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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Getting Started with Oracle Fusion Middleware Management
12c Release 2 (

Part Number E24215-03
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12 Discovering and Monitoring Oracle Business Intelligence Instance and Oracle Essbase

Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI), a part of Oracle Business Analytics, is a combination of technology and applications that provide a range of business intelligence capabilities, such as enterprise performance management, financial performance management, data integration, data warehousing, as well as a number of query, reporting, analysis, and alerting tools.

You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c to monitor certain Oracle Business Intelligence targets. Monitoring the status, performance, and health of Oracle Business Intelligence targets enables you to set up a more efficient business intelligence system.

By monitoring a target using Enterprise Manager, you obtain a complete and up to date overview of the status, availability, performance, and health of the target. Enterprise Manager displays complex target performance data in a simple form, using graphs and pie charts. It also keeps you informed about target metrics crossing their threshold levels, target alerts, and target incidents that require user action.

This chapter explains how to monitor Oracle BI Instance and Oracle Essbase targets in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c. It consists of the following sections:

Overview of Oracle Business Intelligence Targets You Can Monitor

This section gives an overview of the Oracle Business Intelligence targets you can monitor using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 2. It contains the following:

Oracle Business Intelligence Instance

Oracle Business Intelligence Instance (BI Instance) is a logical grouping of Business Intelligence components that can be configured as a unit to deliver a single integrated business intelligence capability. Every BI Instance target is part of a WebLogic domain. For information on WebLogic domains, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

A BI Instance target consists of a number of components, which can be monitored individually using Enterprise Manager. Table 12-1 describes these components.

Table 12-1 Oracle Business Intelligence Instance Components

Component Description

BI Server

This component provides query and data access capabilities for Oracle Business Intelligence, and provides services for accessing and managing the enterprise semantic model.

BI Presentation Server

This component provides the framework and interface for the presentation of Oracle Business Intelligence data to web clients. It maintains an Oracle BI Presentation Catalog service on the file system for customizing this presentation framework.

BI Cluster Controller

This component manages Oracle Business Intelligence Server (BI Server) clusters. It also manages the active-passive clustering of the Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler (BI Scheduler) components.

BI Scheduler

This component provides extensible scheduling for analyses to be delivered to users at specified times.

BI Java Host

This component provides component services that enable Oracle BI Presentation Services to support various components such as Java tasks for Oracle BI Scheduler, Oracle BI Publisher, and graph generation. It also enables Oracle BI Server query access to Hyperion Financial Management and Oracle Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) data sources.

Oracle Essbase

Oracle Essbase is a multidimensional database management system that provides business performance management solutions for meeting the complex calculation requirements of analysts across an enterprise.

Oracle Essbase consists of an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) server that provides an environment for deploying pre-packaged applications and developing custom analytic and performance management applications. Every Essbase target is part of a WebLogic domain. For information on WebLogic domains, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Using Enterprise Manager, you can monitor the Essbase server and every deployed Essbase application individually.

Understanding the Monitoring Process

To monitor Oracle Business Intelligence Instance (BI Instance) and Oracle Essbase targets, follow these steps:

  1. Install Oracle Business Intelligence.

    For information on how to install Oracle Business Intelligence, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.

  2. Install the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 2 ( system. If you are using an earlier version of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, upgrade it to 12c Release 2 (

    For information on how to install the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 2 ( system, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

    For information on how to upgrade to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 2 (, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Upgrade Guide.


    Oracle recommends that you install the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control system on a different host, other than the one on which you have installed Oracle Business Intelligence.
  3. If the host on which you installed Oracle Business Intelligence does not have Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent) installed, install a Management Agent. If the host has a Management Agent of version earlier than installed, upgrade the Management Agent to

    For information on how to install a Management Agent, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

    For information on how to upgrade a Management Agent to, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Upgrade Guide.

  4. If the host on which you installed Oracle Business Intelligence does not have the Oracle Fusion Middleware plug-in installed, deploy the Oracle Fusion Middleware plug-in on the host. If an earlier version of the plug-in exists on the host, upgrade it to

    The Oracle Fusion Middleware plug-in ( is a default plug-in that is downloaded to the OMS host when you install a OMS.

    For information on how to deploy a plug-in and upgrade an existing plug-in, refer to the Using Plug-Ins chapter of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

  5. Discover the required BI Instance and Essbase targets.

    BI Instance and Essbase targets are automatically discovered when you discover the WebLogic domain that they are part of.

    The BI Instance and Essbase targets you want to monitor may be part of an undiscovered WebLogic domain, or a previously discovered WebLogic domain.

    For information on how to discover BI Instance and Essbase targets part of an undiscovered WebLogic domain, see Discovering Targets of an Undiscovered WebLogic Domain.

    For information on how to discover BI Instance and Essbase targets part of a previously discovered WebLogic domain, see Discovering New or Modified Targets of a Discovered WebLogic Domain.

  6. Monitor the BI Instance and Essbase targets.

    For information on how to monitor BI Instance and Essbase targets, see Monitoring Oracle Business Intelligence Instance and Essbase Targets.

Discovering Oracle Business Intelligence Instance and Oracle Essbase Targets

Oracle Business Intelligence Instance (BI Instance) and Oracle Essbase targets you want to discover may be part of an undiscovered WebLogic domain, or a discovered WebLogic domain.

This section contains the following:


This section is applicable only for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g targets.

Discovering Targets of an Undiscovered WebLogic Domain

To discover BI Instance and Essbase targets part of an undiscovered WebLogic domain, first discover the WebLogic domain that the targets are part of. To do so, either enable the automatic discovery of WebLogic domains, or discover the required WebLogic domains manually. After discovering the WebLogic domains, you must promote the targets and assign Management Agents to monitor them.

The following sections explain how to perform these actions.

Enabling Automatic Discovery of Targets

In this method, you enable the automatic discovery of Fusion Middleware targets to automatically discover the various WebLogic domains in the enterprise. Also, you promote the BI Instance and Essbase targets part of the WebLogic domains, and assign Management Agents to monitor these targets. For information on how to use this method, see Enabling Automatic Discovery of Fusion Middleware Targets.

Discovering Targets Manually

In this method, you manually discover WebLogic domains. Also, you promote the BI Instance and Essbase targets part of the WebLogic domains, and assign Management Agents to monitor these targets. For information on how to use this method, see Discovering Targets Manually.

Discovering New or Modified Targets of a Discovered WebLogic Domain

In a typical enterprise, WebLogic domains are not static. New or modified domain members, such as BI Instance and Essbase targets, may be added to a discovered WebLogic domain at any point of time. Either enable the automatic discovery of these added targets, or discover them manually. After discovering these targets, you must promote the targets and assign Management Agents to monitor them.

The following sections explain how to perform these actions.

Enabling Automatic Discovery of Targets

In this method, you enable the automatic discovery of new or modified WebLogic domain member targets, such as BI Instance and Essbase targets. Also, you promote the new or modified domain member targets, and assign Management Agents to monitor them. For information on how to use this method, see Enabling Automatic Discovery of New Domain Members.

Discovering Targets Manually

In this method, you manually check a WebLogic domain for new members, such as BI Instance and Essbase targets, and discover them. Also, you promote the new or modified domain member targets, and assign Management Agents to monitor them. For information on how to use this method, see Manually Checking for New or Modified Domain Members.

Monitoring Oracle Business Intelligence Instance and Essbase Targets

To monitor Oracle Business Intelligence Instance (BI Instance) and Essbase targets, navigate to the home page of the required target.

To navigate to the home page of a BI Instance or Essbase target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

Using the target home page, you can perform a number of monitoring tasks. These tasks are described in this section, which contains the following:


This section is applicable only for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g targets.

Performing General Monitoring Tasks

This section explains how to perform general BI Instance and Essbase target monitoring tasks, such as viewing target status and availability, performance, health, alerts, incidents, and so on.

This section contains the following elements:




Configuration, Jobs, and Compliance

Viewing Target General and Availability Summary

To view a general summary of the target details, navigate to the Summary section, by following these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

The Summary section provides background information about the target, which helps you locate the target binaries, log files, metadata and configuration files, for viewing or editing purposes.

Table 12-2 describes the elements of the Summary section.

Table 12-2 Target General and Availability Summary

Element Description

Up Since

(Displayed only when the target is up) Time the target was last started successfully.

Down Since

(Displayed only when the target is down) Time the target was last stopped.


Percentage availability of the target.


Version of the target software.

Oracle Home

Location of the target binaries.

Oracle Instance

Location of the target content files, metadata, configuration files and log files.


Port used by the target for communication.

Running Applications

(Only for Essbase Server targets)

Number of Essbase applications currently up and running.

Unexposed Applications

(Only for Essbase Server targets)

Number of Essbase applications currently not being accessed by any user.

Connected Users

(Only for Essbase Server targets)

Number of users currently connected through one or more of the applications.

Storage Type

(Only for Essbase application targets)

Type of data storage used by the application.


(Only for Essbase application targets)

Number of cubes contained in the application.

Query Tracking

(Only for Essbase application targets)

Whether or not query tracking, that is, tracking data combinations having a large number of data values that require aggregation, is enabled.

Memory Usage (MB)

(Only for Essbase application targets)

Memory used by the application in MB.


(Only for Essbase application targets)

Number of application threads.

Viewing Target Status and Availability History

To view the status and availability history of a target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. From the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Monitoring, then select Status History.

Sometimes, due to network problems and system errors, the target might be down, or the Oracle Management Service (OMS) might not be able to reach the Management Agent that monitors the target. The Availability (Status History) page provides information about when, and for how long these situations occurred for a particular target. This information is essential for troubleshooting target related incidents.

The Availability (Status History) page consists of the Overall Availability, Downtime History, and General sections. The Overall Availability section consists of a pie chart depicting the availability of the target, from the time it was discovered. The Downtime History section provides detailed information about the periods when the target was down.

Table 12-3 describes the elements of the General section.

Table 12-3 Target Status and Availability History

Element Description

Current Status

Current status of the target, whether it is up and running, or down.

Up Since

(Displayed only when the target is up) Time the target was last started successfully.

Down Since

(Displayed only when the target is down) Time the target was last stopped.

Availability (%)

Percentage availability of the target.

Down Time (minutes)

Duration for which the target was down.

Blackout Time (minutes)

Total duration of blackouts set on the target.

Agent Down Time (minutes)

Duration for which the Oracle Management Agent monitoring the target was down.

System Error Time (minutes)

Duration for which the target could not be monitored, due to a system error.

Status Pending Time (minutes)

Duration for which the status of the target could not be determined.

Viewing Target Performance or Resource Usage

To view the performance or resource usage of a target, navigate to the Response or CPU and Memory Usage section, by following these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target. Graphs depicting the target performance or target resource usage are displayed.

  4. (Optional) To view the performance or resource usage data in a tabular format, click Table View.


For the BI Instance, BI Server, and BI Presentation Server targets, you can view only performance data, and not resource usage data, on the target home page. For other BI Instance component targets, and Essbase targets, you can view only resource usage data and not performance data on the target home page.

Target Performance

The Response and Load section displays the performance of the BI Instance, BI Server, or BI Presentation Server target. For these targets, the Response and Load section can consist of the following graphs:

  • The variation of Average Query Time with time

    Average Query Time is the average time the BI Server or BI Presentation Server takes to execute a query. The Average Query Time is collected and uploaded to the Oracle Management Repository every fifteen minutes, by default.

  • The variation of Server Queries (per second) with time

    Server Queries (per second) is the number of queries processed by the BI Server or BI Presentation Server in one second. Server Queries (per second) is collected and uploaded to the Oracle Management Repository every fifteen minutes, by default.

  • The variation of Completed Requests (per second) with time

    Completed Requests (per second) is the number of requests completed by the BI Presentation Server in one second. Completed Requests (per second) is collected and uploaded to the Oracle Management Repository every fifteen minutes, by default.

Carefully observing these graphs can sometimes provide early warnings about server overloading, reduced server access, and so on. Analyzing graphical data collected over a long period of time can help you set up a more efficient BI Server or BI Presentation Server.

For detailed information on target performance, access the Performance Summary page. To access this page, from the Business Intelligence Instance, BI Server or BI Presentation Services menu, select Monitoring, then select Performance Summary.

Target Resource Usage

The CPU and Memory Usage section displays the resource usage of the target. It consists of two graphs:

  • The variation of CPU Usage (%) with time

    CPU Usage specifies the percentage of CPU time used by the target. A large value of CPU Usage can cause the Business Intelligence components and applications to slow down, reducing their performance. The CPU Usage is collected and uploaded to the Oracle Management Repository every fifteen minutes, by default.

  • The variation of Memory Usage (MB) with time

    Memory Usage specifies the amount of memory used by the target. A large value of Memory Usage can cause the Business Intelligence components and applications to slow down. The Memory Usage is collected and uploaded to the Oracle Management Repository every fifteen minutes, by default.

Carefully observing these graphs can sometimes provide early warnings about application overloading, component downtime, and so on.

Viewing Target Metrics

To view all the metrics collected for a particular target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. From the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Monitoring, then select All Metrics.

The All Metrics page displays details about all the metrics collected for a particular target. The average value, threshold values, collection schedule, and metric value history is displayed for each collected metric.

Viewing or Editing Target Metric and Collection Settings

To view and edit the metric and collection settings for a particular target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. From the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Monitoring, then select Metric and Collection Settings.

  5. To edit the collection schedule or thresholds of a metric, or any other collected item, click the corresponding icon present in the Edit column.

The Metric and Collection Settings page provides details about target metric collection thresholds and target metric collection schedules. Using this page, administrators can edit the warning threshold and critical threshold values of target metrics and other collected items, as well as the time intervals at which these are collected.

Viewing Target Metric Collection Errors

To view the metric collection errors for a particular target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. From the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Monitoring, then select Metric Collection Errors.

The Metric Collection Errors page provides details about the errors encountered while obtaining target metrics. These details give you an idea of the metrics that may not represent the performance of the target accurately, as errors were encountered while collecting them.

Viewing Target Health

To view a summary of the health of the target, navigate to the Monitoring and Diagnostics section, by following these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

The Monitoring and Diagnostics section specifies the number of abnormal occurrences related to the target that require user action, and the number of changes made to the target configuration, within a particular time interval. This information is useful to administrators who want to quickly get an idea of the overall health of the target, and know the number of issues that need to be resolved. For more details on target configuration, access Configuration from the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu.

Table 12-4 describes the elements of the Monitoring and Diagnostics section.

Table 12-4 Target Health

Element Description


The number of unresolved situations or issues that impact the target negatively, and hence require user action. The displayed integer is also a link to the Incident Manager page.

Descendant Target Incidents

(Only for Essbase Server Targets)

The number of incidents related to Essbase applications. The displayed integer is also a link to the Incident Manager page.

Configuration Changes

The number of changes made to the target configuration in the last seven days. The displayed integer is also a link to the Configuration History page.

Viewing Target Alert History

To view the alert history of a particular target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. From the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Monitoring, then select Alert History.

The Alert History page provides details about target metrics, such as the periods when a particular metric was beyond its critical threshold value, the periods when the metric could not be calculated, and so on. These details help you plan corrective measures for metric-related problems, before any severe damage or prolonged downtime can occur.

Table 12-5 describes the elements of the Alert History page.

Table 12-5 Target Alert History

Element Description


Parameter related to the performance of the target.


Condition of the metric at various times. The condition can have the values Critical, Warning, Clear, and No Data.

Viewing Target Incidents

To view the incidents related to the target, navigate to the Incidents section, by following these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

The Incidents section provides details about the various events, related to the target, that negatively impact the business intelligence system. These events require user action. The details provided by this section, such as the incident summary, severity, target, target type, and so on, are essential for troubleshooting.

For detailed reports on target incidents, access the Incident Manager page. To access this page, from the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu, select Monitoring, then select Incident Manager.

For details on the elements of the Incidents section, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

Viewing Target Logs

To view the log messages related to a particular target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the BI Instance component or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Logs, then select View Log Messages.

  4. (Optional) To view or download the target log files, click Target Log Files, select the required log file, then click View Log File or Download, respectively.

  5. (Optional) To export log messages to a file, from the Log Messages page, select the required messages. From the Export Messages to File menu, click the file format you want to export the selected messages to. Choose a location, and download the file.

The target logs are a repository of target error messages, warnings, and notifications. They can be used for tracing the intermediate steps of an operation, and are essential for troubleshooting incidents and problems.

You can use the Log Messages page to view all log messages, search for a particular message, view messages related to a message, export messages to a file, view the target log files, and download the log files. For more information about log files, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

For the BI Instance target, this page displays log messages related to all system components and Java EE components. For the BI Instance component targets and Essbase targets, this page displays only those log messages that are related to the target.

Table 12-6 describes the elements of the Log Messages page.

Table 12-6 Target Log Messages

Element Description


Date and time when the log message was created.

Message Type

Type of the log message. Message Type can be Incident Error, Error, Warning, Notification, Trace, or Unknown. These types represent the decreasing severity of messages, with Trace representing the least severe message and Incident Error representing the most severe message. Unknown indicates that Message Type is not known.

Message ID

9-digit string that uniquely identifies the message within the framework.


Text of the log message.

Execution Context ID (ECID)

Global unique identifier of the execution of a particular request, in which a target component participates. You can use the ECID to correlate error messages from different target components.

Relationship ID

Identifier which distinguishes the work done by a particular thread on a particular process, from the work done by any other thread on the same, or any other process, on behalf of the same request.


Target component that generated the message.


Identifier of the module that generated the message.

Incident ID

Identifier of the incident to which the message corresponds.


Oracle Instance containing the target component that generated the message.

Message Group

Group containing the message.

Message Level

An integer value representing the severity of the message. Ranges from 1 (most severe) to 32 (least severe).

Hosting Client

Identifier of the client or security group related to the message.


Organization ID for the target component that generated the message. This ID is oracle for all Oracle components.


Name of the host where the message was generated.

Host IP Address

Network address of the host where the message was generated.


User whose execution context generated the message.

Process ID

Identifier of the process or execution unit that generated the message.

Thread ID

Identifier of the thread that generated the message.

Upstream Component

Component that the message generating component works with, on the client side.

Downstream Component

Component that the message generating component works with, on the server side.

Detail Location

URL linking to additional information about the message.

Supplemental Detail

Detailed information about the message, more detailed than the message text.

Target Log Files

Link to the target log files.

Log File

Log file containing the message.

Viewing Target Configuration and Configuration File

To view the configuration data of a target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. From the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Configuration, then select Last Collected to access the Target Configuration browser.

  5. (Optional) To export target configuration data to a configuration file, click Export. The exported target configuration data is stored in a .xls file.

Use the Target Configuration browser to view the latest configuration data of the target. Using the browser, you can also search for configuration data, view saved target configurations, compare target configurations, and view the target configuration history.

Viewing Target Job Activity

To view the past, currently running, and scheduled jobs related to a target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. From the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Job Activity.

The Job Activity page displays target jobs related to target administrative tasks, such as starting the target, stopping the target, target blackouts, and so on.

Use the Job Activity page to search for a particular job and retrieve job details such as the owner, status, scheduled start time, and so on. You can also use the Job Activity page to perform target job administration tasks, such as creating, editing, suspending, and resuming a job.

Viewing Target Compliance

To view the compliance of a target to compliance standards or compliance frameworks, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. From the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Compliance, then select Results.

  5. To view the compliance results of a target with respect to a particular compliance standard, select Compliance Standards. To view the compliance results of a target with respect to a particular compliance framework, select Compliance Frameworks.

Use the Compliance Results page to view the compliance of a target to compliance standards and compliance frameworks. This page also lists the number of violations made to compliance standards and compliance frameworks, hence giving you an idea of whether the targets in your enterprise adhere to established standards or not.

For more information on target compliance, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Lifecycle Management Administrator's Guide.

Performing Target-Specific Monitoring Tasks

This section explains how you can perform target-specific BI Instance and Essbase target monitoring tasks, such as viewing BI Instance dashboard reports, BI Instance scheduler reports, Essbase application data storage details, and so on.

This section contains the following:

BI Instance


Viewing Oracle Business Intelligence Dashboard Reports

To view Oracle Business Intelligence dashboard reports, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance. Click the BI Instance name.

  3. From the Business Intelligence Instance menu, select Dashboard Reports.

  4. From the View list, select the set of dashboard reports you want to view.


To view Oracle Business Intelligence dashboard reports in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, you must enable usage tracking. For information on how to enable usage tracking, refer to the Managing Usage Tracking chapter of the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Using this page, you can view the dashboard usage in the past 7 days, the dashboards that failed in the past 24 hours, the top dashboards by resource usage in the past 7 days, and the top users by resource usage in the past 7 days. These details tell you which dashboards are the most popular, which dashboards failed recently, which dashboards use the maximum resources, and which user is the most active. An in-depth analysis of these details can provide important insights into the functioning of an enterprise.


Without specifying the correct credentials on the Monitoring Credentials page, you cannot access certain dashboard reports. Hence, ensure that you specify the appropriate credentials on the Monitoring Credentials page, before accessing the Dashboard Reports page.

To access the Monitoring Credentials page, from the Business Intelligence Instance menu, select Target Setup, then select Monitoring Credentials.

Table 12-7 describes the elements of the Dashboard Reports page.

Table 12-7 Oracle Business Intelligence Dashboard Reports

Element Description


User who accessed the dashboard.

Total Sessions

Total number of user sessions which accessed the dashboard.

Last Accessed On

Time when the dashboard was last accessed.


Dashboard name.

Error Code

Dashboard error code.

Error Message

Dashboard error message.


Name of the repository accessed by the dashboard.

Subject Area

Information about business areas, or the groups of users in an organization.

Start Time

Time when the server received the logical request for the dashboard.

End Time

Time when the server completed servicing the logical request for the dashboard.

View Log Messages

View log messages related to the dashboard.

Total Time

Total time taken to service all logical requests made for a particular dashboard.

Note: In the Top Users by Resource Usage in Last 7 Days reports, this element represents the total time taken to service all logical requests made by a particular user.

Database Time

Time taken by the database to complete all physical requests made for a particular dashboard.

Note: In the Top Users by Resource Usage in Last 7 Days reports, this element represents the time taken by the database to complete all physical requests made by a particular user.

Compile Time

Time taken to convert all logical requests made for a particular dashboard.

Note: In the Top Users by Resource Usage in Last 7 Days reports, this element represents the time taken to convert all logical requests made by a particular user, to physical requests.

Failed Logical Requests

Number of logical requests made for the dashboard that failed.

Note: In the Top Users by Resource Usage in Last 7 Days reports, this element represents the number of logical requests made by a particular user that failed.

Total Logical Requests

Total number of logical requests made for the dashboard.

Note: In the Top Users by Resource Usage in Last 7 Days reports, this element represents the total number of logical requests made by a particular user.

Viewing Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler Reports

To view Oracle Business Intelligence scheduler reports, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance. Click the BI Instance name.

  3. From the Business Intelligence Instance menu, select Scheduler Reports.

  4. From the View list, select the set of scheduler reports you want to view.

Using this page, you can view the BI Instance target jobs that failed in the past 24 hours, and the BI Instance target jobs that have been scheduled to begin later. These details inform you about the jobs that failed recently and the jobs scheduled to take place in the future, giving you a summary of the BI Instance past and future job activity.

Table 12-8 describes the elements of the Scheduler Reports page.

Table 12-8 Oracle Business Intelligence Instance Scheduler Reports

Element Description

Job Name

Name of the job, as specified by the user who created it.

Instance ID

ID of the job instance.

Job ID

ID of the job.

Start Time

Time the job started.

End Time

Time the job ended or failed.

Error Message

Error message of the failed job.


User who created the job.

Scheduled Time

Time the job is scheduled to begin.

Script Type

Type of script to be executed.

Viewing Oracle Business Intelligence Instance Key Metrics

To view the key metrics related to the BI Instance target, navigate to the Metrics section by following these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance. Click the BI Instance name.

The Metrics section displays the key metrics used to monitor the performance of the BI Instance. Analyzing these metrics provides early warnings of errors and incidents, and helps you identify problem areas quickly.

To view all BI Instance metrics, access the All Metrics page. To access this page, from the Business Intelligence Instance menu, select Monitoring, then select All Metrics. For more information on this page, see Viewing Target Metrics.

Table 12-9 describes the elements of the Metrics section.

Table 12-9 Oracle Business Intelligence Instance Key Metrics

Metric Description

Request Processing Time (ms)

Average time, in milliseconds, taken by the BI Servers to process a request. This metric is collected from the time the BI Analytics application was last started.

SOA Request Processing Time (ms)

Average time, in milliseconds, taken by the Oracle WebLogic Server cluster to process a web services request. This metric is collected from the time the BI SOA application was last started.

Average Query Time (seconds)

Average time, in seconds, taken by the BI Servers to process a query. This metric is collected from the time the BI Server was last started.

Active Sessions

Total number of active sessions for the BI Instance. This metric is collected from the time the BI Analytics application was last started.

Requests (per minute)

Average number of requests, per minute, received by the BI Servers. This metric is collected from the time the BI Analytics application was last started.

SOA Requests (per minute)

Average number of servlet and/or JavaServer Pages (JSP) invocations, per minute, for web services requests across the Oracle WebLogic Server cluster. This metric is collected from the time the BI SOA application was last started.

Presentation Services Requests (per second)

Average number of requests, per second, received by the BI Presentation Servers. This metric is collected from the time the BI Presentation Server was last started.

Server Queries (per second)

Average number of queries, per second, completed by the BI Servers. This metric is collected from the time the BI Server was last started.

Failed Queries

Number of failed BI Server queries. This metric is collected from the time the BI Presentation Server was last started.

Viewing Oracle Business Intelligence Essbase Applications Summary

To view a summary of Oracle Business Intelligence Essbase applications, navigate to the Applications section, by following these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having an Essbase Server target. Click the Essbase Server name.

The Applications section provides details about the status, resource usage, and data storage type of the various Essbase applications under the Essbase server. This section is useful to administrators who want to quickly obtain an overview of the availability and storage details of the Essbase applications being monitored.


If the applications displayed in the Applications section are different from the ones displayed in the Target Navigation window, refresh the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm. To do this, from the Target Navigation window, click the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm name. From the Farm menu, click Refresh WebLogic Domain. Click Add/Update Targets.

Table 12-10 describes the elements of this section.

Table 12-10 Oracle Business Intelligence Essbase Applications Summary

Element Description


Name of the application.


Application status, whether the application is up or down.

Storage Type

Type of application data storage.

Memory Usage (MB)

Memory, in MB, used by the application.


Number of cubes contained in the application.

Viewing Oracle Business Intelligence Essbase Application Data Storage Details

To view details about how data for an Oracle Business Intelligence Essbase application is stored, navigate to the Cubes section, by following these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having an Essbase Server target. Click the Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required Essbase application.

The Cubes section provides structural and usage information about the cubes contained in the Essbase application. These details tell you about how data storage is designed for the application, and how accessible the application data is at the moment.

Table 12-11 describes the elements of this section.

Table 12-11 Oracle Business Intelligence Essbase Application Data Storage Details

Element Description


Name of the cube.


Number of dimensions the cube has.

Connected Users

Number of users currently connected to the cube data.


Number of data block locks currently held on the cube.

Data Cache Size (KB)

Size, in KB, of the buffer in memory that holds uncompressed data blocks.

Administering Oracle Business Intelligence Instance and Essbase Targets

To administer Oracle Business Intelligence Instance (BI Instance) and Essbase targets using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, navigate to the home page of the required target. For information on how to do this, see Monitoring Oracle Business Intelligence Instance and Essbase Targets.

Using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, you can perform general, as well as target specific administration tasks.

This section contains the following:


This section is applicable only for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g targets.

Performing General Administration Tasks

This section explains how to perform general BI Instance and Essbase target administration tasks, such as starting, stopping, or restarting the target, administering target access privileges, administering target blackouts, and so on.

This section contains the following:

Starting, Stopping, or Restarting the Target

To start, stop, or restart a target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. Click Start Up, Shut Down, or Restart to start, stop, or restart the target, respectively. Alternatively, from the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu, select Control, then select Start Up, Shut Down, or Restart.

To run certain patching and maintenance tasks, you may need to stop the target, perform the task, and restart it once the operation is complete.

Administering Target Access Privileges

To manage the access privileges for a target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. From the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Target Setup, then select Administrator Access.

  5. Click Add to grant target access privileges to a role or an administrator.

Use the Access page to set target privileges for roles and administrators. The available privileges are View, Operator, and Full.

View only allows you to view the target in the console, whereas Operator allows you to view targets, and perform all administrative actions except deleting targets. Full allows you to view targets, and perform all administrative actions.

Administering Target Blackouts

To administer the blackouts for a target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. From the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Monitoring, then select Blackouts.

Blackouts suspend data collection on a monitored target. Blackouts are useful when you want to perform scheduled maintenance tasks on monitored targets.

Use the Blackouts page to search for existing target blackouts, edit existing blackouts, define new blackouts, and stop blackouts. You can also create and stop blackouts using the BI Instance component menu, or the Essbase target menu. To create or stop a blackout, from the BI Instance component menu, or the Essbase target menu, select Control, then select Create Blackout or End Blackout, respectively.

Viewing Target Monitoring Configuration

To view the monitoring configuration details for a particular target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance or Essbase Server target. Click the BI Instance or Essbase Server name.

  3. From the navigation tree in the Target Navigation window, click the name of the required target.

  4. From the BI Instance component menu or Essbase target menu displayed on the target home page, select Target Setup, then select Monitoring Configuration.

The Monitoring Configuration page provides information about instance properties of the target, which provide internal details about target monitoring.

Table 12-12 describes the elements of the Monitoring Configuration page.

Table 12-12 Target Monitoring Configuration

Element Description

Canonical Path

Component path of the form instance_name/component_name.

Oracle Instance Home

Location of the target content files, metadata, configuration files and log files.

DB Class String

String needed to form a JDBC connection with a target repository.

DB Connection String

String that specifies information about the target repository, and the means to connect to it.

DB Password

Repository database password.

DB User Name

Repository database user name.

Domain Home

Domain home directory of the WebLogic domain that the target is a part of.

Is JRF Enabled

Whether Oracle Java Required Files (JRF) is applied to the target instance or not.

Monitoring Mode

Indicates whether the Enterprise Manager instance uses a repository while monitoring the target or not. Repo indicates that a repository is used, whereas Repo-less indicates that a repository is not used.


Version of the target software.

Performing Target-Specific Administration Tasks

This section explains how to perform target-specific BI Instance and Essbase target administration tasks, such as viewing BI Instance component failovers, and editing BI Instance monitoring credentials.

This section contains the following:

Viewing Oracle Business Intelligence Component Failovers

To view the BI Instance component failovers, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having a BI Instance target. Click the BI Instance name.

  3. Select the Availability tab, then select Failover.

This page displays the risk levels of BI Instance component failure, the recommended backup actions to prevent component failures, and the backup or secondary hosts for components that have failovers configured. Administrators can use this information to plan failovers for BI Instance components that have a high risk of failure.

For more information on the recommended backup actions to avoid BI Instance component failures, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Editing Oracle Business Intelligence Monitoring Credentials

To edit the BI Instance monitoring credentials, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware.

  2. From the navigation tree, select the Oracle Fusion Middleware farm having an BI Instance. Click the BI Instance name.

  3. From the Business Intelligence Instance menu, select Target Setup, then select Monitoring Credentials.

  4. Edit the required fields, then click Save.

This page enables you to specify and edit the credentials required to connect to the database which stores scheduling and usage tracking information. Without specifying the correct credentials on this page, you cannot access certain dashboard reports. Hence, ensure that you specify the appropriate credentials on this page, before accessing the Dashboard Reports page.

Table 12-13 describes the elements of the Monitoring Credentials page.

Table 12-13 Oracle Business Intelligence Instance Monitoring Credentials

Element Description

Database Type

Type of the database.


Name of the host on which the database is installed.


Port used for communicating with the database.

Service Name

Name of the database service.


User name used for database login.


Password used for database login.