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Oracle® Big Data Appliance Configuration Worksheets
Release 1 (1.0.3)

Part Number E26163-03
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Oracle® Big Data Appliance

Configuration Worksheets

Release 1 (1.0.3)


April 2012

The Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Worksheets identify the information and decisions required when installing Oracle Big Data Appliance. This document contains the following topics:

Configuration Process Overview

The configuration worksheets will help you plan your installation of Oracle Big Data Appliance with the help of the network and database administrators and your Oracle representative. It is important that you complete the worksheets and provide them to your Oracle representative before receiving your Oracle Big Data Appliance to avoid delaying the installation.

The information you provide in these worksheets is used to create the Oracle Big Data Appliance Installation Template. Use the Installation Template to confirm that the configuration settings of your Oracle Big Data Appliance were entered correctly. You can make site-specific adjustments to the Installation Template in consultation with your Oracle representative. Many of these settings cannot be changed after the appliance is operational, so make your decisions carefully.


  • Oracle Big Data Appliance uses Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop (CDH). A Hadoop cluster on Oracle Big Data Appliance is called a CDH cluster.

  • The terms appliance and rack refer to Oracle Big Data Appliance.

To configure Oracle Big Data Appliance: 

  1. Read this document and the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide to understand the networking requirements.

  2. Identify your current management network.

  3. Identify your current client access network.

  4. If you have multiple appliances, then choose between connecting them into a single CDH cluster or creating independent CDH clusters on each appliance.

  5. Complete the PDF version of the configuration worksheets. If you are configuring multiple appliances as a single CDH cluster, then complete just one copy of the worksheets. Otherwise, complete a copy of the worksheets for every set of appliances that will be configured as a single CDH cluster.

  6. Give the completed configuration worksheets to your Oracle representative. The information in these worksheets is used to generate the Installation Template, which your Oracle representative will give to you.

  7. Verify that the information in the Installation Template is correct. To make any adjustments, contact your Oracle representative.

  8. Configure your existing network to use the new IP addresses and host names supplied in the Installation Template.

  9. Review the network and IP address requirements described in the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide.

  10. Run the network connections to the planned location for Oracle Big Data Appliance.

  11. Inform your Oracle representative when you have completed these steps.


The network administrator should be available on-site during the installation of Oracle Big Data Appliance (1 to 2 days). Otherwise, a problem with the customer network may cause extended delays.

See Also:

Network Configuration Worksheets

The network configuration worksheets identify the naming conventions for the hardware and the IP addresses used on your network:

General Properties

In Table 1, enter the names for the hardware components and other basic information.

Using Standardized Host Names

All racks in a CDH cluster must have the same CDH cluster name, which is used in the assignment of standardized host names for all Oracle Big Data Appliance servers. By default, the host name for all 18 servers in the rack is in this format:



  • rack_name by default is cluster_nameM, and M is the index of the rack in the cluster.

  • NN is the position number of the server in the rack (01-18).

  • domain is the domain name.

For example, if the cluster name is bda and the domain is, then the fully qualified host name of the server at the bottom of the first rack is For the top server in the third rack of this cluster, the host name is

These host names must have fewer than 38 characters.You use them to address the servers over the client network interface.

The host names on the other networks have the following formats. You use these formats when connecting over a different network:

  • For short host names over the administration network:


  • For private InfiniBand network host names:


  • For the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) host names:


  • For the switch host names:


    where N is 1, 2 or 3, depending on the switch location in the rack.

Using Customized Host Names

If you do not want to use the cluster name in the host names, then you must provide a rack name. You also can change the suffixes used for the different network interfaces.

To assign a unique host name to each server, provide your Oracle representative with a list of all individual host names. You must also enter the domain name and time zone fields in Table 1.

Table 1 General Configuration Worksheet

Property Example Setting

Customer NameFoot 1 

Example Inc


CDH Cluster NameFootref 1



Is this the only rack or the primary rack in the cluster?Footref 1

Yes or No


Rack Name



Server Base Name



Admin Access Suffix



Private Name Suffix



ILOM Name Suffix



Switch Base Name



Domain NameFootref 1


Time ZoneFootref 1

America/New York


Footnote 1 Required. All other properties in this worksheet have default values.

Rack Network Properties

In Table 2, enter up to four IP addresses for the DNS and NTP servers and up to four search domains.

Table 2 Appliance Network Configuration Worksheet

Property Setting

DNS Servers (1-4)


NTP Servers (1-4)


Search Domains (1-4)


Server Properties

In Table 3, enter the network properties for the individual servers.

Each server in the appliance is assigned an IP address for the administrative 1 Gigabit Ethernet (1 GigE) network, the private InfiniBand network, the 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10 GigE) client access network, and Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM). The IP addresses of the 18 servers are assigned sequentially beginning with the Start IP for node01.

If you cannot allocate 18 sequential IP addresses for any of these networks, then provide your Oracle representative with a list of 18 IP addresses instead of just the starting IP address.

The administrative and ILOM IP addresses are on the same subnet and use the same netmask and gateway.


For a multirack installation, ensure that the InfiniBand IP addresses of all servers, including the servers in other Oracle Engineered Systems, are unique and on the same subnet.

Table 3 Network Configuration Worksheet

Property Setting

Administrative Network: First of 18 sequential IP addresses


Administrative Network Netmask


Administrative Network Gateway


Private InfiniBand Network: First of 18 sequential IP addresses

Optional: Defaults to


Private InfiniBand Network Netmask

Optional: Defaults to


Client Network: First of 18 sequential IP addresses


Client Network Netmask


Client Network Gateway


ILOM Network: First of 18 sequential IP addresses


Switch Properties

In Table 4, enter the IP addresses of the Keyboard-Video-Mouse (KVM) Switch, the Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch, and the first of three Sun InfiniBand switches.

Table 4 Switch Configuration Worksheet

Property Setting

KVM Switch IP


Cisco Switch IP


InfiniBand Switch IP: First of three sequential IP addresses


PDU Properties

In Table 5, enter the IP addresses for the two Power Distribution Units (PDUs).

Table 5 PDU Network Configuration Worksheet

Property Setting





Software Configuration Worksheets

There are several optional software components for Oracle Big Data Appliance, which you can choose to configure and activate.


If you are extending a CDH cluster and these worksheets are not for the primary rack, then complete only Table 8, "Users and Groups Configuration Worksheet". Leave the other Software Configuration Worksheets blank.

See Also:

Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide for a description of the software configuration options.

Installed Components

In Table 6, identify the applications to activate and configure.

Oracle Big Data Connectors and Oracle NoSQL Database are optional components. You must activate them now if you plan to use them. Otherwise, you can save disk space for other uses by not activating them. Disk space allocated to Oracle NoSQL Database is not available for the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).

Oracle NoSQL Database Community Edition is included in the license for Oracle Big Data Appliance.

Oracle Big Data Connectors requires a separate license. You must have this license to install the connectors on Oracle Big Data Appliance. If you have a license, you can decide whether to configure Oracle Data Integrator Agent during the initial software installation, so that it is up and running immediately.

Oracle Big Data Appliance is configured to have four copies of the critical NameNode data spread across four disks on two servers. To maintain a fifth copy outside Oracle Big Data Appliance, you can optionally provide an external NFS mount point.

To set up an external mount point: 

  • Under the specified directory path, a subdirectory must exist with the same name as the cluster. This subdirectory must be owned by root.

  • Under this subdirectory, two subdirectories named nn and snn must exist and be owned by user hdfs and group hadoop. The hdfs UID must the same as the hdfs UID on Oracle Big Data Appliance, and the hadoop GID must be the same as the hadoop GID on Oracle Big Data Appliance.

For example, if you enter the NFS directory as


and the cluster name is bda, then:

  • The /backup/namenode/bda directory must exist on NFS-HOST and be owned by root.

  • The /backup/namenode/bda/nn and /backup/namenode/bda/snn directories must exist on NFS-HOST and be owned by hdfs in group hadoop.


Complete this worksheet for the only rack or the primary rack in a CDH cluster.

Table 6 Software Components Configuration Worksheet

Property Example Setting

Are Oracle Big Data Connectors licensed?

Yes or No


Configure Oracle Data Integrator Agent?

Yes or No


Install Oracle NoSQL Database Community Edition?

Yes or No


Total disk space to allocate for Oracle NoSQL Database (in terabytes)

0, 54, or 108


External backup Network File System (NFS) directory



Auto Service Request

In Table 7, enter the configuration settings for Auto Service Request (ASR).

ASR monitors the health of Oracle Big Data Appliance hardware and automatically submits a service request when it detects a fault. Although you can opt out of this program, Oracle recommends that you enable ASR.

ASR Manager must be configured to run on a separate server outside of Oracle Big Data Appliance. Software on Oracle Big Data Appliance must be able to connect to ASR Manager and route to the Internet, either directly or through a proxy, to send event information that automatically opens service requests.


Complete this worksheet for the only rack or the primary rack in a CDH cluster.

Table 7 Auto Service Request Configuration Worksheet

Property Example Setting

Enable Auto Service Request?

Yes or No


ASR Manager Host


ASR Manager Port



ASR Server Root Password



Users and Groups

The installation software defines users, groups, and passwords. If you do not provide the passwords in Table 8 for the configuration files, then you must enter them manually during the installation.

The Oracle IDs must match those of a connected Oracle Exadata Database Machine to support Network File System (NFS) protocol between the two systems.


If you are extending a CDH cluster and these worksheets are not for the primary rack, then complete only the password fields in Table 8. Leave the ID fields blank.

Table 8 Users and Groups Configuration Worksheet

Description Example Value

Cloudera Manager admin passwordFoot 1 



root operating system passwordFootref 1



oracle operating system passwordFootref 1



oracle user ID



oinstall group ID



dba group ID



MySQL administration passwordFootref 1



MySQL password for Oracle Data IntegratorFootref 1



Footnote 1 Required for all racks.

Cloudera Manager Email Alerts

In Table 9, provide information about the email server (SMTP) on the network.

This information enables Cloudera Manager to send email alerts when it detects a problem in the CDH cluster. If this information is omitted, then no email alerts will be sent.


Complete this worksheet for the only rack or the primary rack in a CDH cluster.

Table 9 Email Configuration Worksheet

Property Example Value

Email Server Host


Email Server Port



Email Server User Name



Email Server Password



Email Server Uses SSL?

Yes or No


Email Alert Recipients


Sample Installation Template

Following is an example of an Installation Template generated using the example values shown in these worksheets.

Network Configuration


Property Value
Cluster Name bda
Rack Name bda1
Primary Appliance Yes
Country America
Timezone America/New_York
DNS Server
NTP Server
Search Domains

Server Network Info

Type Netmask Gateway
Administrative - eth0
Private - bondib0 --
Client Access - bondeth0

Server Position eth0 hostname eth0 IP address bondib0 IP address ...
01 bda1node01-adm bda1node01-priv ...
02 bda1node02-adm bda1node02-priv ...
03 bda1node03-adm bda1node03-priv ...
... ... ... ... ...
17 bda1node17-adm bda1node17-priv ...
18 bda1node18-adm bda1node18-priv ...


Type Hostname IP Address
KVM Switch bda1sw-kvm
Cisco Switch bda1sw-ip
NM2-36p Spine Switch bda1sw-ib1
NM2-GW Leaf Switch #1 bda1sw-ib2
NM2-GW Leaf Switch #2 bda1sw-ib3


Type Hostname IP Address
PDU A bda1-pdu1
PDU B bda1-pdu2

Software Configuration

Property Value
Oracle Big Data Connectors are being licensed
Oracle Data Integrator Agent will be configured and started
Oracle NoSQL Database will be installed with 54 TB total diskspace
External NFS Directory

Property Value
Oracle Auto Service Requests will be configured
Oracle ASR server
Oracle ASR Server root password password

Property Value
Cloudera Manager admin password password
root operating system password password
oracle operating system password password
MySQL administration password password
MySQL password for Oracle Data Integrator password

Property Value Property Value Property Value
oracle user ID 1000 oinstall group ID 1001 dba group ID 1002

Property Value
Email server (SMTP) host   does not use SSL
Email server (SMTP) user name smtp.user
Email server (SMTP) password
Email alert recipients

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Worksheets, Release 1 (1.0.3)


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