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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Workspace
oracle.ide Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects. 
oracle.ide.ceditor The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE. 
oracle.ide.cmd Contains classes implementing several JDeveloper commands. 
oracle.ide.dependency Provides information about the dependencies between files in an application. 
oracle.ide.dependency.index Provides the ability to store and retrieve dependency information using the index. 
oracle.ide.explorer Contains the interfaces and classes addins use to provide a structured view of data contained in nodes displayed in a navigator or an editor. 
oracle.ide.file Classes and interfaces used to track changes to files. 
oracle.ide.index Classes used to build and query indexes of source files. 
oracle.ide.index.file Contains file table interfaces used for indexing. 
oracle.ide.layout Contains interfaces and classes addins can implement or extend to provide preferred layouts for their own specialized editors. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.navigator Contains classes providing navigator support. 
oracle.ide.persistence Contains API classes for the persistence of search indexes. 
oracle.ide.resourcebundle Provides a designtime abstraction around locating and managing resource bundles used by visual and non-visual editors. 
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer The base classes for writing analyzers. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model The base classes for defining the Audit object model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service The API classes for invoking Audit programatically, and a few Audit common API classes. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform The base classes for defining transformations on the Audit object model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.db Classes for accessing database connections in JDeveloper (and other FCP products). 
oracle.jdeveloper.file Provides dependency information for Java. 
oracle.jdeveloper.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing the Java specific portions of JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the JDeveloper runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi Contains extension-level service provider interfaces for version control system integraton. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util Contains assorted stateless utilities for version control system integraton. 


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide


Methods in oracle.ide that return Workspace
static Workspace Ide.getActiveWorkspace()
          Returns the currently active Workspace.
static Workspace Ide.getDefaultWorkspace()
          Gets the default Workspace
 Workspace Context.getWorkspace()
          Provides a reference to the Workspace associated with this Context.


Methods in oracle.ide with parameters of type Workspace
static void Ide.setActiveWorkspace(Workspace workspace)
          Sets the active workspace
static void IdeCore.setActiveWorkspaceOverride(Workspace workspace)
          Sets the overridden value of the active workspace.
 void Context.setWorkspace(Workspace workspace)
          Sets a reference to the Workspace to be associated with this Context.


Constructors in oracle.ide with parameters of type Workspace
Context(View view, Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node)
Context(Workspace workspace, Project project)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.ceditor


Methods in oracle.ide.ceditor with parameters of type Workspace
static boolean Editors.editNode(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node, int offset, int length, boolean spanLines)
          Open a editor for a specified node.


Constructors in oracle.ide.ceditor with parameters of type Workspace
UndoableEditCommand(java.lang.String name, TextNode node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Creates an undoable edit wrapper command without an IDE context that manages the initial selection.
UndoableEditCommand(java.lang.String name, TextNode node, Project project, Workspace workspace, boolean initialSelection)
          Creates an undoable edit wrapper command without an IDE context.
UndoableEditCommand(java.lang.String name, TextNode node, Project project, Workspace workspace, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd)
          Constructor callable from threads other than the event thread.


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.cmd


Methods in oracle.ide.cmd that return Workspace
static Workspace NewWorkspaceCommand.createEmptyWorkspace(Context context, wspURL)
          Creates a new empty workspace.


Methods in oracle.ide.cmd with parameters of type Workspace
static Project NewWorkspaceCommand.createProject(Context context, Workspace workspace)
          Provides the UI for creating a project in the given workspace


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.dependency


Methods in oracle.ide.dependency that return Workspace
 Workspace SourceReference.getWorkspace()
          Get the workspace containing the source file this reference appears in.
 Workspace SourceDeclaration.getWorkspace()
          Get the workspace containing the source file this declaration appears in.


Methods in oracle.ide.dependency with parameters of type Workspace
static void SourceUtils.openSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, url)
          Open a source file in the code editor.
static void SourceUtils.openSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, url, int startOffset, int endOffset)
          Open a source file in the code editor.


Constructors in oracle.ide.dependency with parameters of type Workspace
Scope(Workspace workspace)
Scope(Workspace workspace, WorkingSet workingSet)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.dependency.index


Methods in oracle.ide.dependency.index that return Workspace
 Workspace IndexReference.getWorkspace()
 Workspace IndexDeclaration.getWorkspace()


Constructors in oracle.ide.dependency.index with parameters of type Workspace
IndexDeclaration(java.lang.String id, Workspace workspace, Project project, url, int startOffset, int endOffset)
IndexReference(Workspace workspace, Project project, url, int startOffset, int endOffset)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.explorer


Fields in oracle.ide.explorer declared as Workspace
protected  Workspace Explorer.defaultWorkspace


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.file


Methods in oracle.ide.file that return Workspace
 Workspace ContentSetScope.getWorkspace()
          Get the application workspace for this scope.


Methods in oracle.ide.file with parameters of type Workspace
static java.util.Collection<ContentSetRoot> ContentSetRoot.getContentSetRoots(Workspace workspace)
          Get the content set roots for an application.
static java.util.Collection<ContentSetRoot> ContentSetRoot.getContentSetRoots(Workspace workspace, ContentSet contentSet)
          Get the content set roots for a specific content set of an application.
static ProjectCache ProjectCache.getInstance(Workspace workspace)
          Get the project cache for an application workspace.
static ContentSetScope ContentSetScope.getInstance(Workspace workspace)
          Get an instance of this class for the entire application-level content.
static ContentSetScope ContentSetScope.getInstance(Workspace workspace, Project project)
          Get an instance of this class for the entire project content.
static ContentSetScope ContentSetScope.getInstance(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String contentSetKey)
          Get an instance of this class for a specific content set in a project.
static ContentSetScope ContentSetScope.getInstance(Workspace workspace, java.lang.String contentSetKey)
          Get an instance of this class for a specific content set in the application-level content.
static void ProjectCache.invalidate(Workspace workspace)
          Invalidate the project cache for an application workspace.


Constructors in oracle.ide.file with parameters of type Workspace
ProjectCache(Workspace workspace)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.index


Methods in oracle.ide.index with parameters of type Workspace
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace workspace)
          Get the index for the application content.
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace workspace, ContentSet content)
          Get the index for the given ContentSet in the application content.
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace workspace, Project project)
          Get the index for the given project.
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace workspace, Project project, ContentSet content)
          Get the index for the given ContentSet in the scope of the given project.
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace workspace, Project project, FileSet fileSet)
          Get the index for the given FileSet in the scope of the given project.
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace workspace, Project project, Path path)
          Get the index for the given Path in the scope of the given project.
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace workspace, Project project, url)
          Get the index for the given URL in the scope of the given project.
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace workspace, Project project, URLPath path)
          Get the index for the given URLPath in the scope of the given project.
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace workspace, url)
          Get the index for the given URL in the scope of the given workspace.
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace workspace, URLPath path)
          Get the index for the given URLPath in the scope of the given workspace.


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.index.file


Methods in oracle.ide.index.file with parameters of type Workspace
abstract  void FileChangeManager.addFileChangeListener(Workspace workspace, Project project, FileChangeListener listener)
          Deprecated. Add a FileChangeListener for the given workspace and project.
 void FileChangeListener.filesChanged(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.util.Collection<FileChange> changes)
          Deprecated. One or more files have changed.
abstract  void FileChangeManager.removeFileChangeListener(Workspace workspace, Project project, FileChangeListener listener)
          Deprecated. Remove a FileChangeListener for the given workspace and project.


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.layout


Methods in oracle.ide.layout that return Workspace
static Workspace AbstractLayoutListener.getWorkspace(java.lang.String viewId, Layout layout)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.model


Methods in oracle.ide.model that return Workspace
 Workspace Workspaces.currentActiveWorkspace()
          Returns the currently active Workspace associated with this Workspaces.
 Workspace Preferences.getDefaultWorkspace()
          Deprecated. Returns the default workspace.
 Workspace Project.getWorkspace()
          Get the workspace this project is open in.
 Workspace WorkspaceChangeEvent.getWorkspace()
          Get the workspace that changed.


Methods in oracle.ide.model that return types with arguments of type Workspace
 java.util.Collection<Workspace> Workspaces.workspaces()
          Returns a collection of Workspace instances which are children of this Workspaces.


Methods in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type Workspace
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> TechnologyScopeDetector.detectTechnologyScopeIds(Workspace workspace, Project project)
          Given a project, scans and finds the technology scopes relevant to the project
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> TechnologyScopeManager.NullDetector.detectTechnologyScopeIds(Workspace workspace, Project project)
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> TechnologyScopeDetector.detectTechnologyScopeIdsOfProjectChanges(Workspace workspace, Project project)
          Given a workspace and a project, return the set of technology scope id that the project must add to initialize the proper features.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> TechnologyScopeManager.NullDetector.detectTechnologyScopeIdsOfProjectChanges(Workspace workspace, Project project)
static WorkingSets WorkingSets.getInstance(Workspace workspace)
          Gets the WorkingSets object for this supplied Workpsace.
static WorkingSet WorkingSets.getOrCreateWorkingSet(Workspace workspace, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<Project> includeProjects, java.util.Map<,java.util.List<>> projectUrlToFileUrls)
          Gets or creates a working set with the name given.
static void ApplicationContent.initializeContentSets(Workspace workspace)
 void Workspaces.setActiveWorkspace(Workspace workspace)
          Sets the currently active Workspace associated with this Workspaces.
 java.util.Map<Project,java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>> TechnologyScopeDetector.technologyScopesOfProjectBatch(Workspace workspace, java.util.Collection<Project> project)
 java.util.Map<Project,java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>> TechnologyScopeManager.NullDetector.technologyScopesOfProjectBatch(Workspace workspace, java.util.Collection<Project> project)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.navigator


Methods in oracle.ide.navigator that return Workspace
 Workspace ApplicationChangeNotifier.currentApplication()
          Returns the currently selected application.
 Workspace ApplicationChangeEvent.getApplication()
          Returns the application for which this event applies.


Constructors in oracle.ide.navigator with parameters of type Workspace
ApplicationChangeEvent(int stateChange, Workspace application)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.persistence


Methods in oracle.ide.persistence with parameters of type Workspace
static Storage Storages.getApplicationStorage(Workspace application)
          Get a storage instance for an application.
static ApplicationCacheSettings ApplicationCacheSettings.getInstance(Workspace workspace)
          Returns a new ApplicationCacheSettings adapter for the specified Workspace.
static Storage Storages.getProjectStorage(Workspace workspace, Project project)
          Get a storage instance for a project.


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.resourcebundle


Methods in oracle.ide.resourcebundle with parameters of type Workspace
 void ResourceBundleManagerDT.addRegisteredBundle(Workspace workspace, java.lang.String bundleId, boolean override)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.runner


Methods in oracle.ide.runner that return Workspace
 Workspace RunLogPage.getWorkspace()
          Returns the Workspace associated with this log page.
 Workspace RunProcess.getWorkspace()
          Returns the Workspace associated with the RunProcess.


Methods in oracle.ide.runner with parameters of type Workspace
 boolean DebuggerExtender.canCreateCustomBreakpoint(java.lang.String customBreakpointType, Workspace workspace, Project project)
          Called by the debugger to ask the DebuggerExtender if new breakpoints of a certain type can be created for the incoming workspace and project
abstract Debugger.parseStackTraceLine(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String stackTraceLine)
abstract  boolean Debugger.showSourceFileForStackTraceLine(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String stackTraceLine)
abstract  boolean Debugger.showSourceFileForStackTraceLine(Workspace workspace, Project project, urlWithLine)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.ide.task.locking


Constructors in oracle.ide.task.locking with parameters of type Workspace
ProjectLock(Workspace w, Project p)
          No references to Workspace or Project will be stored, only the URLs will be retained.
ResourceLock(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node n)
          Note that the Workspace and Project in which the resource resides are required, although only the resource itself will be locked.
WorkspaceLock(Workspace w)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer that return Workspace
 Workspace AuditContext.getWorkspace()
          Gets the workspace currently being traversed, or null if the root is currently being traversed.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer with parameters of type Workspace
<T extends ModelAdapter>
AuditContext.getModel(java.lang.Class<T> type, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets the model adapter for the model corresponding to a workspace, project, and url.
<T extends ModelAdapter>
AuditTaskContext.getModelAdapter(java.lang.Class<T> type, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets the adapter for the model corresponding to a workspace, project, and url.
<T extends ModelAdapter>
AuditContext.getModelAdapter(java.lang.Class<T> type, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Deprecated. Use AuditContext.getModel(Class, URL, Project, Workspace)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model that return Workspace
 Workspace ModelAdapter.getWorkspace()
          Gets the workspace containing this model.
 Workspace FileDependency.getWorkspace()
          Gets the workspace target of this dependency.
 Workspace Location.getWorkspace()
          Gets the workspace containing this location.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model with parameters of type Workspace
static void DependencyFileChangeListener.addDependency(Dependency dependency, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> names, Project project, Workspace workspace)
static void DependencyFileChangeListener.addDependency(Dependency dependency, java.lang.String name, Project project, Workspace workspace)
static void DependencyFileChangeListener.addDependency(Dependency dependency, file, Project project, Workspace workspace)
static void DependencyFileChangeListener.filesChanged(java.util.Collection<> files, Project project, Workspace workspace)
 ContentCache ModelFactory.getContentSetCache(Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets the ContentCache for a project and workspace.
<T extends ModelAdapter>
ModelFactory.getModelAdapter(java.lang.Class<T> type, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets the model adapter of a type corresponding to a URL, or null if none.
 java.util.Collection<ModelAdapter> ModelFactory.getModelAdapters(Element element, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets the models corresponding to an Element or URL.
 void ContentRootFactory.getProjectRoots(Workspace workspace, Project project, IntersectedFilters filters, IntersectedFilters workingSetFilters, java.util.Collection<ContentRoot> roots)
          Gets content roots for a project.
 void ContentRootFactory.getWorkspaceRoots(Workspace workspace, IntersectedFilters filters, java.util.Collection<ContentRoot> roots)
          Gets content roots for a workspace.
 boolean ModelType.isAuditable(Element element, ContentDirectory directory, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets whether a root element is auditable in the context of a directory, project, and workspace.
static void DependencyFileChangeListener.removeDependency(Dependency dependency, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> names, Project project, Workspace workspace)
static void DependencyFileChangeListener.removeDependency(Dependency dependency, java.lang.String name, Project project, Workspace workspace)
static void DependencyFileChangeListener.removeDependency(Dependency dependency, file, Project project, Workspace workspace)


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model with parameters of type Workspace
ContainerModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType type, Workspace workspace)
DependencyFileChangeListener(Project project, Workspace workspace)
FileDependency( file, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Creates a file dependency on a file.
ModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType type, Workspace workspace)
          Creates a model adapter that adapts a @link oracle.ide.model.Workspace Workspace} node.


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service with parameters of type Workspace
abstract  boolean Auditor.addConstruct(java.lang.Object construct, file, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the location corresponding to a construct to the set of locations to be audited.
abstract  boolean Auditor.addElement(Element element, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the location corresponding to an Element to the set of locations to be audited.
abstract  boolean Auditor.addElements(Element[] elements, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the locations corresponding to an array of Elements in a Node to the set of locations to be audited.
abstract  boolean Auditor.addNode(Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the location corresponding to a Node to the set of locations to be audited.
abstract  boolean Auditor.addUrl( url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the location corresponding to a URL to the set of locations to be audited.
abstract  boolean Auditor.isAuditable(Element element, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets whether an Element is auditable.


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform that return Workspace
 Workspace TransformContext.getWorkspace()
          Gets the workspace containing the model to be transformed.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform with parameters of type Workspace
protected  java.lang.Boolean TransformAdapter.makeWritable(Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.controller


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.controller with parameters of type Workspace
protected  void NodeActionController.queueContainer(Element element, Project project, Workspace workspace, IdeAction action, java.util.Map queue)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.db


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.db that return Workspace
static Workspace AppDatabaseConnections.getWorkspace(Context context)
          Gets the current workspace/application for the given Context.
static Workspace AppDatabaseConnections.getWorkspace(java.lang.String storeName)
          Returns the Workspace for the given store name, if the store name is that of an Application resources store.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.db with parameters of type Workspace
static DatabaseConnections AppDatabaseConnections.getAppDatabaseConnections(Workspace ws)
          Creates a DatabaseConnections wrapper for the Application Connections in the Application (Workspace).
static java.lang.String AppDatabaseConnections.getConnectionStoreName(Workspace w)
          Gets the connection store name for the given Application (Workspace).


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.file


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.file with parameters of type Workspace
static JavaProjectCache JavaProjectCache.getInstance(Workspace workspace)
          Get an instance of the cache for an application workspace.


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.file with parameters of type Workspace
JavaProjectCache(Workspace workspace)


Uses of Workspace in


Constructors in with parameters of type Workspace
FieldDeclaration(java.lang.String id, Workspace workspace, Project project, SourceElement element, java.lang.String fqClassName, java.lang.String fieldName)
MethodDeclaration(java.lang.String id, Workspace workspace, Project project, SourceElement element, java.lang.String fqClassName, java.lang.String methodName, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> parameters)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.model


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.model with parameters of type Workspace
static ApplicationLibraries ApplicationLibraries.getInstance(Workspace workspace)
          Get the application libraries for an application workspace.
static ApplicationContent ApplicationContent.getInstance(Workspace workspace)
          Returns a new ApplicationContent adapter for the specified Workspace.


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.runner


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.runner with parameters of type Workspace
static Source.askSourceFinders(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String pkg, java.lang.String filename)
          Iterate over the configured SourceFinders to see if one of them can locate the source
static Source.findOpenSourceStub(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String fullClassName)
          Returns the URL for a source stub that has already been opened.
static Source.findSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String pkg, java.lang.String filename)
          Returns the URL for the source file that has the given package and filename. SourceFinder.findSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String pkg, java.lang.String filename)
          Returns the URL to a source file, or null if the source can not be found.
static Source.findURLForClass(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String fullClassName)
          Return the URL for the source file of the named class
static Source.findURLForClassSource(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String fullClassName)
          Return the URL for the source file of the named class
static Source.findURLForClassStub(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String fullClassName)
          Return the URL for the source stub of the named class
static Node[] Source.getOpenedFiles(Workspace workspace, Project project)
          Returns the files that are currently open in an editor.
static CodeEditor Source.showNodeInCodeEditor(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node)
          Displays a node in the code editor.
static Editor Source.showNodeInDefaultEditor(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node)
          Displays a node in its default editor.
static boolean Source.showSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node, int line, boolean selectLine)
          Displays a source file in the code editor.
static boolean Source.showSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node, int line, boolean selectLine, boolean showInNavHistory)
          Displays a source file in the code editor.
static boolean Source.showSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String pkg, java.lang.String fullClassName, java.lang.String filename, int line, boolean selectLine)
          Displays a source file in the code editor.
static boolean Source.showSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String pkg, java.lang.String fullClassName, java.lang.String filename, int line, boolean selectLine, java.lang.String sourceNotFoundMessage)
          Displays a source file in the code editor.
static boolean Source.showSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, java.lang.String pkg, java.lang.String fullClassName, java.lang.String filename, int line, boolean selectLine, java.lang.String sourceNotFoundMessage, vm)
          Displays a source file in the code editor.
static boolean Source.showSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, url, int line, boolean selectLine)
          Displays a source file in the code editor.
static boolean Source.showSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, url, int line, boolean selectLine, boolean showInNavHistory)
          Displays a source file in the code editor.
static boolean Source.showUIDesigner(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node)
          Displays a source file in the UI designer.
static boolean Source.showUIDesigner(Workspace workspace, Project project, url)
          Displays a source file in the UI designer.


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist that return Workspace
 Workspace[] ChangeListEvent.getWorkspaces()


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist with parameters of type Workspace
 void ChangeListEvent.setWorkspaces(Workspace[] workspaces)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi with parameters of type Workspace
abstract  boolean VCSApplicationSystem.canWorkspaceHaveMember(Workspace workspace, VCSApplicationSystem.ContentSetProxy proxy, url)
abstract  java.util.Iterator<> VCSApplicationSystem.createWorkspaceOnlyIterator(Workspace workspace, VCSApplicationSystem.ListMode mode)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util that return Workspace
static Workspace[] VCSModelUtils.findCachedWorkspaces()
          Gets all open Workspace type nodes cached in the NodeFactory.


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core that return Workspace
 Workspace DefaultAuditContext.getWorkspace()


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core with parameters of type Workspace
 boolean DefaultAuditor.addConstruct(java.lang.Object construct, file, Project project, Workspace workspace)
 boolean DefaultAuditor.addElement(Element element, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
 boolean DefaultAuditor.addElements(Element[] elements, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
 boolean DefaultAuditor.addNode(Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
 boolean DefaultAuditor.addUrl( document, Project project, Workspace workspace)
<T extends ModelAdapter>
DefaultAuditContext.getModel(java.lang.Class<T> type, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
<T extends ModelAdapter>
DefaultAuditTaskContext.getModelAdapter(java.lang.Class<T> type, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
<T extends ModelAdapter>
DefaultAuditContext.getModelAdapter(java.lang.Class<T> type, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
 boolean DefaultAuditor.isAuditable(Element element, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)


Uses of Workspace in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model that return Workspace
 Workspace RootModelAdapter.getWorkspace()
 Workspace WorkspaceModelAdapter.getWorkspace()


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model with parameters of type Workspace
 void DefaultModelFactory.addModelAdapters(java.util.Collection<ModelAdapter> models, Element element, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          If the URL is not supplied, then the Element must have been supplied and is used to determine the URL(s).
 ContentCache DefaultModelFactory.getContentSetCache(Project project, Workspace workspace)
<T extends ModelAdapter>
DefaultModelFactory.getModelAdapter(java.lang.Class<T> type, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
 java.util.Collection<ModelAdapter> DefaultModelFactory.getModelAdapters(Element element, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
 void DefaultModelFactory.getOrCreateModelAdapters(java.util.Collection<ModelAdapter> models, Element element, url, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          The workspace/project/URL key is computed.
 void ApplicationContentRootFactory.getProjectRoots(Workspace workspace, Project project, IntersectedFilters filters, IntersectedFilters workingSetFilters, java.util.Collection<ContentRoot> roots)
 void ProjectContentRootFactory.getProjectRoots(Workspace workspace, Project project, IntersectedFilters filters, IntersectedFilters workingSetFilters, java.util.Collection<ContentRoot> roots)
 void ApplicationContentRootFactory.getWorkspaceRoots(Workspace workspace, IntersectedFilters filters, java.util.Collection<ContentRoot> roots)
 void ProjectContentRootFactory.getWorkspaceRoots(Workspace workspace, IntersectedFilters filters, java.util.Collection<ContentRoot> roots)
 boolean WorkspaceModelType.isAuditable(Element element, ContentDirectory directory, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets whether a root element is auditable in the context of a directory, project, and workspace.
 boolean ProjectModelType.isAuditable(Element element, ContentDirectory directory, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets whether a root element is auditable in the context of a directory, project, and workspace.
 boolean RootModelType.isAuditable(Element element, ContentDirectory directory, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets whether a root element is auditable in the context of a directory, project, and workspace.
 boolean DirectoryModelType.isAuditable(Element element, ContentDirectory directory, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets whether a root element is auditable in the context of a directory, project, and workspace.


Constructors in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model with parameters of type Workspace
WorkspaceModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType type, Workspace workspace)


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