This section describes DetailedItemPriceInfo objects, including how DetailedItemPriceInfo objects relate to each other and to their ItemPriceInfo.

It is easiest to understand DetailedItemPriceInfo by comparing it to ItemPriceInfo. The ItemPriceInfo object describes the price for an entire CommerceItem in an order. The amount property of the ItemPriceInfo is the final price for the given CommerceItem. If part of the quantity of the CommerceItem was discounted due to a promotion, this information is reflected in the ItemPriceInfo. For example, if the order contains 10 shirts at $10.00 each, and there was a promotion “Buy 9 shirts, get 1 free” then the amount property of the ItemPriceInfo would be $90.00. The PricingAdjustments in the ItemPriceInfo would contain one PricingAdjustment for the list price, and one for the promotion. For more information on the ItemPriceInfo object, see the ItemPriceInfo section.

The DetailedItemPriceInfo objects provide a much more detailed view of the price of an item. In the example above, there would be two DetailedItemPriceInfo objects:

  • DetailedItemPriceInfo object #1:

    • quantity: 9

    • amount: $90.00

    • PricingAdjustment: set to the list price.

  • DetailedItemPriceInfo object #2:

    • quantity: 1

    • amount: $0.00

    • PricingAdjustment: There would be two PricingAdjustments. One with the list price, and one with the promotion that caused the item to be free.

Another feature of DetailedItemPriceInfo is the range property. Instead of a detail referring to “5 items” it is more specific and refers to “the first 5 items” or “items 2-6”. This is used for two reasons:

  • To split the details of items in different shipping groups. There is a range property in ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship. DetailedItemPriceInfo objects cannot refer to items in more than one shipping group.

  • During qualification of a promotion (the process of determining if a particular promotion applies to the order) we need to know which items have been looked at and which items have already qualified a promotion. For more information, see the Qualifier Class section.

The following statements are true for all CommerceItem objects:

  • Each CommerceItem has exactly one ItemPriceInfo.

  • The price of a particular item (if there are 10 shirts, the first shirt, or the second shirt, etc.) is described by exactly one detail.

  • Each DetailedItemPriceInfo in the ItemPriceInfo describes the price of a quantity of items that are all priced in exactly the same way. (The same list price, the same sale price, and the same promotions.)

  • All the items described by a DetailedItemPriceInfo are in the same shipping group.

To make sure all of the above statements are true, each ItemPricingCalculator has the responsibility of manipulating the DetailedItemPriceInfos correctly.

The following sections describe how the three different types of item calculators interact with DetailedItemPriceInfos:

Using List Price Calculators with DetailedItemPriceInfo Objects

The list price calculators are responsible for calculating the price based on the list price. They can usually look up a list price and multiply it by the quantity. If the entire quantity of the item is being shipped to the same place, there will only need to be one DetailedItemPriceInfo. The logic for making sure that each detail only refers to items in one shipping group is contained in this method: pricingTools.detailedItemPriceTools.createInitialDetailedItemPriceInfos.

This method takes the following parameters:

These parameters are the only parameters required to perform list pricing and bulk pricing. The entire quantity gets the same price. To facilitate tiered pricing, there is another version of this method that also takes a Range argument. This means that new details will only be created for the given range. In this case, the TotalPrice is the price for the range as opposed to the entire CommerceItem. The ItemTieredPriceCalculator will call this method once per tier.

This method will only modify the DetailedItemPriceInfo objects. It is the responsibility of the caller to update the ItemPriceInfo.

Using Sale Price Calculators with DetailedItemPriceInfo Objects

The calculators responsible for calculating the sale price usually change the price of the entire quantity. The calculator retrieves the sale price, subtracts the list price, and then modifies the amount accordingly.

This functionality is contained in a centralized method: pricingTools.detailedItemPriceTools.assignSalePriceToDetails. The assignSalePriceToDetails method takes the following parameters:

The assignSalePriceToDetails method walks through each detail and adjusts the amount accordingly. There is no reason to create any new details. This method will only modify the DetailedItemPriceInfo objects. It is the responsibility of the caller to update the ItemPriceInfo objects.

One sale calculator that does not use this method is the ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator. This calculator splits the details since each quantity of the item will not necessarily get the same unit sale price. Therefore it usually splits each detail to maintain the property that each item in a detail was priced in exactly the same way (this includes having the same unit sale price).

Using Item Discount Calculators with DetailedItemPriceInfo Objects

The calculators that are responsible for discounting the price based on a promotion usually only adjust the price for some subset of the quantity. Therefore, the ItemDiscountCalculator frequently splits details. The ItemDiscountCalculator determines the range that is undiscounted vs. the range that is discounted. It creates a new DetailedItemPriceInfo for the undiscounted portion and set its quantity to the number of undiscounted items. It modifies the current detail to be discounted and changes its price. Then, with each detail, it calls pricingTools.detailedItemPriceTools.splitDetailsAccordingtoRanges.

This method takes the following parameters:

This method takes the current detail and creates enough new details so that there is one per Range that is passed in. All the details are returned.

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