Annotation Type BooleanProperty

public @interface BooleanProperty

Indicates that a field in an PipelineComponentConfiguration is a Boolean configuration property. Use this annotation with PipelineComponentConfiguration member variables of type primitive boolean or java.lang.Boolean.

The CAS Server automatically validates all configuration property constraints such as isRequired.

Here is an example usage of the @BooleanProperty annotation with all parameters:

 @BooleanProperty(name="myBoolean" displayName="My Boolean",
        description="My Boolean description", defaultValue="true",
        isRequired=true, isAlwaysVisible=true, configGroup="Basic Options"
 private Boolean myBooleanField;

Required Element Summary
 String defaultValue
          The default value for the property.
Optional Element Summary
 String configGroup
          The name of the ConfigurationGroup this configuration property belongs to.
 String description
          A description of the configuration property.
 String displayName
          The display name of the configuration property shown in CAS Console.
 boolean isAlwaysVisible
          Indicates whether or not to show the configuration property in the CAS Console even if the configuration property is not required.
 boolean isRequired
          Indicates whether or not the property is required.
 String name
          The name of the configuration property.

Element Detail


public abstract String defaultValue
The default value for the property. This value displays in CAS Console as the default value for both required and non-required configuration properties. The CAS Server also uses this value for any unspecified non-required configuration properties.


public abstract String name
The name of the configuration property. This will be used in crawl configurations sent through the CAS Server API and crawl configuration files used by cas-cmd. If not specified, name defaults to the member variable's name.



public abstract boolean isRequired
Indicates whether or not the property is required. Crawl configurations must contain valid values for all required properties.



public abstract String description
A description of the configuration property.



public abstract String displayName
The display name of the configuration property shown in CAS Console. If not specified, displayName defaults to the configuration property's name.



public abstract boolean isAlwaysVisible
Indicates whether or not to show the configuration property in the CAS Console even if the configuration property is not required.



public abstract String configGroup
The name of the ConfigurationGroup this configuration property belongs to. This must correspond to a ConfigGroup annotation on the PipelineComponentConfiguration. Alternatively the ConfigGroup can be specified using the ConfigurationGroup.propertyOrder() annotation parameter.

See Also:

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