Oracle® Solaris Modular Debugger Guide

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Updated: September 2014

mdb_readvar() and mdb_writevar()

ssize_t mdb_readvar(void *buf, const char *name);
ssize_t mdb_writevar(const void *buf, const char *name);

mdb_readvar() is similar to mdb_vread(), except that the virtual address at which reading begins and the number of bytes to read are obtained from the value and size of the symbol specified by name. If no symbol by that name is found, -1 is returned. The symbol size (the number of bytes read) is returned on success; -1 is returned on error. This is useful for reading well-known variables whose sizes are fixed. For example:

        int hz; /* system clock rate */
        mdb_readvar(&hz, "hz");

The caller can first look up the symbol separately if it is necessary to distinguish between symbol lookup failure and read failure. The caller must also carefully check the definition of the symbol of interest in order to make sure that the local declaration is the exact same type as the target's definition. For example, if the caller declares an int, and the symbol of interest is actually a long, and the debugger is examining a 64-bit kernel target, mdb_readvar() copies back 8 bytes to the caller's buffer, corrupting the 4 bytes following the storage for the int.

mdb_writevar() is identical to mdb_vwrite(), except that the virtual address at which writing begins and the number of bytes to write are obtained from the value and size of the symbol specified by name. If no symbol by that name is found, -1 is returned. Otherwise, the number of bytes successfully written is returned on success, and -1 is returned on error.

For both functions, the primary executable's symbol table is used for the symbol lookup; if the symbol resides in another symbol table, you must first apply mdb_lookup_by_obj(), then mdb_vread() or mdb_vwrite().