Trusted Extensions Configuration and Administration

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Updated: July 2014

Role Responsibilities for Audit Administration

    In Trusted Extensions, auditing is the responsibility of separate roles.

  • The root role assigns audit flags to users and rights profiles, and edits system files, such as the audit_warn script.

  • The System Administrator role sets up the disks and the network of audit storage. This role can also review the audit records.

  • The Security Administrator role decides what is to be audited and configures auditing. The initial setup team created this role by completingHow to Create the Security Administrator Role in Trusted Extensions.

Note - A system only records the events in audit classes that the security administrator has preselected. Therefore, any subsequent audit review can only consider the events that have been recorded. As a result of misconfiguration, attempts to breach the security of the system can go undetected, or the administrator is unable to detect the user who is responsible for an attempted breach of security. Administrators must regularly analyze audit trails to check for breaches of security.