Oracle NoSQL Database
version 11gR2.2.0.26

Package oracle.kv

This package contains the public API for using Oracle NoSQL Database.


Interface Summary
KVStore KVStore is the handle to a store that is running remotely.
Operation Denotes an Operation in a sequence of operations passed to the KVStore.execute method.
OperationFactory A factory to create operations that can be batched for execution by KVStore.execute.
OperationResult The Result associated with the execution of an Operation.
ValueBinding<T> Generic interface for translating between Values (stored byte arrays) and typed objects representing that value.

Class Summary
Consistency Used to provide consistency guarantees for read operations.
Consistency.Time A consistency policy which describes the amount of time the Replica is allowed to lag the Master.
Consistency.Version A consistency policy which ensures that the environment on a Replica node is at least as current as denoted by the specified Key-Value pair Version.
Durability Defines the durability characteristics associated with a standalone write (put or update) operation, or in the case of KVStore.execute with a set of operations performed in a single transaction.
Key The Key in a Key/Value store.
KeyRange Defines a range of Key components for use in multiple-key operations and iterations.
KeyValueVersion Represents a key/value pair along with its version.
KVStoreConfig Represents the configuration parameters used to create a handle to an existing KV store.
KVStoreFactory Factory class used to produce handles to an existing KVStore.
KVVersion Oracle NoSQL DB version information.
RequestLimitConfig Describes how requests may be limited so that one or more nodes with long service times don't end up consuming all available threads in the KVS client.
ReturnValueVersion Used with put and delete operations to return the previous value and version.
Value The Value in a Key/Value store.
ValueVersion Holds a Value and Version that are associated with a given Key.
Version A Version refers to a specific version of a key-value pair.

Enum Summary
Depth Used with multiple-key and iterator operations to specify whether to select (return or operate on) the key-value pair for the parent key, and the key-value pairs for only immediate children or all descendants.
Direction Used with iterator operations to specify the order that keys are returned.
Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy A replicated environment makes it possible to increase an application's transaction commit guarantees by committing changes to its replicas on the network.
Durability.SyncPolicy Defines the synchronization policy to be used when committing a transaction.
Operation.Type The type of operation, as determined by the method used to create it.
ReturnValueVersion.Choice Specifies whether to return the value, version, both or neither.
Value.Format Identifies the format of a value.

Exception Summary
ConsistencyException Thrown when a single or multiple-operation transaction fails because the specified Consistency could not be met, within the allowed timeout period.
ContingencyException Used to indicate a status condition or result that is not expressed through the return value, and that should normally be handled by the caller of the method.
DurabilityException Thrown when write operations cannot be initiated because a quorum of Replicas as determined by the Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy was not available.
FaultException Used to indicate an error condition that cannot normally be handled by the caller of the method, except by retrying the operation.
NoSQLRuntimeException Generic exception class for generating runtime exceptions whose messages are derived from a locale specific message file.
OperationExecutionException Used to indicate a failure to execute a sequence of operations.
RequestLimitException Thrown when a request cannot be processed because it would exceed the maximum number of active requests for a node as configured via KVStoreConfig.setRequestLimit(oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig).
RequestTimeoutException Thrown when a request cannot be processed because the configured timeout interval is exceeded.

Package oracle.kv Description

This package contains the public API for using Oracle NoSQL Database.

Oracle NoSQL Database
version 11gR2.2.0.26

Copyright (c) 2011, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.