Configure overriding parameter validator components if you need to enforce different rules for query parameter validation in specific situations. For example, you can configure validation rules that apply to a specific part of your web application and not to others.

The overridingValidators property of the /atg/dynamo/servlet/security/ParameterValidator component holds a list of the nucleus paths of overriding parameter validator components. When the ParameterValidator validates query parameters, it checks each component named in the overridingValidators property. It calls the canValidateRequest method of each component. If the component returns the value true, ParameterValidator delegates responsibility for checking the query parameters to that component. Once one of the overriding validator components returns true to indicate that it can validate the request, ParameterValidator will stop checking the remaining overriding validator components. If none of the overriding validator components returns true, it will validate the query parameters itself.

To create an overriding parameter validator:

  1. Create a custom class that implements the interface. See Custom Validator Class.

  2. Create a nucleus component based on the custom class.

  3. Add the nucleus path of the component to the overridingValidators property of the ParameterValidator component.

Custom Validator Class

Base overriding parameter validator components on a custom Java class that implements the interface. The custom class must implement the following two methods:

The following example class shows the required methods.

package com.mycompany.validators;

import atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest;

public class MyOverridingValidator implements RequestParameterValidator {

    public boolean canValidateRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest) {
        /* Implement tests to determine whether this component should
           validate a particular request. */

    public boolean areParamValuesSuspicious(String pParamName, String[] pValues) {
        /* Implement tests to determine whether the parameter values
           are suspicious. */

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