STREAMS Programming Guide

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Updated: July 2014

Multiplexing Driver Example

This section contains an example of a multiplexing driver that implements an N-to-1 configuration. This configuration might be used for terminal windows, where each transmission to or from the terminal identifies the window. This resembles a typical device driver, with two differences: the device-handling functions are performed by a separate driver, connected as a lower stream, and the device information (that is, relevant user process) is contained in the input data rather than in an interrupt call.

Each upper stream is created by open(2). A single lower stream is opened and then it is linked by use of the multiplexing facility. This lower stream might connect to the TTY driver. The implementation of this example is a foundation for an M-to-N multiplexer.

As in the loop-around driver (Chapter 9, STREAMS Drivers), flow control requires the use of standard and special code because physical connectivity among the streams is broken at the driver. Different approaches are used for flow control on the lower stream, for messages coming upstream from the device driver, and on the upper streams, for messages coming downstream from the user processes.

Note - The code presented here for the multiplexing driver represents a single-threaded, uniprocessor implementation. See Chapter 12, Multithreaded STREAMS for details on multiprocessor and multithreading issues such as locking for data corruption and to prevent race conditions.

Example 13–2 is of multiplexer declarations:

Example 13-2  Multiplexer Declarations
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stream.h>
#include <sys/stropts.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/cred.h>
#include <sys/ddi.h>
#include <sys/sunddi.h>

static int muxopen (queue_t*, dev_t*, int, int, cred_t*);
static int muxclose (queue_t*, int, cred_t*);
static int muxuwput (queue_t*, mblk_t*);
static int muxlwsrv (queue_t*);
static int muxlrput (queue_t*, mblk_t*);
static int muxuwsrv (queue_t*);

static struct module_info info = {
	0xaabb, "mux", 0, INFPSZ, 512, 128 };

static struct qinit urinit = {							/* upper read */
	NULL, NULL, muxopen, muxclose, NULL, &info, NULL };

static struct qinit uwinit = {							/* upper write */
	muxuwput, muxuwsrv, NULL, NULL, NULL, &info, NULL };

static struct qinit lrinit = { /* lower read */
	muxlrput, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &info, NULL };

static struct qinit lwinit = { /* lower write */
	NULL, muxlwsrv, NULL, NULL, NULL, &info, NULL };

struct streamtab muxinfo = {
	&urinit, &uwinit, &lrinit, &lwinit };

struct mux {
	queue_t *qptr;					/* back pointer to read queue */
	int		bufcid;					/* bufcall return value */
extern struct mux mux_mux[];
extern int mux_cnt;     /* max number of muxes */

static queue_t *muxbot; 			/* linked lower queue */
static int muxerr;					/* set if error of hangup on
lower strm */

The four streamtab entries correspond to the upper read, upper write, lower read, and lower write qinit structures. The multiplexing qinit structures replace those in each lower stream head (in this case there is only one) after the I_LINK has concluded successfully. In a multiplexing configuration, the processing performed by the multiplexing driver can be partitioned between the upper and lower queues. There must be an upper-stream write put procedure and lower-stream read put procedure. If the queue procedures of the opposite upper/lower queue are not needed, the queue can be skipped, and the message put to the following queue.

In the example, the upper read-side procedures are not used. The lower-stream read queue put procedure transfers the message directly to the read queue upstream from the multiplexer. There is no lower write put procedure because the upper write put procedure directly feeds the lower write queue downstream from the multiplexer.

The driver uses a private data structure, mux. mux_mux[dev] points back to the opened upper read queue. This is used to route messages coming upstream from the driver to the appropriate upper queue. It is also used to find a free major or minor device for a CLONEOPEN driver open case.

Example 13–3, the upper queue open, contains the canonical driver open code.

Example 13-3  Upper Queue Open
static int
muxopen(queue_t *q, dev_t *devp, int flag,
				 int sflag, cred_t *credp)
	struct mux *mux;
	minor_t device;

	if (q->q_ptr)

	if (sflag == CLONEOPEN) {
			for (device = 0; device < mux_cnt; device++)
				if (mux_mux[device].qptr == 0)

			*devp=makedevice(getmajor(*devp), device);
	else {
			device = getminor(*devp);
			if (device >= mux_cnt)
				return ENXIO;

	mux = &mux_mux[device];
	mux->qptr = q;
	q->q_ptr = (char *) mux;
	WR(q)->q_ptr = (char *) mux;
	return (0);

muxopen checks for a clone or ordinary open call. It initializes q_ptr to point at the mux_mux[] structure.

The core multiplexer processing is as follows: downstream data written to an upper stream is queued on the corresponding upper write message queue if the lower stream is flow controlled. This allows flow control to propagate toward the stream head for each upper stream. A lower write service procedure, rather than a write put procedure, is used so that flow control, coming up from the driver below, may be handled.

On the lower read side, data coming up the lower stream are passed to the lower read put procedure. The procedure routes the data to an upper stream based on the first byte of the message. This byte holds the minor device number of an upper stream. The put procedure handles flow control by testing the upper stream at the first upper read queue beyond the driver.