Execute Aggregate Process

Perform an aggregation, optionally specifying the maximum disk space for the resulting files, and optionally basing the view selection on user querying patterns. This statement is only applicable to aggregate storage databases.

This statement causes Essbase to:

  1. Select 0 or more aggregate views based on the stopping value and/or on querying patterns, if given.

  2. Build the views that were selected.

For more information about aggregate views, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide and the Oracle Essbase Administration Services Online Help.


Syntax diagram for execute aggregate process.DBS-NAMESTOPPING-VAL

You can aggregate an aggregate storage database in the following ways using execute aggregate process.


stopping when total_size exceeds...

Aggregate whichever views Essbase selects, with the exception the that maximum growth of the aggregated database must not exceed the given ratio.

based on query_data

Aggregate whichever views Essbase selects, based on collected user querying patterns. This option is only available if query tracking is turned on, using alter database <dbs-name> enable query_tracking.

enable|disable alternate_rollups

If enabled, secondary hierarchies (with default level usage) are considered for view selection. Default: disabled (no secondary hierarchies are considered).



execute aggregate process on database ASOSamp.Sample
stopping when total_size exceeds 1.3;

Selects and builds an aggregation of the ASOSamp Sample database that permits the database to grow by no more than 30% as a result of the aggregation.

execute aggregate process on database ASOSamp.Sample based on query_data;

Selects and builds an aggregation of the ASOSamp Sample database, where the views that Essbase selects for aggregation are based on the most frequently queried areas of the database.