Oracle® Solaris Modular Debugger Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: September 2014


The following dcmds and walkers are provided to help debug the core kernel networking stack protocols.

Networking Dcmds

address ::mi [–p] [–d | –m]

Given the address of a kernel MI_O, filter and display the MI_O or its payload. If the –p option is specified, then the address of the corresponding payload of the MI_O is displayed, otherwise the MI_O itself is displayed. Specifying filter –d or –m enables the dcmd to filter device or module MI_O objects respectively.

::netstat [–av] [–f inet | inet6 | unix] [–P tcp | udp]

Show network statistics and active connections. If the –a option is present, the state of all sockets is displayed. If the –v option is present, more verbose output is displayed. If the –f option is present, only connections associated with the specified address family are displayed. If the –P option is present, only connections associated with the specified protocols are displayed.

[ address ] ::sonode [–f inet | inet6 | unix | id] [–t stream | dgram | raw | id] [–p id]

Filters and displays sonode objects. If no address is given, then the list of AF_UNIX sockets is displayed, otherwise only the specified sonode is displayed. If the –f option is present, then only sockets of the given family will be output. If the –t option is present, then only sonodes of the given type will be output. If the –p option is present, then only sockets of the given protocol will be displayed.

[ address ] ::tcpb [–av] [–P v4 | v6]

Filters and displays tcpb objects. If no address is specified, all connections are walked, otherwise only the specified tcpb is filtered/displayed. Specifying –a filters for only active connections and –P can be used to filter for TCP IPv4 or IPv6 connections. The tcpb dcmd is intelligent about filtering TCP connections, and if a IPv6 TCP connection is in a state that would still facilitate a IPv4 connection, the –P filter considers the connection as both IPv4 and IPv6 in much the same way that ::netstat does. If the dcmd is not being used as a filter and the –v option is specified, then the output of the dcmd will be verbose.

Networking Walkers


Given the address of an ar, this walker walks all ar objects from the given ar to the final ar. If no address is specified, all ar objects are walked.


Given the address of an icmp, this walker walks all icmp objects from the given icmp to the final icmp. If no address is specified, all icmp objects are walked.


Given the address of an interface link layer structure (ill), this walker walks all ill objects from the given ill to the final. If no address is specified, all ill objects are walked.


Given the address of an ipc, this walker walks all ipc objects from the given ipc to the final ipc. If no address is specified, all ipc objects are walked.


Given the address of a MI_O, walk all the MI_O's in this MI.


Given the address of a AF_UNIX sonode, walk the associated list of AF_UNIX sonodes beginning with the given sonode. If no address is specified, this walker walks the list of all AF_UNIX sockets.


Given the address of a tcpb, this walker walks all TCP connections from the given tcpb to the final TCP connection. If no address is specified, all tcpb objects are walked.


Given the address of a udp, this walker walks all udp objects from the given udp to the final udp. If no address is specified, all udp objects are walked.