Create Transparent Partition

Create or validate a transparent partition definition between two databases. A transparent partition allows users to manipulate data that is stored in a target database as if it were part of the source database. The remote data is retrieved from the data source each time that users at the data target request it.



Use create transparent partition to create a partition in the following ways:


create transparent partition

Create a transparent partition. A transparent partition enables users to access data from the data source as though it were stored in the data target. The data is, however, stored at the data source, which can be in another application, in another database, or on another Essbase Server.

create or replace ...partition

Create a partition definition, or replace an existing partition definition.


Define the partition areas to share with the other database. Optionally nickname the area using an area-alias.

to <dbs-name>

Create a partition definition between the current database source and the second database (the target).

from <dbs-name>

Create a partition definition between the current database target and the second database (the source).

at <host-name>

Specify the remote computer name, if you are creating a partition definition between the current database and one residing on a remote Essbase Server host.

as <user-name> identified by <password>

Provide the name and password of a default partition user who can connect to both databases. Essbase uses the login information to:

  • Transfer data between the source and the target for replicated and transparent partitions. Database security filters can be applied to prevent end users from seeing privileged data.

  • Synchronize database outlines for all partition types.

using <user-name> identified by <password> for creation

Create the partition using a different user than the one being set as the default partition user. This can be useful when you want to specify a read-only user account as the default partition user.


Define the member-name mapping for shared sections of both databases, if member names for sections that map are different in the two databases.


Specify the direction in which outline synchronization should proceed, if necessary. The default direction is the same as the data-refresh direction.


Create a comment to describe the source half of the partition definition.

remote comment

Create a comment to describe the target half of the partition definition.

validate only

Validate the existing partition definition described by this statement, without actually creating it.



create or replace transparent partition sampeast.east
        area '@CHILDREN("Eastern Region"), @CHILDREN(Qtr1)' sourceArea
to at localhost
as partitionuser identified by 'password'
        area '@CHILDREN(East) @CHILDREN(Qtr1)' targetArea;

Creates a transparent partition between the source, sampeast.east, and the target, The partition is defined only for the areas specified by the area aliases sourceArea and targetArea.

create or replace transparent partition source.source
        area 'DimensionA' sourceAreaA
        area 'DimensionB' sourceAreaB
to at localhost
as admin identified by 'password'
        area 'ParentMemberA' targetAreaA
        area 'ParentMemberB' targetAreaB
        mapped targetAreaA (ChildA) to (Child_a)
        mapped targetAreaB (ChildB) to (Child_b)

Creates a partition from database Source to database Target where the partitioned areas between them are DimensionA and DimensionB on the source, corresponding to ParentMemberA and ParentMemberB (respectively) on the target. Differences in member names between the two partitioned areas are resolved during the partition creation, using the mapped clauses. Area aliases are used after each area specification, so that members can be mapped specifically for each area.