12 Configuring External Tools and Services for WebCenter Portal in an Enterprise Deployment

This chapter describes how to configure external tools and services for WebCenter Portal applications using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST commands. For most external services, you must set up a connection between the WebCenter Portal application and the backend server.

This chapter includes the following topics:

12.1 Configuring Default Web Service Policies for WebCenter Portal, Discussions, and Portlet Producer Applications

After installing Oracle WebCenter Portal, you must attach the default Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM) security policy to the following:

  • WebCenter Portal application (webcenter)

  • Discussions application (owc_discussions)

  • WebCenter Services Portlet Producer (services-producer)

  • WSRP Tools Producer (wsrp-tools)

These steps are required because security policies for these Web service end points are not configured out-of-the-box.

To attach the default Web service security policy:

  1. Ensure that WC_Spaces1, WC_Spaces2, WC_Collaboration1, WC_Collaboration2, WC_Portlet1, and WC_Portlet2 managed servers are up and running.

  2. Start the WebLogic Scripting Tool:

    WCPHOST1> MW_HOME/wc/common/bin/wlst.sh
  3. Connect to the Administration Server as an administrator.

    For example:

    connect("weblogic","admin password","ADMINVHN:7001")

    For information, see the "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

  4. Run WLST commands to attach the default OWSM security policy (oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy) to each of the following:

    • WebCenter Portal application (webcenter)

    • Discussions application (owc_discussions)

    • WebCenter Services Portlet Producer (services-producer)

    • WSRP Tools Producer (wsrp-tools)

    1. To attach the default OWSM security policy to WebCenter Portal's "SpacesWebService" on each server in the cluster (WC_Spaces1 and WC_Spaces2), run the following WLST commands:

      attachWebServicePolicy(application='/wcedg/WC_Spaces1/webcenter', moduleName='webcenter', moduleType='web', serviceName='SpacesWebService', subjectName='SpacesWebServiceSoapHttpPort', policyURI='oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy')
      attachWebServicePolicy(application='/wcedg/WC_Spaces2/webcenter', moduleName='webcenter', moduleType='web', serviceName='SpacesWebService', subjectName='SpacesWebServiceSoapHttpPort', policyURI='oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy')
    2. To attach the default OWSM security policy to the discussions Web service on each server in the cluster (WC_Collaboration1 and WC_Collaboration2), run the following WLST commands:

      attachWebServicePolicy(application='/wcedg/WC_Collaboration1/owc_discussions', moduleName='owc_discussions', moduleType='web', serviceName='OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated', subjectName='OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated', policyURI='oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy')
      attachWebServicePolicy(application='/wcedg/WC_Collaboration2/owc_discussions', moduleName='owc_discussions', moduleType='web', serviceName='OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated', subjectName='OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated', policyURI='oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy')
    3. To attach the default OWSM security policy to the Services Producer's Web service end point on each server in the cluster (WC_Portlet1 and WC_Portlet2), run the following WLST commands:

      attachWebServicePolicy(application='/wcedg/WC_Portlet1/services-producer#', moduleName='services-producer', moduleType='web', serviceName='WSRP_v2_Service', subjectName='WSRP_v2_Markup_Service', policyURI='oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy')
      attachWebServicePolicy(application='/wcedg/WC_Portlet2/services-producer#', moduleName='services-producer', moduleType='web', serviceName='WSRP_v2_Service', subjectName='WSRP_v2_Markup_Service', policyURI='oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy')
    4. Run the following WLST commands to attach the default OWSM security policy to the WSRP Tools Producer's Web service end point on each server in the cluster (WC_Portlet1 and WC_Portlet2):

      attachWebServicePolicy(application='/wcedg/WC_Portlet1/wsrp-tools#', moduleName='wsrp-tools', moduleType='web', serviceName='WSRP_v2_Service', subjectName='WSRP_v2_Markup_Service', policyURI='oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy')
      attachWebServicePolicy(application='/wcedg/WC_Portlet2/wsrp-tools#', moduleName='wsrp-tools', moduleType='web', serviceName='WSRP_v2_Service', subjectName='WSRP_v2_Markup_Service', policyURI='oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy')
  5. Restart the WC_Spaces1, WC_Spaces2, WC_Collaboration1, WC_Collaboration2, WC_Portlet1, and WC_Portlet2 managed servers.

12.2 Configuring the Discussions Server Connection

If you want to provide discussions or announcements in WebCenter Portal, you must connect the application to a discussions server. To configure a connection for the WebCenter Portal Enterprise Deployment, the following values are required:

  • Discussions Server URL: http://wcpinternal.mycompany.com/owc_discussions

  • Discussions Admin User: discussions server admin user name

  • Discussions Admin Password: discussions server admin password

  • Authenticated User Web Service Policy URI: WSS 1.0 SAML Token Client Policy

You can connect to a discussions server using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST commands:

For more information, see the "Managing Announcements and Discussions" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.


If you want to provide discussions or announcements you must also configure a security policy for the discussions Web service. For details, see Section 12.1, "Configuring Default Web Service Policies for WebCenter Portal, Discussions, and Portlet Producer Applications".

12.2.1 Creating a Discussions Server Connection Using Fusion Middleware Control

To connect your WebCenter Portal application to a discussions server using Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Ensure that at least one of the managed server on which your application is deployed is up and running.

    For example, one of the WC_Spaces managed servers.

  2. Log on to the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console at http://SOAHOST1:7001/em.

  3. Navigate to the home page for your WebCenter Portal application.

    For example, to navigate to the home page for the WebCenter Portal application, select Farm_wcpedg_domain, WebCenter > Portal > Spaces, and then WebCenter Portal (WC_Spaces1).

  4. From the WebCenter Portal drop-down menu, select Settings, and then Service Configuration.

  5. Click Discussions and Announcements, and then Add.

  6. In the Add Discussion and Announcement Connection screen:

    • Connection Name: DFConnection

    • Active Connection: Select this check box to enable the connection

    • Server URL: http://wcpinternal.mycompany.com/owc_discussions

    • Administrator User Name: Name of a discussions server user with admin permissions

    • Authenticated User Web Service Policy URI: Select WSS 1.0 SAML Token Client Policy (oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy)

  7. Click OK to save the settings.

  8. Restart the managed servers on which the application is deployed.

    For the WebCenter Portal application, restart all the managed servers in the Spaces_Cluster.

12.2.2 Creating a Discussions Server Connection using WLST

To connect your WebCenter Portal application to a discussions server using the WebLogic Scripting Tool:

  1. Start the WebLogic Scripting Tool:

    WCPHOST1> MW_HOME/wc/common/bin/wlst.sh
  2. In WLST, connect as the administrator.

    For example:

    connect("weblogic","admin password","ADMINVHN:7001")
  3. Use the createDiscussionForumConnection command to connect to the discussions server.

    For example:


    Where webcenter is the name of the WebCenter Portal application deployed on WC_Spaces1 and weblogic_wc is the name of the discussions server admin user.

    See also, "createDiscussionForumConnection" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

  4. Restart the managed servers on which the application is deployed.

    For the WebCenter Portal application, restart all the managed servers in the Spaces_Cluster.

12.3 Configuring the Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) Server Connection

For instructions how to configure Instant Messaging and Presence servers, see the "Registering Instant Messaging and Presence Servers" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

12.4 Configuring a BPEL Server Connection for Worklists and Workflows

Worklists and workflows, such as portal membership workflows, require a connection to a BPEL server. To configure a connection for the WebCenter Portal Enterprise Deployment, the following value is required:

  • SOAP Server URL: http://wcpinternal.mycompany.com

You can connect to a BPEL server using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST commands:

12.4.1 Before You Start

Before you connect your WebCenter Portal application to the BPEL server that will host the Worklist and Workflow applications:

  1. Complete prerequisites steps for worklists.

    For details, see the "Back-End Requirements for Worklists" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

  2. (WebCenter Portal application only) Complete prerequisites steps for the WebCenter Portal workflows.

    For details, see the "Back-End Requirements for WebCenter Portal Workflows" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

12.4.2 Configuring Worklists and Workflows using Fusion Middleware Control

To connect your WebCenter Portal application to a BPEL server using Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Ensure that at least one of the managed server on which your application is deployed is up and running.

    For example, one of the WC_Spaces managed servers.

  2. Log on to the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console at http://SOAHOST1:7001/em.

  3. Navigate to the home page for your WebCenter Portal application.

    For example, to navigate to the home page for the WebCenter Portal application, select Farm_wcpedg_domain, WebCenter > Portal > Spaces, and then WebCenter Portal (WC_Spaces1).

  4. Configure a connection for worklists:

    1. From the WebCenter Portal drop-down menu, select Settings, and then Service Configuration.

    2. Click Worklist, and then Add.

    3. In the Add Worklist Connection screen:

      Connection Name: WorklistConnection

      Active Connection: Select check box to enable the connection for worklists

      BPEL SOAP URL: http://wcpinternal.mycompany.com

    4. Click OK to save the settings.

  5. (WebCenter Portal application only) Specify the BPEL server that is hosting WebCenter Portal workflows:

    1. From the WebCenter Portal drop-down menu, select Settings, and then Application Configuration.

    2. From the Connection Name dropdown, choose the BPEL server connection where the workflows are deployed.

      If the BPEL server connection you want is not listed, follow step 4 to set up the connection.

    3. Click Apply to save the settings.

  6. Restart the managed servers on which the application is deployed.

    For WebCenter Portal, restart all the managed servers in the Spaces_Cluster.

12.4.3 Configuring Worklists and Workflows using WLST

To connect your WebCenter Portal application to a BPEL server, and specify a BPEL server for worklists and WebCenter Portal workflows using WLST:

  1. Start the WebLogic Scripting Tool:

    WCPHOST1> MW_HOME/wc/common/bin/wlst.sh
  2. In WLST, connect as the administrator.

    For example:

    connect("weblogic","admin password","ADMINVHN:7001")
  3. Configure a BPEL server connection:

    For example:

    createBPELConnection(appName="webcenter", name="WorklistConnection", url="http://wcpinternal.mycompany.com",server="WC_Spaces1")

    Where webcenter is the name of the WebCenter Portal application deployed on WC_Spaces1.

    See also, "createBPELConnection" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

  4. Configure worklists to use the BPEL connection:

    For example:

    addWorklistConnection(appName="webcenter", name="WorklistConnection", verbose=1,server="WC_Spaces1")

    See also, "addWorklistConnection" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

  5. (WebCenter Portal only) Specify the connection that points to the BPEL server on which WebCenter Portal workflows are deployed.

    For example:

    setSpacesWorkflowConnectionName(appName="webcenter", name="WorklistConnection",server="WC_Spaces1")

    See also, "setSpacesWorkflowConnectionName" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

  6. Restart the managed servers on which the application is deployed.

    For WebCenter Portal, restart all the managed servers in Spaces_Cluster.

12.5 Registering Portlet Producers

Several out-of-the-box portlet producers can be registered with the WebCenter Portal application. In the WebCenter Portal Enterprise Deployment, the required producer URLs are as follows:

  • WSRP Producer URL: http://wcpinternal.mycompany.com/wsrp-tools/portlets/wsrp2?WSDL

  • WebClipping Producer URL: http://wcpinternal.mycompany.com/portalTools/webClipping/providers

  • OmniPortlet Producer URL: http://wcpinternal.mycompany.com/portalTools/omniPortlet/providers

You can register portlet producers using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST commands:

12.5.1 Registering Out-of-the-Box Portlet Producers using Fusion Middleware Control

For details on how to register portlet producers using Fusion Middleware Control, see the "Managing Portlet Producers" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

12.5.2 Registering Out-of-the-Box Portlet Producers Using WLST

To register out-of-the-box portlet producers using WLST:

  1. Start the WebLogic Scripting Tool:

    WCPHOST1> MW_HOME/wc/common/bin/wlst.sh
  2. In WLST, connect as the administrator.

    For example:

    connect("weblogic","admin password","ADMINVHN:7001",server="WC_Spaces1")
  3. Register all three out-of-the-box WSRP and PDK-Java producers.

    For example:

    registerOOTBProducers(producerHost='wcpinternal.mycompany.com',producerPort=80, appName='webcenter', server='WC_Spaces1')

    Where webcenter is the name of the WebCenter Portal application deployed on WC_Spaces1.

See also, "registerOOTBProducers" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

12.6 Registering the Pagelet Producer

If you want to expose WSRP and Oracle JPDK portlets and OpenSocial gadgets as pagelets in WebCenter Portal, you must register the pagelet producer. In the WebCenter Portal Enterprise Deployment, the required pagelet producer URL is:


You can register the pagelet producer using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST commands Refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal for detailed steps:

12.7 Configuring Search Services

You can configure Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (Oracle SES) services and crawlers using procedures in the "Managing Oracle SES Search" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Ensure that:

  • Oracle Secure Enterprise Search is registered with Oracle Internet Directory and the WebCenter Portal application is configured as an Oracle SES trusted entity, as described in the "Oracle SES - Configuration" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

  • Connection exists between the WebCenter Portal application and Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, as described in the "Setting Up Oracle SES Connections" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Ensure that any new URLs are added to the wcpinternal.mycompany.com host in the wcinternal_vh.conf file as follows:

<Location /rsscrawl>
 WebLogicCluster WCPHOST1:9000,WCPHOST2:9000
 SetHandler weblogic-handler

<Location /sesUserAuth>
 WebLogicCluster WCPHOST1:9000,WCPHOST2:9000
 SetHandler weblogic-handler

See also, Section 10.11.1, "Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for the WC_Spacesn, WC_Portletn, WC_Utilitiesn, and WC_Collaborationn Managed Servers".

12.8 Configuring the Mail Server for Notifications

For details on how to set up the Notifications service for WebCenter Portal applications, refer to the "Setting Up Notifications" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

In a WebCenter Portal Enterprise Deployment, if you choose to send notifications using mail you must set an additional property on the mail server connection named 'mail.user.emailAddress' which overrides any Sender Mail Address that is configured for mail notifications (that is, the 'From' field). If you do not set this additional property, one of the server names in the cluster appends to the Sender Mail Address, for example sender_mail_address@server1.

You can set additional properties for mail server connections using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST. For details, see:

For example, using WLST:

setMailConnectionProperty(appName='webcenter', name='myMail_Server_Connection_Name', key='mail.user.emailAddress', value='myShared_User_Email_Address')


myMail_Server_Connection_Name - Name of the mail server connection used by the Notification service.

myShared_User_Email_Address - The SHARED mail address. This is the mail address associated with the user specified in the external application's shared credentials. Ensure you can login with this mail address to your mail server.