Oracle NoSQL Database
version 11gR2.2.0.26

Class DurabilityException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by java.lang.RuntimeException
              extended by oracle.kv.FaultException
                  extended by oracle.kv.DurabilityException
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DurabilityException
extends FaultException

Thrown when write operations cannot be initiated because a quorum of Replicas as determined by the Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy was not available.

The likelihood of this exception being thrown depends on the number of nodes per replication group, the rate of node failures and how quickly a failed node is restored to operation, and the specified ReplicaAckPolicy. The ReplicaAckPolicy for the default durability policy (specified by KVStoreConfig.getDurability()) is Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy.SIMPLE_MAJORITY. With SIMPLE_MAJORITY, this exception is thrown only when the majority of nodes in a replication group are unavailable, and in a well-maintained KVStore system with at least three nodes per replication group this exception should rarely be thrown.

If the client overrides the default and specifies Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy.ALL, then this exception will be thrown when any node in a replication group is unavailable; in other words, it is much more likely to be thrown. If the client specifies Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy.NONE, then this exception will never be thrown.

When this exception is thrown the KVStore service will perform administrative notifications so that actions can be taken to correct the problem. Depending on the nature of the application, the client may wish to

See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
 Set<String> getAvailableReplicas()
          Returns the set of Replicas that were available at the time of the operation.
 Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy getCommitPolicy()
          Returns the Replica ack policy that was in effect for the operation.
 int getRequiredNodeCount()
          Returns the number of nodes that were required to be active in order to satisfy the Replica ack policy associated with the operation.
Methods inherited from class oracle.kv.FaultException
getFaultClassName, getRemoteStackTrace, toString, wasLoggedRemotely
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy getCommitPolicy()
Returns the Replica ack policy that was in effect for the operation.


public int getRequiredNodeCount()
Returns the number of nodes that were required to be active in order to satisfy the Replica ack policy associated with the operation.


public Set<String> getAvailableReplicas()
Returns the set of Replicas that were available at the time of the operation.

Oracle NoSQL Database
version 11gR2.2.0.26

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