1 About the WebCenter Sites Upgrade Process

Before upgrading to Oracle WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (, read this chapter for information about the upgrade paths, new features provided in the current release, and the types of changes that will be made to your starting installation during the upgrade process.

This chapter contains the following sections:

1.1 Upgrade Paths

The following installations can be upgraded directly to WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (

  • FatWire Content Server 7.6 Patch 2

  • Oracle WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (

  • Oracle WebCenter Sites 11gR1 ( Bundled Patch 1


If you upgrade your existing installation to the current version of WebCenter Sites, and any of the following applications are installed – Community, Gadgets, or Site Capture, then you must upgrade those applications, as well. Procedures are available in Part II, "Upgrading to Oracle WebCenter Sites: Community-Gadgets" and Part III, "Upgrading Oracle WebCenter Sites: Site Capture."

1.2 New in This Release

Upgrading to WebCenter Sites 11gR1 ( provides users with the following new features and capabilities:

  • WebCenter Content (WCC) Integration. This feature enables administrators to integrate selected content from WebCenter Content Server into WebCenter Sites. The WCC Integration feature can be added during the upgrade process or at a later time, depending on your requirements.

  • Mobility framework. This feature enables content contributors to create sites for mobile phones and tablets. This feature is installed by default during the upgrade process.

  • Support for Vanity URLs. This feature enables its users to define simple, short, and meaningful URLs directly from the WebCenter Sites interfaces and assign them to assets. Developers can code template to use the assigned URLs.

  • Oracle WebCenter Sites: Engage displays a new set of content entry forms for creating and managing segments, promotions, and recommendations.

  • Widgets and gadgets configured in the Community-Gadgets application can be integrated into WebCenter Sites and deployed directly from the Contributor interface. Integration of external asset types from third-party source systems is also supported.

  • The Community and Gadgets applications are now distributed as a single web application called "Community-Gadgets" for simpler maintenance. They remain as WEM Framework applications that continue to have their own application icons and interfaces.

1.3 About Changes During Upgrade

The upgrade process makes a number of changes to your existing installation. For information about which changes are made to your installation, read this chapter as follows:

If you have questions about the changes described in any of the sections, contact technical support before starting the upgrade.

1.4 Changes During Upgrade from FatWire Content Server 7.6 Patch 2

Upgrading a Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 installation results in a number of changes to the installation. For information about the changes, read the following sections:

1.4.1 Overall Changes

If you are upgrading from FatWire Content Server 7.6 Patch 2, the following features, once optional, are deployed, installed, or upgraded by default during the upgrade process to function as standard features:

  • Central Authentication Service (CAS) is deployed. The CAS web application is deployed during the upgrade process. Like Content Server 7.6 Patch 2, WebCenter Sites supports CAS clustering to balance the load of user authentications. Secondary members of a CAS cluster are deployed manually during the post-upgrade process.


    After the upgrade process is complete, you can replace CAS with Oracle Access Manager (OAM).

  • The inCache framework is installed. Our implementation of Terracotta's Ehcache open source product is available under the Apache license. The inCache framework provides significant performance improvements over the traditional page caching method. It also provides asset caching and resultset caching capabilities. The inCache framework is installed and configured by default. Information about inCache page, asset, and resultset caching is available in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Administrator's Guide. Additional information about resultset caching is available in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Developer's Guide.

  • WEM Framework is installed (or upgraded, if already installed). The WEM login page becomes the new WebCenter Sites login page, which affects the way WebCenter Sites interfaces are accessed. WEM Framework consists of the following components:

    • REST API – Enables developers to communicate with WebCenter Sites for the purpose of building and implementing applications on the WEM Framework.

    • Universal UI Container – Provides a single interface for accessing custom-built applications integrated with WebCenter Sites via the WEM Framework. It also enables rendering of the application interfaces.

    • WEM Admin Interface – Enables the coupling of users to applications running on the WEM Framework and provides for centralized user management. The WEM Admin interface is not installed on delivery systems.

    • REST Security Model – Enables administrators to control access to the resources of applications running on the WEM Framework.

    • Single Sign-On – Enables WebCenter Sites users to access all applications they are authorized to access during the session without having to sign in to each application.

    During upgrade, the WEM Framework requires CAS, which can be clustered or non-clustered. OAM-integration is a post-upgrade option.

  • Clarkii Online Image Editor (OIE) from InDis Baltic is installed on development and content management systems. Clarkii can be enabled in the WebCenter Sites Contributor (editorial) interface, in place of your current Online Image Editor. However, it is not supported in Web Mode of the Contributor interface. For information about Clarkii OIE, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Developer's Guide and Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites User's Guide.

You also have the following upgrade and post-upgrade options:

1.4.2 Summary of WEM Framework Changes

If you are upgrading from a Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 installation that is not running the WEM Framework:

1.4.3 Interfaces and Applications

If you are upgrading from Content Server 7.6 Patch 2:

  • The Content Server Advanced interface is replaced by the WebCenter Sites Admin interface. By default, it is no longer used as an editorial interface. However, editorial features can be re-enabled in the post-upgrade process by setting the property advancedUI.enableAssetForms in the futuretense_xcel.ini file to true). For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Property Files Reference.

  • Customizations to the Advancedadministrative interface will not work after the upgrade. Therefore, you will back up all customizations stored in the database, installation folder, shared folder, and web application. You will then reapply customizations from this backup after the upgrade to WebCenter Sites is complete.

  • The WebCenter Sites Contributor interface is installed. For information about the interface, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites User's Guide.

  • The Content Server Dash interface is completely removed. Customizations made to the Dash interface in Patch 2 will not apply on upgrade.

  • The Content Server InSite interface is completely removed. Customizations made to the InSite interface in Patch 2 will not apply on upgrade.

  • If you are upgrading from an installation that does not contain the WEM Framework, the AdminSite is installed. The general administrator is assigned to AdminSite.

1.4.4 Roles

If you are upgrading from Content Server 7.6 Patch 2:

  • The SitesUser role is added to provide users with access to the WebCenter Sites Contributor interface.

  • The DashUser role is removed.

  • If you are upgrading from an installation that is not running the WEM Framework, the SiteAdmin role is assigned to the general administrator. The general administrator is also added to the RestAdmin group.

1.4.5 Page and Slot Asset Types

If you are upgrading from Content Server 7.6 Patch 2, the Page asset type is upgraded to be an extensible Page asset type, which now includes an attribute, filter, and definition (similar to that of a flex asset). Subtypes are changed to definitions. Additionally, external templates are changed to the new "Layout" type of template. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Developer's Guide.


After the upgrade, administrators must create start menus for PageAttribute, PageDefinition, and PageFilter to enable these asset types to be used.

1.4.6 Attribute Editors

If you are upgrading from Content Server 7.6 Patch 2:

  • RememberME is deprecated and not supported.

  • PickOrderAsset is deprecated not supported.

  • All multi-valued attributes are now enabled for re-ordering.

  • CKEditor is updated to the currently supported version and lazyloaded by default in all interfaces. Developers can still use the pre-existing FCKEditor attribute definitions for both flex and basic assets.


    It is recommended to change the attribute editor from FCKEditor to CKEditor after the upgrade.

  • New attribute editors are installed:

    • TypeAhead

    • Uploader

  • The URL attribute is replaced by BLOB. However, the existing URL attribute will continue to function after the upgrade.

1.4.7 Apache Log4j

If you are upgrading from Content Server 7.6 Patch 2, you have the option to switch to Apache log4j, which enables you to modify log levels from within the WebCenter Sites Admin interface by using its System Tools.

1.4.8 Caching Framework

If you are upgrading from a Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 installation that uses traditional page caching:

  • Content Server's existing caches (database-based and hash-based) are replaced with inCache, a memory-centric cache that is based on Ehcache by Terracotta. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Administrator's Guide.

  • As a result of switching caches, it will be necessary to retune caching.

  • Because inCache is memory-based, additional JVM heap will be required.

1.4.9 Custom Elements

If you are upgrading from a Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 installation:

  • All elements in the AssetStubElementCatalog table are overwritten with native WebCenter Sites 11gR1 code.

  • Customized elements of the Advanced administrative interface are overwritten with native WebCenter Sites 11gR1 code.

1.4.10 Revision Tracking

If you are upgrading from a Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 installation, revision tracking is modified. For the new revision tracking behavior to take effect, you must disable revision tracking on all asset types, and then re-enable revision tracking. For information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites User's Guide.

1.4.11 Database Tables

If you are upgrading from a Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 installation, the following changes may be made to database tables during the upgrade process. Only changes that apply to your database type are made:

  • For DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server, StringValue is changed from 255 to 2000.

  • In the _Mungo tables, StringValue is changed to 2000.

  • In the _TGROUP table of asset types, the Ordinal column is added.

  • In the ApprovalQueue table, the cs_target column is added.

  • In the ApprovedAssets table, the changedby column is added.

  • In the AssetPublistList table, the tag column is added.

  • Upgrade creates the txRTInfo table. Drop this table manually after the upgrade.

  • In the IndexSourceMetaDataConfig table, the fieldescriptor column is changed to urlfielddescriptor, and its value is changed from 2048 to 255.

  • In the Mimetype table, the size of the mimetype column is changed from 64 to 128.

  • In the FW_PUBDATASTORE table, the size of the encoding column is changed to 255.

  • In the SAVESEARCH table, the spostpage column is changed to be nullable.

  • The editorid column is added to all the attribute asset types.

  • The Flex Definition asset type and Parent definition asset are changed to have the cs_ordinal column in Mungo tables.

  • In the Page table, the flextemplateid column is added.

  • In the Publication table, the cs_wrapperasset column is added.

  • In the PubTarget table, the size of the FACTORS column is changed to 1000.

  • In the RTInfo table, the newerformat column is added.

  • In the Template_Subtypes table, the size of the subtype column is changed to 64.

  • In tables Workflow_DlgA, WorkflowGroups_Dlock, WorkflowRoutes_Comp, WorkflowRoutes_Cond, WorkflowRoutes_Dead, the Ordinal column is added.

  • The AssetEditPane table is removed. If it still exists after the upgrade, it must be manually deleted.

  • The tables listed in Table 1-1 are added.

Table 1-1 Database Tables Added During Upgrade from FatWire Content Server

Added Tables Added Tables





























  • The ASSETTYPE_Rtgs table is added to all flex or parent asset types. Definition or attribute asset types are ignored. The same table is also added for basic asset types, except for some special core asset types.

  • The ASSETTYPE_SubTypes table is added to all the attribute asset types (for example, MEDIA_A_SUBTYPES).

1.4.12 Web Application Changes

If you are upgrading from a Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 installation, the Dash interface is removed from the WebCenter Sites web application, resulting in the following changes:

  • In the web.xml file:

    • csRedirect, trinidad, adfFaces filters are removed.

    • org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener listener is removed.

    • FacesServlet and faces servlets are removed.

  • In the WEB-INF folder, all files except web.xml, weblogic.xml (if applicable) and applicationContext.xml are removed.

  • The ReqAuthConfig.xml file is added to the application server's WEB-INF/classes folder. This file enables you to specify the URLs that will be either included in or excluded from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection.

1.4.13 Changes to Tags

If you are upgrading from a Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 installation, the following tags are added:

  • insite:list

  • insite:slotlist

  • insite:ifedit

For more information about the tags, see the Oracle WebCenter Sites Tag Reference.

1.4.14 Miscellaneous Changes

If you are upgrading from a Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 installation:

  • By default, WebCenter Sites will use milliseconds in date and timestamps.

  • After the upgrade, attribute forms will display additional fields which are not seen on a fresh installation. To make the attribute forms consistent with those of a fresh installation, you will edit the gator.ini file by setting the mwb.externalattributes property to false (the gator.ini file is located in the <cs_install_folder>).

  • If the Asset Type search is configured for any of the asset types before the upgrade, then the dates will not be displayed properly in the search results after the upgrade. Users will need to re-index the asset type in order to display dates properly. Global searches, as well, will have to be re-indexed after the upgrade process.

  • In the futuretense_xcel.ini file, the value of the xcelerate.ewebeditpro property is removed, as eWebEditPro is not supported.

  • Layout templates:

    Templates of usage type "Element defines a whole HTML page and can be called externally" are converted by the installer to usage type "Element is used as Layout." Templates of all other usage types are not converted. When assets using such templates are edited, they must be assigned a layout template.

  • Publishing of approved assets will not function correctly until the upgrade utility is run. As of WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (, dates are managed with millisecond accuracy. Since FatWire Content Server did not provide millisecond accuracy for approval related data, it is possible that data may be incorrectly interpreted after the upgrade. To avoid this condition, the upgrade utility adds millisecond accuracy to approval tables and ensures that the approval state is correctly preserved after the upgrade. Entries in the ApprovedAssets, ApprovedAssetDeps, and PublishAssets tables are affected by this utility.

1.4.15 Additional Changes

If you are upgrading from a Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 installation, read the following sections for additional changes that are applied to Content Server 7.6 Patch 2:

1.5 Changes During Upgrade from FatWire Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 and WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (

Upgrading a WebCenter Sites 11gR1 ( installation results in a number of changes to the installation. For information about the changes, read the following sections:

1.5.1 Changes to Developer Tools

If you are upgrading from WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (, the Developer Tools feature is enhanced with support for remote connections.

1.5.2 Changes to Database Tables

If you are upgrading from WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (, database tables are changed as follows:

  • All ASSETTYPE_Ratings tables are renamed to ASSETTYPE_Rtgs.

  • The TempObjects table is removed. The table is re-created with a new column named createddate.

  • The following asset type tables are removed: FW_UIConfiguration and FW_AttributeEditor, along with their related tables:

    FW_AttributeEditor_Config, FW_AttributeEditor_ConfigVals, 
    FW_AttributeEditor_Dim, FW_AttributeEditor_DimP, 
    FW_AttributeEditor_Publish, FW_UIConfiguration,
    FW_UIConfiguration_Dim, FW_UIConfiguration_DimP
  • The following tables are upgraded: FW_MSGBUS, FW_PUBDATASTORE, and PUBSESSION

1.5.3 New Properties

If you are upgrading from WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (, a new property named timezoneattr is added to the futuretense_xcel.ini file. For information about this property, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Property Files Reference.

1.5.4 Additional Changes

If you are upgrading from a WebCenter Sites 11gR1 ( installation, read the following section for additional changes that are applied to WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (

1.6 Changes During Upgrade from FatWire Content Server 7.6 Patch 2 and WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (

Upgrading a WebCenter Sites 11gR1 ( installation results in a number of changes to the installation. For information about the changes, read the following sections:

1.6.1 Changes to Interfaces and Applications

If the WEM Admin application was assigned to any sites other than AdminSite, it is unassigned. After the upgrade process, it must be manually reassigned to sites other than AdminSite.

1.6.2 Changes to Property Values

  • Custom values for default properties are overridden by the upgrade installer and replaced with default values.

  • Custom values for custom properties are unaffected by the upgrade process.

1.6.3 Changes to Database Tables

  • If upgrade is performed from WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (, then in the PageAttribute table, the editorid column is removed.

  • In the SYSTEMUSERS table, the size of the password column is changed from 40 to 256.

  • The tables listed in Table 1-2 are added to WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (

    Table 1-2 New Database Tables

    New Tables New Tables

























1.6.4 New Roles

The following roles are added to WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (

  • The ConnectorAdmin role is added for WCC Integration.

  • The MobileSitesDeveloper role is added for the Mobility feature.

1.6.5 New Configuration Files

The following configuration files are added to WebCenter Sites 11gR1 ( to support the Mobility framework, Vanity URLs, Community-Gadgets, and tighter security:

  • ESAPI.properties

  • MobilityService.xml

  • SitesSecurityWrapper.xml

  • validation.properties

  • webreference.xml

  • cg.tld

  • device.tld

  • proxy.tld

  • customBeans.xml


    The customBeans.xml file is present as of WebCenter Sites 11gR1 (, but it is empty by default. This file is used to list URLs that can directly access CAS.

1.6.6 New Asset Types

The following new asset types are added to WebCenter Sites 11gR1 ( to support the Mobility feature, Vanity URLs, and ContentQuery assets:


  • DeviceGroup

  • DeviceImage

  • SitePlan

  • WebRoot

1.6.7 Changes to Tags

The tags shown in Table 1-3 are added to, updated in, and removed from WebCenter Sites 11gR1 ( during the upgrade process. For more information about the tags, see the Oracle WebCenter Sites Tag Reference.

Table 1-3 New, Updated, and Removed Tags

Type of Tag Type of Change Tag

External Asset





proxy:create store













RealTime Decisions











































1.6.8 Changes to Site Plan

The Placed Pages site plan is renamed Default site plan. All assets previously under Placed Pages are now under the Default site plan.

1.6.9 Changes to the Navigation Tree in the Admin Interface

The navigation tree in the WebCenter Sites Admin interface is re-organized and supplemented with additional tabs and nodes as follows:

  • Mobility and Connector Admin tabs are added to the tree.

  • The User Access Management node is created in the Admin tab. It contains the following sub-nodes:

    • Users

    • Roles

    • ACLs

    • User Profiles

    • REST Security

  • Management Tools and Sources nodes are removed from the Admin tab.

  • The Workflow tab now contains the following nodes (States and Processes nodes remain; the nodes listed below were moved from the Admin tab):

    • Actions (renamed from Workflow Actions)

    • Timed Action Event

    • Emails

    • Clear Assignments

1.6.10 Changes to Search-Related Elements

Search-related elements are replaced as follows:

  • UI/Data/Search/ListAction is replaced by UI/Data/Search/SearchAction.

  • UI/Data/Search/ListJson is replaced by UI/Data/Search/SearchJson.

  • UI/Data/Search/ThumbnailAction is replaced by UI/Data/Search/BrowseAction.

  • UI/Data/Search/ThumbnailJson is replaced by UI/Data/Search/BrowseJson.

If any of the original elements have been customized, the changes must be ported to the new elements, as indicated in Chapter 3, "Upgrading to the Current Version of WebCenter Sites."

1.6.11 Changes to Context Menu Configuration

The context menu configuration is moved to the client side. If the search or dashboard context menu has been customized through the element UI/Layout/CenterPane/Search/View/ContextMenuConfig or UI/Layout/CenterPane/DashBoard/ContextMenuConfig, the element must be deleted and re-customized on the client side, as indicated in Chapter 3, "Upgrading to the Current Version of WebCenter Sites."

1.6.12 Changes to Security

The password encryption format of WebCenter Sites users is updated after upgrade. For custom users, the passwords are updated to the new encryption format once the users log in. The encryption format for passwords is also updated in INI files. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Administrator's Guide.

1.6.13 Language Packs

The following language packs are installed by default during the upgrade process:

  • Chinese (Simplified)

  • Chinese (Traditional)

  • English (United States)

  • French (France)

  • German (Germany)

  • Italian (Italy)

  • Japanese (Japan)

  • Korean (Korea)

  • Portuguese (Brazilian)

  • Spanish (Spain)