinstallation tasks to be performed can be sent, and then, click Next.

    For your e-mail to work, you must have already configured the mail server. For instructions, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator Guide.

  7. On the Review page, review the details and click Finish.


    If the installation fails, particularly in the Install Homes step, then before you retry installing the OMS, clean up the Middleware home on the destination host where the installation failed. To do so, on the destination host, do the following:
    1. Invoke the installer from the following location:


    2. In the installation wizard, on the My Oracle Support Details screen, click Installed Products.

      1. Select all plug-in homes and click Remove.

      2. Select the JDK home and click Remove.

      3. Select the Oracle WebTier home and click Remove.

      4. Select the OMS home and the Oracle Common directory, and click Remove.

      5. Exit the installer.

    3. Delete the Middleware home directory.

    4. Return to the Add Management Service deployment procedure that failed, and retry the Install Homes step.

Selecting Credentials

You can select one of the following credential types for accessing the source and the destination hosts:

Table 8-2 Selecting Credential Type

Credential Type Description

Preferred Credential

Select this if you want to use the credentials that are already registered as preferred credentials with Enterprise Manager.

In this case, from the Preferred Credential Name list, select either Normal Host Credentials or Privileged Host Credentials depending on the type of preferred credentials you want to use for accessing the host.

Named Credential

Select this if you want to use the credentials of a named profile created in Enterprise Manager.

In this case, from the Credential Name list, select the profile whose credentials you want to use.

On selection, you will see the credentials details. For more information on the credentials associated with the selected profile, click More Details. If you want to test connecting to the host with those credentials, click Test.

New Credentials

Select this if you want to enter a new set of credentials that will override the preferred credentials or the named credentials registered with Enterprise Manager.

In this case, enter the credentials you want to override with.

If you want to register the new set of credentials with Enterprise Manager, then click Save As, and either accept the default profile name or enter a custom name for it.

Further, if you want to save them as preferred credentials, then select Set as Preferred Credentials, and select an option to indicate whether they should be saved as normal credentials or privilege credentials.

If you want to test connecting to the host with those credentials, click Test.

After You Install

After you install the additional OMS, follow these steps:

  1. (Applicable only if you had stopped the Oracle Configuration Manager as a prerequisite on Microsoft Windows) Start Oracle Configuration Manager:

    1. Navigate to the OMS home.

      cd $<MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/oms/

    2. Set the environment variable ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME to the following location:


      For example,

      set ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME=C:\win0224\emgc\gc_inst\em\EMGC_OMS1

    3. Navigate to the following location:


    4. Stop OCM by running the following script:

      emCCR.bat stop

    5. Navigate to the Web Tier home.

      cd $<MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/Oracle_WT

    6. Set the environment variable ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME to the following location:


      For example,

      set ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME=C:\win0224\emgc\gc_inst\WebTierIH1

    7. Navigate to the following location:


    8. Stop OCM by running the following script:

      emCCR.bat stop

  2. Perform these steps on the Server Load Balancer (SLB) using its administration console:

    (a) Add the additional OMS host to the following SLB pools:

    • Secured Upload Pool (add the host using the port configured for the Secured Upload service)

    • Agent Registration Pool (add the host using the port configured for the Agent Registration service)

    • Secure Console Pool (add the host using the port configured for the Secure Console service)

    • (Optional) Unsecure Console Pool (add the host using the port configured for the Unsecure Console service)

    (b) Associate the additional OMS host with the following monitors:

    • Secure Upload Monitor (associate the host using the port configured for the Secure Upload service)

    • Agent Registration Monitor (associate the host using the port configured for the Agent Registration service)

    • Secure Console Monitor (associate the host using the port configured for the Secure Console service)

    • (Optional) Unsecure Console Monitor (associate the host using the port configured for the Unsecure Console service)


    For information about configuring SLB, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administration Guide.
  3. Run as a root user on the destination host.

  4. If the name of the host (including the domain name) where you installed the OMS is longer than 30 characters, then apply patch 13788861 on the <MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/oracle_common directory. To apply the patch, follow the instructions outlined in the patch readme.

    If you do not apply this patch, then all the Enterprise Manager jobs fail, and you will see an Java Object Cache (JOC) error similar to the following in the EMGC_OMS1-diagnostic.log file.

    [2012-02-23T11:16:02.391-08:00] [EMGC_OMS1] [ERROR] [WSM-02311]
    [oracle.wsm.resources.policymanager] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '2' for
    queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid:
    19f969fe781e0dcb:-4eacfe4a:135ab778dad:-8000-0000000000000d12,0] [APP: emgc]
    Failed to retrieve requested documents due to underlying error
    "java.rmi.RemoteException: EJB Exception: ; nested exception is: [[
    oracle.mds.exception.MDSRuntimeException: MDS-00001: exception in Metadata
    Services layer   
    J2EE JOC-044 An exception is occurring in the method. CacheAccess.put
    J2EE JOC-039 cannot find region: "ADFApplication1/main_region"".
    [2012-02-23T11:16:07.022-08:00] [EMGC_OMS1] [ERROR] [] [oracle.mds] [tid:
    [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default
    (self-tuning)'] [userId: OracleSystemUser] [ecid:
    19f969fe781e0dcb:-4eacfe4a:135ab778dad:-8000-0000000000000d15,0] [APP:
    wsm-pm] [[
    J2EE JOC-044 An exception is occurring in the method. CacheAccess.put
    J2EE JOC-039 cannot find region: "ADFApplication1/main_region"
    at oracle.mds.internal.cache.JOCCache.put(
    at oracle.mds.internal.cache.JOCCache.put(

    This error occurs when web services are being called by the Enterprise Manager job subsystem, and when Oracle Web Service Manager (OWSM) is unable to access the web service security policy that is stored in the Metadata Services (MDS) repository. When the jobs fail, you will see that they are constantly in a scheduled or running state. Once the patch is applied, a simple test can be conducted by submitting a basic OS command job and ensuring that it completes successfully.

  5. By default, the following targets get automatically discovered and monitored in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console:

    • Oracle WebLogic Server, where the additional OMS is deployed

    • Oracle Web Tier

    • Application deployments, one for the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console and one for the platform background services.

    • Oracle Management Service

    • Oracle Management Agent

    • The host on which you installed Enterprise Manager Cloud Control

    However, the other targets running on that host and other hosts do not get automatically discovered and monitored. To monitor the other targets, you need to add them to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control either using the Auto Discovery Results page, the Add Targets Manually page, or the discovery wizards offered for the targets you want to monitor.

    For information about discovering targets in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, refer to the chapter on adding targets in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

  6. An encryption key is generated to encrypt sensitive data in the Management Repository. If this key is lost, all encrypted data in the Management Repository becomes unusable. Therefore, back up the Management Service configuration including the emkey, and maintain the backup on another host.

    To back up the Management Service configuration including the emkey, run the following command:

    <OMS_HOME>/bin/emctl exportconfig oms -dir <path_to_backup_location>

  7. Before accessing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console in a browser, install a security certificate from a trusted certification authority on the browser.

    This it to ensure that the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console that you are accessing over HTTPS protocol is recognized as a genuine and secure Web site.

    For instructions to install a security certificate on your browser and avoid security certificate alerts, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.