11 Uploading and Checking In Documents

This chapter describes how to upload one or more documents to Oracle WebCenter Content so they can be secured, viewed, and shared with others. It has the following sections.

11.1 About Uploading and Checking In Documents

You upload a document to have it managed by Oracle WebCenter Content. Uploading a document copies the document into a repository and if WebCenter Content is set to do so, converts the document to a version viewable in a web browser. Once the document is in a repository, it can be checked out, revised, and checked back in. Oracle WebCenter Content controls access to the document, tracks revisions to the document, and maintains metadata information associated with the document.

When you upload documents to a specific library or folder, you must navigate to the library first and then upload the document. Doing so applies the correct metadata to a document and organizes it in Oracle WebCenter Content so that you and others can find it. For detailed information on Libraries and Folders, see Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.

Figure 11-1 Document Context

Graphic showing document context

11.2 Uploading Documents from a Web Browser

Uploading documents to Oracle WebCenter Content is similar to uploading documents in many other applications. Once you begin, you navigate to the file you want to upload and then provide information about the document.

The information asked for when uploading a document is determined by the profile used when uploading. Profiles are configured by a system administrator to organize what metadata fields are available. For example, uploading a presentation using a profile configured for Marketing may require different metadata fields than when uploading a job application for Human Resources.

Much of the necessary information is automatically assigned based on the context of the library or folder used when uploading the document. For example, security access to a library automatically gets applied to a document uploaded to that library. If uploading to a folder in the library and the folder has different security properties, then they override the library security properties. If you want, you can see and change the metadata information when uploading a document.

You begin uploading documents in one of the following ways:

  • Select a profile from the Upload menu on the Find Documents page. This option uses the metadata fields of the selected profile and the default information from the library or folder context used when uploading.

  • Select Upload Similar Document from the More menu on either the Find Documents or View Documents page, or from the contextual menu when you right-click a document on a results list. This option uses the profile and default information of a document already uploaded to Oracle WebCenter Content.


When uploading a document, it is recommended that you navigate to the library or folder you want the document in and select the default profile used by the library or folder to ensure that all metadata options are available during upload. The default profile for a library or folder is listed in bold face at the top of the Upload menu.

Note that profiles can set default values for some metadata fields, but the library or folder used to upload the document can override the profile.

To upload documents:

  1. Select a profile from the Upload menu on the Find Documents page, or select Upload Similar Document from the More menu or a contextual menu. The Document Upload page is displayed.


    The More menu is available on the Find Documents page when a single document is selected and is also available on the View Documents page.

  2. Add one or more files to the documents section of the Document Upload page. You can add files in one of three ways:

    • Drag-and-drop one or more files from your file system to the documents section. Note that not all browsers support the ability to drag-and-drop.

    • Click Browse and navigate your file system to the file or files you want to add.

    • Click Scan and add files from a scanner.


      The Scan button is displayed when you select Enable upload by scanning from the user Preferences window. You must also have a TWAIN-compliant scanner properly connected to your workstation to use this option. For detailed information about the options available in the scanning application, click the Help icon in the scanning application to see the online help system.

    To remove a file from the list of documents, click the X next to the file.

  3. Expand the Metadata section to review and edit any information for the document that you want to change. Metadata options are available only if at least one file is added to the documents section. If multiple documents are added, the displayed metadata is for the selected document.


    Metadata options are dependent on the profile selected. Default values are provided by the profile as well as the library and folder context. Some information is required as noted by an asterisk (*).

    Do not change the selected profile on the Document Upload Metadata form. If you need to use a different profile, cancel the upload and select the correct profile from the upload menu to begin again.

    The Name field must be unique in the library or folder context being used or the upload fails. If the Name field is not available as a metadata option in the Document Upload form, then the file name of the file being uploaded must be unique in the library or folder context.

    When uploading multiple files there is an option to copy a given metadata value to all files being uploaded. For example, you can enter Status Report in the name field and copy it to 12 other status reports to be uploaded, then add the month to the name value for each report separately: Status Report - Jan, -Feb, -Mar, etc. However, as the Name field value must be unique, you must make sure to change each value or the upload process will fail.

  4. Click Upload.

Figure 11-2 The Document Upload Page

Document Upload page

11.2.1 Changing Access to Uploaded Documents

Access to documents uploaded to Oracle WebCenter Content is initially determined by the profile used to upload the document and the document context. This means that the library or folder to which the document is uploaded can set the default security metadata values. For example, if you upload a document to an enterprise library folder accessible by everyone without changing security settings, then everyone initially has access to the document.

You can change the access to unfiled documents or documents uploaded to an enterprise library using security groups, accounts, and access control lists. Table 11-1 lists and describes the security options available when uploading an unfiled document, or adding a document to an enterprise library in Oracle WebCenter Content.

Table 11-1 Security Options For Unfiled Documents and Enterprise Libraries

Option Description

security groups

Security groups control access to documents. Roles assigned to people within the security group are used to grant permissions to view, edit, and delete particular documents. The security group is a required metadata field for all documents and may be assigned by default. Only those who belong to that security group can work with the document. When you upload a file, you may be able to specify or change the security group metadata value.


Accounts are an optional feature that a system administrator can set up to define a more flexible security model. As with security groups, only users who have permission to a particular account can work with documents that belong to that account. When you upload a file, you may be able to specify or change the account metadata values.


Each role can have the following permissions for each security group:

  • read (R): The person can view and download files in that security group.

  • write (W): The person can view, upload, download, and get a copy of documents in that security group. Authors can change the security settings of a document if the author has write permission in the new security group.

  • delete (D): The person can view, upload, download, get a copy, and delete files in that security group.

  • admin (A): The person can view, upload, download, get a copy, and delete files in that security group. If this person has Workflow rights, they can start or edit a workflow in that security group. The person can also upload documents in that security group with another person specified as the Author. Non-authors of a document with document admin permission can change the security settings of a document if the non-author has write permission in the new security group and optionally, account.

The permissions for a security group are the highest permission defined by any of the roles for that group. For example, if you are assigned Guest and Contributor roles, where guest is given Read permission and Contributor is given Write permission to the Public security group, you have Write permission to content in the Public security group.

access control list (ACL) security

An access control list is an explicit list of individuals or groups with permission to access or interact with a specific document.

Depending on how access control list security is configured, up to three additional fields are available for use when adding, modifying, or searching for documents:

  • User Access List

  • Group Access List

  • Role Access List

Important: To use an access control list on a document, the document must be uploaded to a security group that supports access control lists, or the added security does not work. If you are uncertain if the security group you are using supports access control lists, check with your system administrator.

To use access control lists with documents, you assign one or more predefined users, groups, or roles to the document. In addition, you assign the permissions (Read (R), Write (W), Delete (D), or Admin (A)) to each of the access list entries you specify.

For example, suppose you add a document and you want guests to have read access and you want all logged-in users to have read and write access. First, add the guest role to the document and click the R (Read) permission icon. Then, add the authenticated user role to the document and click the W (Write) permission icon to grant both the read and write permissions.

If either role is valid for the user, they have the access specified for the valid role. If both roles are valid for the user, they have the greater of the two permission sets.

Important: If there are no entries in the access control list fields for a document, then the document is available to any user whose security group and account permissions allow them access. However, once a user or group has been added to the access control list of a document, then users not explicitly added lose access to the document.

The Access Control List metadata associated with a document can include multiple entries and permissions. When searching for content using Access Control List metadata, use the "Contains" or the "Substring" option (depending on your search engine) to help ensure that you find all instances of the specified metadata.

Figure 11-3 Security Tab of the View Documents Page Properties Section

Security Tab

Changing Access to Unfiled or Enterprise Library Documents

Changing access to an unfiled document or document uploaded to an enterprise library is done using the document properties section of the View Documents page. To change access:

  1. On the View Documents page of the document you want to modify, click Security in the Document Properties section.

  2. In the Security area of the Document Properties section, select the security group or account you want to use.

  3. If you want to define rights for specific people, add them using the Add User field in the Users area of the Access Control Lists section and set the rights you want them to have.

  4. If you want to modify the rights given to certain roles, add the role using the Add Roles field in the Roles area of the Access Control Lists section and set the rights you want for that role for this document. Modifying the rights a role has for a specific document does not change the rights it has for other documents.

Remember, you can restrict permissions using an access control list within a security group, but not expand them beyond the permissions of the security group. For example, if everyone in the Authenticated role is set to have Write access to a document, you cannot specify Delete access to a person. You can, however, specify Read access for a specific person and they are limited to Read access.

However, if a person has two valid roles set in an Access Control List, then they have the greater of the two permissions. In other words, if an Access Control List is set to give Write access to all people with the Contributor role and Read access to all people with the Guest role, and a person is both Contributor and Guest, then they have Write access to the document.

11.3 Checking In New Revisions from a Web Browser

After a document is uploaded to Oracle WebCenter Content, any changes to the document must be checked in as a new revision. You can manually check in new revisions in the following ways:

  • Using the Check In button on a View Documents page

  • Adding a revision tab on the View Documents page

  • Right-clicking on a document in a results list on the Find Documents page and selecting Check In New Revision from the contextual menu

  • Selecting a document in a results list on the Find Documents page and clicking the Check In New Revision icon in the tool bar


You can also check in a new revision automatically after editing using the Check Out and Edit feature of the More menu. For more information, see Section 12.2.1.

If a document is checked out by someone else, the document is locked and a new revision can be checked in only by the person who has checked it out unless they undo the check-out. If a document is not checked out, you can check it out to lock it while you edit it before checking it back in, or add an edited revision to the View Documents page without first checking out the document. For more information on the options available for checking out and editing documents, see Section 12.2.

To check in a new revision:

  1. Click Check In on the View Documents page or use one of the other options listed above to begin. The Check In New Revision page is displayed.

  2. Add a file to the documents section of the Check In New Revision page. You can add files in one of three ways:

    • Drag-and-drop a file from your file system to the documents section. Not all browser are able to use drag-and-drop.

    • Click Browse and navigate your file system to the file you want to add.

    • Click Scan and add a file from a scanner.

    To remove a file from the list of documents, click the X next to the file.

  3. Expand the Metadata section to review and edit any information for the document that you want to change. Metadata options are available after a file is added to the documents section.


    The metadata profile and default options are based on the previous revision of the document.

  4. Click Upload.

Figure 11-4 Check In New Revision Page

Check In New Revision form

11.4 Uploading and Checking In Documents from WebCenter Content: Desktop

Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop provides quick access to Oracle WebCenter through a standard Microsoft Windows files system or through Microsoft Office products such as Outlook and Word. When integrated with Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop, uploading files to Oracle WebCenter Content is as simple as copying a file to a folder in Windows Explorer or saving a file from a Microsoft Office Application. For details on using the full range of features available in Oracle WebCenter Content, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop.

11.5 Uploading and Checking In Documents from a Mobile Device

Documents cannot be uploaded to Oracle WebCenter Content using your Apple iPad, iPhone, or Android device. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Content on Mobile Devices.