
The Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager provides in-depth information on administering and using Oracle Adaptive Access Manager's set of tools for fraud monitoring and detection.


This document is intended for the following users:

Users Description
Investigators and Support Personnel Investigators (Fraud Investigators and Fraud Investigation Managers) and support personnel (CSR and CSR Managers) use Oracle Adaptive Access Manager's case management tools to handle security and customer cases day-to-day. They have detailed knowledge about user activity and security issues. Security Administrators work with Investigators and support personnel to identify if policies need to be adjusted or new policies need to be created.
Security Administrators Security Administrators (Rule Administrators) gather intelligence from various sources to identify needs and develop requirements to address them. Some sources for intelligence include Investigators, industry reports, antifraud networks, compliance mandates, and company polices.

Security Administrators plan, configure and deploy policies based on the requirements from analysts.

System Administrator System Administrators configure environment-level properties and transactions.

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Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
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