Java URL Optimization API (SEO API) 2.1.0

Interface DimLocationFormatter

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DimLocationFormatter

An extension point used by various SEO URL formatting classes to control the rendering of DimLocation objects into path-encoded keyword strings.

See Also:
SeoNavStateFormatter.setDimLocationFormatters(DimLocationFormatter[]), SeoERecFormatter.setDimLocationFormatters(DimLocationFormatter[])

Method Summary
 java.lang.String formatDimLocation(com.endeca.soleng.urlformatter.UrlState pUrlState, com.endeca.navigation.DimLocation pDimLocation)
          Formats the specified DimLocation for the specified UrlState.
 java.lang.Object getKey()
          The dimension name or id used to associate a DimLocationFormatter with a specific dimension.

Method Detail


java.lang.Object getKey()
The dimension name or id used to associate a DimLocationFormatter with a specific dimension.

the dimension name or id (a String or Long respectively)
See Also:
SeoNavStateFormatter.setUseDimensionNameAsKey(boolean), SeoERecFormatter.setUseDimensionNameAsKey(boolean)


java.lang.String formatDimLocation(com.endeca.soleng.urlformatter.UrlState pUrlState,
                                   com.endeca.navigation.DimLocation pDimLocation)
                                   throws com.endeca.soleng.urlformatter.UrlFormatException
Formats the specified DimLocation for the specified UrlState.

pUrlState - the UrlState that contains the specified DimLocation
pDimLocation - the DimLocation to be formatted
a formatted string
com.endeca.soleng.urlformatter.UrlFormatException - if the DimLocation cannot be properly formatted

Java URL Optimization API (SEO API) 2.1.0

Copyright © 2010 Endeca Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
PRODUCT: Java URL Optimization API (SEO API) (urlFormatterSeo)
VERSION: 2.1.0
BUILD:   12010DEV
ARCH_OS: n/a
DATE:    2010-06-29T04:02:48-0400