
A  C  D  E  G  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


administering with SA System subject area, A
configuration settings affecting, 1.6
definition of, 1.1
jobs, adding and modifying, 3.4
modifying in Job Manager, 3.5
property fields, 3.5
rerunning, 3.6
running in parallel, 1.3
Scheduler, 1.1
support in Scheduler, 1.3


canceling instances, 6.2.4
case of logon names, A.4.1
certification information, Preface
class, Java SchedulerJobException, 5.7
configuring Scheduler instances, 2.3
CreateArray object method, 4.8.1
custom script
configuring properties, 4.1, 4.3
copy results to file system example, 4.4
creating, 4.2


daily trigger type,
data sources, setting up, 1.6
database, back-end
Scheduler requirement, 1.4
databases,supported, Preface
DayOfWeek Enum values, 4.7.3
DeregisterCancelCommand object method, 4.8.2
configuring entry for SQL Server databases, 2.2.2


e-mail addresses, populating for agents, A
ExitCode instance property, 6.2.5, 6.2.5
ExitCode script object property, 4.6
extensions, Java
example, 5.8
overview, 5.2


GetConfigurationValue object method, 4.8.3
GetTempFileName object method, 4.8.4
in SA System subject area, A.1.1


IgnoreWebcatDeliveryProfiles configuration element, A.4
installing and upgrading, 1.6
InstanceID instance property, 6.2.5
InstanceID script object property, 4.5
canceling, 6.2.4
ExitCode property, 6.2.5, 6.2.5
InstanceID property, 6.2.5
job instances, managing, 3.7
JobID property, 6.2.5
Message property, 6.2.5
purging, 6.2.4
Scheduler job, 3.7
Status property, 6.2.5, 6.2.5, 6.2.5
viewing, 6.2.4
interface, Java
SchedulerJavaExtension, 5.5
SchedulerJobInfo, 5.6


Java jobs
configuring config.xml to enable use by Scheduler, 5.1.3
example, 5.8
overview, 5.2
using, 5.1
Java program
configuring to use with agents, 5.1.3
example of creating, 5.1.2
configuration file, 5.1.3
job action
definition of, 6.4
Load Script from File field, 6.4
Parameters (script) field, 6.4
Script field, 6.4
Script Type field, 6.4
job failures, troubleshooting, 4.9
job instances, managing, 3.7
Job Manager
about, 6.1
agent jobs, adding and modifying, 3.4
File menu options, table of, 6.2.1
Instances menu options, table of, 6.2.4
job instances, managing, 3.7
Jobs menu options, table of, 6.2.3
menus, 6.2
overview, 3.1
Service Management menu options, table of, 6.2.2
shutting down, 6.2.1
job scripts
day-of-month flags, 4.7.2
day-of-week flags, 4.7.3
definition of, 4
Delete Script When Job is Removed, 6.3
deleting at end of job, 6.3
Disabled field, 6.3
disabling, 6.3
locating, 1.5
month-of-year constants, 4.7.5
occurrence constants, 4.7.6
Script object, 4
Script object read-only properties, 4.5
Script object read/write properties, 4.6
Script-defined constants, 4.7
job triggers
definition of, 6.5
recurrent trigger fields, 6.5.2
recurrent trigger types,
setting, 6.5
single-run triggers, 6.5.1
JobID instance property, 6.2.5
JobID script object property, 4.5
about setting up, 6.1
adding or modifying, 3.2
automatic deletion after execution, 6.3
Delete Job When Done field, 6.3
Execute When Missed field, 6.3
job property configuration fields, 6.3
last run time and next run time fields, 6.3
Last Run Time field, 6.3
Maximum Run Time MS field, 6.3
number of instances running, 6.3
re-running, 3.6
Running Instance Count field, 6.3
scheduling and canceling, 6.2.3
time out setting, 6.3
JScript and VBScript job failures, troubleshooting, 4.9


LaunchProcess object method, 4.8.5
logon names, case of, A.4.1


managing job instances, 3.7
memory requirements, Preface
Message instance property, 6.2.5
Message script object property, 4.6
methods, running and canceling Java, 5.5
minimum disk space, Preface
Monthly by Date trigger type,
Monthly by DOW trigger type,
month-of-year constants, 4.7.5


names, case of logon, A.4.1
nqJobDeleteScriptWhenDone script-defined constant, 4.7.4
nqJobDeleteWhenDone script-defined constant, 4.7.4
nqJobDisabled script-defined constant, 4.7.4
nqJobExecuteWhenMissed script-defined constant, 4.7.4
nqJobHasEndDate script-defined constant, 4.7.4
nqJobNoFlags, 4.7.4
nqJobScriptContainsPath script-defined constant, 4.7.4
nqJobStartNow script-defined constant, 4.7.4


occurrence constants, table of values, 4.7.6
OnError object event, 4.8.13
operating systems, supported, Preface
Oracle BI repository
mapping SA System subject area in, A.3
Oracle Business Intelligence
new features, Preface


ParameterCount script object property, 4.5
pausing and continuing the Scheduler, 6.2.2
platforms, supported, Preface
purging instances, 6.2.4


RCU, using to create Scheduler database schemas, 2.1
recurrent trigger
Begin Date, 6.5.2
End Date, 6.5.2
End Time, 6.5.2
fields related to, 6.5.2
Has End Date, 6.5.2
Interval in Minutes, 6.5.2
Maximum Concurrent Instances, 6.5.2
Set Start Time To Now, 6.5.2
Start Time, 6.5.2
trigger types,
RegisterCancelCommand object method, 4.8.6
requirements, system, Preface
running job, definition of, 6.2.5


S_NQ_ERR_MSG, 1.5, 1.5
S_NQ_INSTANCE, 1.5, 1.5
S_NQ_JOB, 1.5
S_NQ_JOB_PARAM, 1.5, 1.5
SA System subject area, A.4.1
about, A.1
about group resolution, A.1.1
columns for, A.2
importing data from, A.3
managing the case of login names, A.4.1
setting configuration options for, A.4
setting up, A.2
ScheduleJobDaily object method, 4.8.7
ScheduleJobMonthlyDate object method, 4.8.8
ScheduleJobMonthlyDOW object method, 4.8.9
ScheduleJobNow object method, 4.8.10
ScheduleJobOnce object method, 4.8.11
ScheduleJobWeekly object method, 4.8.12
adding jobs in Job Manager, 3.2
configuring database, 2.2
connection, opening and closing, 6.2.1
database schemas, 1.5
database schemas created in RCU, 2.1
databases supported, 1.4
Java Job properties, 5.3
Job Manager, role of, 3.1
modifying jobs in Job Manager, 3.3
overview, 1.1
pausing and continuing, 6.2.2
role of, 1.1
scheduling and removing jobs, 6.2.3
schema tables, 1.5
scripted jobs, 1.1
stopping, 6.2.2
table names, 2.4
tables, 1.5
tables and database support, 1.4
Script object
overview, 4, 5.2
read-only properties, 4.5
read/write properties, 4.6
script-defined constants
about, 4.7
day-of-month, 4.7.2
day-of-month flags, 4.7.2
day-of-week, 4.7.3
day-of-week constants, 4.7.3
job status flags, 4.7.4
JobFlagsEnum, 4.7.4
month-of-year, 4.7.5
occurrence flags, 4.7.6
severity, 4.7.1
scripted jobs
definition of, 1.1
Scheduler, 1.1
scripts, object methods, 4.8
Severity script object property, 4.6
Single-Run Triggers, 6.5.1
SSL information, 1.6
standalone script jobs, 4
Status instance property, 6.2.5, 6.2.5, 6.2.5
stopping the Scheduler, 6.2.2
subject area, SA System, A.4.1
supported installation types, Preface
system requirements, Preface
SystemSubjectArea configuration element, A.4


topics of interest in other guides, 1.6
JScript and VBScript job failures, 4.9


UpperCaseRecipientNames configuration element, A.4
user profile options, populating with SA System subject area, A
UserID script object property, 4.5


viewing instances, 6.2.4


weekly trigger type,
Scheduler tables, 1.5
Schedulerand database support, 1.4