Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Desktop Administrator's Guide

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Updated: July 2014

GConf Repository Components

The GConf repository is structured like a simple file system, which contains keys organized into a hierarchy. Each key is either a directory containing more keys or has a value.

    The repository is organized into logical groups based on the application type and contains the following directories:

  • Directories that correspond to applications that use the GConf repository. You can see the following directories:

    • system

    • desktop

    • apps

    For example, the file system contains the directory /apps/metacity.

  • Subdirectories that correspond to categories of preferences.

    For example, the file system contains the directory /apps/metacity/general.

  • A d irectory called schemas that contains schema files. The schema files describe all preference keys.

Each preference in the GConf repository is expressed as a key-value pair. A GConf preference key is an element in the repository that corresponds to an application preference. For example, the /apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen preference key corresponds to the Show Splash Screen on Login option in the Sessions preference tool.

    Preference keys typically have simple data types, such as the following:

  • Strings

  • Integers

  • Lists of strings

  • Lists of integers

The format of the preference key in the repository depends on the Extensible Markup Language (XML) backend module that is used to read the repository. The following is an example of the /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name preference key when an XML backend module is used to read the repository:

<entry name="font_name" mtime="1038323555" muser="user123" type="string">
		<stringvalue>Sans 10</stringvalue>

Note - When this guide refer s to a preference key, the path to the key is added to the name of the key. For example, the font_name preference key in the /desktop/gnome/interface subdirectory is referred to as /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name.