39 WEM Admin Interface Quick Reference

This chapter provides you with tips and a quick reference for using the Web Experience Management (WEM) Framework for managing and working with the sites, applications, users, and roles and includes the following sections:

39.1 Quick Tips for Managing the WEM Framework

Before following instructions in the rest of this section, take note of a few tips:

  • (Optional) If you are experimenting with WEM sites, users, and roles you may want to distinguish them from dedicated WebCenter Sites CM sites, users, and roles. For example, you can add a description for the site/user/role, or prefixing the name with "WEM_" (or a similar qualifier). Note that once a site, user, or role is created, its name cannot be changed.

  • ACLs are required for user accounts. ACLs can be created only by general administrators and only in the WebCenter Sites Admin tab.

  • Sharing a role to a user and an application grants the user access to the application in that site.

  • Applications can have role-protected interface functions. Sharing a role to a user and an interface function grants the user access to the interface function.

  • Groups provide access to REST. They must be configured in the WebCenter Sites Admin interface.

  • Groups are used to control access to applications' resources.

    If a custom-built application does not specify a predefined user, authorize application users at the application and REST levels.

    If a custom-built application specifies a predefined user, authorize that user at the system, application, and REST levels. Authorize application users at the application level.

The rest of this section provides you with a quick reference to help you create and manage sites, applications, users, and roles in the WEM Admin interface.

39.2 Managing Sites

Only general administrators can create, edit, and delete sites. The Sites form is accessible to general and site administrators.

Table 39-1 Managing Sites

Admin Action Path

WEM General Admin

Create a site

WEM Admin interface, then Sites, then Add Site, then update the fields , then Save and Close

Note: A site's name can only contain alphanumeric characters (no symbols).

WEM General Admin

Edit a site

WEM Admin interface, then Sites, then mouse over the site you wish to edit, then Edit, then modify the fields, then Save and Close

Note: You cannot modify the name of a site.

WEM General Admin

Delete a site

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Sites, then mouse over the site you wish to delete, then Delete

  2. In the warning box, click Delete.

WEM General and Site Admins

Add an application to a site

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Sites, then mouse over the site you wish to add an application to, then Manage Site Apps, then Assign Apps

  2. In the Select Apps for Site form, select the applications you wish to add to the site and move them to the Selected list box.

  3. Click Continue

  4. In the Assign Roles to App form, select the roles you wish to assign to the applications and move them to the Selected list box.

  5. Click Save and Close.

For general admins who want an alternate way to add an application to a site, see Section 39.3, "Managing Applications."

WEM General and Site Admins

Assign users to a site

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Sites, then mouse over the site you wish to assign users to, then Manage Site Users, then Assign Users

  2. In the Select Users for Site form, select users to assign to the site and move them to the Selected list box.

  3. Click Continue.

  4. In the Assign Roles to Users form, select the roles you wish to assign to the users and move them to the Selected list box.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Note: For general admins who want an alternate way to assign users to a site, see Section 39.4, "Managing Users."

WEM General and Site Admins

Reassign roles to a user

Caution: Reassigning a user's roles on a site in WEM may uncouple the user from certain applications on that site.

To reassign roles to a user:

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Sites, then mouse over the site whose user you wish to modify, then Manage Site Users

  2. In the Manage Site Users form: mouse over the user whose site roles you wish to modify, then Assign Roles to User

  3. In the Assign Roles to User form, assign new roles to the site user, or unassign roles, as necessary.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Note: For general admins who want an alternate way to modify a user's roles in a site, see Section 39.4, "Managing Users."

WEM General and Site Admins

Reassign roles to an application

Caution: Reassigning an application's roles on a site in WEM may uncouple the application from certain users on that site.To reassign roles to an application:

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Sites , then mouse over the site whose application you wish to modify, then Manage Site Apps

  2. In the Manage Site Apps form: mouse over the application whose site roles you wish to modify, then Assign Roles to App

  3. In the Assign Roles to App form, assign new roles to the application, or unassign roles, as necessary.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Note: For general admins who want an alternate way to modify an application's roles in a site, see Section 39.3, "Managing Applications."

WEM General and Site Admins

Remove a user from a site

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Sites , then mouse over the site you wish to remove the user from, then Manage Site Users

  2. In the Manage Site Users form: mouse over the user you wish to remove from the site, then Remove

  3. In the warning box, click Remove.

Note: For general admins who want an alternate way to remove a user from a specific site, see Section 39.4, "Managing Users."

WEM General and Site Admins

Remove an application from a site

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Sites, then mouse over the site you wish to remove an application from, then Manage Site Apps

  2. In the Manage Site Apps form, mouse over the application you wish to remove from the site, then Remove

  3. In the warning box, click Remove.

Note: For general admins who want an alternate way to remove an application from a site, see Section 39.3, "Managing Applications."

39.3 Managing Applications

Only general administrators can modify applications (their descriptions). The Apps form is accessible only to general administrators.

Table 39-2 Managing Applications

Action Path

Modify an application

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Apps, then mouse over the application you wish to modify, then Edit, then update the fields:

    Name: Cannot be modified.

    Tooltip: The name that appears when you mouse over an application's icon.

    Description: Short explanation describing the application.

  2. Click Save and Close.

Assign an application to a site

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Apps , then mouse over the application you wish to assign to a site, then Manage App, then Assign to Sites

  2. In the Select Sites for App form, select the sites to which you will assign the application and move them to the Selected list box.

  3. Click Continue.

  4. In the Assign Roles to App form, select the role(s) you wish to assign to the application and move them to the Selected list box.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Note: For an alternate way to add an application to a site, see Section 39.2, "Managing Sites."

Reassign roles to an application

Caution: Reassigning an application's roles on a site in WEM may uncouple the application from certain users on that site.

To reassign roles to an application:

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Apps, then mouse over the application whose roles you wish to modify for a select site, then Manage App

  2. In the Manage App form: mouse over the site in which you wish to modify the application's roles, then Assign Roles to App

  3. In the Assign Roles to App form, add roles to an application, or remove roles, as necessary.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Note: For an alternate way to modify an application's roles in a site, see Section 39.2, "Managing Sites."

Remove an application from a site

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Apps, then mouse over the application you wish to remove from the site, then Manage App

  2. In the Manage App form, mouse over the site you wish to remove the application from, then Remove

  3. In the warning box, click Remove.

Note: For an alternate way to remove an application from a site, see Section 39.2, "Managing Sites."

39.4 Managing Users

Only general administrators can create, edit, and delete users. The Users form is accessible only to general administrators.

Table 39-3 Managing Users

Action Path

Create a user

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Users , then Add User , then update the fields:

    ACLs: ACLs determine the user's access permissions to the database.

    Note: You cannot create ACLs in the WEM Admin interface.

    Groups: Groups determine the user's access permissions to REST (applications' resources). Two default groups are configured: RestAdmin (a general administrator group) and SiteAdmin_AdminSite (a site administrator group).

  2. Click Save and Close.

Note: The user is able to log in. To access sites and applications, the user must be enabled.

Enable a user

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Users, then mouse over the user you wish to enable, then Manage User, then Assign to Sites

  2. In the Select Sites for User form:

    If you are enabling a general administrator, assign the user to AdminSite.

    If you are enabling a site administrator, assign the user to a site other than AdminSite.

    If you are enabling a regular user, assign the user to a site other than AdminSite.

  3. Click Continue.

  4. In the Assign Roles to User form:

    If you are enabling a general administrator, assign the user the GeneralAdmin role.

    If you are enabling a site administrator, assign the user the SiteAdmin role.

    If you are enabling a regular user, assign the user roles that are not GeneralAdmin or SiteAdmin.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Assign a user to a site

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Users, then mouse over the user you wish to assign to the site, then Manage User, then Assign to Sites

  2. In the Select Sites for User form, select the site(s) that you wish to assign to the user and move them to the Selected list box.

  3. Click Continue.

  4. In the Assign Roles to User form, select the roles you wish to assign to the user and move them to the Selected list box.

  5. Click Save and Close.

For an alternate way to add a user to a site, see Section 39.4, "Managing Users."

Edit a user

WEM Admin interface, then Users, then mouse over the user you wish to modify, then Edit, then update the desired fields, then Save and Close

Note: You cannot modify a user's name once the user is saved.

Reassign roles to a user

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Users , then mouse over the user whose roles you wish to modify, then Manage User

  2. In the Manage User form: mouse over the site you wish to modify the user's roles in, then Assign Roles to User

  3. In the Assign Roles to User form add roles to a user, or remove roles, as necessary.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Assign a user to a group

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Users, then mouse over the user you wish to assign to a group, then Edit

  2. In the Groups field, select the appropriate group(s) and move them to the Selected list box.

  3. Click Save and Close.

Note: Groups provide access to REST. They are used to control access to applications' resources.

Remove a user from a site

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Users, then mouse over the user you wish to remove from a site, then Manage User, then mouse over the site you wish to remove the user from, then Remove

  2. In the warning box, click Remove.

For an alternate way to remove a user from a site, see Section 39.2, "Managing Sites."

Delete a user from WEM

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Users, then mouse over the user you wish to remove from the system, then Delete

  2. In the warning box, click Delete.

39.5 Managing Roles

Only general administrators can create, edit, and delete roles. The Roles form is accessible only to general administrators.

Table 39-4 Managing Roles

Action Path

Add a role

WEM Admin interface, then Roles, then Add Role, then update the fields, then Save and Close

Edit a role

WEM Admin interface, then Roles, then mouse over the role you wish to modify, then Edit, then update the desired fields, then Save and Close

Note: You cannot modify a role's name once the role is saved.

Delete a role

  1. WEM Admin interface, then Roles, then mouse over the role you wish to remove, then Delete

  2. In the warning box, click Delete.

Note: If the role is assigned to users and/or applications, it cannot be deleted until you unassign the role from the user and applications. You will be presented with the Role Dependencies form is rendered. Review the table of dependencies. Delete all Dependencies removes the role from its users and applications and deletes the role from the system.

39.6 Managing Profiles

General administrators can modify user profiles.

Table 39-5 Managing Profiles

User Action Path

WEM General Admin

Modify a user's profile

WEM Admin interface, then Users, then mouse over the user's name whose profile you wish to modify, then Edit, then modify the desired fields, then Save and Close

All WEM users

Modify your profile

WEM Admin interface, then open the applications bar, then click user name, then update the desired fields, then Save and Close