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Oracle® Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide
11g Release 6 Refresh 4 (11.1.6)

Part Number E14496-14
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20 Content Movement for Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning Environments: Test to Production

Content movement" refers to the transfer of Fusion Applications components, configurations, and/or data from one environment to another. This chapter focuses on copying components from a test environment to a production environment. Test-to-production content movement differs from full cloning in that source transaction data is not retained on the production system.

This chapter contains the following topics:

20.1 Introduction to Test-to-Production Content Movement

This chapter describes the most common scenario for moving an installation of Oracle Fusion Applications from one environment to another: the movement from a test to a production system. The process requires a combination of reinstallation (of the transaction Oracle Database and the Oracle Identity Management components) with a transfer of seed data, required user information, and the Oracle home directories and configuration files. The result is a destination environment that matches the source environment without having required you to install and reconfigure the system from scratch.

The movement steps are accomplished using various tools, which differ depending on the situation.

When using command-line scripts to perform test to production, it is helpful to review the concepts and technical requirements. See Section 20.2, "Understanding Test-to-Production Movement Operations" and Section 20.3, "General Prerequisites". Thereafter, there are three core pieces of the movement:

20.2 Understanding Test-to-Production Movement Operations

This section gives an overview of what components are moved, what is not retained on the destination, and what must be configured before you begin component movement.

20.2.1 A Sample Topography

Although installations of Fusion Applications differ, it can be helpful to have an sample topography for reference purposes. The scenario depicted in Table 20-1 shows an installation with Supply Chain Management products installed. The Administration Servers of the Oracle WebLogic Server domains and all the system component instances run on the multiple hosts.

Table 20-1 Sample Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Management Topology

System Component/Tier/Domain Host in the Domain Applications, Managed Servers, and System Components Running on the Host

Web Tier



Oracle Identity Management Tier


Oracle Identity Management components:

  • Oracle Internet Directory

  • Oracle Virtual Directory

  • Oracle Access Manager

  • Oracle Identity Manager

  • Oracle Identity Federation

Mid Tier (BIDomain)


Oracle BI EE applications:

  • coreapplication_obips1 (bi_server1/bi_server2)

  • coreapplication_obis1 (bi_server1/bi_server2)

  • coreapplication_obisch1 (bi_server1/bi_server2)

  • coreapplication_obijh1 (bi_server1/bi_server2)

  • coreapplication_obicc1 (bi_server1/bi_server2)

Oracle BI EE components:

  • Oracle BI Server

  • Oracle BI Presentation Services

  • Oracle BI Cluster Controller

  • Oracle BI Scheduler

  • JavaHost

  • Oracle Essbase server

Mid Tier (CommonDomain)


ApplicationsCoreSetupApp (HelpPortalServer_1/HelpPortalServer_2)

GrcSetupApp (HelpPortalServer_1/HelpPortalServer_2)

HelpPortalApp (HelpPortalServer_1/HelpPortalServer_2)

HomePageApp (HomePageServer_1/HomePageServer_2)

SetupApp (SalesServer_1/SalesServer_2)

SetupEssApp (ess_server1/ess_server2)

TopologyManagerServices (FunctionalSetupServer_1/FunctionalSetupServer_1)

Mid Tier (CRMDomain)


ContractManagementApp (ContractManagmentServer_1/ContractManagmentServer_2)

ContractManagementEssApp (ess_server1/ess_server2)

CrmCommonApp (CRMCommonServer_1/CRMCommonServer_2)

CrmEssApp (ess_server1/ess_server2)

Mid Tier (FinancialDomain)


FinancialCommonApp (FinancialCommonServer_1/FinancialCommonServer_2)

FscmAnalyticsApps (FinancialAnalyticsServer_1/FinancialAnalyticsServer_2)

LedgerApp (LedgerServer_1/LedgerServer_2)

PayablesApp (PayablesServer_1/PayablesServer_2)

ReceivablesApp (ReceivablesServer_1/ReceivablesServer_2)

Mid Tier (HCMDomain)


HcmAnalyticsApp (HCMAnalyticsServer_1/HCMAnalyticsServer_2)

HcmCoreApp (CoreProcessesServer_1/CoreProcessesServer_1)

HcmCoreExternalApp (CoreProcesses_Server_1/CoreProcesses_Server_2)

HcmCoreSetupApp (CoreSetupServer_1/CoreSetupServer_2)

HcmEssApp (ess_server1/ess_server2)

Mid Tier (ProcurementDomain)


ProcurementApp (ProcurmentServer_1/ProcurementServer_2)

ProcurementEssApp (ess_server1/ess_server2)

SupplierPortalApp (SupplierPortal_Server_1/SupplierPortal_Server_2)

Mid Tier (ProjectsDomain)


ProjectsFinancialsApps (ProjectsFinancialsServer_1/ProjectsFinancialsServer_2)

ProjectsFinancialsEssApp (ess_server1/ess_server2)

Mid Tier (SCMDomain)


AdvancedPlanningApp (AdvancedPlanningServer_1/AdvancedPlanningServer_2)

CostManagementApp (CostManagementServer_1/CostManagementServer_2)

GlobalizationApp (GlobalizationServer_1/GlobalizationServer_2)

LogisticsApp (LogisticsServer_1/LogisticsServer_2)

LogisticsCommonApp (SCMCommonServer_1/SCMCommonServer_2)

OrderOrchestrationApp (OrderOrchestrationServer_1/OrderOrchestrationServer_2)

ProductManagementCommonApp (ProductManagementServer_1/ProductManagementServer_2)

ScmEssApp (ess_server1/ess_server2)

ProductManagementCommonApp (ProductManagementServer_1/ProductManagementServer_2)

Oracle Database Tier



20.2.2 What is Kept in the Destination Database

The following artifacts are copied from the source and retained on the destination environment:

  • Transaction database schemas, seed data, and configurations

  • Oracle Identity Management configurations

  • Oracle WebLogic Server domain configurations, stored in the file system

  • System component configurations, stored in the file system

  • Configurations and metadata stored in the Oracle Metadata Services (MDS), such as Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) connections and service-oriented architecture (SOA) composites

  • Configurations and metadata stored in component-specific schemas outside of MDS

  • Non-user-related layer customizations, such as Site and Enterprise Layer, in MDS

  • Security artifacts created by the Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning framework, such as application IDs and policies

  • Functional setup data


On Oracle HTTP Server (OHS), the contents of document root are moved as part of OHS movement, as they are part of application data.

20.2.3 What Is Deleted from the Destination Database

Following are some of the artifacts that are not retained in the destination environment, because they are presumed to be test data only, and not needed:

  • Transactional data (assumed to be test transactions)

  • Standing data, such as customers, supplies, and items

  • Transient data, such as job status and process status

  • Content data, such as Oracle WebCenter Content data, wiki pages and discussion forums (These can be moved using data movement tools if necessary.)


    If the WebCenter Portal Discussions feature was used in the source environment and the Discussions data that was generated must be moved to the destination, it is possible to do so. See Section for details.

  • Any configuration or metadata associated with individual users on the source, such as:

    • Users in the identity store (assumed to be test users and therefore not moved)

    • User layer customizations in MDS

    • Component configurations associated with specific users, such as Oracle Human Workflow work groups

  • MDS sandboxes

20.3 General Prerequisites

All test-to-production movements begin with planning and preparing the environments. Section 20.3.1 outlines how to check your source configurations, ensure your destination environment meets basic requirements, and set up meaningful log levels for tracking your progress.

All test-to-production movements also require that an Oracle transaction database and an Oracle Identity Management system be installed and configured on destination hosts. Section 20.3.2 and Section 20.3.3 explain how this is done.

20.3.1 Performing Prerequisite Tasks for Movements

Moving your Oracle Fusion Applications components and configurations successfully requires that your source and destination topologies be configured correctly.

To prepare, perform the following tasks:

Task 1   Ensure Source Environment is Correctly Configured

When moving an Oracle Fusion Applications installation, the movement scripts and instructions assume that the source environment is fully installed, configured, and functional. Specifically, this means:


If you are upgrading from a RUP1 or RUP2 version of Fusion Applications, you will need to add two properties to the file to ensure successful test-to-production movement. Add OAM_ACCESS_SERVER_HOST and OAM_ACCESS_SERVER_PORT, along with their values, to the properties file.

Task 2   Ensure Source and Destination Environments Fulfill Requirements

Additional assumptions about the source and destination environments are as follows:

  • The environments must share the same operating system and platform architecture (number of bits). For example, you cannot move from a Microsoft Windows source to a UNIX target, nor from a 32-bit platform to a 64-bit platform.

  • The environment topologies must match.

  • The Oracle Fusion Applications domain name cannot be changed in the source environment nor during the movement tasks.

  • If the partition feature is activated in the source environment and the partition configuration is not using preexisting tablespaces owned by the SEARCHSYS schema, then you must create the same tablespace in the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (Oracle SES) database of the target environment before invoking pasteConfig.

    See the "Partitioning for Parallel Query" section in the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Administration API Guide.

  • If Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is required for communication with the Managed Servers, create the identity keystores and trust keystores for the middle tier Managed Servers and Node Manager.

    See the "Creating the Identity Keystore on CRMHOST2" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Customer Relationship Management Enterprise Deployment Guide.

Task 3   Set Logging Levels

Oracle Fusion Applications movement has a default logging level of INFO. Before running the various movement scripts, it can be helpful to set the logs to a finer level of detail.

To do so, set the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS variable to include the following:


where log_level is one of the following (ordered from least- to most verbose):


Alternatively, it is possible to set -debug true at the command line. This is equivalent to setting the log_level to FINE.


If the -debug flag is used, and for any reason a step of the test-to-production movement fails, be aware that the incomplete archive created will not be automatically deleted. To re-start content movement, you must manually delete the incomplete archive.

20.3.2 Moving the Transaction Database Schemas and Seed Data

To move the Oracle transaction database schemas and seed data from the source to the destination environment, perform the following tasks:

Task 1   Set Up a Database Clone

Test-to-production data movement begins with an exact clone of the source (test) database which is reworked to become a fresh production database.

NOTE: It is best to use matching database topographies. For example, if the source database is on Oracle RAC with four instances, it is best to configure a four-instance Oracle RAC destination database as well. See Section 19.4 for tips on handling movement completion if the RAC installations differ between source and target.

To create the destination database:

  1. Perform the first two steps of installing a blank transaction Oracle database on the destination server, as described in the "Installing a Transaction Database" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide. Briefly, these steps use a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to guide you through creating the database file structure and uploading the Oracle Database itself.

    The third step— installing schemas and seed data— was handled through the Oracle Fusion Applications Repository Creation Utility (RCU) in the source installation. In a movement scenario, you will NOT run the RCU from the GUI. Instead:

  2. Create a clone of the source database (RMAN is suggested) and mount the clone to the new destination database.

  3. Perform Task 2, "Run Scripts to Scrub the Destination Database". (Section 20.2.3 describes that data that will be removed or reworked.)

Task 2   Run Scripts to Scrub the Destination Database


The T2PDataUtil tool is supported from Linux/Windows only. For Windows platforms, run the utility from Windows. For all Unix platforms, you must run the utility from Linux.

See NOTE at the end of this task if you encounter a failure message in Windows.

Use the following database utility to clean up the destination database for production:

  1. On the source database server, from an operating system command prompt, navigate to the location of the T2PDataUtil executable:

    (UNIX) FA_ORACLE_HOME/lcm/t2p/bin           
    (Windows) FA_ORACLE_HOME\lcm\t2p\bin

    FA_ORACLE_HOME is a directory named applications, located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home.

  2. Run the T2PDataUtil script from the source to copy the relevant schemas, etc.:

    (UNIX) -dbhost host -dbsid sid -dbport port -mdir move_directory -command generate_move_data         
    (Windows) T2PDataUtil.cmd -dbhost host -dbsid sid -dbport port -mdir move_directory -command  generate_move_data   

    The following table describes the parameters for the T2PDataUtil command for the source environment:

    Parameters Description


    The Oracle Database host name


    The Service Name for the Oracle Database


    The listen port number for the Oracle Database


    The directory where the move data will be placed.

    If this option is not specified, the T2PDataUtil script defaults to the following locations:

    (UNIX) FA_ORACLE_HOME/lcm/t2p/movedata           
    (Windows) FA_ORACLE_HOME\lcm\t2p\movedata


    The command to execute. Enter generate_move_data.


    Directory for log data output.

  3. Run the T2PDataUtil script on the destination. Ensure the move data specified in -mdir option in Step 2 is accessible by the script.

    (UNIX) -dbhost host -dbsid sid -dbport port mdir move_directory -command apply_move_data -arh /tmp/apps_rcu_home          
    (Windows) T2PDataUtil.cmd -dbhost host -dbsid sid -dbport port -mdir move_directory -command apply_move_data -arh C:\tmp\apps_rcu_home    

    The following table describes the parameters for the T2PDataUtil command for the target environment:

    Parameters Description


    The Oracle Database host name


    The Service Name for the Oracle Database


    The listen port number for the Oracle Database


    The directory where the move data was placed.

    If this option is not specified, the T2PDataUtil script defaults to the following locations:

    (UNIX) FA_ORACLE_HOME/lcm/t2p/movedata           
    (Windows) FA_ORACLE_HOME\lcm\t2p\movedata


    The command to execute. Enter apply_move_data.


    The Oracle Fusion Applications Repository Creation Utility location.


    Directory for log data output.

  4. When RMAN backup is complete, set the logs to "NO ARCHIVE LOG MODE".


If you encounter the following Windows error message-- error in creating database file-- do the following:

  1. Bounce the database.

  2. Rename all search-related DBF files: SEARCH_DATA_1.DBF, SEARCH_INDEX_1.DBF, and SEARCH_TEMP_1.DBF

  3. Retry.

20.3.3 Moving the Oracle Identity Management Domain Component Artifacts

Oracle Identity Management handles users— their information, authentication, and access policies. Such data is required by various Oracle Fusion Applications products to function; therefore, the Oracle Identity Management system must be configured before the rest of the components can be moved. To accomplish this, you must have Oracle Identity Management installed, configured and working on the source environment, and have a second installation prepared on the destination environment.

Artifacts created by Oracle Fusion Applications provisioning in the source domain are distributed across the following Oracle Identity Management products:

  • Oracle Internet Directory (used as the identity store and policy store)

  • Oracle Virtual Directory (used as the identity store)

  • Oracle Access Manager

  • Oracle Identity Manager

  • Oracle Identity Federation

This section describes how to use the following scripts and properties files to transfer the various users, groups, roles, passwords, and system artifacts from the source environment to the destination.

  1. Use the CopyIDM and PasteIMD scripts and associated properties files. This will move the artifacts from the Policy and Credentials stores, the Oracle Access Manager, and the Oracle Identity Manager. See Section

  2. Use the updateADF scripts and associated properties files. This will move the passwords and user names accessed internally by Oracle ADF functionality. See Section

  3. Use the MoveIDM script and associated properties files. This allows you to review the CSF entries created in the destination environment, and to insert user names and passwords for additional component security. See Section


Data security policies are moved with the Functional Setup Manager. The business object name associated for data security is Application Data Security Policy.

For more information about moving data security policies, see the following documentation: Move the Artifacts from the Oracle Identity Management Components

To move the artifacts from the Policy and Credentials stores, the Oracle Access Manager, and the Oracle Identity Manager, perform the following tasks:

Task 1   Create and Populate the IDM.Properties File
  1. Create a text file and give it a meaningful name, such as

  2. Populate the file with the following properties. Example values are given; replace these with the appropriate values for your source environment.


For security reasons, be sure to delete/destroy the properties files after completing all the movement tasks.

Task 2   Run the CopyIDM Script

This task can be run from either the source Oracle Identity Management host or from another Fusion Applications source host. The result of running the CopyIDM script is the production of an / file in a target directory, which must be located on the source Oracle Identity Management host.

  1. Set the JAVA_HOME and APPTOP parameters before running CopyIDM.

  2. Locate the required JAR files. You will need to enter the corresponding paths to each JAR file in the command line when running the CopyIDM script.

  3. Run CopyIDM using the following syntax (on Unix):


    For Windows, replace all colons (:) with semi-colons (;) in the classpath.

    java -classpath T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:ldapjclnt11.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar:weblogic.jar:ldifloadtool.jar:idmfatools.jar:idmfatesttoproduction.jar:args4j-2.0.9.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain -archive archiveLocation -task CopyIDM -props prop_file -workdir working_dir
Task 3   Create and Populate the PasteIDM Properties File
  1. Create a text file and give it a meaningful name, such as PasteIDM.txt, on the destination Oracle Identity Management host.

  2. Populate the file with the following properties relevant to the destination site. Example values are given; replace these with the appropriate values for your destination (target) environment.


For security reasons, be sure to delete/destroy the properties files after completing the movement tasks.

Task 4   Run the PasteIDM Script

This task must be run on the destination IDM host. Before triggering the PasteIDM script, it is necessary to set the WebLogic Server user and password environmental variables. This is because during PasteIDM, the Oracle Internet Directory server is restarted and these credentials will be used.

  1. Set JAVA_HOME, and set up credentials for the Administration Server, using environmental variables such as the following:

  2. Run PasteIDM with the following syntax (on Unix):


    For Windows, replace all colons (:) with semi-colons (;) in the classpath.

    java -classpath T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar:ldifloadtool.jar:idmfatools.jar:args4j-2.0.9.jar:jps-mbeans.jar:weblogic.jar:idmfatesttoproduction.jar:pwdgen.jar:jps-api.jar:ldapjclnt11.jar:wlclient.jar:wljmxclient.jar: oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain -task PasteIDM -props prop_file -workdir workingdir
Task 5   Reconcile Records from the Identity Store

Use Oracle Identity Manager to reconcile records from the identity store.

To reconcile records from the identity store:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Identity Manager.

  2. Click Advanced, then the System Management tab, and then Scheduler. Alternatively, you can click the Search Scheduled Jobs link on the Welcome screen.

  3. Run each of the following scheduled tasks by selecting it and clicking Run Now. You must run one job at a time in the following sequence and wait for each job to complete successfully before running the next one:

    1. Fusion Applications Role Category Seeding

    2. LDAP Role Create and Update Full Reconciliation

    3. LDAP Role Hierarchy Full Reconciliation

    4. LDAP User Create and Update Full Reconciliation

    5. LDAP Role Membership Full Reconciliation Update the ADF Credentials

The Application Developer Framework (ADF) credentials are used internally by the Oracle Identity Management components to communicate with each other. For security reasons, use the following process to update those internal credentials on the destination host.

Task 1   Edit the adfCreds Properties File
  1. Access the file.

  2. Review the sample file, then edit the path to js_config.xml. Entering the ADF and CSF map names is optional.

    Sample file:

    # ADF credentials update
    #Name of the ADF map in the LDAP, optional property.
    #Name of the CSF map in the LDAP, optional property.
     # This location will have the jps_config.xml, mandatory property.
    # Optional Cleanup properties
    #Remove the supplied jps-config.xml file on successful update.
    #Following properties not needed to be in the properties file as they are optional properties to override default behavior.
    #Map ADF keys to CSF keys, optional property, file to override default mapping.
    adf.csf.mapping.file=mapping properties file, for example:
    #CSF key suffix, optional, if the suffix in the CSF store is different.
    #Keeping RHS value empty will disable suffix mechanism and ADF key name will be the same as CSF key name without additional suffix.
Task 2   Edit the jps_config.xml File
  1. Access the jps_config.xml file.

  2. Review the file and edit the necessary fields (marked with a bold asterisk*).

    Sample jps_config.xml file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jpsConfig xmlns="">
        <serviceProvider type="CREDENTIAL_STORE" name="ldap.credentialstore.provider" class="" />
        <serviceProvider class="" name="credstoressp" type="CREDENTIAL_STORE">
           <description>SecretStore-based CSF provider</description> 
        <serviceInstance name="credstore_instance" provider="ldap.credentialstore.provider">
          <property name="idstore.type" value="OID" />
         * <property name="security.principal" value="cn=admin" />
        *  <property name="security.credential" value="password" />
        *   <property name="ldap.url" value="ldap://hostname:port" />
          <property name="" value="cn=FAPolicies" />
          <property name="" value="cn=FusionDomain" />
        *<serviceInstance location="$APPTOP/instance/domains/primordial host/CommonDomain/config/fmwconfig/bootstrap" provider="credstoressp">
          *<property name="location" value="/"APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/domains/host/CommonDomain/config/fmwconfig/bootstrap> 
      <jpsContexts default="default">
        <jpsContext name="default">
          <serviceInstanceRef ref="credstore_instance" />
       <jpsContext name="bootstrap_credstore_context">
         <serviceInstanceRef ref="bootstrap.credstore" /> 
Task 3   Run the UpdateADF Script

The result of running this task is that the ADF credentials are read from the CSF store and written to the ADF store in the destination LDAP. It is an internal process for component use.

Note: Set APPTOP before running the UpdateADF Script.

Use the following syntax (on Unix):


For Windows, replace all colons (:) with semi-colons (;) in the classpath.

java -classpath T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar:customtasks.jar:jdom.jar:ldifloadtool.jar:APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/jps-manifest.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain
-task UpdateADFCreds -props Properties_File -workdir working_dir Update the CSF Entries with the MoveIDM script

To update the Credential Store Framework (CSF) in the destination environment, perform the following tasks:

Task 1   Edit the MoveIDM Properties File
  1. Create a text file and give it a meaningful name, such as

  2. Include the following parameters, with values that match your destination environment. The AdminURL corresponds to the host name and port of the Administration Server for the Oracle Identity Management domain, or IDMDomain.

    #Mandatory properties. Connection info for IDM domain.
    #Script location, must be the absolute path to scripts folder, inclusive.


For security reasons, be sure to delete/destroy the properties files after completing the movement tasks.

Task 2   Edit the CSF Properties Files

These files contain the properties for the CSF entries and are located in the /scripts directory. The are titled and See Table 20-2 for credentials descriptions. Edit the files to match your destination environment.


In the, many entries take the form of user:password pairs, separated by a colon (:). If a user name or password includes a colon, use double back slashes (\\) to escape having it parsed.

Table 20-2 CSF Entries to Modify

Map Key Description



This entry stores the username used to log onto the GRCC server for Oracle Governance, Risk and Compliance Controls.



This entry stores the password used to log onto the GRCC server for Oracle Governance, Risk and Compliance Controls.


This entry stores the SEARCHSYS schema password for ECSF and Oracle SES for Oracle SES 11.2.1.


Oracle Fusion database credentials


This entry stores the schema password for Oracle BI Scheduler schema.



User credentials for the patch MDS SOA schema



User credentials for the patch MDS SOA schema



User credentials for the patch MDS SOA schema



User credentials for the patch MDS Oracle Enterprise Scheduler schema



User credentials for the patch MDS schema



User credentials for the patch MDS Oracle WebCenter Portal Spaces schema



Oracle Data Integrator schema credentials



User credentials for the patch MDS SOA schema



The credential for the FUSION_DYNAMIC schema in the Oracle Fusion transactional database



The credential for the FUSION_RUNTIME schema in the Oracle Fusion transactional database



User credentials for patch



User credentials for patching to connect to the Identity Store. Currently, this credential is a read-write user supplied to provisioning.



User credentials for patching to connect the Policy Store



User credentials for Oracle WebLogic Server administrator



User credentials for Oracle WebLogic Server Node Manager



User credentials for the patch MDS SOA schema



User credentials for the patch MDS SOA schema



User credentials for the patch MDS SOA schema



User credentials for the patch MDS SOA schema


Oracle SES data source credentials.

Provide user name and password.

Use the database connection string of the target environment for the user name in this format:


The password is the dummy value PASSWORD.



Oracle Data Integrator schema credentials


Oracle WebLogic Server user credentials key. This credential corresponds to the user name and password of bootstrap credential, FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID, which comes from the provisioning plan.


User credential for specifying which keystore alias to use for encrypting the message. Both enc-csf-key and sign-csf-key aliases will be the same.


The user credentials for the PeopleSoft Enterprise Application web service SOAP interaction. The user credentials corresponds to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Application application user with access privileges to invoke the PeopleSoft Application web service FT_FUSION_TO_PSFT_MSG.1.wsdl.


The credentials of the external service for the supplier synchronization service (integration)


The Primavera P6 administration super user credentials designated for use with the integration between Oracle Fusion Projects Portfolio Management and Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (P6 EPPM).


User credential is for specifying the password of the default_keystore.jks keystore.


User credential is for specifying which keystore alias to use for signing the message. Both enc-csf-key and sign-csf-key aliases will be the same.

Task 3   Run the MoveIDM script

This task can be run only on the source Fusion Applications host, as it requires access to"%APPLTOP%\fusionapps\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd"

Set APPTOP. Then run the script with the following syntax (on Unix):


For Windows, replace all colons (:) with semi-colons (;) in the classpath.

java -classpath T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain
-task MoveIDM -props prop_file -workdir working_dir

See Table 20-3 for details.

Table 20-3 Options for the MoveIDM Command

Options Description


The dependent library files containing classes required to run the command. Use the following value for the MoveIDM command:

T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain


The command to execute. Enter MoveIDM.


The absolute path to the MoveIDM properties file name.

See Task 0 for details.

The MoveIDM task also expects the following properties files in the scripts directory:




The directory used for log files and any other temporary files generated by the automation framework. The log files are located at working_dir\logs (UNIX) or working_dir\logs folder. This command is not needed if the T2P_DIR environment variable is set.

20.4 Test to Production Content Movement Using Command-Line Scripts

Note that when using the command line, the movement of the Oracle home directories (also known as the "binary files") and the configuration files in the Oracle Fusion Applications environment requires different steps depending on the installation:


For the purpose of visualization, this chapter pictures an installation topography of three or more servers.

It places the transaction Oracle Database on one machine, the Oracle Identity Management components on a second, and the rest of the Oracle Fusion Applications components (i.e. WebLogic Server domains, executables, and system component instances) on either one (non-distributed) or multiple (distributed) machines.

Source and destination topologies must match for a successful movement.

Whether the source environment is distributed or non-distributed, the necessary movement tasks include:

20.4.1 Moving Binary Files to a Production Target Environment

Moving installed binary files and patches in the Middleware home of an Oracle Fusion Applications source environment to a production target environment requires the use of a set of scripts. For more information, see the "Movement Scripts" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

If you have a non-distributed QA environment, whereby the Administration Servers of all the domains and all the system component instances run on the same host, you can automate moving the binary files with a different set of scripts than those described in this section. For more information, see Section 20.4.3.


  • If you want to create obfuscated password files for use with these scripts, use the following scripts:

    (UNIX) FA_MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin/
    (Windows) FA_MW_HOME\oracle_common\bin\obfuscatePassword.cmd

    These interactive scripts prompt you to enter your password and the location of the password file to be written.

  • The Java version should be at least 1.6.04.

As shown in Figure 20-1, you can use the copyBinary script to copy the source Middleware home into an archive file, then use the pasteBinary script to apply the archive to the target environment.

Figure 20-1 Movement of Binary Files

Movement of binaries
Description of "Figure 20-1 Movement of Binary Files"

Because the binary files are in shared storage and are shared by all Oracle Fusion Applications domains, copyBinary must be performed only once from the primordial machine and pasteBinary only once on the target primordial machine.

To move binary files in the Oracle Fusion Applications environment:

  1. Create the binary archives by running the copyBinary script for each Middleware home in the source environment. See Section

  2. Apply the copied binary files from the source environment to the target environment by running the pasteBinary script in the target environment. See Section

  3. Manually move the Oracle Database installation from the source environment to the target environment. See Section Creating Binary Archives

Run the copyBinary script for each Middleware home in the source environment. This copies the binary files of each Middleware home, including all of its Oracle homes and its Oracle WebLogic Server home, into an archive file.

The copyBinary script is available in the following fusionapps Middleware directories:

(UNIX) FA_MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin
(Windows) FA_MW_HOME\oracle_common\bin


The Oracle homes in the Middleware home must share the same platform architecture (in terms of number of bits). The copyBinary script does not support a mix of 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle homes.

When you run the script, you must specify a Java home of the same number of bits as the Oracle homes. For example, for 64-bit Oracle homes, you must specify a 64-bit Java home.

Before you create the binary archive of a Middleware home, ensure that the Oracle WebLogic Server product directories are installed in the Middleware home. Oracle WebLogic Server installed outside of Middleware home is not supported.

In a Windows environment, before creating an archive of a Middleware home, ensure that no Java or Oracle WebLogic Server processes are running from that Middleware home.

Use the following syntax to run the copyBinary script:

copyBinary -javaHome path_of_jdk
           -archiveLoc archive_location 
           -sourceMWHomeLoc MW_HOME   
           [-invPtrLoc Oracle_InventoryLocation]
           [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
           [-silent {true | false}]
           [-ignoreDiskWarning {true | false}]

The following example shows how to create an archive of a Middleware home on UNIX: -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_04
              -archiveLoc /FIN_T2P/FIN_clone1.jar
              -sourceMWHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps
              -invPtrLoc /etc/oraInst.loc
              -logDirLoc /FIN_T2P/logs
              -silent true
              -ignoreDiskWarning true

/net/mount1/appbase represents the top-level applications base directory for binary files.

On Windows:

copyBinary.cmd -javaHome USER_HOME\jrockit_160_04
              -archiveLoc C:\FIN_clone1.jar
              -sourceMWHomeLoc C:\appbase\fusionapps
              -logDirLoc C:\logs
              -silent true
              -ignoreDiskWarning true

Table 20-4 describes the options for the copyBinary script.

Table 20-4 Options for the copyBinary Script

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Window, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




If the operating system is 64-bit UNIX, pass the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.

To set the runtime property, you can specify the -d64 option in the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. For example:

setenv T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS "-d64"




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file to be created with the copyBinary script.

The archive location must not already exist, but its parent directory must exist and have write permission.

Ensure that the archive location is not within the Middleware home structure.




The absolute path to the Oracle Inventory pointer file. Use this option if the inventory pointer file location is not /etc/oraInst.loc, for all Unix platforms.

The copyBinary operation reads this file to find out which all Oracle Homes are present under the Middleware home.

The following shows an example of the contents of the file:


You must have write permission to the inventory location.

Available on UNIX only.

Optional, if the inventory is at /etc/oraInst.loc. Otherwise, it is mandatory.



The location of an existing directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation prompts for confirmation. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case-sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to return an error.

To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of true.




The absolute path of the Middleware home to be archived. You can specify only one Middleware home.




Specifies whether the operation ignores a warning that there is not enough free space available. The default is false.

You may need to use this flag if the target is NFS mounted or is on a different file system, such as Data ONTAP.

Optional Applying the Binary Files to the Target Environment

This section describes how to ensure your environment is prepared and then how to run the pasteBinary script. Setting General Prerequisites

Ensure that the necessary components are installed on the target machine and that necessary properties are set before applying the binary files.

  • JDK: The host must have JDK 1.6.04 or later installed. In addition, ensure that the PATH, CLASSPATH, and JAVA_HOME environment variables point to the JDK.

  • Inventory Properties: In a UNIX environment, properly set the inventory_loc and inst_group properties in the inventory file. For example:


    The inventory file location itself is specified through the invPtrLoc option of the copyBinary command. If the invPtrLoc option is not specified, the inventory pointer file is assumed to be in its default location of /etc/oraInst.loc.

  • Permissions: Ensure that the files have execute permission.

  • Middleware Home: The Middleware home must be created on the shared storage of the target environment.

  • Cloning Client: Copy the following file from the following location on the source host to the target host:

    (UNIX) FA_MW_HOME/oracle_common/jlib/cloningclient.jar
    (Windows) FA_MW_HOME\oracle_common\jlib\cloningclient.jar


On Microsoft Windows, if ECM is not installed properly, ODI OFFLINE PREVERIFICATION fails with the following error:

[C:\AT\fusionapps\ecm\ucm\Distribution\Kofax\Autorun.inf (Access is denied)]

To avoid this issue, "Prevent remote creation of autorun files" from McAfeePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) in the FusionApp Windows boxes before starting pasteBinary. Ensure Runtime/GCC Libraries Are Installed on Target Machine

Because the Webgate is moved along with the rest of binaries, preparations for it must be made on the target machine.

Windows: If the target machine is running Windows 64, ensure that the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2005 runtime libraries (MSVCR80.dll and MSVCP80.dll) are installed. You can copy the libraries from SYSVOL\windows\SysWOW64 on the source machine to the same directory on the target machine.

Linux or Solaris: On these operating systems, third-party GCC libraries must be installed on the target machine before the Webgate 11g is moved. For instructions, see the "Installing Third-Party GCC Libraries (Linux and Solaris Operating Systems Only)" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

While executing the pasteBinary operation, provide the following argument:

-op Preparing and Running pasteBinary Script

This section describes where to find the script and how to run it.

  • If you run the pasteBinary script from a different location than FA_MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin, then you must copy the cloningclient.jar file to the same directory.

  • The pasteBinary script must be run from the primordial machine.

  • Even though the absolute path need not be the same as the one in the source environment, the directory structure relative to APPLICATIONS_BASE should be the same.

  • Copy the pasteBinary script from the following location on the source host to the target host:

    (UNIX) FA_MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin/
    (Windows) FA_MW_HOME\oracle_common\bin\pasteBinary.cmd

Run the pasteBinary script to apply the archive to the target environment. This pastes the binary files of the source Middleware home into the target environment. You must run the pasteBinary script for each Middleware home in the target environment.

The pasteBinary script is available from the following fusionapps Middleware directories:

(UNIX) FA_MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin
(Windows) FA_MW_HOME\oracle_common\bin


IGNORE WARNINGS. If, while running the pasteBinary script, you encounter warnings that the system cannot access the webtier, you can ignore these messages.

Use the following syntax to run the pasteBinary script:

pasteBinary -javaHome path_of_jdk
            -archiveLoc archive_location
            -targetMWHomeLoc target_MW_Home_location
            [-executeSysPrereqs {true | false}]
            [-invPtrLoc Oracle_InventoryLocation]
            [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
            [-silent {true | false}]
            [-ignoreDiskWarning {true | false}]
            [-ouiParam key1=value1,key2=value2]

The following example shows how to apply the archive to the directory /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps on UNIX: -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_04
               -archiveLoc /FIN_T2P/FIN_clone1.jar
               -targetMWHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps
               -logDirLoc /FIN_T2P/logs/
               -silent true
               -ignoreDiskWarning true

/net/mount1/appbase represents the top-level applications base directory for binary files.

On Windows:

pasteBinary.cmd -javaHome USER_HOME\jrockit_160_04
               -archiveLoc C:\FIN_clone1.jar
               -targetMWHomeLoc C:\appbase\fusionapps
               -logDirLoc C:\logs
               -silent true
               -ignoreDiskWarning true
               -ouiParam ""


On Windows, unless the command prompt uses MKS or another application to support Unix commands, then if the value of any argument contains delimeters such as commas (",") or semicolons (";") or equal signs ("="), then enclose the whole value in double quotes.

Table 20-5 describes the options for the pasteBinary script.

Table 20-5 Options for the pasteBinary Script

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

-javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




If the operating system is 64-bit UNIX, pass the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.

To set the runtime property, you can specify the -d64 option in the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. For example:

setenv T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS "-d64"

No longer needed. Handled internally.



The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created with the copyBinary script.

The location must exist.

Ensure that the archive location is not within the Middleware home structure.




Specifies whether the pasteBinary operation checks the prerequisites of the Oracle homes. The default is that it checks the prerequisites. To specify that it does not check the prerequisites, specify this option with the value false.




The absolute path to the Oracle Inventory pointer file. Use this option if the inventory pointer file location is not /etc/oraInst.loc, for all Unix platforms.

The pasteBinary operation registers the Oracle Homes with the central Oracle inventory specified in the Oracle Inventory pointer file.

UNIX only; this option is not available on Windows.

The following shows an example of the contents of the file:


You must have write permission to the inventory location. If the inventory location specified in inventory pointer file does not exist, test-to-production will create it.

Available on UNIX only.

Optional, if the inventory is at /etc/oraInst.loc. Otherwise, it is mandatory.



The location of an existing directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation prompts for confirmation. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case-sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to return an error.

To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of true.




The absolute path of the target Middleware home

If a multihost target topology is being used, the path /net/mount1/appbase must be used to make it visible to other hosts. For example: /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps.

Ensure that the parent directory of Middleware home, for example, fusionapps, exists. If it does not exist, the program will error out.

The targetMWHomeLoc cannot be inside another Middleware home.




Specifies whether the operation ignores a warning that there is not enough free space available. The default is false.

You may need to use this flag if the target is NFS mounted or is on a different file system, such as Data ONTAP.




To provide additional Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) session variables, for configuring Oracle home.

Optional Update the JRE Location in Target Webgate Oracle Home

After executing pasteBinary of the Webtier Middleware Home, update the JRE_LOCATION in <webtier_Middleware_home>/webgate/oui/oraparam.ini Moving the Oracle Database Client Installation

The Oracle Database client home is in the following location:

(Windows) APPLICATIONS_BASE\dbclient

Its contents must be manually moved from the source environment to the target environment.

Perform the following steps to move the dbclient installation on UNIX:

  1. Copy or tar the /net/mount1/appbase/dbclient directory to the target directly or from source.

    /net/mount1/appbase represents the top-level applications base directory for binary files.

  2. Run the installer clone as shown in the following example:

    /net/mount1/appbase/dbclient/oui/bin/runInstaller -clone
           ORACLE_BASE=/net/mount1/appbase ORACLE_HOME=/net
    /net/mount1/appbase/dbclient ORACLE_HOME_NAME="dbclient" -jreLoc 
    /fusionapps/jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679 -defaultHomeName

    You will be prompted to run the command during the process.

  3. Use an account with root access and run net/oracle/dbclient/


    You will not be prompted for permission to copy to the local bin directory.

Perform the following steps to perform the dbclient installation on Windows:

  1. Copy the APPLICATIONS_BASE\dbclient from source to target.

  2. Run the installer clone command, as in the example:

    C:\AT\dbclient\oui\bin>setup.exe -clone ORACLE_BASE=C:\AT
    ORACLE_HOME=C:\AT\dbclient ORACLE_HOME_NAME="dbclient" -defaultHomeName 

20.4.2 Moving Configurations to a Production Target Environment

For each Oracle Fusion application, you must move the configurations of each Oracle WebLogic Server domain, OHS instance, and Node Manager that is part of the source environment to the target environment. This configuration movement relies on the use of the configuration scripts. For information, see Section

If you have a non-distributed, QA environment, whereby the Administration Servers of all the domains and all the system component instances run on the same host, you can automate moving the configuration files with a different set of scripts than those described in this section. For more information, see Section 20.2 and Section 20.4.3.


On Windows, before you move the configurations to the target environment, you must set a JVM System Variable. See Section

To move configurations:

  1. Create the configuration archives by running the copyConfig script for each domain, OHS instance, and Node Manager in the source environment. See Section

  2. Extract the move plan by running the extractMovePlan script on the list of configuration archive locations, which are separated by commas. See Section

  3. Modify the move plan to specify properties for the target environment. See Section

  4. Apply the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment by running the pasteConfig script for each Oracle WebLogic Server domain, OHS instance, and Node Manager separately, using the same move plan. See Section

  5. Complete the component-specific configuration move by performing additional movement tasks on the Oracle Fusion Middleware components. See Section

  6. If there are multiple machines for the domain, re-create the local domain directory using the Oracle WebLogic Server pack and unpack mechanisms. See Section


  • If the database is not tuned correctly, copyConfig and pasteConfig operations can result in performance issues. To avoid these performance issues, in addition to following standard database performance tuning guidelines, ensure that you have sufficient RAM allocated for your RDBMS for the import of the MDS tables. Also run statistics against the target database by executing the following procedure:

    ownname => 'FUSION_MDS',

    where FUSION_MDS is the MDS schema name for your Oracle Fusion Applications installation.

  • The Java version should be at least 1.6.04.

  • The path relative to APPLICATIONS_CONFIG (i.e. after the Instance directory) should match the path used when the source environment was provisioned. Understanding the Configuration Scripts

Moving configurations in the Oracle Fusion Applications environment requires the use of a set of configuration scripts. These scripts are available in FA_MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin. For more information, see the "Movement Scripts" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

Using the copyConfig, extractMovePlan, and pasteConfig scripts enables you to create a copy of the source Oracle WebLogic Server domain home or OHS instance home configuration files into an archive file, extract the configuration information from one or more configuration archive into a move plan so you can edit the properties for the target environment, and apply the copied configurations (along with the move plan) to the target environment. Figure 20-2 illustrates the flow of the configuration movement from the source environment to the target environment.

Figure 20-2 Movement of Configurations

Movement of configurations
Description of "Figure 20-2 Movement of Configurations"

You must create a configuration archive for each source. The environment-specific configuration information from each of the configurations archives is extracted to and consolidated in the source move plan that you must edit to specify the properties for the target environment. Then you apply the edited move plan and the copied configuration archives from each source to each target.


The configuration archive files should be copied to the target environment, preferably to the shared storage so they are visible to all the target domains. Similarly, the extracted move plan and the updated move plan must also be present in the shared storage. copyConfig Script

The copyConfig script creates a configuration archive that contains the snapshot of the configuration of a source entity (for example, Oracle WebLogic Server domain, OHS instance, or Node Manager). The underlying components of a source entity persist their configuration information in different data stores, such as a file system, Oracle Metadata Services (MDS), Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), and database.

You must run the copyConfig script for each source entity in the source environment. A configuration archive is created for each source domain or component instance.

The Administration Server and all Managed Servers in the domain must be up and running when you run the script. extractMovePlan Script

The extractMovePlan script extracts the environment-specific configuration information from one or more configuration archives into a move plan (XML file).

The extractMovePlan script also extracts any Java EE component-specific configuration file, such as Oracle SOA composite configuration plans, application deployment plans, and adapter deployment plans.

A move plan contains the environment-specific configuration information, such as data source definitions, host names, port numbers, and end-point URLs, from one or more configuration archives created for each source domain or component instance in the source environment. You must edit the move plan to specify the properties for the target environment. pasteConfig Script

The pasteConfig script applies the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment. Inputs for the script include the location of the configuration archive created with the copyConfig script for each source entity and the modified move plan. The pasteConfig script re-creates the configuration information for the source entity in the target environment. It also merges the move plan property values for the target environment. You must run the pasteConfig script for each source entity in the target environment. Setting the JVM System Variable on Windows

On Windows, by default, there may not be sufficient memory allocated on the system to successfully run the pasteConfig script. It is advised to set the USER_MEM_ARGS variable as follows, to avoid errors.

For systems using Sun JDK:

set USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms512m -Xmx1536m -XX:CompileThreshold=8000 -XX:PermSize=512m  -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m"

For systems running JRockit:

set USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms512m -Xmx1536m" Creating Configuration Archives

Run the copyConfig script for each source entity (for example, Oracle WebLogic Server domain, OHS instance, Node Manager, or Oracle BI Enterprise Edition) to create a copy of the source entity configuration files into an archive file.



During copyConfig, if you receive the following message, ignore it

SEVERE : [PLUGIN][NetworkInformation TopologyManagerServices is not in this domain

This section covers the following topics: Running copyConfig for Oracle WebLogic Server Domains

Java EE domains reside in the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain configuration home, APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/instance/domains. CRMDomain and FinancialDomain are two examples of Java EE domains.

Running copyConfig creates a copy of the source Oracle WebLogic Server Java EE component into a configuration archive file that contains the Oracle WebLogic Server domain configuration and all configurations stored in MDS. It also packs the other configuration information specific to components such as SOA composites, human workflow, Oracle B2B agreements, and Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) connection settings for all connections.


If you have the following special conditions:

  • UMS is used, and

  • there are remote UMS servers in the source environment, and

  • shared disk is not used

then you will need to run a preliminary step. You will copy all the remote UMS configurations to the source Admin server.

To do so, perform the following on each remote server instance containing a UMS configuration:

  1. cd <domain_home>/config/fmwconfig/servers

  2. tar cvf umsconfig_<server>.tar <server>/applications/usermessaging*

  3. Repeat if there are multiple servers running on this instance

  4. Copy the tar file(s) to the Admin server

  5. Extract the tar file(s) at the corresponding location on the Admin server

Then proceed with the CopyConfig steps below, as usual.

Later, after PasteConfig, you will perform on the destination Admin server, and unpack on the destination remote hosts. Finally, there is a cleanup step to remove the duplicate UMS configuration information from the destination Admin server. See Section

Before running copyConfig: clean up core*.dump and javacore*.txt or any huge log files

To begin: set the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS before running copyConfig on domains, as follows:

export T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS=" -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost"

In Windows OS, Replace export with set in the command above.

You must also set the IPV6 address and Fully Qualified Domain Hostname for -Dhttp.nonproxyHosts, as follows:


where <AAAA:BBBB:CCCC:DDDD:EEEE:FFFF:GGGG:HHHH> and <fully_qualified_host_name> are replaced by the IPV6 and FQDN hostname.

In AIX, Solaris SPARC environments and Solarisx64 , in addition to step 1, it is also necessary to set the following parameter before beginning copyConfig, to avoid an out-of-memory error:

-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost -Xmx5120m -Xms5120m


copyConfig handles only global data sources defined in each Oracle WebLogic Server domain. For application-level data sources, you must manually configure them on the target domain.

Ignore warning:
If you receive the following message during copyConfig, ignore it.

SEVERE : [PLUGIN][NetworkInformation] TopologyManagerServices is not in this domain

Use the following syntax to run the copyConfig script for each Oracle WebLogic Server domain:

copyConfig  -javaHome absolute_location_of_JDK
            -archiveLoc archive_location 
            -sourceDomainLoc source_WebLogic_domain_location
            -sourceMWHomeLoc source_Middleware_home_location
            -domainHostName source_domain_admin_server_host_name
            -domainPortNum  source_domain_admin_server_port
            -domainAdminUserName source_domain_admin_server_user_name
            -domainAdminPassword source_domain_admin_server_user_password_file_location
                    [-mdsDataImport {true | false}]
            [-additionalParams search.encrypt.key=pwdfile] 
            [-logDirLoc existing_log_directory_location]
            [-silent {true | false}]

The following example copies the configuration of the FinancialDomain domain on Unix:  -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_04
               -archiveLoc /FIN_T2P/FIN_FinancialDomain1.jar 
               -sourceDomainLoc /net/mount2/instance/applications/FinancialDomain
               -sourceMWHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps
               -domainPortNum 9001
               -domainAdminUserName faadmin
               -domainAdminPassword /FIN_T2P/domain_admin_server_pw.txt
               -logDirLoc /FIN_T2P/logs
               -silent true

On Windows:

copyConfig.cmd  -javaHome C:\USER_HOME\jrockit_160_04
               -archiveLoc C:\FIN_T2P\FIN_FinancialDomain1.jar 
               -sourceDomainLoc C:\instance\applications\FinancialDomain
               -sourceMWHomeLoc C:\appbase\fusionapps
               -domainPortNum 9001
               -domainAdminUserName faadmin
               -domainAdminPassword C:\FIN_T2P\domain_admin_server_pw.txt
               -logDirLoc C:\FIN_T2P\logs
               -silent true


On Windows, unless the command prompt uses MKS or another application to support Unix commands, the = sign must be passed within double-quotes, such as -additionalParams search.encrypt.key"="pwdfile

The following example copies the configuration of the CommonDomain domain. Notice the use of the -additionalParams option for Oracle SES.  -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_20_D1.0.1-1705
                 -archiveLoc /COMMON_T2P/COMMON_CommonDomain.jar
                 -sourceDomainLoc /net/mount2/instance/applications/CommonDomain
                 -sourceMWLoc /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps
                 -domainPortNum 8001
                 -domainAdminUserName faadmin
                 -domainAdminPassword /COMMON_T2P/domain_admin_server_pw.txt
                 -additionalParams search.encrypt.key=/SES_T2P/encrypt_key.txt

/net/mount1/appbase represents the top-level applications base directory for binary files, whereas /net/mount2 represents the top-level applications configuration directory for configuration files.

Table 20-6 describes the options for the copyConfig script for Oracle WebLogic Server Java EE components.

Table 20-6 Options for the copyConfig Script for Oracle WebLogic Server Java EE Components

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




If the operating system is 64-bit UNIX, pass the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.

To set the runtime property, you can specify the -d64 option in the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. For example:

setenv T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS "-d64"




The absolute location of the archive. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file to be created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute location of the source domain containing the Java EE component.




The absolute location of the source Middleware home.




The name of the host on which the source domain is configured.




The port number of the source domain.




The name of the administrative user for the source domain.




The password file location for the administrative user for the domain. For example, /FIN_T2P/domain_admin_server_pw.txt.




Absolute path of the Oracle SES password file for the encryption key, for example, scratch/t2p/encrypt.txt

The encryption key in the file must be at least 8 characters, must contain both letters and numbers, and must only contain ASCII characters.

Oracle SES is available in the CommonDomain domain. Therefore, you do not need to use this option in the other domains.

Mandatory for the CommonDomain domain only



The location of an existing log directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation prompts for confirmation. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case-sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to return an error.

To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of true.






These two flags have the same meaning. Each specifies whether to export the application MDS metadata to the archive so that it can be imported into the target. The default is true. Specify false if you do not want to export the application MDS metadata. If this option is set to true, the subsequent pasteConfig script that copies the component to the target imports the application MDS metadata to the target.

Optional Running copyConfig for System Components

Running copyConfig creates a copy of the source component instance for a system component, such as OHS, by copying the configuration files of that component instance into an archive file.

Use the following syntax to run the copyConfig script for system components:

copyConfig  -javaHome absolute_location_JDK
            -archiveLoc archive_location 
            -sourceInstanceHomeLoc source_instance_home_location
            -sourceComponentName source_component_name
            [-logDirLoc existing_log_directory_location]
            [-silent {true | false}]

The following example shows how to create a copy of the OHS instance named ohs1 in the Oracle instance home located in APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/instance/CommonDomain_webtier on UNIX: -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679/
              -archiveLoc /FIN_T2P/FIN_CommonDomain_webtier.jar
              -sourceInstanceHomeLoc /net/mount2/instance/CommonDomain_webtier
              -sourceComponentName ohs1
              -logDirLoc /FIN_T2P/logs
              -silent true

/net/mount2 represents the top-level applications configuration directory for configuration files.

On Windows:


Windows platform only: While executing copyConfig of OHS in Windows, shut down the ohs instance. To do so, use:

$INSTANCE_HOME/bin/opmnctl stopall

Then continue with the copyConfig process:

-javaHome C:\jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679/
-archiveLoc C:\FIN_T2P\FIN_CommonDomain_webtier.jar
-sourceInstanceHomeLoc C:\instance\CommonDomain_webtier
-sourceComponentName ohs1
-logDirLoc C:\FIN_T2P\logs
-silent true

Table 20-7 describes the options for the copyConfig script for system components.

Table 20-7 Options for the copyConfig Script for System Components

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




If the operating system is 64-bit UNIX, pass the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.

To set the runtime property, you can specify the -d64 option in the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. For example:

setenv T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS "-d64"




The absolute location of the archive. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file to be created by the copyConfig script.




The location of an existing log directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation prompts for confirmation. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case-sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to return an error.

To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of true.




The name of the source component to be moved. For example, if your Oracle HTTP Server component is named ohs1, specify ohs1.




The absolute location of the Oracle instance home for the source component.

Mandatory Running copyConfig for Node Manager

Node Manager is an Oracle WebLogic Server utility that enables you to start, shut down, and restart the Administration Server and Managed Server instances from a remote location. The Node Manager for each host resides in Oracle WebLogic Server home, in wlserver_version/common/nodemanager/host_name.

Running copyConfig creates a copy of the source Node Manager configuration into an archive file.

Use the following syntax to run the copyConfig script for Node Manager on each machine within topology of the source environment:

copyConfig  -javaHome absolute_location_of_JDK
            -archiveLoc archive_location
            -sourceNMHomeLoc source_Node_Manager_home_location
            [-logDirLoc existing_log_directory_location]
            [-silent {true | false}]

The following example shows how to create a copy of the source Node Manager configuration located in /net/domain/scratch/work/mw2903/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/ (with a folder corresponding to each Node Manager) into an archive file, in UNIX: -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679/
              -archiveLoc /FIN_T2P/node_manager_domain.jar
              -sourceNMHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/instance/nodemanager/
              -silent true

On Windows:

copyConfig.cmd -javaHome C:\USER_HOME\jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679/
              -archiveLoc C:\FIN_T2P/node_manager_domain.jar
              -sourceNMHomeLoc C:\appbase/fusionapps/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/
              -silent true

Table 20-8 describes the options for the copyConfig script for Node Manager.

Table 20-8 Options for the copyConfig Script for Node Manager

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




If the operating system is 64-bit UNIX, pass the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.

To set the runtime property, you can specify the -d64 option in the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. For example:

setenv T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS "-d64"




The absolute location of the archive. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file to be created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute location of the source Node Manager home




The location of an existing log directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently. That is, it does not prompt for confirmation. The default is that the operation prompts for confirmation. To continue, you must type yes, which is not case-sensitive. Typing anything other than yes causes the script to return an error.

To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, specify this option with the value of true.

Optional Running copyConfig for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition

Running copyConfig creates a copy of the source Oracle BI Enterprise Edition configuration into an archive file. You do not need to use the copyconfig script for each component; run it once for all the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition components, which include:

  • Oracle BI Server

  • Oracle BI Presentation Services

  • Oracle BI Cluster Controller

  • Oracle BI Scheduler

  • JavaHost

  • Oracle Essbase server, if it is installed in your environment

Use the following syntax to run the copyConfig script to create a complete Oracle BI Enterprise Edition instance copy:

copyConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk 
            -archiveLoc archive_location 
            -sourceInstanceHomeLoc src_instance_path
            -additionalParams essbaseServerUserName=xxx,essbaseServerPassword=pwdfile 
           [-logDirLoc existing_log_directory_location] 
           [-silent {true | false}]

The following example shows how to apply the copy of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition to the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition home located in BIDomain.
represents the top-level applications configuration directory, where the configuration files reside.


copyConfig -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679/ 
           -archiveLoc /BI_T2P/BIInstance.jar 
           -sourceInstanceHomeLoc /net/mount2/appbase/instance/BIInstance
           -additionalParams essbaseServerUserName=weblogic,essbaseServerPassword=/tmp/password.txt 
           -silent true

On Windows:

copyConfig -javaHome C:\jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679 
           -archiveLoc C:\BI_T2P\BIInstance.jar 
           -sourceInstanceHomeLoc C:\appbase\instance\BIInstance
          -additionalParams "essbaseServerUserName=weblogic,essbaseServerPassword=C:\password.txt" 
           -silent true


On Windows, unless the command prompt uses MKS or another application to support Unix commands, the = sign must be passed within double-quotes, such as -additionalParams search.encrypt.key"="pwdfile

Table 20-9 describes the options for the copyConfig script for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition.

Table 20-9 Options for the copyConfig Script for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




The absolute path of the archive location
Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path of the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition instance for the source component




Specifies Oracle Essbase administrative user and password




The location of an existing directory
A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently; i.e. will not prompt for confirmation, as it would by default. To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, set this option to true.

Optional Running copyConfig for the Oracle Global Order Promising Server Instance

Running copyConfig copies the source Oracle Global Order Promising Server configuration into an archive file.

Use the following syntax to run the copyConfig script to create a complete Oracle Global Order Promising Server instance copy:

copyConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk 
            -archiveLoc archive_location 
            -sourceInstanceHomeLoc src_instance_path
            -sourceComponentName GlobalOrderPromisingServer1
           [-logDirLoc existing_log_directory_location] 
           [-silent {true | false}]

The following example shows how to create a copy of Oracle Global Order Promising Server configuration located in /net/mount1/appbase/instance/gop_1 into an archive file.


copyConfig -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679/ 
           -archiveLoc USER_HOME/gop_1.jar 
           -sourceInstanceHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/instance/gop_1
           -sourceComponentName GlobalOrderPromisingServer1 
           -logDirLoc USER_HOME/clone_logs 
           -silent false

On Windows:

copyConfig -javaHome C:\jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679/ 
           -archiveLoc C:\gop_1.jar 
           -sourceInstanceHomeLoc C:\appbase\instance/gop_1
           -sourceComponentName GlobalOrderPromisingServer1 
           -logDirLoc C:\clone_logs 
           -silent false

Table 20-10 describes the options for the copyConfig script for Oracle Global Order Promising Server.

Table 20-10 Options for the copyConfig Script for Oracle Global Order Promising Server

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created by the copyConfig script.




The name of the existing component which will be archived, GlobalOrderPromisingServer1.




The absolute path of the Oracle Global Order Promising Server instance for the source component.




The location of an existing directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently; i.e. will not prompt for confirmation, as it would by default. To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, set this option to true

Optional Extracting the Move Plan

Run the extractMovePlan script to extract the configuration settings from multiple configuration archives of the source environment into a single move plan (XML file). Extracting the move plan from multiple configuration archives consolidates and tries to remove duplicate configuration properties in the consolidated move plan. It also tries to remove the configuration properties that could be derived from other configuration properties. Running extractMovePlan also extracts other application-specific standard configuration plans, such as those for SOA composite and the deployment plan for Java EE.


Extract the move plan in a location that is shared by all systems in the configuration topology. You can then use the move plan and underlying configuration or deployment plans from the same location to re-create multiple domains or system component instances.

Before beginning the extractMovePlan script, you must export the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS as follows:

T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS=" -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost"

Use the following syntax to run the extractMovePlan script.


extractMovePlan -javaHome absolute_location_of_JDK
             -archiveLoc archive_location[,archive_location...] 
             -planDirLoc move_plan_directory
             [-optimizationHints fusionApps,sameSchemaNameSinglePassword]
             [-logDirLoc existing_log_directory_location]

On Windows:

extractMovePlan -javaHome <> 
               -archiveLoc "archive_location[,archive_location..." 
               -planDirLoc move_plan_directory
               -optimizationHints "hint,hint" 

Note that commas (,) and equal signs (=) are converted to spaces in the Windows environment unless double-quotes (") are used.

The following example extracts configuration information from two configuration archives into a single move plan: -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_20_D1.0.1-1705
                -archiveLoc /FIN_T2P/FIN_CommonDomain1.jar,/FIN_T2P/FIN_FinancialDomain1.jar
                -planDirLoc /FIN_T2P/CommonDomain1_plan
                -opth fa,ssnsp
                -logDirLoc /FIN_T2P/logs

Or, on Windows:

extractMovePlan.cmd -javaHome <>
               -archiveLoc "C:\T2P_AL\BIDomain.jar,C:\T2P_AL\HCMDomain.jar"
               -planDirLoc move_plan_directory
               -optimizationHints "fusionApps,sameSchemaNameSinglePassword"

A list of configuration archive locations, which are separated by commas, is specified to create a single move plan containing the configuration settings from the listed configuration archives.


Ensure there is no space before or after the comma in the list of configuration archive locations.

You can also extract the configuration settings from each individual configuration archive to create multiple move plans. However, this neither consolidates nor optimizes the move plans.

Table 20-11 describes the options for the extractMovePlan script:

Table 20-11 Options for the extractMovePlan Script

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




If the operating system is 64-bit UNIX, pass the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.

To set the runtime property, you can specify the -d64 option in the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. For example:

setenv T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS "-d64"




The absolute location of one or more archives. Use this option to specify the locations of the archive files created by the copyConfig script.

If you specify more than one archive, separate the locations with a comma with no spacing in between.




The absolute path to a directory to which the move plan, along with any needed configuration plans, is to be extracted.

The directory must not already exist.




The location of an existing directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies the configuration values to auto-populate based on the topology on the target environment. These values are omitted from the move plan. Use of the hints is recommended if they apply to your environment.

-optimizationHints takes the following arguments:

  • fusionapps (fa). You need to provide this hint always. This simplifies the move plan for Oracle Fusion Applications.

  • sameSchemaNameSinglePassword (ssnsp). The same password is used for all schemas associated with a particular database. However, the passwords for APPID users are different. You are prompted to provide the password only once for each database. Therefore, you need to pass a separate password for each of the APPID users.

  • rpdDataSource (rpdds): The same password is used for all schemas associated with a particular database specified in RPD_CONFIG section of the moveplan.

    NOTE: If ssnsp flag is provided, then this flag will automatically be set to true.

Optional Modifying the Move Plan

While extracting the move plans, the framework internally derives the properties and optimizes them. In those cases, you may not see all the properties in the move plan. If the framework can not derive the value of a config property from some other config properties by comparing their values, you will see those properties in the move plan

After the move plan is extracted, you must modify one consolidated plan with a text editor to specify the properties (such as data source definitions, host names, port numbers, and endpoint addresses) for the target environment before you apply the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment.

The properties that you edit differ depending on the type of component. Table 20-12 provides pointers to the appropriate list of properties for each component. Some of the references link to tables in the "Move Plan Properties for Components" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide; other links direct you to tables in this chapter. Tables referenced in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide are generic tables that work for both Oracle Fusion Applications and Oracle Fusion Middleware environments. To avoid confusion, only use the tables referenced.

Table 20-12 Move Plan Properties for Components

Component Where to Find the List of Properties:

Oracle Fusion Applications FusionAppsTopology


Oracle Fusion Applications patching framework


Oracle Fusion Applications additional environment properties


Node Manager

"Move Plan Properties for Node Manager"

All Java components

"Common Move Plan Properties for Java Components"

Oracle BI EE


Oracle ADF connections

"Move Plan Properties for Oracle ADF Connections"

Oracle Data Integrator


Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework


Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service (ESS)


Oracle Global Order Processing


Oracle Governance, Risk and Compliance Controls


Oracle HTTP Server

"Move Plan Properties for Oracle HTTP Server"

Oracle Secure Enterprise Search


Oracle SOA Suite

"Move Plan Properties for Oracle SOA Suite"

Oracle Topology Manager


Oracle Virtual Directory

"Move Plan Properties for Oracle Virtual Directory"

Oracle WebCenter Content: Inbound Refinery

"Move Plan Properties for WebCenter Content Server, Records, and Inbound Refinery"

NOTE: Set the value of the property MoveType to 'init'. (This may not be specified in the Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.)

Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging

Section Editing Oracle Fusion Applications FusionAppsTopology Properties

Modify the move plan by editing the specific Oracle Fusion Applications entries within the movableComponent of type ApplicationTopology and name FusionAppsTopology according to the target environment.

Table 20-13 describes the FusionAppsTopology properties to edit in the move plan, if they are present.

Table 20-13 Move Plan Properties for Oracle Fusion Applications FusionAppsTopology Properties

Configuration Group Property Description Sample Value


Listen Address

The listen address used by OHS on the webtier host. This is usually the host name of the machine where OHS server is running.


Listen Address

The listen address used by Managed Servers on the host. This is usually the host name of the machine where Managed Server is running.


Custom Identity Keystore File

The encrypted custom identity keystore's passphrase file. The location must match the sample value.



Custom Identity Private Key Alias

The alias used when loading the private key for Oracle WebLogic Server from the keystore.



Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase File

Path to the password file which will be used while loading the private key for Oracle WebLogic Server into the keystore)



Custom Trust Keystore File

Path to the file containing custom trust keystore. The location must match the sample value.



Custom Trust Keystore Passphrase File

JDBC connect string to be used as a Java EE data source




The JDBC URL in the format of jdbc:oracle:thin:@//DB_host_name.domain/sid to be used as a Java EE data source


User and Password File

The Oracle database schema name (user name) to log in to the database.

During execution of the extractMovePlan script, if the ssnsp flag is used with the -optimizationHints option, there will be a single Password File property that will be used by all users associated with the data source mentioned in the Url configuration property. However, the password for the APPID users will be different. You need to derive the passwords for those APPID users from target IDMDomain domain. For these APPID users, both the User and Password File configuration property will be populated. For more information, see Section, "Update the ADF Credentials".

During execution of the extractMovePlan command, if the ssnsp flag is not used with the -optimizationHints option, there will be a User and Password File property for each database schema.


/private/fusion_runtime_password.txt Editing Oracle Fusion Applications Patching Framework Properties

You must manually update the Oracle Fusion Applications patching framework configuration information to specify the properties for the target domain. To update the Oracle Fusion Applications patching framework configuration information, edit the values of the patching framework properties in the move plan.

Table 20-14 describes the move plan properties that you can change for the patching framework.

Table 20-14 Move Plan Properties for Oracle Fusion Applications Patching Framework

Properties Description Example

Top directories for various components used by Patching Framework

The following properties are defined in



Applications base directory, APPLICATIONS_BASE


Database-related properties

The following properties are in the ASOAppsTableSpaceCustomizations config group. Each aggregate storage (ASO) application has a name and tablespace property, followed by the following properties:



Database service as defined by the SERVICE_NAME parameter in the tnsnames.ora file


Taxonomy-related properties



URL to connect to the MBean to fetch taxonomy information. This URL is usually the same as the Administration Server URL. See Section 2.4 to find the URL for the Administration Server.

Oracle Access Manager-related properties

The following properties are defined in



Host name for Oracle Access Manager


Port for Oracle Access Manager connection



Host for the Administration Server on the Oracle Access Manager


Host for the Administration Server on the Oracle Access Manager connection



Oracle Access Manager web domain used for Oracle Fusion Applications policies



Mode for the Oracle Access Manager server

Open Editing Additional Oracle Fusion Applications Environment Properties

This section describes the move plan properties for Oracle Fusion Applications, startup configuration, Oracle Human Workflow configuration, and Oracle Database client configuration.


The Oracle Database client configuration is reset to the initial out-of-box configuration set by provisioning. Any additional properties added to the source environment are not moved to the target environment. Therefore, you need to copy any additional properties to the target environment.

Table 20-15 describes the Oracle Fusion Applications properties.

Table 20-15 Move Plan Properties for Oracle Fusion Applications

Configuration Group Property Description Sample Value

Fusion Applications Environment Properties


The top-level directory for the Oracle Fusion Applications binary files




The top-level directory for the Oracle Fusion Applications configuration files (includes the instance directory)




OHS or load balancer URL value for the SOA cluster configured in wf_client_config.xml.

Database Client Configuration

Wallet Password File

Location of password file that contains password to create the database client wallet




Database service name of the tnsnames.ora file to connect to database




Database host name of the tnsnames.ora file to connect to database. (In an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database, the property names are DB_HOST_NAME0, DB_HOST_NAME1, and so forth.)



Database port number of the tnsnames.ora file to connect to database (In Oracle RAC databases, the property names are: DB_PORT0, DB_PORT1, and so forth)



Fusion Runtime Schema

Database schema name (user name) to log in to the database



Fusion Runtime Schema Password File

Location of password file that contains schema password to log in to the database


Fusion Applications Front end Host URL Configuration


The external OHS URL for all the Oracle Fusion applications human workflow task flows. The format of FusionAppsFrontendHostUrl attribute is as follows:


where * is the wildcard namespace. If the wildcard is specified, the front-end host URL of the wildcard will be applied to all Oracle Fusion Applications servers, including the SOA server.

If FANamespace is soa.server.url, then the provided URL will be used to override the SOA server URL.

For example, if SupplierPortal has namespace SUPPLIER, the format for adding FrontendHostUrl for Supplier Portal FusionAppsFrontendHostUrl will be:





The external OHS URL for all the Oracle Fusion applications human workflow task flows (ProcurementDomain) Editing Oracle BI EE Properties

This section describes the move plan properties for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, Oracle BI EE Data Warehouse Administration Console, Oracle Essbase, EPM Registry, and Oracle BI Action Framework.

Table 20-16 shows the move plan properties that you can change for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition.

Table 20-16 Move Plan Properties for Oracle BI EE

Properties Description Sample Value

Properties in the XMLP-SERVER-CONFIG configGroup:

Oracle BI Publisher configuration



The name of the host that is running the Oracle BI Presentation Services to which you must connect



The port number for connecting to Oracle BI Presentation Services



The absolute path of a secure file that contains the password for Oracle BI Presentation Services



The user name for Oracle BI Presentation Services


Properties in the connection configProperty:

connection is a subproperty of data source. Specifies that the data source is a Connection type.

Each data source can be either a Connection or File type.


The URL of the connection



The driver to use for the connection



The user name for the connection



The absolute path of a secure file that contains the password for the connection


Properties in the file configProperty:

file is a subproperty of data source. Specifies that the data source is a File type.



The file system path that points to the relevant data source file


Properties in the XDO-CLIENT_CONFIG configGroup:

Oracle BI Publisher client



The absolute path to the Oracle BI Publisher client directory


* (any name)

The Oracle BI Publisher-configured endpoint connecting URL. The move plan may have more than one endpoint.

Properties in the XMLP-SCHEDULER-JMS-CONFIG configGroup:

The Scheduler configuration



The Oracle WebLogic Server JNDI URL for the Oracle BI EE Managed Server



The JMS shared temporary directory used in an Oracle BI EE cluster environment


Properties in the XMLP-PROVIDER-CONFIG configGroup, in the provider configProperty:

Oracle BI Publisher provider

There is a separate configProperty for each BI Publisher provider configured.



The URI for the Oracle BI Publisher provider


The non-SSO URI for the Oracle BI Publisher provider

Properties in the XDO-SERVER_CONFIG configGroup:

Oracle BI Publisher Server



The absolute path to the Oracle BI Publisher server configuration directory


The following property is in the RepositoryDirPath configProperty, the directory path of the Oracle BI Publisher server repository



The directory of the Oracle BI Publisher server configuration repository. (It can be located outside of the BIDomain that is specified as the server xdo.server.config.dir system property.) The default value is ${xdo.server.config.dir}/repository.


The following property is in the SawSourcePath configProperty. The Oracle BI Publisher server connection resource details for the Oracle BI EE Presentation Server.



The path for the Oracle BI Publisher repository directory


Properties in the OracleInstances configGroup:

Oracle BI EE domain configuration



The path of the Oracle instance in which Oracle BI EE is deployed



The host where the Oracle BI EE instance is configured

Properties in the BIInstanceDeployment configProperty:

Instance configuration details



The listen address for the host. It can be set to a virtual IP address or a subset on a multi-homed computer. You can use an asterisk to specify multiple network addresses for the host.


The start of the range of ports used by the Oracle BI EE system components



The end of the range of ports used by the Oracle BI EE system components


Properties in the BIInstance configGroup, in the EmailOptions configProperty:

Oracle BI EE instance configuration



The host name of the SMTP server


The port number of the SMTP server



The sender's name that is used as the display name by the Oracle BI EE system when it sends email

Oracle Business Intelligence


The email address used by the Oracle BI EE system when it sends email

Property in the BIInstance configGroup, in the MarketingOptions configProperty:

Oracle BI EE instance configuration



The base URL used by the Oracle BI EE system when the emails have embedded URLs

Property in the BIInstance configGroup, in the PresentationServerOptions configProperty:

Presentation Server configuration



The absolute path of the location of the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog


Property in the BIInstance configGroup, in the Scheduler configProperty:

Scheduler configuration



The connection details for the Oracle BI Scheduler data source


Properties in the BIInstance configGroup, in the ServerOptions configProperty:

Server options configuration



The shared location for the Oracle BI repository


Properties in the BIInstance configGroup, in the PerformanceOptions configProperty:

Performance options configuration



The global location of the Oracle BI EE server cache


Properties in the DEPLOY_USER_CREDENTIALS configGroup:




The user name used to deploy the RTD SPE inline service



The absolute path of a secure file that contains the password for the connection


Properties in the CONNECTIONPOOLS configGroup:

RPD configuration



Connection pool user name (the database schema name). The name may be a variable, in the format VALUE_OF (varname) which would then appear in the VARIABLES configuration group.



Oracle BI repository connection pool data source name or definition. The name may be a variable, in the format VALUE_OF(varname), which would then appear in the VARIABLES configuration group.



If this is an ADF connection, the Business Component URL


The absolute path of a secure file that contains the password for the connection to the Oracle BI repository data source


Properties in the VARIABLES configGroup:

Definition of variables



The name of the variable that is used in the Oracle BI repository connection pool definitions. There can be multiple name/value pairs.



The value of the variable that is used in the Oracle BI repository connection pool definitions. There are multiple name/value pairs.


Table 20-17 describes the move plan properties that you can change for Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC).

Table 20-17 Move Plan Properties for Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC)

Properties Description Example

Properties in the DAC-SERVER-CONFIGURATION configGroup:

DAC configuration


The URL to connect to the DAC repository


The name of the JDBC driver



The user name used to connect to the DAC repository


Password File

The absolute path of a secure file containing the password for the user to connect to the DAC repository. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.


Properties in the EMAIL-CONFIGURATION configGroup:

Email configuration


The host name of the email server



The protocol for the email server



The email address of the user



The flag indicating whether the corporate email server requires authentication. Valid values are true or false.



The flag indicating whether an SSL connection is required. Valid values are true or false.



The port where the email server listens



User name for the email account

The email user must be provided even though email is not configured.



The absolute path of a secure file containing the password for the user of the email server. (Only required if needs_authentication is set to true.). The secure file containing the password for the user should contain the password in clear text and not an obfuscated password.

The email password must be provided even though email is not configured.


Properties in the DATAWAREHOUSE-CONFIGURATION configGroup:

Data Warehouse configuration


The URL to connect to the Data Warehouse


The name of the JDBC driver



The user name used to connect to the Data Warehouse


Password File

The absolute path of a secure file containing the password for the user to connect to the Data Warehouse. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.


Properties in the INFORMATICA-CONFIGURATION configGroup:

Informatica configuration

Informatica server home

The Informatica server home


Domains infa file location

The infa file location of the domain



The directory where the Informatica parameter files are stored (or DEFAULT)


Properties in the DATASOURCES-CONNECTION-DETAILS configGroup:

Data source connection information


The physical data source type. Possible values are: Source, Warehouse, Informatica Repository, DAC Repository, or Other.


Connection Type

The type of database connection. Possible values are: BI Server, Oracle (OCI8), Oracle (Thin), DB2, DB2-390, MSSQL, Teradata, and Flat File.

Oracle (Thin)

Connection String

The data source connection string. If you are using:

  • Oracle (OCI8): Use the tnsnames.ora file entry.

  • Oracle (Thin): Use the instance name. SQL Server: Use the database name.

  • DB2-UDB/DB2-390: Use the connect string as defined in the DB2 configuration.

  • Teradata: Use the database name.

Table Owner

The name of the table owner



The host name of the server where the database resides


The port where the database receives requests


JDBC Driver (Optional)

The JDBC driver for the data source connection. The value in this field must conform to the database specifications.


URL (Optional)

The JDBC URL for the data source connection. The value in this field must conform to the database specifications.

Password File

The absolute path of a secure file containing the password for the user to connect to data source. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.


Connection Pool Name (BIPool)

The connection pool name

FSCM_OLTP."Connection Pool"

Database Type (BIPool)

Database type of the transactional data source


Properties in the EXTERNAL-EXECUTORS configGroup:

External executors configuration

Execution type

The execution type for the tasks that will be executed by the external executor

ODI 11g Embedded Agent


The name of the property that must be configured to integrate DAC with other Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) tools. There are multiple properties for the external executors. Name is the name of the property. Value is the value that defines the property.


Table 20-18 describes the move plan properties that you can change for Oracle Essbase.

Table 20-18 Move Plan Properties for Oracle Essbase

Properties Description Example

Properties in the EssbaseAgentConfig configGroup:

Oracle Essbase configuration.



The administration user name for Oracle Essbase



The absolute path of a secure file containing the password for the Oracle Essbase administration password


Properties in the ASOAppsTableSpaceCustomizations configGroup:

Aggregate Storage (ASO) application configuration

Each ASO application has a name and Table Space property, followed by the properties in the configGroup.



The absolute path of the application file


Properties in the BSOAppsDiskVolumeCustomizations configGroup:

Block Storage (BSO) application configuration.

Each Essbase BSO application has a name and database name property, followed by the properties in the configGroup.



The location of the disk volume



The file type of the disk volume, such as index, data, or index_data


Table 20-19 describes the move plan properties that you can change for the EPM Registry.

Table 20-19 Move Plan Properties for the EPM Registry

Properties Description Example

Properties in the configGroup:

EPM Registry



The URL to connect to the EPM Registry database


The name of the JDBC driver



The user name used to connect to the EPM database



The absolute path of a secure file containing the password for the user to connect to the EPM database. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.


Properties in the EPM_COMPONENTS configGroup, in the DATABASE_CONN configProperty:

EPM components configuration


The database server host name


The database user name



The JDBC URL to connect to the database


The database name. For Oracle Database, use the service name or SID



The database port number



The absolute path of a secure file containing the password for the user to connect to the database. You must provide a password file, even if you are not changing the configuration.


Properties in the EPM_COMPONENTS configGroup, in the Default configProperty:

EPM components configuration



The host name of the front-end web server or load balancer


The port of the front-end web server or load balancer. This is a subentry to the Default property.



The flag indicating whether the front end is in SSL mode. Valid values are true and false.



The SSL port of the front-end web server or load balancer


Properties in the WORKSPACE_APP configProperty:

Workspace configuration



The host name of the server hosting the Workspace web application


The port where the Workspace web application is running



The SSL port (if configured for SSL) where the Workspace web application is running


Properties in the EPM_COMPONENTS configGroup, in the WEB_SERVER configProperty:

Web server configuration


The host name of the web server that the web application is configured to use


The port where the web application is running



The flag indicating whether the front end is in SSL mode. Valid values are true and false.


Properties in the EPM_COMPONENTS configGroup, in the CALC_WEBAPP configProperty:

EPM components configuration


The host name of the server hosting the Oracle Calculation Manager web application


The port where the Oracle Calculation Manager web application is running



The SSL port (if configured for SSL) where the Oracle Calculation Manager web application is running



The name of the Oracle Essbase cluster. There may be more than one cluster.


Properties in the essbaseservern configProperty:

Oracle Essbase server


The host name of the Oracle Essbase server


The ARBORPATH of the Oracle Essbase server



The location of the Oracle Essbase application location



The agent port number of the Oracle Essbase server



The start of the range of ports used by agent for Oracle Essbase server



The end of the range of ports used by agent for Oracle Essbase server


Properties in the BIEE_WEBAPP configProperty:

Oracle BI EE web application configuration


The host name of the server hosting the Oracle BI EE web application


The port where the Oracle BI EE web application is running



The SSL port (if configured for SSL) where the Oracle BI EE web application is running


Properties in the PROVIDER_SERVICES_WEB_APP configProperty:

The Oracle Essbase APS web application configuration


The host name of the server hosting the Oracle Essbase APS web application


The port where the Oracle Essbase APS web application is running



The SSL port (if configured for SSL) where the Oracle Essbase APS web application is running


Properties in the PFINANCIAL_REPORTING_WEB_APP configProperty:

The Financial Reporting Web application configuration


The host name of the server hosting the Financial Reporting web application


The port where the Financial Reporting web application is running



The SSL port (if configured for SSL) where the Financial Reporting web application is running


Table 20-20 describes the move plan properties that you can change for Oracle BI Action Framework.

Table 20-20 Oracle BI Action Framework

Properties Description Sample Value

Property in the location-alias configGroup:

Action Framework configuration



The URL corresponding to the action name

Note that there may be more than one name/value pair. Editing Oracle Data Integrator Properties

You must modify the move plan to specify the Oracle Data Integrator properties for the target environment before you apply the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment.

Table 20-21 describes the Oracle Data Integrator properties. Edit the values of each property.

Table 20-21 Oracle Data Integrator Properties

Configuration Group Property Description Sample Value

Master Repository

Master Repository Id

ODI Master Repository ID. It should be different than source repository ID



SUPERVISOR password file

Password for the SUPERVISOR user in ODI repository when target ODI repository was created.


Physical Data Servers

Schema name

Directory location for the data source of "file" technology



Work schema

Directory location for the data source of "file" technology



Driver Class

Drive class for "Oracle" technology




JDBC URL for connecting to the data server




User name for the physical data servers connection



Password File

Password file for the physical data servers connection



Host name

Agent host name



Host port

Agent host port

12311 Editing Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework Properties

The Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework (ECSF) seed data (data in the ECSF tables) is moved from the source environment to the target environment using the configuration scripts. Running the copyConfig script creates a configuration archive that contains the snapshot of the ECSF seed data. The extractMovePlan script extracts the environment-specific ECSF configuration properties from the source environment into the move plan. You must modify the move plan to specify the ECSF parameter values for the target environment before you execute the pasteConfig script.

ECSF plug-in execution varies from domain to domain. In the CommonDomain domain, it extracts all the data from ECSF tables from source database and imports the data into the target database. In the CRMDomain, HCMDomain, and FinancialDomain domains, if the corresponding search service component is active, it updates certain records specified in the move plan. The plug-in does not do anything in other domains.

Table 20-22 describes the ECSF properties. Edit the values of the ECSF properties in the move plan.

Table 20-22 ECSF Properties

Property Description Sample Value


URL to Oracle SES administrative web service endpoint.


URL to Oracle SES Query web service endpoint.


URL to ECSF servlets. This URL is used to construct configuration feeds for Oracle SES.


URL to ECSF servlets. This URL is used to construct configuration feeds for Oracle SES. ECSF runtime URL and ECSF Security Service URL can be set to two different servers, which is also what Oracle SES supports.


URL to ECSF feed servlets. This URL is used to redirect drilldowns or actionable results.


Any properties that are internally derived do not appear in the move plan. Editing Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Properties

Modify the move plan by editing the specific entries within the movableComponent of type ESS-EXT according to the target environment.

Table 20-23 describes the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler properties. Edit the following properties, if they are available in move plan. If one or more properties are not available, they will be auto-populated in the file of the target environment. Most of the properties with values relative to target environment's Middleware home are derived automatically by the plug-in.


You do not need to change the value of the ID attribute in configProperty that corresponds to location of the file.

Table 20-23 ESS Properties

Property Description Sample Value


The top-level directory of the product



Colon-separated set of library directories



The CSF wallet location in the Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home



The location of the jps-config.xml file in the product family domain directory. You must provide the value for only one product family domain, and it can be from any of the domains.



The full path of the spawned job. In Windows environments, PATH must include all directories that are normally part of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.



The top-level directory of the product



The TNS name identifying the database to which spawned jobs should connect. In Windows environments, the environment variable is LOCAL.



The top-level directory of the product

/net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps/applications/thirdparty/hcm/vertex Editing Oracle Global Order Promising Properties

You must modify the move plan to specify the Oracle Global Order Promising properties for the target environment before you apply the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment.

Table 20-24 describes the Oracle Global Order Promising property that you must edit.

Table 20-24 Editing Oracle Global Order Promising Properties

Property Description Sample


Global Order Promising Server listen port

39000 Editing Oracle Governance, Risk and Compliance Properties

You must modify the move plan to specify the Oracle Governance, Risk and Compliance Controls properties for the target environment before you apply the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment.

Table 20-25 describes the Oracle Governance, Risk and Compliance Controls properties. Edit the values of each property.

Table 20-25 Oracle Governance, Risk and Compliance Controls Properties

Property Attribute Key Sample Value

Data-Source Name

Name of data source

ApplicationDB Editing Oracle SES Properties

Table 20-26 describes the Oracle SES properties. Edit the values of these properties in the move plan.

Table 20-26 Oracle SES Properties

Configuration Group Property Description Sample Value


HTTP endpoint for authentication

The HTTP endpoint for authentication. This is the URL for the search application deployment endpoint for the Oracle Fusion customer.



Configuration URL

The file or HTTP URL of the configuration file. For Oracle Fusion sources, the value is the URL for the search application deployment endpoint. For WebCenter sources, the value is the WebCenter RSS crawl servlet endpoint.

For Oracle Fusion sources:

For WebCenter sources:

For WebCenter Content sources:


Oracle SSO Login URL

(Optional) The Oracle Single Sign-On login URL that protects all Oracle Single Sign-On applications. This parameter is relevant when the authentication type is ORASSO.


Oracle SSO Action URL

(Optional) The Oracle Single Sign-On action URL that authenticates Oracle Single Sign-On user credentials. This is the URL to which the Oracle Single Sign-On login form is submitted. This parameter is relevant when the authentication type is ORASSO.


Scratch Directory

(Optional) Local directory where status files can be temporarily written



Database Connection String

The JDBC connect string for the database



The password to log in to the database


URL Prefix

The prefix to the content of the URL column to form display URL. For Oracle WebCenter sources, use the Oracle WebCenter instance URL.


HTTP endpoint for authorization

The HTTP endpoint for Oracle Fusion authorization. For Oracle Fusion sources, the value is the URL for the search application deployment endpoint.

For Oracle Fusion sources:

For WebCenter Content sources:


Display URL prefix

(Optional) The HTTP host to prefix the access URL to form the display URL. For Oracle Fusion sources, the value is the URL for the search application deployment endpoint.

For Oracle Fusion sources:

For WebCenter Content sources:


Authorization Endpoint

The URL servicing the lookup of authorization information. For WebCenter sources, the value is the WebCenter authorization servlet endpoint.


Authorization Database Connection String

The JDBC connect string for the database



The password to log in to the database



WebCenter URL Prefix

The prefix to the content of the URL column to form the display URL. For WebCenter sources, use the WebCenter instance URL. Editing Oracle Topology Manager Properties

Configuration information for Oracle Topology Manager is moved from a source environment to a target environment using the configuration scripts. However, you must modify the move plan to specify the Oracle Topology Manager properties for the target environment before you apply the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment. These values specify things such as the host name and port numbers that will be used by any external applications embedded in your Oracle Fusion Applications environment. Some examples could include third-party location services, such as Google Maps, social networking applications such as LinkedIn, or any other application.

Table 20-27 describes the Oracle Topology Manager properties. Edit the property values to specify the desired destination information.

Table 20-27 Oracle Topology Manager Properties

Configuration Group Property Description Sample Value



Protocol used by the external server for this deployed application




Host name of the external server for this deployed application



Port number of the external server for this deployed application




Default URL for this deployed application



Name of the external application
(This example uses a Yahoo finance application, for demonstration purposes only.)




Protocol used by the external server for this deployed application




Host name of the external server for this deployed application



Port number of the external server for this deployed application




Default URL for this deployed application



Name of the Administration Server for this domain




Protocol used by the Administration Server for this domain




Administration Server host name for this domain



Administration Server port number for this domain




Protocol used by the internal server for this domain




Host name of the internal server for this domain



Port number of the internal server for this domain




Protocol used by the external server for this domain




Host name of the external server for this domain



Port number of the external server for this domain




Protocol used by the Node Manager for this domain




Port number of the Node Manager for this domain




JMX port number for this domain




Full path of the location where Oracle Enterprise Manager is hosted for this domain



Name of the environment

oracle Editing Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging Properties

You must modify the move plan to specify the Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging properties for the target environment before you apply the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment.

Table 20-28 describes the Imaging properties. Edit the value of each property.

Table 20-28 Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging Properties

Configuration Group Property Description Sample Value


Administrative user ID used during the pasteConfig operation to seed system security. If left blank, the domain administrator user provided on the pasteConfig command line is used. This property should be used for situations where the Oracle I/PM administrative user must be a user other than the domain administrator. For example, during a pasteConfig operation, the Oracle I/PM database being used for the target has rows in the SYSTEM_SECURITY table. These rows grant system security privileges to the user FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID and no other users or groups. Therefore, for this case, you would set this value to FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID.


MBean Settings


A pipe-separated list of directories where input sources look for work. Input directory paths can be either relative or absolute. If relative paths, they are resolved against the current user directory.(The current user directory is calculated from user.dir system property. In Weblogic managed domain, value of user.dir is domain home )




Directory that holds the sample data for the input UI




Location of the TrueType (TTF) font files used by the OIT rendering package


UCM Connection


Location of the repository. The value must be localhost if the connection is configured for "Use Local Content Server."




WebCenter Content server port used when the local content server is used. If not using local content server connection, remove the configuration property.




Specifies (true or false) whether the connection to WebCenter Content systems use SSL.


WORKFLOW Connection


HTTP Front End Address used in the IPM SOA: Connection Settings UI




Credential alias used in the IPM SOA: Connection Settings UI

basic.credentials Applying the Configurations to the Target Environment

Apply the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment by running the pasteConfig script for each source entity (for example, Oracle WebLogic Server domain, OHS instance, or Node Manager) separately, using the same modified move plan. You must run the pasteConfig script on the target environment.

Run the pasteConfig script for the source entities in the following order:

  1. CommonDomain
    This must be moved first because the Metadata Services (MDS) operations for partitioning in Oracle Fusion Applications are located in the CommonDomain.

  2. Oracle Fusion Applications domains, such as CRMDomain and FinancialDomain

  3. All system component instances

  4. All Node Managers

For Oracle WebLogic Server domains, run the pasteConfig script on the Administration Server host. For system components like OHS, run the script on the host where that component runs. For Node Manager, run the script on each host.


Before beginning all the pasteConfig activities, it is necessary to set some parameters, as follows:

To begin, set the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS before running copyConfig on domains:

export T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS=" -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost"

In Windows OS, Replace export with set in the command above.

You must also set the IPV6 address and Fully Qualified Domain Hostname for -Dhttp.nonproxyHosts, as follows:


where <AAAA:BBBB:CCCC:DDDD:EEEE:FFFF:GGGG:HHHH> and <fully_qualified_host_name> are replaced by the IPV6 and FQDN hostname.

In AIX, Solaris SPARC environments and Solarisx64 , in addition to step 1, it is also necessary to set the following parameter before beginning copyConfig, to avoid an out-of-memory error:

-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost -Xmx5120m -Xms5120m

This section covers the following topics:


If you extracted multiple move plans, you must use the move plan corresponding to each domain or system component instance. Running pasteConfig for Oracle WebLogic Server Domains

Running pasteConfig applies the copy of the source Oracle WebLogic Server Java EE component to the target environment by unpacking and recreating the domain configuration, MDS, and component-specific configuration into the specified Middleware home.


Ensure the Oracle WebLogic Server administrator user name is the same on both source and target environments. The password will be the same across the environments if the authenticator is on an embedded LDAP, but the password can be different if the authenticator is on an external LDAP. The host name and listen port of any server can be different on the target environment, and you can modify those entries accordingly in the move plan.

You can only invoke pasteConfig once for each target entity (that is, Oracle WebLogic Server domain, OHS instance, or Node Manager). If you need to rerun pasteConfig on the same target entity, you must clean up the target environment before invoking pasteConfig again. For information about cleaning up target entities, see the "Recovering from pasteConfig Errors" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide.

Use the following syntax to run pasteConfig for Oracle WebLogic Server domains:

pasteConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk 
             -archiveLoc archive_location
             -targetDomainLoc trgt_domain_path
             -targetMWHomeLoc trgt_Middleware_Home_path
             -domainAdminPassword path_of_file_with_domain_admin_server_user_password
             -movePlanLoc move_plan_path
             [-appDir WLS_application_directory]
             [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
             [-silent {true | false}]

The following example shows how to apply the copy of the domain to the /fusionapps Middleware home:

pasteConfig -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_20_D1.0.1-1705/
            -archiveLoc /FIN_T2P/FIN_FinancialDomain1.jar
            -targetDomainLoc /net/mount2/instance/domains/server_name/FinancialDomain
            -targetMWHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps
            -domainAdminPassword /home/oracle/password.txt
            -movePlanLoc /FIN_T2P/moveplan.xml
            -appDir /net/mount2/instance/applications/FinancialDomain
            -logDirLoc /FIN_T2P/logs
            -silent true

/net/mount1/appbase represents the top-level applications base directory for binary files, while /net/mount2 represents the top-level applications configuration directory for configuration files.

Table 20-29 describes the options for the pasteConfig script for Oracle WebLogic Server Java EE components.

Table 20-29 Options for the pasteConfig Script for Oracle WebLogic Server Java EE Components

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




If the operating system is 64-bit UNIX, pass the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.

To set the runtime property, you can specify the -d64 option in the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. For example:

setenv T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS "-d64"




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path of the target domain. The domain location must not already exist for the specified Middleware home.

The domain directory may be located outside of the directory structure of the Middleware home.




The absolute path of the target Middleware home in which the copy of the domain will be applied.




The absolute path of the file containing the domain Administration Server user password.




The absolute path of the modified move plan in the target environment.




The absolute path of the Oracle WebLogic Server application directory on the target.




The location of an existing directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently; i.e. will not prompt for confirmation, as it would by default. To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, set this option to true.

Optional Running pasteConfig for System Components

Running pasteConfig applies the copy of a system component, such as OHS, to the target environment by pasting the configuration files of the source component into the specified Oracle instance.


You must use an Oracle home that contains the OHS binary files when you paste the OHS configuration files into the specified Oracle instance.

Use the following syntax to run pasteConfig for system components:

pasteConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk 
             -archiveLoc archive_location
             -movePlanLoc move_plan_path
             -targetComponentName trgt_component_name 
             -targetInstanceHomeLoc trgt_Instance_path 
             [-targetInstanceName trgt_Instance_name] 
             [-targetOracleHomeLoc trgt_ORACLE_HOME_path]
             [-silent {true | false}]
             [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
             [-domainHostName domain_host_name]
             [-domainPortNum  domain_port_number]
             [-domainAdminUserName domain_admin_username]
             [-domainAdminPassword domain_admin_password_file]

The following example shows how to apply the copy of the OHS instance to the Oracle instance CommonDomain_webtier and how to name the moved OHS instance ohs1:

pasteConfig -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679/
            -archiveLoc /FIN_T2P/FIN_CommonDomain_webtier4.jar
            -movePlanLoc /FIN_T2P/moveplan.xml
            -targetComponentName ohs1
            -targetInstanceHomeLoc /net/mount2/instance/CommonDomain_webtier
            -targetInstanceName CommonDomain_webtier
            -targetOracleHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/webtier_mwhome/webtier
            -silent true
            -logDirLoc /FIN_T2P/logs

/net/mount1/appbase represents the top-level applications base directory for binary files, while /net/mount2 represents the top-level applications configuration directory for configuration files.

Table 20-30 describes the options for the pasteConfig script for system components.

Table 20-30 Options for the pasteConfig Script for System Components

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




If the operating system is 64-bit UNIX, pass the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.

To set the runtime property, you can specify the -d64 option in the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. For example:

setenv T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS "-d64"




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path of the modified move plan in the target environment.




The name of the target component to be moved. The name must be unique in the instance.




The name of the target Oracle instance.

The name must be unique in the domain.

Mandatory for OHS



The absolute path of the target Oracle instance.

If the Oracle instance does not exist at that location, the command creates the instance.




The absolute path of the target Oracle home.

The target Oracle home must exist and it must contain the binary files for the component you are moving.

Optional, if the targetInstanceHomeLoc exists. In this case, the operation retrieves the value from the configuration.



The location of an existing directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently; i.e. will not prompt for confirmation, as it would by default. To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, set this option to true.


Domain-Detail Options


These parameters are optional. If you choose to use the domain parameters, you must use all four parameters.




The name of the host on which the domain is configured.

Use this option if you want to register the component with the domain.

Optional, if you do not want to register the component with the domain.



The port number of the domain.

Use this option if you want to register the component with the domain.

The domain port number is listed in the following file as the adminPort.


For example:


Optional, if you do not want to register the component with the domain.



The name of the administrative user for the domain. For example, faadmin.

Optional, if you do not want to register the component with the domain.



The password file for the administrative user for the domain. For example, /FIN_T2P/domain_admin_server_pw.txt.

Use this option if you want to register the component with the domain.

Optional, if you do not want to register the component with the domain. Running pasteConfig for Node Manager

Running pasteConfig applies the copy of Node Manager to the target environment by pasting the configuration files of the source Node Manager into the specified Node Manager home.


All the domains that are to be managed by the Node Manager should be moved before applying the copy of Node Manager to the target environment, and the Administration Server must be in running state.

After running pasteBinary, if the Node Manager directory exists in WL_HOME/common/nodemanager then remove it before running pasteConfig.

Use the following syntax to run pasteConfig for Node Manager on each machine within the topology in the target environment:

pasteConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk 
             -archiveLoc archive_location
             -targetNMHomeLoc trgt_Node_Manager_Home_path 
             -targetMWHomeLoc trgt_Middleware_Home_path 
             -movePlanLoc move_plan_path
             [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]
             [-silent {true | false}]

The following example shows how to apply the copy of Node Manager to the Node Manager home located in CommonDomain_webtier:

pasteConfig -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679/
            -archiveLoc /tmp/a.jar
            -targetNMHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/
            -targetMWHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps/
            -movePlanLoc /FIN_T2P/moveplan.xml
            -silent true

Table 20-31 describes the options for the pasteConfig script for Node Manager.

Table 20-31 Options for the pasteConfig Script for Node Manager

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




If the operating system is 64-bit UNIX, pass the -d64 option to the scripts in the command line.

To set the runtime property, you can specify the -d64 option in the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. For example:

setenv T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS "-d64"




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path of the target Node Manager.




The absolute path of the target Middleware home in which the copy of Node Manager will be applied.




The absolute path of the modified move plan in the target environment.




The location of an existing directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently; i.e. will not prompt for confirmation, as it would by default. To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, set this option to true.

Optional Running pasteConfig for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition

You paste the configuration of the following Oracle BI Enterprise Edition components:

  • Oracle BI Server

  • Oracle BI Presentation Services

  • Oracle BI Cluster Controller

  • Oracle BI Scheduler

  • JavaHost

  • Oracle Essbase server, if it is installed in your environment

Running pasteConfig applies the copy of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition to the target environment by pasting the configuration files of the source Oracle BI Enterprise Edition into the specified Oracle BI Enterprise Edition home.

Use the following syntax to run pasteConfig for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition on each machine within the topology in the target environment:

pasteConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk 
             -archiveLoc archive_location
             -targetInstanceHomeLoc trgt_Node_Manager_Home_path 
             -targetInstanceName trgt_Instance_name 
             -targetOracleHomeLoc trgt_Middleware_Home_path 
             -domainHostName domain_host_name
             -domainPortNum domain_port_number
             -domainAdminUserName domain_admin_user_name
             -domainAdminPassword domain_admin_password_file
                     -movePlanLoc move_plan_path
             [-silent {true | false}]
             [-logDirLoc log_dir_path]

The following example shows how to apply the copy of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition to the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition home located in /net/mount1/appbase/instance/BIInstance on UNIX:

pasteConfig -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679/ 
            -archiveLoc /FIN_T2P/BIInstance.jar 
            -targetInstanceHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/instance/BIInstance
            -targetInstanceName BIInstance 
            -targetOracleHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps/bi 
            -domainPortNum 10201 
            -domainAdminUserName faadmin 
            -domainAdminPassword /tmp/myencrypt.txt -silent true
                            -movePlanLoc /FIN_T2P/moveplan.xml

Table 20-32 describes the options for the pasteConfig script for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition.

Table 20-32 Options for the pasteConfig Script for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created by the copyConfig script.




The absolute path of the target Oracle instance.

If the Oracle instance does not exist at that location, the command creates the instance




The name of the target Oracle instance.

The name must be unique in the domain.




The absolute path of the target Oracle home.

The target Oracle home must exist and it must contain the binary files for the component you are moving.




The absolute path of the modified move plan in the target environment.




The location of an existing directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently; i.e. will not prompt for confirmation, as it would by default. To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, set this option to true.




The name of the host on which the domain is configured.




The port number of the source domain.




The name of the administrative user for the source domain.




The password file location for the administrative user for the domain.

Mandatory Running pasteConfig for Oracle Global Order Promising Server Instance

Running pasteConfig applies the copy of the Oracle Global Order Promising Server configuration files on the source environment to the target environment.

Use the following syntax to run pasteConfig for Oracle Global Order Promising Server on each computer within the topology in the target environment:

pasteConfig  -javaHome path_of_jdk 
             -archiveLoc archive_location 
             -movePlanLoc move_plan_path 
             -targetInstanceHomeLoc target_instance_path
             -targetComponentName GlobalOrderPromisingServer1
             -targetInstanceHomeLoc trgt_Instance_path
             -targetInstanceName gop_1
             -targetOracleHomeLoc trgt_ORACLE_HOME_path
             -domainHostName domain_host_name
             -domainPortNum domain_port_number
             -domainAdminUserName domain_admin_user_name
             -domainAdminPassword domain_admin_password_file
           [-logDirLoc existing_log_directory_location] 
           [-silent {true | false}]

The following example shows a sample pasteconfig operation configuration for an Oracle Global Order Promising Server instance:

pasteConfig -javaHome USER_HOME/jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679/ 
            -archiveLoc USER_HOME/gop_1.jar 
            -movePlanLoc USER_HOME/t2pPlans/moveplan.xml
            -targetComponentName GlobalOrderPromisingServer1
            -targetInstanceHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/instance/gop_1
            -targetInstanceName gop_1 
            -targetOracleHomeLoc /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps/gop
            -logDirLoc USER_HOME/clone_logs 
            -silent false 
            -domainPortNo 7051 
            -domainAdminUserName weblogic 
            -domainAdminPassword USER_HOME/p1.txt

Table 20-33 describes the options for the pasteConfig script for Oracle Global Order Promising Server.

Table 20-33 Options for the pasteConfig Script for Oracle Global Order Promising Server

Option Shortcut Description Mandatory or Optional?



The absolute path of the Java Development Kit. Note: On Windows, if the path name contains a space, then the entire value must be enclosed in double-quotes.

javaHome "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\"




The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the archive file created by the script.




The absolute path of the modified move plan in the target environment.




New name for the component to be restored. GlobalOrderPromisingServer1.




The name of the target Oracle instance. The name must be unique in the domain.




The absolute path of the target Oracle home.

The target Oracle home must exist and it must contain the binary files for the component you are moving.




Absolute path of instance home under which component will be restored.




The location of an existing directory. A new log file is created in the directory.




Specifies whether the operation operates silently; i.e. will not prompt for confirmation, as it would by default. To specify that it not prompt for confirmation, set this option to true.




The name of the host on which the domain is configured.




The port number of the source domain.




The name of the administrative user for the domain. For example, faadmin.




The password file location for the administrative user for the domain.

Mandatory Completing the Component-Specific Configuration Move

Moving the Oracle WebLogic Server domains from a source environment to a target environment also moves some Oracle Fusion Middleware components, but additional tasks are required for completing the move. Moving Oracle BI Enterprise Edition Components

To complete the movement of Oracle BI EE, perform the following tasks:

Task 1   Update the App ID passwords

If the passwords for following App IDs are not properly provided in move plan, you must the update target environment with the new passwords:




To update the APP ID passwords:

  1. Obtain the APP ID passwords through the credential store. Use OPSS APIs or invoke CSF MBeans through scripting to retrieve passwords for FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID, FUSION_APPS_PRC_BI_APPID, and FUSION_APPS_BI_APPID.

    1. For FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID, use CSF map as "oracle.patching" and CSF key as "FUSION_APPS_PATCH_WLS_ADMIN-KEY"

    2. For FUSION_APPS_PRC_BI_APPID, use CSF map as "" and CSF key as "FUSION_APPS_PRC_BI_APPID-KEY"

    3. For FUSION_APPS_BI_APPID, use CSF map as "" and CSF key as "FUSION_APPS_BI_APPID-KEY"

  2. Change JDBC Data for the source configuration for FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID and FUSION_APPS_PRC_BI_APPID.

    In Oracle Fusion Applications, there are two data sources which are configured using APP IDs:

    • BIDomain: BIAnalytics data-source


    • ProcurementDomain: BIAnalyticsServer data-source


    To change JDBC data for the source configuration through the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console for the BIDomain and ProcurementDomain domains:

    1. Locate the Change Center in the upper left of the Administration Console screen

    2. Click Lock & Edit to lock the configuration edit hierarchy for the domain.

    3. From the Domain Structure pane, choose Services > Data Sources.

      The Summary of JDBC Data Sources page is displayed.

    4. In the Data Sources table, click the BIAnalytics data source for the BIDomain domain or BIAnalysticsServer data source for the ProcurementDomain domain.

    5. Click the Connection Pool subtab.

    6. Locate the Password and Confirm Password fields, and modify the passwords.

    7. Click Save.

    8. Restart all the data source's target Managed Servers.

  3. Change repository publishing directory connection pools through the Oracle BI Administration Tool.

    1. Choose Start > Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BI Administration.

    2. In the Administration Tool, choose File > Open > Offline.

    3. Navigate to the repository you want to open, and then select Open.

    4. In the Open Offline dialog box, type a valid user ID and password, and then click OK.

      This opens the repository in offline mode. This mode enables you to view and modify a repository while it is not loaded into the Oracle BI Server. If you attempt to open a repository in offline mode while it is loaded into the Oracle BI Server, the repository opens in read-only mode. Only one Administration Tool session at a time can edit a repository in offline mode.

    5. In Physical layer, select an Oracle Fusion application, for example, oracle.apps.crm*, oracle.apps.fscrm*, oracle.apps.hcm*.

    6. Click the connection pool icon in the toolbar.

      BI Admin with connection pool dialog.
      Description of the illustration t2p_biadmin.gif

    7. In the Connection Pool dialog, update the new password in the Connection Pool dialog, and then click OK.

    8. Perform sub-steps e through g for other Oracle Fusion applications.

    For more information about the Oracle BI administration Tool, see the section "Before You Begin" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

  4. Upload the newly update repository publishing directory to the BIDomain domain. See the section "Configuring Repositories" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Task 2   Enable New Agents

If required, enable new agents. If new agents were created in the source environment, click each agent in the Oracle BI Presentation Services Catalog Manager (in the destination environment) to enable it. For more information about enabling new agents, see the "Working with the Properties of Catalog Objects" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. Moving Oracle BI Applications Components

To complete the movement of Oracle BI Applications, you need to move the Informatica Repository and Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager components. You also need to ensure you have met the preconditions for moving an Oracle BI Applications environment. For instructions on completing the movement of Oracle BI Applications, see the section titled "Moving Oracle BI Applications Using the Full-Movement Scenario" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Reference Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications. Re-Installing Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR)

This Informatica product is installed with Fusion Applications in conjunction with Oracle Customer Relationship Management, and requires separate handling. It will need to be re-installed on the destination host. See the "Define Data Quality" chapter of the Oracle Fusion Applications Customer Data Management Implementation Guide. Search for the heading "Manually Installing Informatica Identity Resolution: Procedures." Moving Oracle SES

Source types of portal, email, and mailing list are not moved from the source Oracle SES instance to the target Oracle SES instance. If you purchased an additional Oracle SES license and want to enable search non-Fusion sources, you must create these data sources in the target Oracle SES instance manually using the Oracle SES Administration GUI in the target Oracle SES instance. For information, see the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide. Moving Oracle WebLogic Communication Services

Configure the following Oracle WebLogic Communication Services properties on the target environment:

  • pAssertedIdentityUri

  • controllerUri

  • preloadedRouteUri

Configure these attributes with the ThirdPartyCallConfiguration MBean. See Section 10.2 for configuration instructions. Moving Oracle WebCenter Portal Data for Discussions (Optional)

If you enabled the Discussions feature of the Oracle WebCenter Portal in the source environment, then you must move the Discussions data to the destination environment. (If Discussions were not used, this step is not required.)

To move the Discussions data from the Discussions schema of Oracle WebCenter Portal, you must complete the tasks described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Applying Domain Configurations to Other Machines

The domain directory is local to each machine, and pasteConfig is performed only on the Administration Server. Subsequently, if the domain has multiple machines, you must re-create the local domain by using the Oracle WebLogic Server pack and unpack commands. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Templates and Domains Using the Pack and Unpack Commands.


If you have the following special conditions:

  • UMS is used, and

  • there are remote UMS servers in the source environment (and thereby also in the target environment), and

  • shared disk is not used

then you will need to run a cleanup step. After the pack/unpack commands have been executed, remove the temporary directories that exist on the production Admin server due to the steps described in The directories to remove are the <domain_home>/config/fmwconfig/servers/<server>/applications/usermessaging directories, where <server> corresponds to the each remote server running UMS in the production environment. Starting Admin Server and Managed Servers Using FastStartStop Script

After content movement is completed, all the managed servers are down. Use faststartstop to avoid having to restart each server individually. To do so:

You must create a file in the target environment under <EACH_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers/AdminServer/security. The file contains the following properties:


The use faststartstop to restart the servers using the following command:

cd $APPTOP_LOC/fusionapps/applications/lcm/ad/bin -Start -all -appbase $APPTOP_LOC/fusionapps/applications
-username FAadmin -startAdminServer true

20.4.3 Moving Binary and Configuration Files to a Non-Distributed Target Environment

Some environments are non-distributed, whereby the Administration Servers of all the domains and all the system component instances run on the same host. For these environments, you can automate moving binary and configuration files with a different set of these steps than those provided in Section 20.4.1 and Section 20.4.2. Note that these scripts are not intended for production, distributed environments, whereby the topology is located on multiple computers. The scripts for a non-distributed environment are intended for moving binary files and configuration files from one QA environment to another QA environment.

These scripts run in nonparallel mode rather. For example, while the CopyConfig command moves the configuration archives in one command, it runs the operation in nonparallel mode. Therefore, the operation can take some time to complete all the moves.

To move the binary files and configuration files from the source environment to the target environment:

  1. Set the following variables on both the source and the target:

    • HOME: Location of the user's home directory

    • APPTOP: Location of the applications base, the top-level directory where the Oracle Fusion Applications binary files are located

    • JAVA_HOME: Location of the JDK

    • T2P_DIR: Location of the working directory for the movement scripts. You do not need to use this variable if you use the -workdir command is specified when running the commands.

  2. For either UNIX or Windows, at an operating system command prompt, navigate to the following directories on both the source and the target:

    (UNIX) FA_ORACLE_HOME/lcm/t2p/bin           
    (Windows) FA_ORACLE_HOME\lcm\t2p\bin

    FA_ORACLE_HOME is a directory named applications, located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home.

  3. Use the following command to copy the binary files from the source environment to the target environment:

    java -DT2PAdmin=user -DT2PAdminPassword=password -classpath
    oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain -archive archiveLocation 
    -task CopyBinary -workdir working_dir


    On Windows, separate classpath elements with a semicolon (;).

    The options for the CopyBinary command follow:

    Option Description


    The Oracle Fusion Middleware administration user.


    The password for the Oracle Fusion Middleware administration user.


    The dependent library files containing classes required to run the command. Use the following value for the CopyBinary command:

    T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain


    The absolute path of the archive location. Multiple archive files, plus a T2Pcontrol.dat file, will be created in this archive location.

    The archive location must not already exist, but its parent directory must exist and have write permission. Ensure that the archive location is not within the Middleware home structure.

    Once you've run both CopyBinary and CopyConfig, the T2Pcontrol.dat file will have the following structure:


    Data from this file will be used in PasteBinary phase.


    The command to execute. Enter CopyBinary.


    The directory used for log files and any other temporary files generated by the automation framework. The log files are located at working_dir\logs (UNIX) or working_dir/logs (Windows) folder. This command is not needed if the T2P_DIR environment variable is set.

    This command moves the following from the source environment to the target environment:

    • binary files from the fusionapps Middleware home directory:

      (UNIX) APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps
      (Windows) APPLICATIONS_BASE\fusionapps
    • binary files from the webtier_mwhome Middleware home directory:

      (UNIX) APPLICATIONS_BASE/webtier_mwhome
      (Windows) APPLICATIONS_BASE\webtier_mwhome
    • Files from the Oracle Database client home:

      (Windows) APPLICATIONS_BASE\dbclient
    • Binary from the Webgate Oracle home:

      (UNIX) APPLICATIONS_BASE/webtier_mwhome/webgate
      (Windows) APPLICATIONS_BASE\webtier_mwhome\webgate

    where APPLICATIONS_BASE (/net/mount1/appbase) represents the top-level applications base directory for binary files. For information about the Oracle Fusion Applications directory structure, see Section 1.2.3.

  4. Use the following command to unpack all binary files in the target environment:

    java -classpath
    -archive archiveLocation -control T2PControl.dat_location 
    -task PasteBinary -idmMap [map into work directory on idm server]-workdir working_dir [-invPtr <invPtr location>]


    On Windows, separate classpath elements with a semicolon (;).

    When checking pasteBinary process status in the logs, note that it is possible to have an exit status of 0 (success) along with a SEVERE message. This indicates that an error occurred. Check the log error file for information on how to resolve the failure and run pasteBinary again

    The options for the PasteBinary command follow:

    Options Description


    The dependent library files containing classes required to run the command. Use the following value for the PasteBinary command:

    T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain


    The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the T2Pcontrol.dat file created by the CopyBinary command.

    The location must exist.

    Ensure that the archive location is not within the Middleware home structure.


    The command to execute. Enter PasteBinary.


    Map into the work directory on the IDM server. This is required for coping OAM artifacts.


    The directory used for log files and any other temporary files generated by the automation framework. The log files are located at working_dir\logs (UNIX) or working_dir/logs (Windows) folder. This command is not needed if the T2P_DIR environment variable is set.


    Optional. Parameter for inventory location.Default on Linux is /etc/oraInst.loc

  5. Extract the move plan by running the extractMovePlan script on the list of configuration archive locations, separated by comma. See Section

  6. Modify the move plan to specify properties for the target environment. See Section

  7. Export the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS as follows:

    T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS=" -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost"
  8. Create the configuration archive from the source environment by running the CopyConfig command in the source environment:

    java -classpath 
    oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain -archive archiveLocation 
    -task CopyConfig -workdir working_dir 


    On Windows, separate classpath elements with a semicolon (;).

    The options for the CopyConfig command follow:

    Option Description


    The dependent library files containing classes required to run the command. Use the following value for the CopyConfig command:

    T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain


    The absolute path of where all the JARs will be generated. Use this option to specify the location of the T2Pcontrol.dat file to be created with the CopyConfig script.

    The archive location must not already exist, but its parent directory must exist and have write permission. Ensure that the archive location is not within the Middleware home structure.

    Data from this file will be used in PasteConfig phase.


    The command to execute. Enter CopyConfig.


    The directory used for log files and any other temporary files generated by the automation framework. The log files are located at working_dir\logs (UNIX) or working_dir/logs (Windows) folder. This command is not needed if the T2P_DIR environment variable is set.

  9. Apply the copied configurations from the source environment to the target environment by running the PasteConfig command:

    java -classpath 
    -archive archiveLocation 
    -control T2PControl.dat location -task PasteConfig 
    -plan moveplan -bihost bihost -workdir working_dir


    On Windows, separate classpath elements with a semicolon (;).

    The options for the PasteConfig command follow:

    Options Description


    The dependent library files containing classes required to run the command. Use the following value for the PasteConfig command:

    T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain


    The absolute path of the archive location. Use this option to specify the location of the T2Pcontrol.dat file created by the CopyConfig command.

    The directory must contain all files produced by the copyConfig command and referenced in the T2PControl.dat file.

    Ensure that the archive location is not within the Middleware home structure.


    The command to execute. Enter PasteConfig.


    The absolute path of the modified move plans in the target environment.


    The host name of the target.


    The directory used for log files and any other temporary files generated by the automation framework. The log files are located at working_dir\logs (UNIX) or working_dir/logs (Windows) folder. This command is not needed if the T2P_DIR environment variable is set.

  10. Create a properties file (for example,, and enter the properties and values listed for -props in the table below.
    Note: When setting NMConnectionType=SSL, you must also pass the WLST_PROPERTIES in the properties file.

  11. Set the apptop location, as follows:
    export APPROP=<apptop_LOC

  12. Validate the domain, Managed Servers, Oracle HTTP Server, and Node Manager server status by running the Validate command:

    java -classpath T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain -task Validate -props -hostfqdn host -workdir working_dir

    The options for the Validate command follow:

    Option Description


    The dependent library files containing classes required to run the command. Use the following value for the Validate command:

    T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:$APPTOP/fusionapps/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain


    The command to execute. Enter Validate.


    The absolute path to the properties file name. This file provides all the required user names, passwords and has the following structure:

    #Properties file for a ValidateProperties file: #Script location, must be the absolute path to scripts folder, inclusive.


    #Node manager information




    NMConnectionType=ssl or plain. Pass the WSLT_PROPERTIES when set to ssl.

    #Optional if set as environment variable.$APPLTOP/fusionapps/


    #Process id of node manager process, required on unix/linux


    #Service name of nodemanager, required on windows


    #Path to domain from which to use the jps-config-jse.xml



    The current host name.


    The directory used for log files and any other temporary files generated by the automation framework. The log files are located at working_dir\logs (UNIX) or working_dir/logs (Windows) folder. This command is not needed if the T2P_DIR environment variable is set.

  13. Complete the component-specific configuration move by performing additional movement tasks on the Oracle Fusion Middleware components. See Section

  14. If there are multiple machines for the domain, re-create the local domain directory using the Oracle WebLogic Server pack and unpack mechanisms. See Section

20.4.4 Moving Functional Setup Data

Functional Setup Manager enables users to implement and configure all Oracle Fusion Applications as well as to move the setup data across instances. An Application Implementation Consultant user can move the setup data using Functional Setup Manager export and import functionality. This functionality can be accessed from a command line.

To move setup data from the source environment to the target environment using command line scripts:

Task 1   Prerequisite

To prepare the environment prior to running the scripts:

  1. Identify the implementation projects used to enter and define the setup data in the source environment.

    Before you move the Functional Setup Data to the target environment, you must identify the implementation projects used to enter and define the setup data in the source environment. Ask your Application Implementation Consultant user to gather the codes of the implementation projects using the following procedure for each project:

    You can gather the implementation codes using Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager or SQL.

    To gather the implementation codes using Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager:

    1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications with a user account that is provisioned with the necessary role, such as the predefined Application Implementation Consultant role. Contact your security administrator for details.

    2. From the Administration menu in the work area of Oracle Fusion Applications, choose Setup and Maintenance.

    3. In the Tasks pane, under the Implementations group, click Manage Implementation Projects.

    4. Click an implementation project name in the Search Results.

      The Implementation Project page is displayed.

    5. In the Basic Information section, copy the value for the Code field.

    6. Perform Steps 4 and 5 for each project.

    To obtain a list of the implementation codes using SQL, use the following query:

    SQL> SELECT impl_project_name, short_name from asm_impl_projects_vl;
  2. Ensure all the Managed Servers are started in the environment. See Section

Task 2   Export Data from the Source

To export the data from the source:

  1. Set the USER_MEM_ARGS variable as follows:

    export USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:CompileThreshold=8000 -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m"
  2. For either UNIX or Windows, at an operating system command prompt, navigate to the location of the fsmConfigurationPackageExport executable:

    (UNIX) ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME/fsm/scripts
    (Windows) ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME\fsm\scripts

    ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME is located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Middleware home directory (FA_MW_HOME).

  3. Enter (for UNIX) or fsmConfigurationPackageExport.cmd (for Windows), using the following syntax:


    The following example shows how to export the configuration package from the source instance for an implementation project named FINANCIALS_IMPLEMENTATION: commonDomainInternalUrl=

A description of the options for the fsmConfigurationPackageExport command follow:

Option Description Optional or Mandatory?


The CommonDomain domain internal URL on the source registered in Oracle Topology Manager in the format of Internal_Server_Protocol://Internal_Server_Host:Internal_Server_Port.

To obtain the URL, use Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications with a user account that is provisioned with the necessary role, such as the predefined Application Implementation Consultant role. Contact your security administrator for details.

  2. From the Administration menu in the work area of Oracle Fusion Applications, choose Setup and Maintenance.

  3. In the Tasks pane, under the Topology Registration group, click Register Domains.

  4. In the Search Results section, click the CommonDomain entry.

    The Edit Domain: CommonDomain dialog is displayed.

  5. Use the values from the Internal Server Protocol, Internal Server Host, and Internal Server Port fields to obtain the elements of the URL.



The JDBC URL in the format of jdbc:oracle:thin:@//DB_host_name.domain/sid to the connect to the source database.



The Oracle database schema name (user name) to log in to the source database. This value should always be fusion_runtime.



The absolute path to the password file, which contains the schema password to log in to the source database.



User name to log in to Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager that has Application Implementation Consultant job role.



The absolute path to the password file, which contains password to log in to Functional Setup Manager.



The implementation project code that must be exported from the source instance.



The absolute path to the configuration package ZIP file to save exported data.



The absolute path to the source log file.



The absolute path to the jps-config.xml file.



The absolute location of the source Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware Home (FA_MW_HOME). FA_MW_HOME is located under the appbase Applications base directory (APPLICATIONS_BASE).



The absolute location of the source Applications Core Oracle Home (ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME). ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME is located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Middleware home directory (FA_MW_HOME).



The Web Service Client Policy to be used to invoke the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Web service to submit the export process. The default is oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy.



The polling interval to be used to periodically check if export process is complete. The default is 5 seconds.



The polling limit to be used until reached to check if the export process is complete. The default is 3600 seconds.


Task 3   Modify the Coherence Host and Port Entries in the config.xml File on the Common /CRM/SCM Domains

The coherence host and port entries in this file are pointing to the source configuration and must be edited to point to the destination, as follows

  1. Navigate to the config.xml file at <Domain_HOME>/config/config.xml

  2. Edit these parameters: update *.coherence.localhost, *.coherence.localport, *.coherence.wka1 and *.coherence.wka1.port

    Below is an example from CommonDomain/config/config.xml .You would replace the source coherence host and port, if necessary, with destination information.

-DUCS.coherence.localport=7061 -DUCS.coherence.wka1.port=7061

Similarly, you need to update in CRMDomain/config/config.xml and SCMDomain/config/config.xml.

Task 4   Import Data on the Target

The fsmConfigurationPackageImport script moves the setup data for an implementation to a target instance.

To import the data on the target:

  1. For either UNIX or Windows, at an operating system command prompt on the target, navigate to the location of the fsmConfigurationPackageImport executable:

    (UNIX) ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME/fsm/scripts
    (Windows) ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME\fsm\scripts

    ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME is located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Middleware home directory (FA_MW_HOME).

  2. Enter (for UNIX) or fsmConfigurationPackageImport.cmd (for Windows), using the following syntax:


    The following example shows how to import the configuration package from the source instance:

The description of the options for the fsmConfigurationPackageImport command follows:

Option Description Optional or Mandatory?


The CommonDomain domain internal URL on the target registered in Oracle Topology Manager in the format of Internal_Server_Protocol://Internal_Server_Host:Internal_Server_Port.

To obtain the URL, use Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications with a user account that is provisioned with the necessary role, such as the predefined Application Implementation Consultant role. Contact your security administrator for details.

  2. From the Administration menu in the work area of Oracle Fusion Applications, choose Setup and Maintenance.

  3. In the Tasks pane, under the Topology Registration group, click Register Domains.

  4. In the Search Results section, click the CommonDomain entry.

    The Edit Domain: CommonDomain dialog is displayed.

  5. Use the values from the Internal Server Protocol, Internal Server Host, and Internal Server Port fields to obtain the elements of the URL.



The JDBC URL in the format of jdbc:oracle:thin:@//DB_host_name.domain/sid to the connect to the database.



The Oracle database schema name (user name) to log in to the target database. This value should always be fusion_runtime.



The absolute path to the password file, which contains the schema password to log in to the target database.



User name to log in to Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager that has Application Implementation Consultant job role.



The absolute path to the password file, which contains password to log in to Functional Setup Manager.



The absolute path to the password file, which contains password to log in to Functional Setup Manager.



The absolute path to the configuration package ZIP file to save exported data.



The absolute path to the target log file.



The absolute path to the jps-config.xml file.



The absolute location of the target Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware Home (FA_MW_HOME). FA_MW_HOME is located under the appbase Applications base directory (APPLICATIONS_BASE).



The absolute location of the target Applications Core Oracle Home (ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME). ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME is located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Middleware home directory (FA_MW_HOME).



The Web Service Client Policy to be used to invoke the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Web service to submit the import process. The default is oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy.



The polling interval to be used to periodically check if import process is complete. The default is 5 seconds.



The polling limit to be used until reached to check if the import process is complete. The default is 3600 seconds.


20.4.5 Completing Post-Movement Tasks

After you move the Oracle Fusion Applications components across environments, you must perform final configuration tasks, which differ between distributed and non-distributed environments. Each is described in this section:

NOTE: For both distributed and non-distributed environments, it is necessary to edit the crawlerlauncher script so that the APPTOP path points to the destination, rather than the source environment. To do so:

  1. Locate the script in APPTOP/fusionapps/ses/bin.
    The file is named (UNIX) or crawlerlauncher.cmd (Windows)

  2. (UNIX and Linux): Find the line $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ "$1" <APPTOP>/instance/ess/search/log APPTOP/fusionapps APPTOP/fusionapps/wlserver_10.3 $ORACLE_HOME APPTOP/fusionapps/jdk6 Modify the first <APPTOP> location to point to the destination APPTOP.

  3. (Windows): Modify set LOG_DIR=C:\AT\instance/ess/search/log to the correct destination folder. Completing Post-Movement Tasks for a Target Distributed Environment

In a distributed environment, after you move the Oracle Fusion Applications components across environments, you must:

  • Reconcile GUIDs security policies.

    Because GUIDs are not preserved during movement to a target environment, you must reconcile the GUIDs in the security policies. See Section 6.4.3.

  • Apply any necessary topology changes, such as scaling up or scaling out the topology. For information, see Section 19.5.

  • Start the Managed Servers as needed. See Section

  • Start a full index on all index schedules. See Section Completing Post-Movement Tasks on a Target Non-Distributed Environment

In a non-distributed environment, after you move the Oracle Fusion Applications components across environments, you must:

  • Reconcile GUIDs security policies.

  • Stop the Administration Server and Node Manager.

  • Restart the Administration Server and Node Manager.

To complete the post-movement tasks, first set APPTOP. Then:

  1. For either UNIX or Windows, at an operating system command prompt, navigate to the following locations on the target:

    (UNIX) FA_ORACLE_HOME/lcm/t2p/bin           
    (Windows) FA_ORACLE_HOME\lcm\t2p\bin

    FA_ORACLE_HOME is a directory named applications, located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home.

  2. Find the file and enter the appropriate values for all the properties. Note that calls a second properties file (named You need to enter the path to that password_prompts file as a value for password.keys.file.

    Both properties files are copied below, so you can see the structure.

  3. Once the properties files have been edited, use the following command to perform post-movement tasks on the target environment:

    java -classpath T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain
    -task PostMovement -hostfqdn host -props -workdir working_dir


    On Windows, separate classpath elements with a semicolon (;).

    A description of the options for the PostMovement command follow:

    Option Description


    The dependent library files containing classes required to run the command. Use the following value for the PostMovement command:

    T2PAutomation.jar:cloningclient.jar:obfuscatepassword.jar:ojmisc.jar oracle.t2p.automation.T2PAutomationMain


    The command to execute. Enter PostMovement.


    The current host name where this operation runs.


    Absolute path to the file.


    Absolute path to the working directory.

The file has the following structure:

#Properties file for T2P post movement setup parameters
#Script location, must be the absolute path to scripts folder, inclusive.
#Node manager information
#Process id of node manager process, required on unix/linux
#Service name of nodemanager, required on windows
NMSvcName=<Node Manager Service>
#Optional if set as environment variable.$APPLTOP/fusionapps/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/fusion_trust.jks
#Optional, if not specified defaults to PLAIN
#Path to domain from which to use the jps-config-jse.xml
#Database info to run reconcile GUID
#If following 2 props are set, then it is assumed user name and passwords are the same for all domains.
#Domain admin user credentials, if the above is not set
#Put all other domain user name and password below, if needed.
# Bug 13837127
#RUP4 properties
password.keys.file=<absolute path to the file.>
#If following property is set to true, then SSL setup won't be done. Default is to run SSL setup.
#If following property is set to true, then only cleanup operation will run. SSL setup and GUID reconcilation are ignored.
#Default is run SSL setup along with clean up.

The file has the following structure:

#Following key value pairs represent the key names for various passwords and
#values for corresponding prompt text to be asked when inputting  password 
#from console.
# Nodemanager password key name and password prompt
NMPassword=Enter password for Node manager admin user
#Database password to run reconcile GUID
dbpassword=Enter password for database to reconcile GUID
#Domain admin user password key
AdminPassword=Enter password for admin user
#Domain admin user credentials, if the above is not set
CommonDomainAdminPassword=Enter password for CommonDomain admin user
#Put all other domain password keys and prompts below, if needed, corresponding to names in