Transitioning From Oracle® Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11.2

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Updated: December 2014

Transitioning an Oracle Solaris 10 Instance to a Non-Global Zone on an Oracle Solaris 11 System

To transition your Oracle Solaris 10 environment to a non-global zone on an Oracle Solaris 11 system, you can create a zone archive, then migrate the zone archive to the Oracle Solaris 11 system.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Install the Oracle Solaris 10 zone package on your Oracle Solaris 11 system.

    s11sysB# pkg install system/zones/brand/brand-solaris10
  2. Run the zonep2vchk script to identify any issues that might prevent the instance from running as a solaris10 zone.

    s10sys# ./zonep2vchk
    --Executing Version: 1.0.5-11-15652
    - Source System: systema
    Solaris Version: Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 s10s_u10wos_17b SPARC
    Solaris Kernel:  5.10 Generic_147440-01
    Platform:        sun4u SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440
    - Target System:
    Solaris_Version: Solaris 10
    Zone Brand:      native (default)
    IP type:         shared
    --Executing basic checks
  3. Create a ZFS file system that will contain the flash archive of the Oracle Solaris 10 system instance, if necessary.

    Then, create a NFS share of the ZFS file system on your Oracle Solaris 11 system.

    s11sysB# zfs create pond/s10archive
    s11sysB# zfs set share.nfs.sec.default.root=s10sysA=on pond/s10archive
  4. Select an Oracle Solaris 10 instance, which could be a virtual environment or a global zone on an Oracle Solaris 10 system. Note the Oracle Solaris 10 system's hostid.

    s10sysA# hostid
  5. Create an archive of the Oracle Solaris 10 instance that you plan to migrate to a non-global zone on the Oracle Solaris 11 system.

    s10sysA# flarcreate -S -n s10sysA -L cpio /net/s11sysB/pond/s10archive/s10.flar
  6. Create a ZFS file system for the Oracle Solaris 10 zone.

    s11sysB# zfs create -o mountpoint=/zones pond/zones
    s11sysB# chmod 700 /zones
  7. Create the non-global zone for the Oracle Solaris 10 instance.

    s11sysB# zonecfg -z s10zone
    s10zone: No such zone configured
    Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
    zonecfg:s10zone> create -t SYSsolaris10
    zonecfg:s10zone> set zonepath=/zones/s10zone
    zonecfg:s10zone> set ip-type=exclusive
    zonecfg:s10zone> add anet
    zonecfg:s10zone:net> set lower-link=auto
    zonecfg:s10zone:net> end
    zonecfg:s10zone> set hostid=8439b629
    zonecfg:s10zone> verify
    zonecfg:s10zone> commit
    zonecfg:s10zone> exit
  8. Install the Oracle Solaris 10 non-global zone.

    s11sysB# zoneadm -z s10zone install -u -a /pond/s10archive/s10.flar
    A ZFS file system has been created for this zone.
    Progress being logged to /var/log/zones/zoneadm.20110921T135935Z.s10zone.install
    Installing: This may take several minutes...
    Postprocess: Updating the image to run within a zone
    Postprocess: Migrating data
    from: pond/zones/s10zone/rpool/ROOT/zbe-0
    to: pond/zones/s10zone/rpool/export
  9. Boot the Oracle Solaris 10 zone.

    # zoneadm -z s10zone boot
  10. Configure the Oracle Solaris 10 non-global zone.

    s11sysB# zlogin -C s10zone
    [Connected to zone 's10zone' console]
    s10zone console login: root
    Password: xxxxxxxx
    # cat /etc/release
    Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 s10s_u10wos_17b SPARC
    Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Assembled 23 August 2011
    # uname -a
    SunOS supernova 5.10 Generic_Virtual sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T1000
    # zfs list
    rpool              4.53G  52.2G   106K  /rpool
    rpool/ROOT         4.53G  52.2G    31K  legacy
    rpool/ROOT/zbe-0   4.53G  52.2G  4.53G  /
    rpool/export         63K  52.2G    32K  /export
    rpool/export/home    31K  52.2G    31K  /export/home