5.1. Log Files

Significant activity occurring on the Sun Ray server is logged and saved. The server stores this information in text files.

The structure and content of the various messages written to these files and other Sun Ray Software log files is arbitrary and might change at any time. The messages do not provide a stable interface for programmatic consumption.

Table 5.1, “Sun Ray Server Log Files” describes the log files that are maintained on the Sun Ray server.

Table 5.1. Sun Ray Server Log Files

Log File





Lists operations performed during server administration. This log is updated daily. Archived files are stored on the system for up to one week and are annotated using numeric extensions, for example, from file name admin_log.0 to admin_log.5.



Lists events logged from the Authentication Manager. The auth_log file is updated up to a limit of 10 every time the server's authentication policy is changed or started. The archived authentication files are annotated using numeric extensions, for example, from auth_log.0 to auth_log.9.

Automatic mounting


Lists mount messages for mass storage devices. The archived utmountd files are annotated using numeric extensions, for example, from utmountd.log.0 to utmountd.log.9.

Mass storage devices


Lists mass storage device events. The archived storage files are annotated using numeric extensions, for example, from utstoraged.log.0 to utstoraged.log.9.



Lists events from the server's clients, including details of registering, inserting, or removing smart cards. This file is updated daily. Archived files are stored up to seven days or 3.5 MB, annotated with numeric extensions, for example, from messages.0 to messages.5.

When using a shared network (LAN) with external DHCP server support (configured network using utadm -L on), logging for each event type is disabled unless the LogXXX value and the LogHost value are set. See Table 13.4, “Sun Ray Client Configuration Parameters (.parms)” for details.

Web administration


Lists web administration-related messages. The archived log files are annotated with numeric extensions.

USB redirection


Lists USB redirection messages from the Windows connector.

Table 5.2, “Sun Ray Server Installation and Configuration Log Files” list the specific installation and configuration logs files.

Table 5.2. Sun Ray Server Installation and Configuration Log Files

Log File




  • Oracle Solaris - /var/adm/log/utctl.*

  • Oracle Linux - /var/log/SUNWut/utctl.*

List events logged during post-installation product activation. The archived log files are annotated with time stamp extensions.


  • Oracle Solaris - /var/adm/log/utinstall.*

  • Oracle Linux - /var/log/utinstall.*

List events logged during installation. The archived log files are annotated with time stamp extensions.


  • Oracle Solaris - /var/adm/log/utsetup.*

  • Oracle Linux - /var/log/SUNWut/utsetup.*

List events logged during installation/configuration when performed by utsetup. The archived log files are annotated with time stamp extensions.