Working With Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Directory and Naming Services: LDAP

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Updated: July 2014

Server Information for LDAP

When you configure the directory server, you are prompted for the following information about the server:

  • Port number for the directory server instance. By default, the port number is 389.

  • Server name.

  • IP addresses and port numbers of replica servers.

  • Directory manager, represented by the variable cn. By default, cn is set to directory manager.

  • Domain name to be served.

  • Maximum length of time in seconds to process client requests before the request times out.

  • Maximum number of record information that is provided for each search request.

Some of the information about the server are attributes of the LDAP client profile that were discussed in Planning the Configuration of the LDAP Client Profile.

To facilitate your preparation of server information, use the sample checklist in Blank Checklists for Configuring LDAP that lists these variables and the corresponding values that you want to assign.