The Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform uses customization adapters to submit post-indexing customization data to Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search. Each customization adapter is a Nucleus component that is invoked by Search Administration when it runs an indexing job. When you set up a project in Search Administration for indexing your Commerce catalog, you can select the customization adapters to include in the project as part of specifying the indexing content.

There are three customization adapters commonly used to submit post-indexing customization data for Commerce sites using Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising:

Registering Adapters

To make the customization adapters available in Search Administration, they must be registered with the /atg/search/adapter/customization/CustomizationAdapterRegistry component. This configuration is set up by default for production and staging environments; if you add a third environment, however, you must register adapters for it.

The CustomizationAdapterRegistry component has a nameToNucleusPath property that lists the registered adapters (if you are using CIM, this step is done automatically). This property is a Map in which each key is the display name of an adapter and the corresponding value is the actual Nucleus component.

The CustomizationAdapterRegistry component is in the DAF.Search.Index module, but by default nameToNucleusPath is not set there. The DCS.Search.Index module adds the three Oracle ATG Web Commerce customization adapters to the Map:


In this configuration, each Map key (such as select_custsource_type.repository.rank_config), is a resource bundle key that represents the displayName property of the corresponding adapter component, rather than being the display name itself. Using the resource bundle key allows you to modify or translate the displayName value without affecting the registration of the component.

Configuring Adapters

The customization adapters are invoked on the Search Administration environment, but the processes they execute run on the Oracle ATG Web Commerce environment. Therefore, you must have separate sets of adapter components on each environment, and configure them to communicate over RMI.

The CatalogRefineConfigAdapter, CatalogRankConfigAdapter, and SearchUpdateAdapter components are actually generic references that you configure to point to other components:

Configuring the Adapters on the Production Server

The customization adapters are configured by default, so you typically do not need change the configuration on the Commerce environment.

If for some reason you need to configure a customization adapter on the Commerce environment, set its componentPath property to the Nucleus pathname of the corresponding local adapter:

Configuring the Adapters on the Asset Management Server

In the asset management environment, set up the proxies that communicate with the customization adapters on the Commerce environment. First, configure the CatalogRefineConfigAdapter, CatalogRankConfigAdapter, and SearchUpdateAdapter components to point to their corresponding remote proxies:

Now configure the RemoteCatalogRefineConfigAdapter, RemoteCatalogRankConfigAdapter, and RemoteSearchUpdateAdapter components to communicate with the adapters running in the production server. Set the enabled property of these components to true, and set the remoteHost and remotePort properties to the machine name and RMI port number of the server instance on which the Commerce application is running (if you are using CIM, this step is done automatically). For example:


If your installation includes a staging server, you will need to give the asset management server access to those configuration adapters as well. Configure the following components as indicated:

Invoking Adapters

Each time a catalog indexing job runs, Search Administration invokes the specified post-indexing customization adapters after the indexing itself is complete. Doing this ensures that Search has up-to-date search refinements, search configurations, and inventory information (assuming you specify the appropriate adapters).

Depending on the needs of your sites, you may want to run the customization adapters more frequently than you re-index the product catalog. This is particularly true if your inventory information changes rapidly, and your search configurations include rules based on inventory status. For example, for rules that exclude out-of-stock items, you want to make sure the data that triggers these rules is up to date.

When you set up scheduled indexing jobs for your project in Search Administration, you can also set up post-indexing customizations jobs and schedule them to run more frequently than the indexing jobs. For more information about creating and scheduling post-indexing customizations jobs, see the ATG Search Administration Guide.

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