Cash flow curve templates

You can create cash flow curve templates that can be used to create cash flow curves in projects and WBS-code based shells. If you are using programs or company-level cash flow, you can create roll-up curve templates. See Create roll-up curves and templates.

Template creation methods are manual or copying an existing one. After creating a template, you can set refresh frequency and activate or deactivate curves.

Creating and setting up a template is essentially the same as setting up the curves manually in a project or shell. The major difference is you cannot select individual records in the template; these must be chosen from within the projects or shells. See Cash flow curves in the Primavera Unifier User Guide.

The detail curve creates a worksheet in the project or shell that can include several curves. You can create detail curves and detail curve templates at the following detail levels:

Cash flow by project or shell: You can track the costs associated with an entire project or shell over time.
Cash flow by WBS: The creation of a WBS detail curve is similar to cash flow by project/shell. Use this option if cash flow needs to be tracked at the WBS level as opposed to the project or shell level, by allowing you plot cash flow curves by specific WBS codes, or all codes, in the project or shell.
Cash flow by Summary WBS: The creation of a Summary WBS detail curve is very similar to cash flow by WBS. Use this option if cash flow needs to be tracked by summary WBS codes. In order to select this option, the project/shell cost sheet must use a tree structure -- and therefore has summary WBS codes -- rather than a flat structure.
Cash flow by commitment: This option allows you to plot and analyze cash flow data for an entire commit record (including base commit, any change commits, and related invoices). You can choose the a specific business process commitment record within the project/shell, such as a purchase order or contract, and track the cost information over time.

Note: You can set up the automatic creation of a cash flow curve when a base commit record is created and completed or reaches a particular step. This is done in the BP Setup for the business process. See Setting up auto-creation of cash flow curves from contracts.

To create a cash flow detail level curve in a template

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 In the left Navigator, do one of the following:
To create a template, click Standards & Libraries > Cash Flow > Templates. This is a template users can select at run time.
To create a detail curve in a project or shell template, click Templates. Open the project or shell template, then click Cost Manager>Cash Flow in the Navigator. This cash flow model can be copied during project or shell cloning.

The Cash Flow log opens.

3 Click the New button . The Properties window opens.

Directions for completing the cash flow curve properties are in the Primavera Unifier User Guide beginning with Cash flow general tab in thePrimavera Unifier User Guide.

General tab: Define the name, description, detail level, time scale and period close settings. See Cash flow general tab in thePrimavera Unifier User Guide .
Curves tab: Define individual curves (baseline, forecast, spends, portfolio, and custom) that will be part of the group of curves that make up the cash flow detail curve. See Cash flow curves tab in thePrimavera Unifier User Guide.
Filters tab: Limit the cash flow data on your curve to a particular set of WBS codes or (if the cost sheet is tree structure) summary WBS codes. If you do not specify a filter, then all codes will be used for the data. In the Primavera Unifier User Guide, see Cash flow Filter tab.
Options tab: Define the format to use for the numbers displayed on the cash flow worksheet. See Cash flow Options tab.
Schedule tab: Enable automatic refresh of the cash flow curve, and set the refresh schedule. See Cash flow Schedule tab refresh settings.





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