Package atg.commerce.order.edit.processor

Class Summary
ProcApplyChanges This processor triggers the process of applying the updates made to the clone order to the original order.
ProcAuthorizePaymentGroups Applies the payment group authorization updates for any payment groups added, updated or removed during the Order modification.
ProcCloneOrderForEdit This process creates the clone order from the original order.
ProcInitializeCloneEditState This processor creates the CloneEditState object using the original and cloned order and adds it to the parameter map.
ProcInitializeReconciliation The process initializes the reconciliation process
ProcReconcileGiftlistRepository Deprecated. this processor has been changed to a noop.
ProcSendFulfillmentNotifications Sends the fulfillment notifications for changes made to the order.
ProcValidateCloneOrder This processor validates the clone order after the cloning process.