Uses of Class

Packages that use CrawlId

Uses of CrawlId in com.endeca.itl.cas.api

Methods in com.endeca.itl.cas.api that return CrawlId
 CrawlId CrawlConfig.getCrawlId()
          Gets the value of the crawlId property.
 CrawlId CrawlMetrics.getCrawlId()

Methods in com.endeca.itl.cas.api that return types with arguments of type CrawlId
 List<CrawlId> CasCrawler.listCrawls()
          Gets a list of crawls available on the server

Methods in com.endeca.itl.cas.api with parameters of type CrawlId
 void CasCrawler.deleteCrawl(CrawlId crawlId)
          Deletes a crawl from the server.
 CrawlConfig CasCrawler.getCrawlConfig(CrawlId crawlId, Boolean fillInDefaults)
          Gets configuration for a particular crawl.
 List<Metric> CasCrawler.getMetrics(CrawlId crawlId)
          Gets metrics for a particular crawl.
 List<ModuleInfo> CasCrawler.getNonIncrementalManipulators(CrawlId crawlId)
          Returns the ModuleInfos of the manipulators in the given crawl that do no support incremental acquisition.
 Status CasCrawler.getStatus(CrawlId crawlId)
          Gets status for a particular crawl.
 void CrawlConfig.setCrawlId(CrawlId value)
 void CrawlMetrics.setCrawlId(CrawlId value)
 void CasCrawler.startCrawl(CrawlId crawlId, CrawlMode crawlMode)
          Starts a particular crawl.
 void CasCrawler.stopCrawl(CrawlId crawlId)
          Stops a crawl.

Constructors in com.endeca.itl.cas.api with parameters of type CrawlId
CrawlConfig(CrawlId crawlId)
CrawlMetrics(CrawlId crawlId, List<Metric> metrics)

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