10 Satellite Server Post-Installation Steps

After you have installed and configured your remote Satellite Servers, you can adjust caching conditions and optimize the performance of your WebCenter Sites system.

This chapter contains the following topics:

10.1 Adjusting Caching Conditions

If You Are Using inCache

If you are using the inCache framework, you can tune it by setting properties that are listed in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Administrator's Guide.

For either type of caching framework, inCache or traditional, you can set the expiration property, in the satellite.properties file. The expiration property defines the default expiration time for blobs when a cache expiration value is not specifically set for blobs with the satellite.blob or RENDER.SATELLITEBLOB tag that generated the items.

  • Setting expiration to never notifies Satellite Server that blobs should never expire for time reasons. Such objects are not guaranteed to remain in the cache indefinitely. For example, if the cache is full, Satellite Server still removes objects from cache based on an LRU (least recently used) algorithm.

  • Setting expiration to immediate instructs Satellite Server not to cache pages, pagelets, or blobs at all.

To define a specific set of expiration dates and times, assign a string that uses the following format for the expiration property:

hh:mm:ss W/DD/MM

The value of this property follows the syntax of a TimePattern object. The syntax definition is reproduced in Table 10-1 for convenience.

Table 10-1 TimePattern Syntax

Parameters Legal Values Description



The hour. For example, 0 means midnight, 12 means noon, 15 means three in the afternoon, and so on.



The number of minutes past the hour.



The number of seconds past the minute.



The day of the week. For example, 0 means Sunday, 1 means Monday, and so on.



The day of the month.



The month of the year. For example, 1 means January, 2 means February, and so on.

For example, the following expiration value means "3:30 in the afternoon every Monday and on the 15th of April":

15:30:00 1/15/4

If you specify a value for both W and DD, both values apply. Thus, pages expire on Monday (the W field) and on the 15th (the DD field). To indicate a day-of-week expiration only, place an asterisk in the DD field. For example, to indicate expiration at 3:30 in the afternoon every Monday in April, set the expiration value to:

15:30:00 1/*/4

To indicate a day-of-month expiration only, place an asterisk in the W field. For example, to indicate expiration at 3:30 in the afternoon on April 15, set the expiration value to:

15:30:00 */15/4

Setting the hh, mm, ss, or MM fields to an asterisk means all legal values. For example, to indicate expiration at 3:30 in the afternoon on Mondays and the 15th of every month, set the expiration value to:

15:30:00 1/15/*

You can also place multiple values for any of the six fields by separating the values with commas. To represent a range of values, use a minus sign. For example, the following expiration value represents 6:00 (morning), 1:00 (afternoon), and 5:00 (afternoon), Monday through Friday in June.

6,13,17:00:00 1-5/*/6

To indicate that pages must expire every 15 minutes, set the expiration value to the following:

*:15,30,45:0 */*/*

The default value is:

5:0:0 */*/*

This means that everything in the Satellite Server cache expires every day at 5:00 a.m.

10.2 Log Configuration

Satellite Server uses Apache's Jakarta Commons Logging. By default, no specific JCL configuration information is specified. As a result, JCL will record INFO, WARN and ERROR messages to the console. Users can specify detailed configuration information by placing an empty file called commons-logging.properties in the following directory:


and then editing the file using the Property Editor. The Property Editor provides detailed log configuration information about each property.

To open the Property Editor, run the settings.bat batch file (Windows) or the settings.sh script (UNIX). Open the commons-logging.properties file; it will open with several tabs. Under the Loggers tab, among other entries, you will see:


These are the loggers that Satellite Server uses. Consult the property descriptions in the Property Editor for information about each logger, as well as the possible values. Under the Factory tab, you can choose the type of logger you want Satellite Server to use. By default, the Property Editor sets this to:


This allows you to write log messages to a log file that is configured under the TraditionalLog tab. (Note that the logging.file property is required.)

To send messages to the console, set the org.apache.commons.logging.Log property to either blank or COM.FutureTense.Logging.StandardLog. When you are done, save the changes, exit the Property Editor, and restart Satellite Server by restarting the application server. Consult the JCL website at http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/ for more information about JCL.