Oracle NoSQL Database
version 11gR2.2.0.26

Uses of Class

Packages that use KeyRange
oracle.kv This package contains the public API for using Oracle NoSQL Database. 
oracle.kv.hadoop Support for loading Oracle NoSQL Database into Hadoop. 

Uses of KeyRange in oracle.kv

Methods in oracle.kv that return KeyRange
static KeyRange KeyRange.fromByteArray(byte[] keyBytes)
          Deserializes the given bytes that were returned earlier by toByteArray() and returns the resulting KeyRange.
static KeyRange KeyRange.fromString(String keyRangeStringArg)
          Converts an encoded KeyRange back to a KeyRange.

Methods in oracle.kv with parameters of type KeyRange
 int KVStore.multiDelete(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Deletes the descendant Key/Value pairs associated with the parentKey.
 int KVStore.multiDelete(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Durability durability, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Deletes the descendant Key/Value pairs associated with the parentKey.
 SortedMap<Key,ValueVersion> KVStore.multiGet(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Returns the descendant key/value pairs associated with the parentKey.
 SortedMap<Key,ValueVersion> KVStore.multiGet(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Returns the descendant key/value pairs associated with the parentKey.
 Iterator<KeyValueVersion> KVStore.multiGetIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          The iterator form of KVStore.multiGet(Key, KeyRange, Depth).
 Iterator<KeyValueVersion> KVStore.multiGetIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          The iterator form of KVStore.multiGet(Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit).
 SortedSet<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Returns the descendant keys associated with the parentKey.
 SortedSet<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Returns the descendant keys associated with the parentKey.
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          The iterator form of KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key, KeyRange, Depth).
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          The iterator form of KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit).
 Iterator<KeyValueVersion> KVStore.storeIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Return an Iterator which iterates over all key/value pairs (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
 Iterator<KeyValueVersion> KVStore.storeIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Return an Iterator which iterates over all key/value pairs (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.storeKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Return an Iterator which iterates over all keys (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.storeKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Return an Iterator which iterates over all keys (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.

Uses of KeyRange in oracle.kv.hadoop

Methods in oracle.kv.hadoop with parameters of type KeyRange
static void KVInputFormatBase.setSubRange(KeyRange subRange)
          Specifies a sub range to further restrict the range under the parentKey to the major path components in this sub range.

Oracle NoSQL Database
version 11gR2.2.0.26

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