The Send Notification action sends a specified e-mail message to a given recipient or group of recipients. It is designed for business situations in which you want to notify a person or group in response to an earlier event in the scenario. For example, you might want to notify your Sales department if a site visitor displays a page showing pricing information about a new product. By contrast, the Send E-mail action (described later in this chapter) is designed for situations in which you want to send a message as part of an e-mail campaign to a targeted group of site visitors.

You can define the recipients of the Send Notification action as users (people with user profiles in the Profile repository) or e-mail addresses. Use the Send notification to people… option if the recipient is part of your system and has a profile; use the Send notification to address option if the recipient does not have a profile in your system.


Send notification with path Example Corps Web App:/news/update.jsp to
people Mary Garcia
Send notification with path Example Corps Web App:/news/update.jsp to

The profile associated with the message is by default the profile of the recipient. For that reason, any content in the message that uses a profile will refer to the recipient’s profile. For information on other options, refer to the ATG Personalization Programming Guide.

If the action follows an event that is site aware (for example, Logs In or Registers), you can also specify a Web site so that the notification message can contain site-specific references.

Registers where Site is MyStore > Send notification with path Example
Corps Web App:/en/newMember.jsp to people Mary Garcia with site Event's

In this example, the site specified in the Registers event, MyStore, is picked up by the Send Notification action (Event's Site is MyStore) and can be used to customize the content of the Send Notification message:

“Alert: New member registered today at MyStore.”

Page developers use the Pages and Components > Pages area of the ATG Control Center to create the text for the e-mail messages. For more information, see Working with Targeted E-Mail.

For information on how to send an attachment with the e-mail message, see Sending Attachments with Scenario-Based E-Mail Messages in the ATG Personalization Programming Guide.

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