Package atg.commerce.order.edit

Class Summary
AddItem This class represents an object that was added during the edit process.
CloneEditHandler Components of this type are attached to the CloneEditManager and are called at various points in the clone edit process.
CloneEditManager This class contains the api for applying updates to a persisted order by making a clone of the order and then reconciling the original order with the clone after updates are made.
CloneEditState Class used to hold the state information related to the clone edit process.
CloneOrderStateContext Sets and returns the CloneEditState as a local thread variable.
CollectionEditHandler This handler implements a pattern to support automatic reconciling of objects in a collection.
CommerceItemEditHandler This handler updates commerce items between the clone and original order.
DeleteItem This class represents an object that's been deleted from a container during edit.
HandlingInstructionEditHandler This handler updates handling instructions between the clone and original order and reconciles the gift repository based on the changes.
ListEditHandler This class extends the CollectionEditHandler to add objects to the original collection at the same index they were at in the clone colletion.
ManualAdjustmentEditHandler This handler updates manual adjustments between the clone and original order.
MarkerEditHandler Clone edit handler for order markers.
OrderPropertyEditHandler This handler reconciles scalar properties of the order object.
PaymentGroupEditHandler This handler updates payment groups between the clone and original order.
ReconciledItem This class represents an object that was reconciled.
RelationshipEditHandler This handler updates relationships between the clone and original order.
ShippingGroupEditHandler This handler updates shipping groups between the clone and original order.
UpdateItem This class represents an object that was updated during the order edit process.