International Language Environments Guide for Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

Selecting Locales to Be Installed

The selection of locales to be installed is done by setting the appropriate facets in the AI manifest. The <software><image> element contain the element facet with the following syntax:

<facet set="true|false">facet-name</facet>

The following sample manifest uses the facet elements to make sure that only the German (in Germany) and English (in the United States) locales and translations are installed on the target machine:

<!DOCTYPE auto_install SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/install/ai.dtd.1">
	<ai_instance auto_reboot="true" name="ai-german">
	<software type="IPS">
				<!-- deselect all locales -->
				<facet set="false">facet.locale.*</facet>
				<!-- specify specific locales to install -->
				<!-- install German and English only -->
				<facet set="true"></facet>
				<facet set="true">facet.locale.de_DE</facet>
				<facet set="true">facet.locale.en</facet>
				<facet set="true">facet.locale.en_US</facet>

You can obtain a list of available locale facets from the system/locale package by issuing a command similar to the following example:

$ pkg contents -m system/locale | /usr/gnu/bin/grep -o facet.locale.[^\ ]* | sort -u

For more details about manifest creation, see the ai_manifest(4) man page.