Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4 Man Pages

Exit Print View

Updated: January 2015



er_export - dump raw data from a performance experiment


er_export exp1 ... expN
er_export -V


er_export is intended to be used only when the analyzer cannot read an experiment; the output from er_export allows the tool developers to understand the raw data and analyze the failure.

Each of the expN can be either an experiment, or an experiment group. All members of a group, and all descendant experiments and MPI sub experiments will be exported.

er_export converts the raw data in an experiment to ASCII text. The format and the content of the file are subject to change, and should not be relied on for any use.


er_export does not work on experiments recorded with earlier versions of the tools. If invoked on such experiments, a warning is printed. Use the version of er_export from the release with which the experiment was recorded.



Write version number information for er_export and exit.

See also

collect (1) , collector (1) , er_archive (1) , er_print (1)

Performance Analyzer manual