Ticket queues that have been added to the BCC are available for ticket assignment using the available Ticketing Group lists in Service Center. Note: If you do not already have organizations set up, you will need to create an organization before adding ticketing queues. Refer to the ATG Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide for information on creating organizations.

To add a ticket queue:

  1. Log in to the BCC Home page > Personalization >Internal Users.

  2. From the Browse tab Show drop-down list, select Organizations.

  3. Click an existing organization name from the directory. The Organization page is displayed in the right pane (to create a new organization, click Create New button).

  4. From the Organization page, click the Ticketing tab.

  5. Click the Ticket Queues Add New button. The Ticket Queue: LogicalOrganizations page is displayed.

  6. Required: From the LogicalOrganizations page, type a Name and a Description for the Ticket Queue. This is the name displayed in the Ticketing/Service Center user interface Group list.

  7. From the Ticketing panel, set ticket queue ticket acceptance and ticket timing properties as required:

    Ticket Queue Acceptance/Timing Property


    Accepting new tickets

    Choose whether the ticket queue will accept (True), or not accept (False) new tickets. Default is True.

    Automatically close ticket after (minutes)

    Type the required number of minutes to automatically close a ticket.

    These are not visible in Service Center.

    Automatically close ticket after (minutes)

    Type the required number of minutes to automatically close a ticket.

    These are not visible in Service Center.

    Escalate to default queue if not handled after (minutes)

    Type the required number of minutes to automatically escalate a ticket if not handled by the designated queue.

    These are the number of minutes a ticket can be open before being escalated to the default escalation queue for further work or attention. If set to zero (0), no limit is set, and the ticket will not be auto-escalated.

    These are not visible in Service Center.

    Remove from agent if not handled after (minutes)

    The number of minutes an agent/user (assigned to work on the ticket) in the queue can hold a ticket before it is automatically released (unassigned). If set to zero (0), no limit is set, and the ticket will not be auto-released.

    These are not visible in Service Center.

    Target SLA (minutes)

    Type the number of minutes required for a due date/time, based on your organization’s service level agreement.

    These are the number of minutes to complete the ticket assignment (due date) before the ticket expires. If set to zero (0), no due date is set for the ticket.

    SLA minutes display as the ticket Due Date in Service Center.

    For example, to set the due date for the ticket queue at 24 hours from the time a ticket is created, type 1440 in the Target SLA (minutes) box (24 hours = 1440 minutes). When a ticket is created and assigned to the ticket queue, the due date is displayed (where applicable) in Service Center (for example; in the Ticket Summary panel).

    Note: Individual ticket queue settings take priority over global ticket queue settings. If you have set a value for the DefaultQueueDataReader (global ticket queue default settings) the system will first read the information set for an individual ticket queue, and then the global default settings.

  8. Click the Escalation Info Add Existing button to select escalation information for the ticket queue. The Select an Item window is displayed.

  9. From the Select an Item window, click Find, and then select a ticket queue from the available list. The selected queue is the ticket queue to which a ticket is escalated when requested (using the Escalate Ticket Next Step in Service Center).

    Note: Escalate is an attribute on the ticket, not a ticket status. Escalating a ticket allows a ticket to maintain its status, but also reflects that the ticket has been marked for further research, help, or approval, based on your organization’s escalation level definitions.

  10. Click Create. The ticket queue is added to the organization and is available for ticket assignment using the Ticketing user interface Group list in Service Center.

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