The results Element
The results element indicates that the configuration web service request completed successfully, and it contains any information returned by the operations which were performed.
Element results : local complex type
The results element cannot have "xsi:nil" as an attribute. The results element in XML instance can be substituted with other elements.
 CollapseClick here to hide comment XML Instance
The results element indicates that the configuration web service request completed successfully, and it contains any information returned by the operations which were performed.
-Begin Sequence [1...1]
<mdex:propertyKeys>propertyKeys</propertyKeys> [0..1]
<mdex:properties>properties</properties> [0..2]
<mdex:dimensionKeys>dimensionKeys</dimensionKeys> [0..1]
<mdex:dimensions>dimensions</dimensions> [0..2]
<mdex:groupSummaries>groupSummaries</groupSummaries> [0..1]
<mdex:groups>groups</groups> [0..2]
<mdex:globalConfigRecord>globalConfigRecord</globalConfigRecord> [0..1]
<mdex:configDocumentNames>configDocumentNames</configDocumentNames> [0..1]
<mdex:configDocument name="string">configDocument</configDocument> [0..*]
-Begin Sequence [1...1]
<mdex:dimensions>dimensions</dimensions> [1..1]
<mdex:properties>properties</properties> [1..1]
<mdex:groups>groups</groups> [1..1]
<mdex:globalConfigRecord>globalConfigRecord</globalConfigRecord> [1..1]
<mdex:configDocument name="string">configDocument</configDocument> [0..*]
End Sequence
</configuration> [0..1]
End Sequence

 Collapse Attributes

Name Type Summary
No Attributes

 Collapse XML
-<element  name="results">
element indicates that the configuration web service request completed successfully, and it contains any information returned by the operations which were performed.
<!-- Returned by the config-service:listProperties operation -->
<element  maxOccurs="1"  minOccurs="0"  ref="mdex:propertyKeys" />
<!-- Returned by the config-service:exportProperties and config-service:getProperties operations -->
<element  maxOccurs="2"  minOccurs="0"  ref="mdex:properties" />
<!-- Returned by the config-service:listDimensions operation -->
<element  maxOccurs="1"  minOccurs="0"  ref="mdex:dimensionKeys" />
<!-- Returned by the config-service:exportDimensions and config-service:getDimensions operations -->
<element  maxOccurs="2"  minOccurs="0"  ref="mdex:dimensions" />
<!-- Returned by the config-service:listGroups operation -->
<element  maxOccurs="1"  minOccurs="0"  ref="mdex:groupSummaries" />
<!-- Returned by the config-service:exportGroups and config-service:getGroups operations -->
<element  maxOccurs="2"  minOccurs="0"  ref="mdex:groups" />
<!-- Returned by the config-service:getGlobalConfigRecord operation -->
<element  maxOccurs="1"  minOccurs="0"  ref="mdex:globalConfigRecord" />
<!-- Returned by the config-service:listConfigDocuments operation -->
<element  maxOccurs="1"  minOccurs="0"  ref="mdex:configDocumentNames" />
<!-- Returned by the config-service:getConfigDocuments operation -->
<element  maxOccurs="unbounded"  minOccurs="0"  ref="mdex:configDocument" />
<!-- Returned by the config-service:export operation -->
<element  maxOccurs="1"  minOccurs="0"  ref="mdex:configuration" />

 Collapse Uses
 Collapse Used-By
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