Adding and Updating Software in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

Newest Packages

To list the newest versions of all matching packages, including packages that cannot be installed in this image, use the -n option.

$ pkg list -n '*toolkit'
NAME (PUBLISHER)                  VERSION                  IFO
developer/dtrace/toolkit          0.99-     --r
image/nvidia/cg-toolkit           3.0.15-  ---
isvtoolkit (isvpub)               1.0                      i--
system/dtrace/dtrace-toolkit      0.99-    ---

The developer/dtrace/toolkit package and the system/dtrace/dtrace-toolkit package cannot be installed in this image. You know this because these packages were not listed by the -a option. The developer/dtrace/toolkit package has been renamed. See Renamed and Obsolete Packages for more information.

A newer version of the dtrace-toolkit package than the version that is currently installed in this image exists from configured publishers. The newer version might be installable if you also update other packages of which the dtrace-toolkit package is a dependency, as shown by the “Reason” line in the following example. Time stamps have been omitted from the following command output for brevity. The pkg update and pkg install commands are discussed in Chapter 3, Installing and Updating Software Packages.

$ pkg update -nv dtrace-toolkit
No updates are available for this image.
$ pkg install -nv dtrace-toolkit@0.99-
pkg install: No matching version of system/dtrace/dtrace-toolkit can be installed:
  Reject:  pkg://solaris/system/dtrace/dtrace-toolkit@0.99,5.11-
  Reason:  This version is excluded by installed incorporation 