Java URL Optimization API (SEO API) 2.1.0

Class SeoNavStateFormatter

  extended by com.endeca.soleng.urlformatter.seo.SeoNavStateFormatter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SeoNavStateFormatter
extends java.lang.Object
implements NavStateFormatter

A NavStateFormatter that formats an UrlState in SEO Optimized format, formatting each of the the Navigation state's DimLocations with SeoNavStateFormatters. NavStateFormatter is aggregated by the SeoUrlFormatter class.

Property Summary
Property Type Default Value
useDimensionNameAsKey boolean false
separator char /
dimLocationFormatters DimLocationFormatter[] empty

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String formatNavState(com.endeca.soleng.urlformatter.UrlState pUrlState, com.endeca.navigation.DimLocationList pNavState)
 DimLocationFormatter[] getDimLocationFormatters()
          The list of DimLocationFormatters that will be used to format the UrlState.
 char getSeparator()
          The separator character that is used to separate fully formatted DimLocation objects.
 boolean getUseDimensionNameAsKey()
          Indicates whether DimLocationFormatter objects should be associated to this formatter by dimension name or id.
 void setDimLocationFormatters(DimLocationFormatter[] pDimLocationFormatters)
          Specifies a list of DimLocationFormatters that will be used to format the UrlState.
 void setSeparator(char pSeparator)
          Specifies the separator character that is used to separate fully formatted DimLocation objects.
 void setUseDimensionNameAsKey(boolean pUseDimensionNameAsKey)
          Specifies whether DimLocationFormatter objects should be associated to this formatter by dimension name or id.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SeoNavStateFormatter()
Method Detail


public boolean getUseDimensionNameAsKey()
Indicates whether DimLocationFormatter objects should be associated to this formatter by dimension name or id.


public void setUseDimensionNameAsKey(boolean pUseDimensionNameAsKey)
Specifies whether DimLocationFormatter objects should be associated to this formatter by dimension name or id.

pUseDimensionNameAsKey - flag indicating whether dimension name should be used.
See Also:
SeoDimLocationFormatter.getKey(), setDimLocationFormatters(DimLocationFormatter[])


public char getSeparator()
The separator character that is used to separate fully formatted DimLocation objects.


public void setSeparator(char pSeparator)
Specifies the separator character that is used to separate fully formatted DimLocation objects.

In the following example, '+' is the separator character:

pSeparator - the separator character to use.


public DimLocationFormatter[] getDimLocationFormatters()
The list of DimLocationFormatters that will be used to format the UrlState. Each DimLocationFormatter will specify one particular DimLocation's formatting in the URL.


public void setDimLocationFormatters(DimLocationFormatter[] pDimLocationFormatters)
Specifies a list of DimLocationFormatters that will be used to format the UrlState. Each DimLocationFormatter will specify one particular DimLocation's formatting in the URL.

pDimLocationFormatters - Array of DimLocationFormatter objects used to format the UrlState.


public java.lang.String formatNavState(com.endeca.soleng.urlformatter.UrlState pUrlState,
                                       com.endeca.navigation.DimLocationList pNavState)
                                throws com.endeca.soleng.urlformatter.UrlFormatException
Specified by:
formatNavState in interface NavStateFormatter

Java URL Optimization API (SEO API) 2.1.0

Copyright © 2010 Endeca Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
PRODUCT: Java URL Optimization API (SEO API) (urlFormatterSeo)
VERSION: 2.1.0
BUILD:   12010DEV
ARCH_OS: n/a
DATE:    2010-06-29T04:02:48-0400